COUNTING AND EFFECTIVE RIGIDITY IN ALGEBRA AND GEOMETRY BENJAMIN LINOWITZ, D. B. MCREYNOLDS, PAUL POLLACK, AND LOLA THOMPSON ABSTRACT. The purpose of this article is to produce effective versions of some rigidity results in algebra and geometry. On the geometric side, we focus on the spectrum of primitive geodesic lengths (resp., complex lengths) for arithmetic hyperbolic 2–manifolds (resp., 3–manifolds). By work of Reid, this spectrum determines the commensurability class of the 2–manifold (resp., 3–manifold). We establish effective versions of these rigidity results by ensuring that, for two incommensurable arithmetic manifolds of bounded volume, the length sets (resp., the complex length sets) must disagree for a length that can be explicitly bounded as a function of volume. We also prove an effective version of a similar rigidity result established by the second author with Reid on a surface analog of the length spectrum for hyperbolic 3–manifolds. These effective results have corresponding algebraic analogs involving maximal subfields and quaternion subalgebras of quaternion algebras. To prove these effective rigidity results, we establish results on the asymptotic behavior of certain algebraic and geometric counting functions which are of independent interest. 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Inverse problems. 1.1.1. Algebraic problems. Given a degree d central division algebra D over a field k, the set of isomorphism classes of maximal subfields MF(D) of D is a basic and well studied invariant of D. Question 1. Do there exist non-isomorphic, central division algebras D1;D2=k with MF(D1) = MF(D2)? Restricting to the class of number fields k, by a well-known consequence of class field theory, when D=k is a quaternion algebra, MF(D) = MF(D0) if and only if D =∼ D0 as k–algebras. Unfortunately, for most higher degree division algebras, we have MF(D) = MF(Dop) and D Dop where Dop is the opposite algebra for D. For a fixed algebra D=k, the number of isomorphism classes of algebras D0=k with MF(D) = MF(D0) is the genus of D and is finite in this setting; see [14], [30], [60] for some recent work on genus of D=k for general fields k. The Brauer group Br(k) of a field k is the set of Morita equivalence classes [A] of central, simple k–algebras. The op group operation is given by tensor product ⊗k with inverses given by [A ]. Each class [A] has a unique central division algebra DA. Given a finite extension L=k, we have a homomorphism ResL=k : Br(k) ! Br(L) defined by −1 ResL=k([A0]) = [A0 ⊗k L]. For a class [A] 2 Br(L), the set (ResL=k) ([A]) is the set of Morita equivalence classes [A0] in Br(k) such that [A] = [A0 ⊗k L]. Fix a finite extension L1=k and algebra A=L1. 0 −1 −1 0 Question 2. Does there exist a finite extension L2=k and an algebra A =L2 with (ResL1=k) (A) = (ResL2=k) (A )? ∼ ∼ 0 In this generality, we cannot hope to conclude that L1 = L2 and A = A (see [58]). However, when L1;L2=k are ∼ −1 quadratic extensions and A is a quaternion algebra, we have L1 = L2 provided (ResL1=k) (A) is non-empty. 1.1.2. Geometric problems. Given a closed, negatively curved, Riemannian manifold M, we have an analytic invariant given by the eigenvalue spectrum E (M) of the Laplace–Beltrami operator acting on L2(M). Similarly, we have 1 Counting and effective rigidity in algebra and geometry 2 a geometric invariant given by the primitive geodesic length spectrum Lp(M) of lengths ` of primitive, closed geodesics. Both geometric invariants of M are multi-sets of the form n o n o ≥0 E (M);Lp(M) = (l j;ml j ) ; (` j;m` j ) ⊂ R × N: The integers ml j ;m` j are called the multiplicities and give the dimension of the associated l j–eigenspace or the number of distinct occurrences of the primitive length ` j, respectively. Forgetting the multiplicities, the set of primitive lengths will be called the length set. Two consequences of the manifold being negatively curved are that every free homotopy class of closed loops contains a unique geodesic representative and the length spectrum is discrete; the eigenvalue spectrum is always discrete when M is closed. Discreteness here means that the sets without multiplicity l j ; ` j are discrete and the multiplicities ml j ;m` j are finite. These spectra are closely related (see [29]). When M is hyperbolic 2–manifold, these spectra determine one another by Selberg’s trace formula (see [12, Ch 9, x5]). When M is a hyperbolic 3–manifold, each closed geodesic can be assigned a complex length ` = `0 + qi where q is the angle of rotation and `0 is the length of the geodesic. In this case, we have the complex length spectrum Lc(M) and associated complex length set, and the spectra E (M), Lc(M) determine one another by Selberg’s trace formula. Question 3. Do there exist non-isometric Riemannian manifolds M1;M2 such that Lp(M1) = Lp(M2) (resp., Lc(M1) = Lc(M2) or E (M1) = E (M2))? Restricting to the class of closed hyperbolic n–manifolds, starting with the constructions of Vigneras´ [80], Sunada [76], many papers have constructed arbitrarily large finite families pairwise non-isometric hyperbolic n–manifolds with identical eigenvalue and (complex) length spectra for all n ≥ 2; such manifolds are said to be isospectral or (complex) length isospectral. By construction, the pairs produced by Vigneras,´ Sunada are commensurable; all presently known pairs are commensurable. It is not known if such pairs must be commensurable in any dimension n ≥ 2. For arithmetic hyperbolic 2– or 3–manifolds, they must be. Reid [72] proved that hyperbolic 2–manifolds with identical length spectra are commensurable provided one of the manifolds is arithmetic. Using Selberg’s trace formula, Reid also obtained an identical result for eigenvalue spectra. As arithmeticity is a commensurability invariant, the other manifold is also arithmetic. Reid also established this result for arithmetic hyperbolic 3–manifolds with the length spectrum replaced with the complex length spectrum. Chinburg–Hamilton–Long–Reid [18] extended Reid’s result on length spectra for arithmetic hyperbolic 2–manifolds to arithmetic hyperbolic 3–manifolds. Prasad–Rapinchuk [69] also extended [72] for many classes of arithmetic, locally symmetric manifolds. Before [69], it was known that [72] could not be extended to general locally symmetric manifolds as Lubotzky–Samuels–Vishne [50] constructed arbitrarily large finite families of pairwise incommensurable, isospectral arithmetic, compact, locally symmetric manifolds with real rank n for all n using a method similar to Vigneras.´ For a fixed manifold, the number of commensurability classes is always finite by [69] but can be can be arbitrarily large by [50]. This finiteness is the geometric analog of the finiteness of genera for division algebras over number fields where genera are also arbitrarily large. 1.2. Main results: Effective rigidity. We refer the reader to the notation list found at the beginning of x2 for any undefined symbols or terms. 1.2.1. Geodesics. Our first result is an effective version of Reid [72]. Theorem 1.1. Let M1;M2 be compact arithmetic hyperbolic 2–manifolds (resp., 3–manifolds) with volume less than V. There exist absolute effectively computable constants c1;c2 (resp., c3) such that if the length sets (resp., complex c log(V)V 130 (log(V)log(V)) length) of M1 and M2 agree for all lengths less than c1e 2 (resp., c3e ), then M1 and M2 are commensurable. Millichap [61, 62] constructed roughly (2n)! incommensurable hyperbolic 3–manifolds that have the same first 2n+1 (complex) geodesic lengths. Moreover, the manifolds all have the same volume and the volume of these manifolds Counting and effective rigidity in algebra and geometry 3 grows linearly in n. His examples are non-arithmetic and his methods are geometric/topological. Neither of these con- structions produce lower bounds near the upper bound we provide in Theorem 1.1. Since the completion of this paper, Futer–Millichap [28] and [46] have produced additional examples of non-arithmetic and arithmetic hyperbolic 2– and 3–manifolds that share the same geodesic lengths for the first n lengths or any finite subset of lengths. Additionally, both constructions give control on the volumes of the examples. We now sketch the proof of Theorem 1.1 in the case that M1;M2 are hyperbolic 3–manifolds with p1(Mj) = G j and volumes bounded above by V. This proof appears in Section 5.4 and makes use of a wide variety of effective results in algebraic number theory. For simplicity, we assume that M1;M2 are derived from quaternion algebras. To prove Theorem 1.1, it suffices to show that the invariant trace fields and invariant quaternion algebras of M1;M2 are isomorphic (see for instance [54, Ch 8.4]). That the trace fields are isomorphic is relatively straightforward. We show (in Proposition 5.2) that there exist hyperbolic g1 2 G1;g2 2 G2, all of whose powers have non-real eigenvalues and whose associated geodesics have the same length. It follows that tr(g1) = ±tr(g2) and hence g1;g2 generate the same extension k of Q. By [18, Lemma 2.3] this extension k is isomorphic to the trace fields of both M1;M2. That M1;M2 have isomorphic quaternion algebras B1;B2 is more nuanced. To prove that B1;B2 are isomorphic it suffices to show that MF(B) = MF(B0). We prove an effective version of this result in Theorem 1.3 by proving that if two quaternion algebras B1;B2=k with jdisc(B1)j;jdisc(B2)j < x admit embeddings of precisely the same quadratic extensions of L=k with DL=k less than some explicit function f (x) (which may involve constants depending on k), then B1;B2 are isomorphic.
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