O F' I.' I C t.] O F' 1' I I E'T II.AN S PO R't CO M N{ I S S I O N I.] II-C TJ M-C H A I I{. M A N S'I'A'I-II ]' TIA NS I'OR]' A I.J'I' I IOIII'I'Y, O DI SH A. C [JT]'AC K. No... .Q.h.|.ft,..r'r' cn I)aterl: 01.07 .2021 ",t t.x-06t2{'lt7 ORDER In pursuarrce o1'Commerce & Transport ('fransport) De partment Notiflcation vidc 'l'ltN-t.C-MIS('-0011-20l4lll96l'1' No: dated 08.02.2021 & Notillcatiorr No: l.C-'ftt- 6tt/20151365411' clated and duc to incrcasc in per litrc dicsel pricc fiom Rs.88.77 as on 04.03.2021 to lts. 97.25 as on 01.07.2021" leading to price increased by an amount ccpral to Rs.8.,ltl irr direct & Rs.9.08 in cumulative (including the carryover). the larc fbr stailc carriages other than torr,rr buses plyirrg r,r,ithin thc Statc of Odisha shall bc llxccl ar incrcased rate as spccitied in thc tahlc given bclor,v rvhich will be ellective fiorn tlre c'latc of -fransport issue ot'Order. All othcr conclitions stipLrlate'd in Departrnent Notitlcation No: 1'RN-l.C-MISC-0014-2Ol4ll lt)61'l- ilated 08.01.2021 shall renrain in force. TABLE Category ol'Buses Ilxisting fare Revisecl fnrer Ortlinrll'1' 85 I'}aise/Krn 89 Paisc/l(rn Il x p rcss 89 Paise/Km 93 Paise/Krn f Z9 Paisel(," 157 Paisc/Krn SuJrcr Premium 2i2 I'}aisciKrn 244 I)aisc/Km lprrxti$qe.2l Mcnr,No: LG l9 l)atctl: 01.07.202I Copl'to P.S. to IIorr'blc C'.M., Odisha/ P.S. to ilon'blc Minister. Cornrrcrce & -l'ranspurt ('l'rarrsport) Deptt,.Oclisha/ Sr. P.S. to Clhict'secrctary. Odisha, IlBSIi./ P.S. to D.C- clrnr - Addl('hict-Sccretarl'. Odisha/ Sr. P.S. to Principal Secretary. Cornrnerce & 1'ransport I)t:ptt.,Odisha/ P.S. to C'tlC & Spl.Secretary. Comnrcrcc &'['ransport (-l'ransport) Dcptt..Odisha lirr ltirrcl inlirnration of'llon'blc C'hicl'Ministcr'. Odisha/ Ilon'ble Minisrcr" L'orttr.ttct'cc & l'rarrsport I)cptt..Odisha/ Chicl'Sccrctary. Odisha/ I).C.-cLun- Addl Clhiel' -frernsport Sccrctarv. Oclisha/ Principal Secretary. Comnrcrce & l)cptt.,Oclisha/ CI{(l & Spl Secrctary. Conrmerce & 'l'ransport ('fransporl) Deptt..Odisha lcspectivcly. Transpor t-o is h:r Memo No: 6L zo /'fc l)rretl: 01.07.2021 (lopy 1o Director" (]azctte Cell. C & 1'(Comrrerce) Department i.loint Sccrel.arv tcr (iovt. India. of MoR'l-ll / All State Govt./All Collectors/ AII R'l'Os/ All lleads of' l)cpartrnents/ (]MD' OSRTC. Bhubaneswar/ A.G.(Auclit & Accounts)/ Secrerary. ol.A. Ilhttbatrcsrvar/ [lcgistrar. oclisha tligh coLrrt. cuttacl</ I)c & IC of police. (]uttacl</ All I)cprrty Clotnmissioncrs 'l ransport (Zonal). Cuttack. Berhampur & Sarnbalpur/ ('ornrnissioner cll Police Ilhtrbaneswar-Cuttack Cornrnissionerate. Bhubaneswar/president. Allodisha Iltts orvners association. Bhubanesrvar fbr intbrrnatiorr arr( rrccessary Lil4- actiorr. rrr,,rp*r@@eci.\.
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