Altor much deliberation TU""dav nlghl. leading to some pushing and shoving. He pi­ Mrs. Filter asked the·co-owners why they w.ork hard and make something for the Wayne CItV Council voted 3 to I 10 ed guilty and paid a S90 fine. he said. -did so much remodeling before applying for myseU," .:....,.. --------~- recommend that '.h.e N~brllska State Liquor Olson paid a Sloo 'ine and spent 10 days In a liquor license. He said he has been a ,rancher at Atkinson Com~lsston g1v~ approval of, a liquor lalt for a frespas:sing violation in AtkInson In Mrs, Gregor replied that they first applied the past few years and added that the cattle Ite.... to the new I(lng 01 Club. lounge. 1982. He Sdid,h-e wa~ charged'wlth trespass, Councl1moo'tothe rescue for a license in early Oecembar but "waited business is not that good. C..owners Dan Olson and Bonnie Gregor Ing Whit" hunllngond pled guiltV. and waited with no word from the state," The council and the co·own~rsagreed that eatolYI1 Filter c~me to the:,re$Cu~ .. Of t~eJf~e-yneCity CouncU Tuesday night. now wnt ,walt for word 'from tile UqUOf com­ When Swarl.S, asked if there were any She'sald she finally called the state offICe a Cia.. I license would be aasplable. The cO,l/ncl Iman, had intended t() miss. tH~ council meeting,because of fam.lly Iflness but was mlssl'on ,concerning their application. other lnfrac.flon~~o! 'he I,aw. Olson replied and they couldn',f find the application, They WITH COUNCILMEN Kellh Moslev out of cane~ to the meeting when her, presence. wa$ needed. ~ They originally sought a Class C license that' he had gotten charged for ·mlQOr In had to re-apply at a much later date, she town on business and Leo Hansen out of With Councllmct'l: Keith Mosley out of 'town,on business and Leo Hansen oul of town on vaca (on and o.u·,Hte)' but agreed to setllc for a POS5es<:s,ion and "olher minor infractions 7'or said. town on vacation, the council voted 3 to 2 'fO tlon. the council didn't have enough members.-tolorm· a quorum until Mrs. Filter was called·to Class I license (on''J.Aleonly) at the council's 8 years ago." COUNCILMAN DARREL Heier .old he , deny a Class C license but grant a Class I the- meeting, The scat .... acated,by Gary Van Meter'S r'esigncltion ..~Iso has not yel been fllted. was concerned about Olson's infractions of license_ recommendatIon. Only 4 councilmen, Jim (rdun, Darrel Heler, Darrell FlJelberth <It'ld Larry Johrison, pre Ihe law and termed if a liability. The council seat recently vacated by the sent, the council .....as 1 member short of a quorum which i~; rC'quired bl!fore f1 city council THE BAR· IS located at lO9 M.lin Sfrcc(. OI~U~~~~~:~ bCU~~~~Y~IIIF~~:;,,:!li~~"~d Darrell Fuelberth, elected mayor pro tem r'esignation of Gary Van Meter' has' not yet meellng ctln be9in. t~rly'kn~,""Georgc'~ B:g Apple alid' Hf-ic-aHon,-c-ards-·ca,e-fuHy---,:md "FV-n-a clean for the meeting In place of t-he absent Mayor been filled, leaving the --£-ouncU with--ooiy 5 M,rs.. Filfei'",irTved af approli:lmiifel'V 7: as p'em .. Iht, m(~t'ling ",tdrled ar\d proceeded as plcln :-ft~ m~mbers prior",o tha' 6Ig'$ AI's Place place," ned Wayne Marsh, asked Olson if his temper voting Tuesday night, City Attorney ~em -Swarts bsked Ols-on to "Yes. we will." 01500 replied ever gets ·the best of him. Olson replied that A Class I license was not permitted Io-~ 91ve Ihe,,(ovndl-4tn-e-~p'MI4I~.e<--en--f------------Co·.Qw"t'r80"01t' Gregor Ihen WM-ds-ked It does not. Nebraska until the last session of the iokaenons of the law thaI are Ilsted on hi~ how much Cxperil:Jnce she hilS in ihe bar problems with minors," Mrs_ Gregor said, councll mecling, said he "till ranches in Holt Mr's. Filter said that the city has had pro· legislature, It permits the sale of liquor to r-e('Ord, " business. ·She Sdld she and her husband, She said she heD moved to Wayno with her Coun'y but ddded thaI he probably would blems over the years with some bars in be consumed within the business but does Olson, age 29. ta-ld fhat () dis'urblng the Tim, have op~rated a bM in Atkinson and 4 children, and will help 'manag.e, lhe' bar_ work at the King..ol ClUbs on busy nights, lawn, although not recently, and said that is not allow the sale of takeout liquor. peace vfol.,Han stemmed from an Ineldent sdld loaI tht~v thlVC helped out Itt, the- "You wou.lan't ,recognll.c the pliJ<c, We've Olson said Ihe front pari of the bar is the main concern of the council Councilmen Filter, jim Craun and Larry f" ,a Chambers bar in 1983. He Mid he met Americdn Lt~gion Club changed the wlills and rooms and within a week or 10 daYl of being completed Olson replied that his parents were in the johnson voted in favor of the liquor license someone who owed him mo·ney !or 2 yecU!.- "The door will be guarded very cclrefully everything Is very clean." she added, The b.lr owners have made tentative plans bar business for many years and said this request. Fvelberth and Heier voted against and got 'Inlo a verbal argumen' with him, We will check 1.0 s al th2 door to eliminate TIM GREGOR, ...... ho also appeared at ,the Ir; serve f~J but 1,-'Iill ha'(t: no open cooking "looked like an excellent opportunity to the request Sewe~increase Bereuterto Water supply p(.]~ses be in area in Allen is first reading N~b~~sk,a 'First District Congressman Doug:S'ereuter has scheduled a midwinter - --Al'J'~dl-nal'icc;wh-id'i wout~:rjjJi5(: the- s-ower system'fS'$.63,000 to $103,000 over a fivf!' year reported safe constituent listening session at 1 p.m_ this •UHr c:har~ passed first reading Tve5dilY period Saturday afternoon in room 407 of the For the first flme In many years, mghl~ t~theW ~Coun(jl·. NUOlf.'rQu5. propoSitl';- [lnd QPtjQf1~l~ct!.9_'he .. ..l'A"--Cltv ,_1M Wakefiefd--c-lty Hall. the nitrate -level of Allen's-water-nas­ m~t1ng_ ''',fide varialion of the e~,lim.ltcd (c)n-g'~. _ The 'publlc Is invited by Berevter to voice met federal standards,. the lncreaw would fnkc !!ff(.<ct JunQ 1. If The' collc(tln9 of bld~ was approved elt concerns and ideas regarding national and Village Clerk Pearl Snyder said that the ordfn,anc6 js approved. II now m~u~t pM'!.> T'u(~'!.ddY·,s mectinq Approximately I dO'len InlernatJonal affairs. the ftrsl nitrate report from Allen's prOPO'!.dl:> .1re Indvdf:d in thl!" city's. pl¢ln~. 'lie(Q(ld and third reading,.. "I've found listening sessions to be an 1m new well has been returned from the c.h-ar9~ l~ f'{~ The computer w~~f(:rn would bL" tied 10 It\(: The in,creased p<1:" 01 thlJ podant part of my tolal goal of keeping In state d"epartment_ The nitrate level Is i)dmini5lr(ltor.'~office, the <::il.,.'~ nwin olllc(: quiroment "emming korn the c:on:;.truclion touch with F irs' District residents," listed at 2.9, well below the maximum Wayne'~ pl()"t~ (~~,.!h~J)O.I~,~,~_<:,,~~!~o!ti~ _ of W6!1,ewater tn-lafmen!, . B-creuter :>did. ·Ho s.aid tho mco.Hng wlU give leve~-()f----lO--set-b'l.th&Vni~'-­ Clly Admlnbtrator Phil Ktoster~'5dld the persons in the Wakefield area an opportuni vlronmental Protection Agency ac· rc,,~nu(t IN OTHER ACTION, thl:.' council lnc:ro4\e will raise prior to 'hI! Iy lor face·to,face communication with their cording to the Safe Dr-inking Water operation of fhe freatment pl/lnr iwd In furn .Oi~p,msl~d $.3,000 to IhQ Ccnlennfdl Com (ongres5man_ Act of 1974. lo~ mlttec ThiH llmount I'; pd-rt ot the money reduct.!' fhe dmount of the loan reqUired Previous listening sessions have been con Mrs, Snyder said this Is the first thllt hil', be~~n budgelf~d 10 the- commitleI;'. Ihe prolc'c' ducted by Bereufer in lale spring or early time in many years that Allen's nH~ will ~.('rvi,(~ l)~, ",,(-II .G.)vr:' fir~.1 r{'adinq ilPprOVill ot itn or chrJrge cov.,r debl nitrate level has been below 10. Water opt~tion mdin'entlnf.(~ din,lnCL' ~;i·ftmg a plumbt:n. 1!<'.(tO'ic c.hill'9t.' i!5- and 01 ltu..' plMt ~f:~n~~ w~~rce~~~~~~~5~~ a~~~~:~ t:~;:;; samples ar'e sent In monthly 10 the of \-1.5 tor inBI.ll app!ic,lttOn (lnd !IS il yeM year 10 make sure everyone who wants fa State Health Oepartmenf to be tested, .11~o di~cU5~cd THE COUNCil the propQr, IhcrCil"er talk 10 him has the opportunity 10 do so ed purcht}$~~ c~ e c.ompuh:r w~,em for Iht, ci -VI''''-/.' lir',1 t'I.'tldinq dpprovi'll 01 lln clcc -tv. The HHmttted fitflQe-·(}t"lhe,<o<;~of ~-I.H:h ,lo ·h'i,:.)t 'ode with U!lc..hilngc.d rdt~ .
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