Sunflower Legionnaire The American Legion - Today’s Voice for Today’s Veterans & Military VOL LXXIV NO. 2 KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF THE AMERICAN LEGION October, November, December 2020 COMMANDER VICE COMMANDER ****** ****** Marri Krupco Jeremy Ehart 510 E Main 10601 W. Snokomo Rd. Blue Mound, KS 66010 Hutchinson, KS 67502 (620) 224-7354 (620) 899-0010 [email protected] [email protected] Greetings Kansas American letter, it will be posted on the Greetings Legionnaires, a break, keep working those Legion! Department website and Face- Let me start by saying membership renewals and Normally, I would be tell- book page, and mailed with thank you for your support strive towards getting new ing you about how wonderful the November Adjutants letter. and trust as I continue to serve members and transfers inte- of a time we had at National At this time, we are planning The American Legion as grated and included in your Convention. Alas that is not the on taking special Covid-19 case here in 2020, this year has precautions just like we did at your Department Vice-Com- Post’s events and meetings. been hard on everything espe- Homecoming so seating will mander. It has already been There is a new training aid cially large group gatherings. I be limited, if things change and a fun and busy few months available online now, go to think I speak for all of us when these requirements are no lon- as I have been able to attend and I say we’re looking forward to ger necessary we will be sure to meals, missions, events, and scroll down to Tools and Re- the experts developing a plan let everyone know. meetings since the Depart- sources and click on Training that allows us to safely return Very soon our country will ment Convention. I have in a Box. Before you click on to something close to normal. be holding an important elec- many more events scheduled Training in a Box make sure I can’t thank the Arkansas tion. Because of that I thought in the coming months but you sign up for the Train- City American Legion Family it would be wise for me to talk would love to hear directly ing E-newsletter! The train- enough for hosting Homecom- about politics for just a minute. from you, I’d like to know ing is able to be downloaded ing. The food and hospital- First, I want to remind everyone what you and your Post has or viewed online. Lots of ity were wonderful, they went that our organization is nonpar- above and beyond to make the tisan. During my visits to Posts going on so I can attend as great information available event a success. I also want to across the State I have noticed much as possible. I’d also in many folders, but make thank everyone that attended, that some of our members may like to personally invite all sure you click on the Phase your continued support and have forgotten this. The mis- of you to the upcoming Vice- 1 folder. It contains every- dedication to our organization sion of the American Legion is Commander’s Family Home- thing from Membership Re- is greatly appreciated. being “committed to mentor- coming that will be held this tention Plans, Recruitment Matthew and I really en- ing youth and sponsorship of year at the Abilene National Plans,, and joyed participating in the Golf wholesome programs in our Guard Armory. Make sure Online Transmittal guides, tournament, this year I missed communities, advocating pa- and get your RSVP’s in as it even Post Adjutant and Post the hole nearer and swung triotism and honor, promoting has limited seating and is fill- Commanders training fold- clubs a lot less, quite an im- strong national security, and ing up fast. ers. If you have any trouble provement! Huge thank you to continued devotion to our fel- September 10th was the navigating or viewing the in- everyone that worked to make low servicemembers and veter- the tournament successful in- ans (” Bottom line: first membership target date, formation then call and I will cluding but not limited to Lon- When you bring politics into it was set at 50% by National be happy to help you through ny, Karon, Dan, Sonia, James, your Post you alienate those and I’m happy to say that The the process. and Sheila. The new driver I that don’t believe the same way Department of Kansas was Once again thank you for won has already been ordered, you do, even if you disagree able to meet and surpass that your trust and support, I am it will be here in a few weeks about politics you both can first goal. The next National looking forward to a great so I can really start practicing, still be a part of our mission. membership goal is October year serving this amazing or- since I won two, I ordered one Please leave the propaganda 15th and it is set at 55%. Our ganization. And remember, if for Matthew too, so next year shirts, hats, pins, etc. at home Quota for The Department of your Post has any events or will be our teams year you bet- when you attend a Legion func- Kansas is 23,156 members activities scheduled, please ter be practicing! tion, and don’t wear them along and currently we have 12,581 let me know, I would love The Annual Department with Legion Family attire at the members for 2021 which is to attend them. Please call Holiday Party is Scheduled for same time when you are out December 5th at noon in Ells- and about. Last, please make 54.3% of our quota, we only if you have any questions, worth. We are still finalizing sure you get out to the polls and need 154 more members to comments, or concerns. details, a flyer and RSVP in- vote your conscience not your meet our goal for October. Thank you all for all you do! structions will be released with party. Just because we are close Semper Fi! the October mid-month eNews- For God & Country doesn’t mean we should take Jeremy Ehart (Continued on Page 5) The Sunflower Legionnaire October/November/December, 2020 Page 2 DEPARTMENT SERVICE OFFICER ADJUTANT’S BRIEFS ****** By Department Adjutant Jimmie L. Foster Dan Bartlett Many of the District and der for the Outgoing Officers 2200 SW Gage Department Officers have al- from the 2019-2020 Member- Topeka, KS 66622 ready alluded to their travels ship Year. Commander Shoe- to various Events around the maker and his Team did a Fine (800) 574-8387 ext. 54489 Department and State of Kan- Job promoting the ideals and [email protected] sas in their Articles. purposes of The American Le- First and foremost, Con- gion. Department of Veterans Affair’s Caregiver Support Pro- gratulations to the Newly Many Legion Events and gram Elected Officers of the Depart- Functions have been Can- Eligibility for the Program of Comprehensive Assistance ment of Kansas for the 2020- celled due to the COVID-19 for Family Caregivers (PCAFC) is expanding under the new 2021 year. Pandemic: final regulation and changes will begin in October. PCAFC With the COVID-19 pan- The Eisenhower Pilgrim- expansion will occur in two phases, once the Secretary of demic in place for this Year’s age, The Big Red One Turkey Veterans Affairs has certified to Congress that VA’s new care- Department Convention, we Run, Possibly the Operation giver information technology system is fully implemented. were able to maintain social North Pole held on Fort Riley, The first phase will include eligible Veterans who incurred distancing, take everyone’s this still TBD. or aggravated a serious injury in the line of duty in the ac- temperatures, place different With the Kansas Legisla- colored dots for each Session ture basically taking up only tive military, naval, or air service on or before May 7, 1975. on each Members Registration Emergency Bills and Policies, WWII, Korean and Vietnam Veterans will be able to apply Tag to ensure that everyone WE may have to Cancel the after the official launch date, which will be announced by VA was in a safe environment. Legislative Reception. This in mid-September. Members of the CDC were will also be determined as we The final phase will occur two years following the first On-Site during Our Con- get closer to the date. date of expansion and will expand PCAFC eligibility to in- vention and they were very I guess One really must be clude eligible Veterans from all eras regardless of when an pleased with Our Safety Mea- patient to wait this Virus out eligible Veteran’s serious injury was incurred or aggravated sures that WE had in place. day by day! in the line of duty in the active military, naval, or air service. Three major items were I, for One, and wishing for Be sure to check back for updates or subscribe to receive passed at the Department Con- a somewhat return to normal- email updates and information about VA Caregiver Support vention that has an impact on cy any time now. Program services. the entire Membership of the The National Commander In addition, please see Frequently Asked Questions on four Department of Kansas: Bill Oxford from the Depart- of the major topics. One – The Department ment of North Carolina will Caregivers PCAFC Expansion FAQ Constitution and Department Tour the Western Side of Kan- Caregivers PCAFC Changes for Current Participants FAQ Bylaws were contained within sas.
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