ISSN 1339-2204 e-ISSN 2453-9759 /2020 2020 3 MUZEOLÓGIA3 MUSEOLOGY a kultúrne dedičstvo and Cultural Heritage and Cultural Heritage vol. 8 Cultural and Vedecký recenzoVaný časopis peer-reViewed scHoLarLY JournaL z obsaHu čísLa MUSEOLOGY MUSEOLOGY in tHis issue 05 Dagmara Chylińska – Łukasz Musiaka: Military museums in Poland – between the past and the future 41 Zachariasz Mosakowski – Dariusz Brykała – Maciej Prarat – Daria Jagiełło – Zbigniew Podgórski – Piotr Lamparski: Watermills and windmills as monuments in Poland - protection of cultural heritage in situ and in open-air museums a kultúrne dedičstvo kultúrne a 63 Marina V. Biryukova: Modern and Contemporary Art in the Russian Museum Context 75 Artur Kolbiarz: From Świdnica to Bratislava: The sculpture of Christ the Saviour from the collection of the Slovak National Gallery MUZEOLÓGIA 95 Marina Strepetova – Jordi Arcos-Pumarola: Literary heritage in museum exhibitions: Identifying its main challenges in the European context 111 Agnieszka Fluda-Krokos: Protection of the Polish written and printed heritage – National Library Resource 129 Pavel Šopák: Between East and West: Karel Chytil as Museologist, Educator, and Art Historian 139 Jan Dolák: Vědecko-pedagogická práce na odboru Muzeologie a kulturní dědictví v Bratislavě ISSN 1339-2204 e-ISSN 2453-9759 - online version DOI: 10.46284/mkd.2020.8.3.0 Volume 8 (2020) No. 3 MUZEOLÓGIA a kultúrne dedičstvo VEDECKÝ RECENZOVANÝ ČASOPIS Redakčná rada/Editorial Board: Prof. Dr Pavol Tišliar, PhD (Editor-in-Chief), Dr Tibor Díte, Assoc. Prof. Dr Jan Dolák, PhD, Mgr. Silvia Eliašová, PhD, Assoc. Prof. Mgr. Ľuboš Kačírek, PhD, Dr Peter Maráky, Assoc. Prof. Dr Michal Šmigeľ, PhD, Mgr. Lenka Ulašinová-Bystrianska, PhD, Mgr. Lenka Vargová, PhD Medzinárodná redakčná rada/International Editorial Board: Dr Vitaly Ananiev, CSc, Saint-Petersburg State University (Russia); Prof. Jože Hudales, PhD, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia); Dr Tone Kregar, Muzej novejše zgodovine Celje (Slovenia); Assoc. Prof. Franço- is Mairesse PhD, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3 (France); Prof. Eiji Mizushima, PhD, Universi- ty of Tsukuba (Japan); Prof. Bruno Brulon Soares, PhD, Federal University of the State of Rio de Jane- iro (Brazil); Assoc. Prof. M. A. Lynne Teather, M. A., PhD (Canada) Redaktori/Editors: Mgr. Nela Szabóová & Mgr. Marianna Tomášková Výkonní redaktori/Executive Editors: Assoc. Prof. Mgr. Ľuboš Kačírek, PhD & Prof. Dr. Pavol Tišliar, PhD Jazyková redakcia/ Proofreading: English: Ebor Editing Czech: Monika Mikulášková Slovak: Assoc. Prof. Mgr. Ľuboš Kačírek, PhD Vydavateľ/Published by: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave/Comenius University in Bratislava Filozofická fakulta/Faculty of Arts Gondova 2 811 02 Bratislava Slovak Republic IČO vydavateľa 00 397 865 Redakcia/Editorial Office: Odbor Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo Katedra etnológie a muzeológie FiF UK/Department of Ethnology and Museology e-mail: [email protected] www.muzeologia.sk Periodicita/Frequency: 4x ročne/Quarterly ISSN 1339-2204 e-ISSN 2453-9759 - online version, http://www.muzeologia.sk/casopis_mkd_en.htm Autumn 2020 Časopis je indexovaný v databázach/Journal is indexed by: Central and Easter European Online Library (CEEOL); Crossref; Elsevier SCOPUS; Historical Abstracts EBSCOhost; The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (CEJSH); The European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS); Directory of open access journals (DOAJ); Clarivate Analytics Web of Science Core Collection ESCI CONTENTS A r t i c l e s Dagmara Chylińska – Łukasz Musiaka: Military museums in Poland – between the past and the future ........................................... 5 Zachariasz Mosakowski – Dariusz Brykała – Maciej Prarat – Daria Jagiełło – Zbigniew Podgórski – Piotr Lamparski: Watermills and windmills as monuments in Poland - protection of cultural heritage in situ and in open-air museums ....................................................... 41 Marina V. Biryukova: Modern and Contemporary Art in the Russian Museum Context .................................................. 63 Artur Kolbiarz: From Świdnica to Bratislava: The sculpture of Christ the Saviour from the collection of the Slovak National Gallery ....................................................................................... 75 Marina Strepetova – Jordi Arcos-Pumarola: Literary heritage in museum exhibitions: Identifying its main challenges in the European context .................................................................................................. 95 Agnieszka Fluda-Krokos: Protection of the Polish written and printed heritage – National Library Resource .......... 111 Pavel Šopák: Between East and West: Karel Chytil as Museologist, Educator, and Art Historian ....... 129 Jan Dolák: Vědecko-pedagogická práce na odboru Muzeologie a kulturní dědictví v Bratislavě ......... 139 B o o k s r e c e i v e d a n d r e v i e w s Izabela Skórzyńska: Anna Ziębińska-Witek: Muzealizacja komunizmu w Polsce i Europie Środkowo-Wschod- niej [The Musealisation of Communism in Poland and Central and Eastern Europe], (Lu- blin: Wydawnictwo UMCS, 2018), 341 pp. ISBN: 978-83-227-9149-3 : Anna Ziębińs- ka-Witek’s critical approach to the musealisation of communism .................................... 147 Military museums in Poland – between the past and the future Dagmara Chylińska – Łukasz Musiaka Dagmara Chylińska, PhD University of Wrocław Institute of Geography and Regional Development e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-2517-2856 Łukasz Musiaka, PhD University of Łódź Faculty of Geographical Sciences Department of Political and Historical Geography and Regional Studies e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6845-7280 Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, 2020, 8:3:5-39 DOI: 10.46284/mkd.2020.8.3.1 Military museums in Poland – between the past and the future Museums are a constantly developing segment of cultural tourism. Poland is in line with current trends in museums, expanding its offer and adapting it to the requirements of the world of contemporary im- age culture and multisensory experiences, which is increasingly dominated by technology. The authors of the paper undertook to recognise the specificity of military museums, by conducting a survey of approx- imately a third of all such institutions in Poland. Due to the subject-matter of their exhibitions, military museums create a broad field of research both in terms of aesthetics and museum practice, as well as the issues of shaping and maintaining collective memory and the identity of the nation. They form a special mirror in which the country’s ideas and aspirations are reflected more often than any real characteristics. In reference to contemporary trends in museums, the article aims to place Polish military museums between locality and universality, education and entertainment, stability and dynamism, knowledge and experience. The results obtained allowed the authors to distinguish three groups of military museums in Poland, as well as indicate conditions conducive to the further development of such attractions in the country. Keywords: museum, military museum, heritage, Poland, Central and Eastern Europe. Introduction Since the nineteenth century, when museums became a widely accepted means of collecting, preserving and popularising relics of the past, they have become one of the most popular ways to make cultural heritage accessible to visitors. The concept of the “museum” has undergone far-reaching changes since its inception.1 Nowadays, some of the largest museum facilities may aspire to become not only cultural centres but also tourist enterprises.2 Among the extremely 1 GÜNAY, Burcu. Museum concept from past to present and importance of museums as centers of art education. In: Procedia − Social and Behavioral Sciences, 55, 2012, p. 1250–1258; MARSTINE, Janet. Introduction. In: MARSTINE, Janet (ed.). New Museum Theory and Practice. An Introduction. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2006, p. 1–36; ROSS, Max. Interpreting the new museology. In: Museum & Society, vol. 2, Issue 2, July 2004, p. 84–103; WITCOMB, Andrea. Re-Imagining the Museum. Beyond the Mausoleum. London, New York: Routledge, 2003. 2 HERREMAN, Yani. Museums and Tourism: Culture and Consumption. In: Museum International, 50:3, July-Sep- tember 1998, p. 2–64. 5 D. Chylińska, Ł. Musiaka: Military museums in Poland – between the past and the future rich museum offer of what we would like to call heritage, collections related to history and military art occupy a prominent place.3 This is not a coincidence – world history is largely the history of wars. Military-themed museums often reflect what has shaped nations and what they have been most proud of. The time when the first museums, including military ones, were opened to the general public is also significant. The nineteenth and twentieth centuries were marked by the struggle for the independence of many nations and emerging nationalisms. Mu- seums helped to build a sense of community based on history and heritage that was understood as the best products of the material and spiritual culture of past generations. The changes in the character of military museums in Poland are treated as part of a paradigm shift in cultural heritage4 which took place in the post-war period and represented a departure from the pas- sive protection of monuments to their conservation and, finally, the treatment of heritage as a factor of social and economic development.5 Currently,
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