CYNGOR COMMUNITY CYMUNED COUNCIL 9 November 2016 Dear Councillor You are summoned to attend the Meeting of ACTON COMMUNITY COUNCIL to be held in Hall 1 at ACTON COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTRE, Overton Way, Acton, Wrexham, LL12 7LB on TUESDAY next 15 NOVEMBER 2016 at 6:30pm. Yours Sincerely Carole Roberts Clerk to the Council AGENDA 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: 2. DECLARATION OF INTERESTS: To receive disclosures of personal and prejudicial interests from Councillors on matters to be considered at the meeting. The disclosure must include the nature of the interest. If you become aware, during the course of a meeting, of an interest that has not been disclosed under this item you must immediately disclose it. You may remain in the meeting and take part fully in discussion and voting unless the interest is prejudicial. A personal interest is prejudicial if a member of the public with knowledge of the relevant facts would reasonably regard it as so significant that it is likely to prejudice your judgment of the public interest and it relates to a financial or regulatory matter. 3. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES: To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 18 October 2016 (Copy attached) 4. INFORMATION FROM THE MINUTES 5. COMMUNITY POLICING MATTERS: To receive an update and the Monthly Policing and Operations Report from the Acton Community Police Officers. 6. DEFERRED ITEM FROM 18 OCTOBER 2016 MEETING - SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT REPORTING - ACTON COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTRE: Further to Minute 68.3 October 2016, to receive the attached report setting out outputs and outcomes for the Service as submitted to the Acton Community Resource Centre Management Committee on 5 October 2016. 7. EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC: It is recommended that the press and public be excluded from the Meeting during consideration of the following item of business as it is likely that, if they were present, there would be disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in the Public Bodies Admission to Meetings Act 1960. 8. REVIEW OF THE SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT FOR ACTON COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTRE: In accordance with the terms of the ten year Agreement signed by the Community Council on 30 July 2013 to March 2023, to conduct the second two year review of the Agreement and determine the operation of the agreement and assess the level of financial support provided by the Community Council in light of the aspiration for the Centre to become self-financing during the agreement period to March 2023. Officers from Wrexham County Borough Council will be in attendance at the meeting. Please contact Carole Roberts, Clerk to the Council on: 07913 071470 or E-Mail: [email protected] with any apologies or requests for further information. You can also write to the Clerk at Acton Community Resource Centre, Overton Way, Wrexham LL12 7LB. 9. RE-ADMISSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC TO THE MEETING: The Council is recommended to re- admit the Press and Public for the remainder of the meeting 10. KEY ACTON ISSUES: Wrexham CBC Members to report verbally on any new or Key Issues being considered by the County Bough Council that may affect the whole or part of the Community of Acton. (Item placed on the agenda in accordance with the decision contained in Minute 107 January 2011) 11. CONSULTATIONS & OTHER STATUTORY GUIDANCE - To consider the details of the following Consultations/ Statements and determine what responses if any, the Community Council wishes to submit by the relevant deadlines: 1. Consultation on the Welsh Government's new Welsh Language Strategy– Information on the inquiry and how to submit written evidence is available by clicking here The closing date is 30 November 2016 2. Review of National Standards for the Community Health Councils – Press release received inviting views on the National Standards. The documents can be viewed by clicking here 3. Wrexham Public Services Board - Notification of statutory Guidance for Community Councils which can be viewed by clicking here There will also be an item on the agenda of the Town and Communtiy Council Forum Agenda for 8 December 2016 4. Town and Community Council Elections 2017 – Notification received from the Returning Officer on the estimated cost and scale of fees per Community Ward to assist with settingtheCouncil’sprecept for 2017/18. 12. REPORT FROM CLERK: Clerk to report on correspondence and other information that has been received since the last meeting. Details to follow. 13. PAYMENT OF ACCOUNTS: To note details of any payments received, progress against the budget and authorise any outstanding debtor or other payments. 14. PLANNING APPLICATIONS: To consider any comments the Council may wish to make on the following applications made under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (to be determined by Wrexham County Borough Council): Case Number/ Address Proposed Development Decision 1.P/2016/0675 Amended Plans – To note the response Rhosnesni Methodist Church, submitted by 3 November 2016 deadline Rhosnesni Lane 2. *P/2016/0961 Erection of replacement garage ( removal of 89 Box Lane, Wrexham existing timber garage) 3. *P/2016/0982 Single Storey side extensions – bedroom, 47 The Links, Wrexham bathroom and shower room 4. *P/2006/1002 Two-storey side and rear extension 16 Ffordd Elfed, Wrexham 5. * P/2016/1009 Demolition of existing garage and 5 Cwm Eithin, Acton, Wrexham conservatory, two storey side extension and single-storey rear extension 6. * P/2016/1022 Erection of brick wall with fence panels 2 Ffordd Pedrog, Borras Park, inserted between brick columns Wrexham *the plans and documents for these applications can be viewed online by clicking here and selecting the Community of Acton for the search. The Clerk has requested an extension of the 21 day consultation period where appropriate 2 AGENDA ITEM 3 CYNGOR COMMUNITY CYMUNED COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting of Acton Community Council held on Tuesday 18 October 2016 at Acton Community Resource Centre, Overton Way, Acton, Wrexham Present: Councillor W Baldwin (Chair) Councillor L Closs (Vice Chair) “ E Boylin “ MrsCO’Toole “ Mrs A Evans “ T Pierce * “ R Hardy “ J Richards “ J A Kelly “ K Roberts * “ P Lloyd “ Mrs B Smith “ G Lowe “ Mrs S Stanford “ MrsAO’Neill “ 1 Vacancy * Absent Also Present: PCSO David Bill – North Wales Police Mr Peter N Jones & Mr D Wayne Jones – Candidates for Co-option onto the Council Mr Reg Herbert, Freelance Journalist Mrs Carole Roberts, Clerk to the Council 63 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Councillors T Pierce and K Roberts. 64 DECLARATION OF INTERESTS Declarations of interest were made at this stage of the proceedings by 1. Councillors Anne Evans and Geoff Lowe in respect of agenda item 8.1 Consultation on Affordable Fire and Rescue Services for North Wales. The Councillors both declared personal and prejudicial interests in this item being members of the North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority. 2. Councillor Carole O’Toole in respect of agenda item 8.2 Draft Annual Report for 2017/18 of the Independent Remuneration Panel. She declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this item as a member of her family sits on this Panel. 3. Councillor Anne Evans in respect of agenda item no 11.3 – Planning Application for Borras Park Junior School. She declared a personal and prejudicial interest being a Governor of the School Governing body. 65 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES The Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 20 September 2016 were received. RESOLVED – that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held on 20 September 2016 be received and confirmed as a correct record. 66 INFORMATION FROM THE MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 20 SEPTEMBER 2016 It was noted that key matters had been included on the agenda and the Clerk would report on responses from the various Organisations to subsequent meetings. RESOLVED that the present position be noted. 3 67 COMMUNITY POLICING MATTERS The Chair welcomed PCSO David Bill to the meeting. He tabled a combined report for the five Acton Community Wards for the month of September 2016. He gave a detailed explanation about the various levels and incidences of crime as set out in the report and highlighted the main emerging issues were theft of motor vehicles, burglaries and Rogue Traders in the Little Acton ward. He also updated members on good news stories which included various Policing Operations and involvement in Community based Police work. Members sought clarification about the rise in incidences of some crimes and noted the responses. RESOLVED- that the September 2016 report be noted and the Officer be thanked for his attendance at the meeting. 68 PROCEDURAL MATTERS 1. CASUAL COUNCILLOR VACANCY: Further to Minute 48.2 September 2016 and in accordance with Section 116 of the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011, consideration was again given to the filling of the casual vacancy in the Borras Park Ward by co-option. The relevant Public Notice had been on display since 29 September 2016 with a submission date for expressions of interest being 11 October 2016. Members were advised that two Expression of Interest forms had been received, submitted by Mr Peter Nigel Jones and David Wayne Price who were both present and gave a short presentation at the meeting to support their applications. Members then proceeded to consider the filling of this vacancy by a show of hands. RESOLVED - that Mr Peter Nigel Jones of 14 Sunningdale Close Wrexham be co-opted as Member of the Community Council to fill the casual vacancy for the Borras Park Ward on the Council. 2. APPOINTMENT OF ADDITIONAL COMMUNITY GOVERNOR TO THE ACTON PARK PRIMARY SCHOOL: It was reported that the Clerk to the Governing Body has advised of this vacancy and is seeking nominations for the appointment of a suitable person for the position of Additional Community Governor at Acton Park Primary School.
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