Public Document Pack Barbican Centre Board Date: WEDNESDAY, 25 MARCH 2020 Time: 11.00 am Venue: COMMITTEE ROOMS, 2ND FLOOR, WEST WING, GUILDHALL Members: Deputy Dr Giles Shilson (Chairman) Deputy Tom Sleigh (Deputy Chair) Stephen Bediako Russ Carr Simon Duckworth Alderman David Graves Gerard Grech Deputy Tom Hoffman (Chief Commoner) Deputy Wendy Hyde Emma Kane (Ex-Officio Member) Vivienne Littlechild Wendy Mead Lucy Musgrave Graham Packham (Ex-Officio Member) Judith Pleasance The Rt Hon. the Lord Mayor, Alderman William Russell Jenny Waldman Enquiries: Leanne Murphy tel. no.: 020 7332 3008 [email protected] Lunch will be served in the Guildhall Club at 1pm N.B. Part of this meeting could be the subject of audio or visual recording John Barradell Town Clerk and Chief Executive AGENDA A number of items on the agenda will have already been considered by the Board’s Finance and/or Risk Committees and it is therefore proposed that they be approved or noted without discussion. These items have been marked with a star (*). Any Member is able to request that an item be unstarred and subject to discussion; Members are asked to inform the Town Clerk or Chairman of this request prior to the meeting. 1. APOLOGIES 2. MEMBERS' DECLARATIONS UNDER THE CODE OF CONDUCT IN RESPECT OF ITEMS ON THE AGENDA 3. MINUTES a) Barbican Centre Board To approve the public minutes and summary of the Barbican Centre Board meeting held on 22 January 2020. For Decision (Pages 1 - 8) b) Finance Committee To receive the draft public minutes of the Finance Committee of the Barbican Centre Board meeting held on 9 March 2020. For Information (Pages 9 - 12) c) Risk Committee To receive the public minutes of the Risk Committee of the Barbican Centre Board held on 22 January 2020. For Information (Pages 13 - 16) d) Nominations Committee To receive the public minutes of the Nominations Committee of the Barbican Centre Board held on 22 January 2020. For Information (Pages 17 - 18) 4. OUTSTANDING ACTIONS AND WORK PLAN Report of the Town Clerk. For Information (Pages 19 - 22) 5. MANAGEMENT REPORT BY THE CENTRE'S DIRECTORS Report of the Managing Director. For Information (Pages 23 - 40) 6. BARBICAN STRATEGIC PLAN Report of the Managing Director. For Decision (Pages 41 - 46) 7. DEPARTMENTAL HIGH-LEVEL SUMMARY BUSINESS PLAN 2020/21 Report of the Managing Director. For Decision (Pages 47 - 52) 8. BARBICAN CIVIC STRATEGY (ARTS AND LEARNING) Joint report of the Artistic Director and Director of Creative Learning. For Information (Pages 53 - 60) 9. CINEMA: ANNUAL PRESENTATION Report of the Artistic Director. (N.B. – To be read in conjunction with the non-public report at Item 16). For Information (Pages 61 - 80) 10. LEVEL G & BEYOND BARBICAN Report of the Artistic Director. (N.B. – To be read in conjunction with the non-public report at Item 17). For Information (Pages 81 - 108) 11. *BARBICAN CENTRE PROJECTS UPDATE REPORT Report of the Director of Operations and Buildings. (N.B. – To be read in conjunction with the non-public appendix at Item 23). For Information (Pages 109 - 118) 12. QUESTIONS ON MATTERS RELATING TO THE WORK OF THE BOARD 13. ANY OTHER BUSINESS THAT THE CHAIRMAN CONSIDERS URGENT 14. EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC MOTION – That under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items, on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of Exempt Information, as defined in Part 1, of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act. For Decision 15. NON-PUBLIC MINUTES a) Barbican Centre Board To agree the draft non-public minutes of the Barbican Centre Board meeting held on 22 January 2020. For Decision (Pages 119 - 124) 3 b) Finance Committee To receive the draft non-public minutes of the Finance Committee of the Barbican Centre Board held on 9 March 2020. For Information (Pages 125 - 126) c) Risk Committee To receive the non-public minutes of the Risk Committee of the Barbican Centre Board held on 22 January 2020. For Information (Pages 127 - 128) d) Nominations Committee To receive the non-public minutes of the meeting of the Nominations Committee of the Barbican Centre Board held on 22 January 2020. For Information (Pages 129 - 130) 16. CINEMA: ANNUAL PRESENTATION (NON-PUBLIC SECTION) To be read in conjunction with Item 9. For Information (Pages 131 - 136) 17. LEVEL G & BEYOND BARBICAN (NON-PUBLIC SECTION) To be read in conjunction with Item 10. For Information (Pages 137 - 140) 18. PURCHASE OF STEINWAY MODEL D PIANO FOR THE BARBICAN CENTRE CONCERT HALL Report of the Director of Operations and Buildings. For Decision (Pages 141 - 152) 19. BARBICAN ART GALLERY - ART TRANSPORTATION: REQUEST FOR DELEGATED AUTHORITY Report of the Chamberlain. For Decision (Pages 153 - 162) 20. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW Report of the Director of Development. For Information (Pages 163 - 174) 21. LONG-TERM FINANCIAL PLAN UPDATE The Chief Operating & Financial Officer to be heard. For Information 22. RISK UPDATE Report of the Director of Operations & Buildings. For Information (Pages 175 - 246) 23. *NON-PUBLIC APPENDIX: BARBICAN CENTRE PROJECTS UPDATE REPORT To be read in conjunction with Item 11. For Information (Pages 247 - 250) 24. *UPDATE ON THE BARBICAN BUDGET 2020/21 Report of the Chief Operating & Financial Officer. For Information (Pages 251 - 254) 25. *BUSINESS REVIEW - DECEMBER 2019 (PERIOD 9) Report of the Chief Operating & Financial Officer. For Information (Pages 255 - 276) 26. REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN Report of the Town Clerk. For Information (Pages 277 - 278) 27. NON-PUBLIC QUESTIONS RELATING TO THE WORK OF THE BOARD 28. ANY OTHER BUSINESS THE CHAIRMAN CONSIDERS URGENT WHILST THE PUBLIC ARE EXCLUDED Confidential Agenda 29. STAFF PROPOSALS The Managing Director to be heard. For Information 5 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 3a BARBICAN CENTRE BOARD Wednesday, 22 January 2020 Minutes of the meeting of the Barbican Centre Board held at Committee Rooms, 2nd Floor, West Wing, Guildhall on Wednesday, 22 January 2020 at 11.00 am Present Members: Deputy Dr Giles Shilson (Chairman) Deputy Wendy Hyde Deputy Tom Sleigh (Deputy Chair) Emma Kane (Ex-Officio Member) Stephen Bediako (External Member) Vivienne Littlechild Russ Carr (External Member) Wendy Mead Simon Duckworth Lucy Musgrave (External Member) Alderman David Graves Graham Packham (Ex-Officio Member) Deputy Tom Hoffman (Chief Commoner) Jenny Waldman (External Member) In Attendance Officers: Sir Nicholas Kenyon - Managing Director, The Barbican Centre Jonathon Poyner - Director of Operations & Buildings, Barbican Centre Sandeep Dwesar - Chief Operating & Financial Officer, Barbican Centre Louise Jeffreys - Artistic Director, Barbican Centre Sean Gregory - Director of Innovation & Engagement, Barbican Centre Jenny Mollica - Director of Creative Learning, Barbican Centre Natasha Harris - Director of Development, Barbican Centre Niki Cornwell - Head of Finance and Business Administration, Barbican Centre Toni Racklin - Head of Theatre and Dance, Barbican Centre Sarah Wall - Principle Accountant, Barbican Centre Lisa Moore - Policy & Compliance Officer, Chamberlain’s Department Andrew Buckingham - Communications Team, Town Clerk’s Department Leanne Murphy - Town Clerk’s Department 1. APOLOGIES Apologies for absence were received from Stephen Bediako (Skyped into meeting), Gerard Grech, Judith Pleasance and The Rt Hon. the Lord Mayor, Alderman William Russell. 2. MEMBERS' DECLARATIONS UNDER THE CODE OF CONDUCT IN RESPECT OF ITEMS ON THE AGENDA There were no declarations. 3. BOARD MINUTES The public minutes and summary of the Board meeting held on 20 November 2019 were approved as a correct record suggest to one typo. Page 1 4. FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES The draft public minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held on 13 January 2020 were received. 5. OUTSTANDING ACTIONS AND WORK PLAN The Board noted the various outstanding actions and the updates provided thereon. The workplan for Board meetings in 2020 was also noted. With regards to action 1, Members were advised that a Civil Strategy was being drafted and would be brought to the March 2020 Board meeting. A National Strategy would follow at a later meeting. Concerning action 2, Members were informed that this information had been covered at the morning’s Risk Committee meeting and would be brought to the next Finance Committee meeting. With regards to action 4, Officers confirmed the tax reliefs had been paid and the delays were caused by issues with the Barbican’s bank account. All other actions were complete or covered on the agenda. 6. MANAGEMENT REPORT BY THE CENTRE'S DIRECTORS Members received a report of the Managing Director providing updates from the Barbican Directors on their respective areas. The following comments were made: The Chairman welcomed the new Director of Development to the Board. The Managing Director confirmed that the strategic plan wording had been revised following Member feedback and would be implemented and aligned with the business model. It was noted that the Artistic Director would be focussing on bringing the strategic plan and KPIs forward before leaving the organisation at the end of March. The role would be covered on a freelance basis in April whilst the future of the position was decided. The 2020 annual theme, Inside Out, has begun and featured on Timeout’s Best Things to Do in the World in 2020 article. Members were advised that the finances for the Into the Night exhibition were covered in the business review and the next exhibition, Masculinities, would open in February. The Walthamstow Garden Party was voted as a top green festival and also won a bronze certification for access from Attitude is Everything. The first National Towards a Creative Curriculum Conference on 10 January 2020 was a success hosting 200 delegates and teachers from across the country looking at how to imbed arts in the national Page 2 curriculum. A key message was “art makes children powerful” and the hashtag #teachingisbeautiful was trending.
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