1178 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 17 FEBRUARY, 1928. Re ELLEN JANE HERSEE, Deceased. MARY WALL, Deceased. OTICE is hereby given, that all creditors and Pursuant to the Trustee Act, 1925. N other persons having any claims or demands LL persons having any claim against the against the estate of Ellen Jane Hersee. late of A estate of Mary Wall, late of 6, Barton- 1, Eden-road, Park-lane, Croydon, in- the county crescent, Dawlish, in the county of Devon (who or Surrey, Widow, deceased (who died on the 28th died on the second day of December, 1927, and day of November, 1927, and whose will and codi- whose will was proved in the Principal Probate cils were proved in the Principal Probate Registry, on the 7th day of January. 1928, by Thomas Registry on the ninth day of February, 1928, by Edward Goodyear, Edward John Baker Beall and Lloyds Bank Limited, the sole executor therein Hugh Garden Layton, the executors therein named), are hereby required to send particulars named),, are hereby required to send particulars, thereof to the Trustee Department, Lloyds Bank in writing, of their claims and demands to us, the j Limited, 39, Threadneedle-street, London, E.G. 2, undersigned, the Solicitors for the said executors, or to the undersigned on or before the twenty-first on or before! the 25th day of April, 1928, at the day of April, 1928, after which date the expcubor undermentioned address, after which date the said will proceed to distribute the said estate, having executors will proceed to distribute the assets of regard only to the claims then notified.—Dated the said deceased amongst the persons entitled this fourteenth day of February, 1928. thereto, having regard only to the claims and DURRANT COOPER and HAMBL1NG, 70-71, demands of which they shall then have had notice; Gracechurch-street, London, E.G. 3, Solici- and, the said executors will not be liable for the (034) tors for the said Executor. assets of the said deceased, or any part thereof, so distributed, to any person or persons of whose claims or demands they shall not then have had notice.—Dated this loth day of February, 1928. Re JOSEPH DEAN, Deceased. LAYTONS, 29, Budge-row, Cannon-street, OTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the London, E.G. 4, Solicitors for the said N Trustee Act, 1925, that all persons having (074) Executors. any claim against the estate of Joseph Dean, late of 26, Bury-street, Wrexham, in the county of Denbigh, Labourer, who died on the 14th day of January, 1928, and to whose estate letters of administration were granted by the District Pro- . Re CHARLES EDWARD SPICER, Deceased. bate Registry at St. Asaph, to George Dean, of 22, Pursuant to the Trustee Act, 1926. Oxford-street, Wrexham aforesaid, Blast Furnace OTICE is hereby given, that all persons having Filler, are required to send particulars, in writiijg, N any debts, claims or demands against the of such claims to the undersigned before the 16th estate of Charles Edward Spicer, of 58, Fonthill- day of April next, after which date the adminis- road, Finsbury Park, in the county of Middlesex, trator will distribute the assets among the persons Billiard Marker, deceased (who died there on the entitled, haying regard only to the claims of which 7th day of January, 1923, and whose will was he shall have had notice.—Dated this 13th day of proved in the Principal Probate Registry, on the February, 1928. 10th day of April, 1923, by David Henry Wicks R. C. ROBERTS, Bank Chambers, Hill-street, and Sarah Gertrude Wicks (Wife of the said David (036) Wrexham, Solicitor to the Administrator. Henry Wicks), the executors therein named), are hereby required to send particulars thereof, in writing, to. the undersigned, on or before the 13th day of April, 1928, after which date the estate EDWIN WILLIAM MIZEN, Deceased. will be distributed by/ the executors amongst the Pursuant to the Trustee Act, 1926, s. 27 persons entitled thereto, having regard only to (as amended). the claims of which they shall then have had OTICE is hereby given, that all creditors and notice.—Dated this 16th day of February, 1928. N persons having, any claims upon or W. J. PITMAN, 11 Christopher-street, Fins- against the estate of Edwin William. Mizen, late bury-square, London, E.G. 2, Solicitor for of 10, Chatsworth-ayenue, Wallasey, Cheshire, (075) the Executors. who died OR the eighth December, 1927, and whose will was preyed by Clara Louisa Rowbottom, the sole executrix, in the Chester District Probate Registry, on the sixth February, 1928, are hereby Mrs. VIOLET HARRIS CAROLINE MANDER, required to send in particulars of their claims, to Deceased. the undersigned, on or before the twentieth April, 1928, after which day the executrix will proceed Pursuant to Section 27 Trustee Act, 1925. to convey and distribute the assets of the deceased OTICE is hereby given, that all creditors and to< or among the persons entitled thereto, having N other persons having any claims or demands regard nnly to the claims of which she shall then against the estate of Mrs. Violet Harrie Caroline have had notice. Mander, late of 88, Oakwopd-court, Kensington, W. J. YEOMAN, 21 Harrington-street, in the county of London, Widow, who died on the Liverpool, and Bank Buildings, Seacombe, 29th day of December, 1927, and whose will was (154) .Solicitor for the sole Executrix. proved in the Probate Division of the High Court of Justice at the Principal Registry on the 2nd day of February, 1928, by Harry Milnthorpe Appleyard, of 41, Canning-street, Liverpool. Lan- Re EDMUND JAMES LAWSON, Deceased, late cashire, Architect, and Frederick Mander of care of Glyn & Co., of 3, Whitehall-place, Remnant, of Huttpn Park, Hutton, Essex, the London, S.W., and of Villa Garcin, 33, Boule- executors named in the said will, are hereby vard des Moulins, Monte Carlo, France, who required to send the particulars, in \vriting, of died on the 5th day of December, 1927. their claims and demands to the undersigned^ the OTICE is hereby given, that creditors and Solicitors for the said executors on or before the N others having claims against the estate _of 17th day of April, 1928, after which date the said the above named deceased should give notice executors will proceed to distribute the assets of thereof, in writing, to Messrs Holt & Co., the said deceased amongst the parties entitled Trustees, of 3, Whitehall-place, London, S.W. 1, thereto, having regard only to the claims and who are the sole executors of the will of the said demands of which they shall then have had notice; Edmund James Lawson, on or before the 20th and will not be liable for the assets of the said day of April, 1928, after which time the executors deceased, or any part thereof, so distributed, to intend to distribute the estate of the said Edmund any person or persons of whose claims or demands James Lawson among the parties entitled thereto, they shall not then have had notice.—Dated this having regard only to the claims of which notice 14th day of February, 1928. has then been received by the said executors.— G. and G. KEITH, of 18, Southampton-street, Dated this 15th day of February, 1928. Holborn, in the county of London, Solicitors HANBURY, WHITTING and INGLE, Capel to the said Harry Milnthorpe Appleyard and House> 62, New Broad-street, London, (035) Frederick Mander Remnant. (123) E.G. 2, Solicitors to the said Executors..
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