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' • ' . • - I ' \ - • • e c.o- .. ·u · l :1 I ' • 4 i • ' I ~I " I .,., Jl ~. l;, . -· 4 MAY, 1972 By Roger Sparks There's so m uch refreshing Loc. about camping m the spring, the soul • 'Just n ght' sunshme, the chilly tim I m ghts, the bloom ing wildflowers the on even the smell'S of a spring rain­ of l storm. The winter-Is-over atmos­ 100 Roger Spar k s, Ed 1tor phere IS everywhere. It's little 2. Wayne Lan ni n g , Photographer wonder U\a t cam pmg areas some­ Blac Jerry Leo nard, Photographe r times resemble Cities on warm Cou weekends (A Iowa's state parks system in­ nea1 cludes many a reas with camping, Page CONTENTS natt either moder n (which means wat 3 law a Camping Guide '72 showers and flush tmlets are ana• available) or non-modern. Some and 8 Outboard Troubles? have electrical outlets and sani­ the 9 Iowa Lakes Charted tary disposal stations. mJ A max imum of two weeks near 10 Catfish Rearing cam pmg is allowed m an area. beac , Checkout time is 3·00 p. m daily. JOin 12 Ta Trap A Turkey Campmg sites are available on a pat~ 14 Campfire Cookery first come, first serve basis, no lake 'h reserva twns a r e acce pte d . A 3. Classroom Corner 15 cam pmg permit 1s required from ~l en t the park officer Ask him for a the park map high Many of Iowa's campmg areas Fred A Priewert, Director smal are located on, or near lakes. stric C o mmiSS IOners P lease note that a beach facility De W tll 1am E N o ble-Oelwem, Choarman means a bathhouse, dressing seen Ed Wetnhe1mer-Greenf1eld, V1ce Chm rooms, and showers budding with wmc J 1m D B1 xler-Councd Bluffs a supervised beach. Areas w ith­ blufl out a beach facility are unsuper­ Le s L 1c k l1de r -Cherokee mou vised. bone D r Ke1th A M cNurlen- Ames On state-owned, man- made J o hn G l1nk Burlmgton falo lakes over 100 acres, motors up to depo Iowa Conse rvationist six horsepower are perm itted. Whic Vol 31 May, 1972 No. 5 Lakes under 100 acres are limited for p Publ1shed monthly by the Iowa Conserva­ to electric trolllJlg motors up to blad tion CommiSSIOn, State Off1ce Build1ng, 1 ~2 horsepower. On all natural great 300 4th Street, Des Momes, Iowa 503 19 lakes motors of all sizes may be \Vco1 Address all moil {subscnptlons, change of used IS a , address, Form 3579, monuscnpts, mod A few parks have modern fam­ • 1temsl to the above addr~s ily cabins which rent for $10 00 4. Subscnpt10n pnce: two years at $2 00 per day, or can be res~rved for a 181 four years at $3 50 near • $50 00 per week . Second class postage po1d at Des Momes, The following brief descrip­ fort Iowa . {No R1ghts Reserved). tions of parks and camping areas tim may help campers meet indi\'id­ and ual camping needs and wishes. rnod~ Very Zone 1 wnh 1. Ambro~e A. Call State Park at ec is a small ~ec.uded areas w1th a Park shady non-modern camping area. ;) t Tht> lo\\-a Conservationist. a:s a contr1but1on not hea\'llV used. HistoricallY the to the prt•servntiDn of our natur .11 rc:;ource:; Ctlted and the prott•ctlon ol the ecology, 1s prmtcd park is th~ site of the first ~hite the Sl on I 00~ recl;umcd waste paper. settlement m Kossuth County. the s Photos by Jerry Leonard ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ( N. W.) (N.E.) ung Located one and one-half miles the southwest of Algona, the heavily lilly timbered park contains some of ers the finest specimens of a variety :un­ of trees native to Iowa, and a lOS· 100 year-old cabin. ttle 2. The number of campers at me­ Black Hawk State Park m Sac arm County is limited to 325 per day. (A city campground is located at m­ nearby Lakeview) . This 957 acre ZONE 3 ZONE 4 ( S. I . ) mg, natural lake Is popular with ( s. w.) •ans water- skiers, pleasure boaters, are and in the spring and fall, crappie )me and walleye fishermen. One of am- the several unsupervised swim­ ming areas on the lake IS located !eks near the modern campgrounds. A rea beach facility and boat ramp ad­ uly. JOin the camping area. A water ma patrol station IS located on the ZONE I AREA ======*==F==*==4==~~==~~F==F==~~===I no lake 1 A. A Call e ' - e A 3. Six-hundred acre Dolliver 2 Blackha wk---+-=.4--=-+--.::e:-+-:•::---4-.-=---l---+-+-=e4-•,....-J-....:!~--I 3. Dollrver • • • e rom Memorial State Park overlooks 4 Fort Def~i -an_c_e--~~+-.~~.~~~-+-~-~-+--~.~~~ 1r a the Des Moines River near Le­ 5 Gull Pornt ----+-=•:--r--t--;;•:--t--.:•~r•4---+-•~...._-:•4--•~.f--lf--l high m Webster County. The 6 Ledges --------1~•-1--+-~• • • • 7. Lewis and CIa rk - --j-.:• ~...,-+---=•=- f-t--=-:_-+~•::---11--::•-+-;e~--=-.-f--'e~--=-.-+---l reas small m odern camping area IS 8 Mrll Creek • • • • • • • kes. strictly limited to 44 units. 9. Prlot Knob ----+--:::-•+-=-+--f--::e:--+-=+..:_~~~+~-+-~+----1 ality Dolliver IS one of Iowa's most 10 Stone • • • sing scemc nature parks. F oot trails ZONE 2 AA~R[EA~:::::t~~~~~~b;;t~~;t~4;~~;t~~ 11 Backbone ___-1~ ·~~·~~·~~·~~·~~·~~·~~·~~·~--+~·~ •ith wind around 150 foot sandstone 12 Beeds Lake ___-f---.::! •~--+-=-+-.::::•~..::!•4~•~J-....:!•4-=•~-.::!!!•~--=-~--I ith· bluffs, past marked Indian 13. Bellevue ----~·L.J--+-=•~f--!!•4--1---~-4-~-~·~+--.:/~ per· mounds, along Prairie Creek, 14 . i Ciear Lake -:---:---f---.::!•~---+-=•~~•+..::•4---t--~•~~·4~•:.._1----1 Mel ntosh Woods_~•4-+-+--J-:!•4--I--+--I-.::!!!•~-+--I boneyard hollow (an Indian Buf­ 15 George Wyth:----+..::!•4-=--t--+---lf-4--+-:=--1----+~•-+-=--+---l 1ade falo Trap) and som e peculiar Iron 16 Maquoketa Caves--+......,....-f-..::!•4--:-+-+--1-+~•4--+-:::-~•~+-~ p 17 . Po Ii sades- KepI e r_-f-..::•:......r--+-~•-+-~-+----J.--,.--J--4-•~J........=•~--=•:.......j to deposits called the copperus beds 18 . Prkes Peak___ -+- .~1--+-•:;-~•~--+--~·~--f---+--4----1 (ted. which were used by the Indians 19 Prne Lake ___4 ..::!·~---=-+-=·~~·~~·4~•~-.::::·~~·4~•+~·~f..-..!!·~ ited for paint and dyes. Hangi ng ferns, 20 Unron Grove ----+--+--=•:--r-=•=--!-4--=·~--+-=•4--·~f----!!•4---:::-4-~ to 21 . Wapsrprnrcan __+-~ ·~-4---l--l---+--1--+--1~·~--1 r black ash, wildflowers and a ZON E 3 AREA ===I===F==F==l==f===F==l==t===t==t==t===l ural great variety of birds abound. 22 Green Valley • ..!.4-:•~~·+~·~......,·~~·:--t--•:---:1--1--1 be \Voodman Hollow State Preserve 23 Lake Anrta ___~ ·~-4....::•~-.:!!:·~...!·4~·~~·4-=•;..-Jf..-..!!•4-~---1 24 Lake Aquabr __4....:: •~-+-=•~~·~!----;•4-=•~-=•-+....::•:-+-.::::•~~·~f--l is a short drive from the park. 25 Lake Manawa -=--~·4-+-::•~--1-~•4--::--l--:::--~•~~·~--+-~ farn· 4. Fort Defiance State Park is 2 6 Lake of Three F rresl-=•:......r--+--=•-+-'•~~·-!--=•~-.:•:::---11--=•~-•~1-----J.--=•-1 to.oo 27 Nine Eag les ___i-= •-+-=--+-•=---r---::•~~·+~•4~•~f..-..!!·4~•~~--+--l a 181 acre park in Emmet County 28. Pommel :::------l--~·~--+-+--l----4--::--+--::::-+-:--l~•---4---l for near Estherville. Named after a 2 9. P ra i rre Rose ----+-=-+-=•4--:--+--=---i---::•~--=-+-=•~-•:=--~~•4-~--:--1 fort which no longer exists, the 3 0 Springbrook ---i----.;:•-+--+--:•+~•:-+-.::::•~~·4~•:=--~~---..:;•~--=--+--+-=•--l 3 I V rkrng Lake ----+-=•~--:=4-....::•~--.::!!!·~~· -f--1---"'•-+-.:•~---.:::•:......r---::--J----l rrip­ timbered area attracts picnickers 3 2 Wo Inut Woods --+--:-+--=•+-:•ri--=~-+--1--4--+--t--=•::.-1---1 reas and hikers. The shaded, non- , . 33. Wau bons ie ===::l:·~~::t:•~~· :::;l:::~:;:t:::t::::t:::~::j j\'id· moaern campmg area receives ZONE 4 AREA 4 34 Bob Whrte ----+-~~----=·~-=-+--:-~•=-f--=-+-:•~----=·-~--_,•~--+--1 very light pressure. A bridle trail 35. Geode------~·~---t--=•:--r-=•~~Jl-r~•~~·~---.:::•:......r-~•~---+---4 with parking areas for loading 36. Honey Creek • • • • • at each end winds through the 37 Lacey-Keo • • • • • • • • • rark 38 Lake Darlrng • • • • • • • h a park. 39 Keomah • • • • • • • area. 5. Gull Point State Park is lo­ 40 MacBrrde • • • • • • • • • 41 Wapello • • • • • • • • the cated on beautiful West Okoboji, 42 Red Haw • • • • • • • rhlte the second largest natural lake in 43. Rock Creek • • • • • • • • 44. Wildcat Den ntY· the state (3939 acres). The m od- • )----. ---i-----• r -i 10,- :__ 4 ., H ern cam ping area receives heavy Zone 2 Jow use in t his popular resort area in 11. Backbone State Park is the pia) northwest Iow a. W aterskiing, oldest p ark (since 1917) in Iowa sw im ming, sailing, pleasure boat­ Lak and certainly on e of th e finest. ing, and excellent fishin g attract Par The camper may choose between thiS visitors from several states. A a timbered non-modern camp­ w ater station IS located on the cam tures a level, shaded non-m odern ground and a m odern area. On Par lake. Other areas m Dickmson camping area that receives light weekends, fmdm g space IS a County worth seemg are the Gar­ It pressure. A 25 acre lake offers problem in t h is popular area - in cam den er-Sharp cabm, the sight of panfishing and swimmmg at t he 1971 Backbone ranked third m in­ t he Spirit Lake Masacre; the state IS It beautiful supervised beach.
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