KANSAS GOVERNMENTAL ETHICS COMMISSION RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES REPOI T FILED RECEIVED OF A POLITICAL OR PARTY COMMITT E JAN 092014 JAN 10 2014 A. Name ofCommittee: Kansas Chamber of Commerce PAC Address: 835 SW Topeka Blvd City and Zip Code: Topeka, KS 66612 This is a (check one): __Party Committee ~ Political Committee B. Check only ifappropriate: L Amended Filing __Termination Report C. Summary (covering the period from January 1,2010 through July 22, 2010) 1. Cash on hand at beginning ofperiod . 51,455.63 2. Total Contributions and Other Receipts (Use Schedule A) . 62,600.00 3. Cash available this period (Add Lines I and 2) . 114,055.63 4. Total Expenditures and Other Disbursements (Use Schedule C) . 81,747.00 5. Cash on hand at close ofperiod (Subtract Line 4 from 3) .. 32,308.63 6. In-Kind Contributions (Use Schedule B) .. 7. Other Transactions (Use Schedule D) .. D. "I declare that this report, including any accompanying schedules and statements, has been examined by me and to the best ofmy knowledge and beliefis true, correct and complete. 1understand that the intentional failure to file this document or intentionally :filing a false document is a class A misdemeanor." Date1J9J2014 ~T~ GEe Form Rev, 2001 Schedule A Contributions and Other Receipts Amount of Cash, Occupation of Individual Giving Date Contributors Name and Address Cash Check Other Check,Loan More Than $150 or Other Receipt Cargill Inc. 1/29/2010 15407 McGinty Rd. West, MS 25 Meat Packing & Processing v" $ 5,000.00 Wayzata, MN 55391 Straub Construction Co 1/29/2010 7773 Meadow View Dr. General Contractors v" $ 1,000.00 Shawnee, KS 66227 Lyndon O. Welfs 1129/2010 1440 B N. Gatewood #50 Individual v" $ 100.00 Wichita, KS 67206 Michael Egan 1/29/2010 21705 W. 58th St. Individual v" $ 1,000.00 Shawnee, KS 66218 Cary Humphries 1/2912010 1401 N. Moxley Individual v" $ 250.00 Wichita, KS 67214 Frontier EI Dorado Refining Company 1/29/2010 1401 Douglas Road Refining v" $ 1,000.00 EI Dorado, KS 67042-1121 ITC Great Plains 1/29/2010 1100 SW Wanamaker Rd., Suite 103 Utility v" $ 1,000.00 Topeka, KS 66604 Farmers Insurance Group 1/2912010 11880 College Blvd Suite 201 Insurance v" $ 1,000.00 Overland Park, KS 66210 Cox Communications Television Cable & CATV & 212612010 931 SW Henderson Rd v" $ 2,000.00 Satellite & Telephone Systems Topeka, KS 66615-3848 Crossland Construction Co., Inc. 2/2612010 PO Box 45 Construction v" $ 3,500.00 Columbus, KS 66725 Cessna Aircraft Company 3/31/2010 One Cessna Blvd. Aircraft v" $ 2,000.00 Wichita, KS 67215-1400 Kansas Gas Service 3/31/2010 7421 W 129th St. Utility v" $ 1,OOO.OC Overland Park, KS 66213-2634 Spirit AeroSystems 3/31/2010 PO Box 780008 MC K12-10 Aircraft -/ $ 1,500.01 Wichita, KS 67278-0008 Schedule A Contributions and Other Receipts Black Hills Energy 4/30/2010 110 E. 9th St. Utility $ 2,500.00 Lawrence, KS 66044-2623 '" CenturyLink 4/30/2010 5454 W. 11 Oth St. Telephone Systems &Service $ 1,000.00 Leawood, KS 66211-1204 '" Marlon Dauner 4/30/2010 13605 E. Camden Chase St. Individual $ 200.00 Wichita, KS 67228 '" Sunflower Electric Power Corp 4/30/2010 PO Box 1020 Utility $ 1,000.00 Hays, KS 67601 '" Via Christi Health 4/30/2010 8200 E. Thorn Hospitals $ 1,000.00 Wichita, KS 67226 '" Jayhawk Plastics, Inc. 4/30/2010 15285 S Keeler St Plastic Products ./ $ 500.00 Olathe, KS 66062-2714 Kssmallbiz.com 5128/2010 PO Box 1246 Small Business Newsletter ./ $ 10,000.00 Topeka, KS 66601 Mollie Carter 5/28/2010 421 E. Country Club Rd. IndiVidual ./ $ 500.00 Salina, KS 67401 Sprint Nextel 512812010 6450 Sprint Pkwy. Telephone Systems ./ $ 500.00 Overland Park, KS 66251 Farmers Insurance Group 6125/2010 11880 College Blvd Suite 201 Insurance ./ $ 7,500.00 Overland Park, KS 66210 The Lawrence Paper Company 6/25/2010 PO Box 887 Boxes ­ corrugated and fiber ./ $ 5,000.00 Lawrence, KS 66044-0887 Longbine Auto Plaza Automobile Dealer ­ New and 6/2512010 3012 W US Hwy 50 ./ $ 1,000.00 Used Emporia, KS 66801-5147 Preferred Health Systems 6/25/2010 8535 E. 21st North Health Services ./ $ 3,600.00 Wichita, KS 67201-9288 Eric Payne for Kansas House Candidate (returned 6/25/2010 804 N. Bracken ./ $ 500.00 contribution) Wichita, KS 67206 Straub Construction Company, Inc. 6/30/2010 7773 Meadow View Dr. General Contractors ./ $ 2,000.00 Shawnee, KS 66227-3054 Schedule A Contributions and Other Receipts Lawrence Memorial Hospital 613012010 325 Maine St Hospitals ./ $ 1,000.00 Lawrence, KS 66044-1389 Frito-Lay 712012010 4236 SW Kirklawn Ave. Snack Foods ./ $ 1,000.00 Topeka,KS 66609 Hein Law Firm 712012010 6729 SW Sherwood Ct. Attorneys ./ $ 250.00 Topeka,KS 66614 INTRUST Bank, NA 712012010 PO Box 1 Banks ./ $ 1,200.00 Wichita, KS 67201-0001 Jayhawk Plastics, Inc. 712012010 15285 S. Keeler Plastics Products ./ $ 400.00 Olathe, KS 66062 Lawrence Macha 712012010 2805 Funston Individual ./ $ 1,600.00 lola, KS 66749 Total Itemized Recepits for Period $ 62,600.00 Total Unitemized Contributions ($50 or less) Sale of Political Materials (Unitemized) Total Contributions When Contributor Not Known TOTAL RECEIPTS THIS PERIOD $ 62,600.00 Schedule C Expenditures and Other Disbursements Purpose of Expenditure Date Name and Address Amount or Disbursement Jeff Glendening 1(6(2010 14470 Iverness St. Reimbursement for mileage $ 1,161.05 Olathe, KS 66061 Kansas Chamber of Commerce 1/21(2010 835 SW Topeka Blvd. Credit Card Reimbursement $ 93.66 Topeka, KS 66612 E-Soft 3/23/2010 11702 S. Winchester Street Database $ 100.00 Olathe, KS 66061 Governmental Ethics Commission th 6/17/2010 109 SW 9 , Suite 504 Registration $ 240.00 Topeka, KS 66612 Aaron Jack 6/24/2010 1330 N. Robin Ct. Contribution $ 250.00 Andover, KS 67002 Amanda Grosserode 6/24/2010 12601 W. 99th St. Contribution $ 500.00 Lenexa, KS 66215 Anthony Brown 6/24/2010 7999 E. 2200 Rd. Contribution $ 250.00 Eudora, KS 66025 Becky Nioce 6/24/2010 825 SW Oakley Ave. Contribution $ 250.00 Topeka, KS 66606 Bil/Wolf 6/24/2010 1512 Broadway Court Contribution $ 500.00 Great Bend, KS 67530 Brett Hildabrand 6/24/2010 7352 Royalty Way #108 Contribution :Ii 500.00 Merriam, KS 66203 Bruce Williamson 6/24/2010 2216 SW Indian Trail Contribution $ 250.00 Topeka, KS 66614 Calvin Seadeek Jr. 6/24/2010 601 Glen Contribution $ 500.00 Council Grove, KS 66846 Caryn Tyson 6/24/2010 19984 Co Rd 1077 Contribution $ 500.00 Parker, KS 66072 Cheryl Green 6/24/2010 3100 SE Flinthills Rd. Contribution $ 500.00 Rosalia, KS 67132 Schedule C Expenditures and Other Disbursements Connie O'Brien 6/24/2010 22123 211 th Street Contribution $ 250.00 Tonganoxie, KS 66086 Dan Collins 6/24/2010 1720Y Rd. Contribution $ 500.00 Plainville, KS 67663 Dan Widder 6/24/2010 805 N. Hickok St. Contribution $ 500.00 Ulysses, KS 67880 Daniel Buller 6/14/2010 312 Y2 E. 8th Ave. Contribution $ 500.00 Emporia, KS 66801 David Harvey 6/24/2010 3322 W. 68th St. Contribution $ 1,000.00 Mission Hills, KS 66208 Ellen Janoski 6/24/2010 1461 N. Seneca Rd. Contribution $ 500.00 Peck,KS 67120 Forrest Knox 6/24/2010 17120 Udall Rd. Contribution $ 250.00 Altoona, KS 66710 Gene Suellentrop 6/24/2010 6813 W. Northwind Drive Contribution $ 500.00 Wichita, KS 67205 Greg Smith 6/2412010 8605 Robinson Contribution $ 500.00 Overland Park, KS 66212 James Clendenin 6/24/2010 1420 E. 31 st St. Contribution $ 500.00 Wichita, KS 67216 Jana Taylor Goodman 6/24/2010 410 S. Broadway Contribution $ 500.00 Leavenworth, KS 66048 Jim Denning 6/24/2010 8416 W. 11Sth St. Contribution $ 500.00 Overland Park, KS 66210 Jim Morrison 6/24/2010 #3 Cottonwood Contribution $ 500.00 Colby, KS 67701 Joe McLeland 6/24/2010 431 S. Westfield Contribution $ 250.00 Wichita, KS 67209 Joe Patton 6/24/2010 3546 SW Summerwood Court Contribution $ 250.00 Topeka, KS 66614 Schedule C Expenditures and Other Disbursements John Faber 6/24/2010 HC 2 Box 130 Contribution $ 250.00 Brewster, KS 67732 John Rubin 6124/2010 13808 W. 53rt1 St. Contribution $ 500.00 Shawnee,KS 66216 John Stevens 6/24/2010 3125 E. Boston Contribution $ 250.00 Wichita, KS 67211 Joseph Scapa 6/24/2010 2209 S. White Cliff Contribution $ 500.00 Wichita, KS 67207 Kasha Kelley 6/24/2010 Box 1111 Contribution $ 250.00 Arkansas City, KS 67005 Kelly Meigs 6/24/2010 7842 Rosehill Rd. Contribution $ 500.00 Lenexa, KS 66216 Kyle Amos 6/24/2010 426 N. St. James Contribution $ 500.00 Wichita, KS 67206 Kyle Hoffman 6/24/2010 1318 Avenue T Contribution $ 500.00 Coldwater, KS 67029 Lana Gordon 6/24/2010 5820 SW 27'h St. Contribution $ 250.00 Topeka, KS 66614 Lance Kinzer 6/24/2010 12549 S. Broughham Drive Contribution $ 250.00 Olathe, KS 66062 Lee Modesitt 6/24/2010 2004 Tunstall Cr #1 03 Contribution $ 250.00 Manhattan, KS 66502 Leslie Osterman 6/24/2010 1401 W. Dallas Contribution $ 500.00 Wichita, KS 67217 Marvin Kleeb 6/24/2010 14206 Eby Contribution $ 250.00 Overland Park, KS 66221 Melvin Neufeld 6/24/2010 740515 Rd. Contribution $ 250.00 Ingalls, KS 67853 Michael Houser th 6/24/2010 6891 SW 10 St. Contribution $ 500.00 Columbus, KS 66725 Schedule C Expenditures and Other Disbursements Michael Musselman 6/2412010 1392 30th Rd. Contribution $ 500.00 Clifton, KS 66937 Mike Kiegerl 6/24/2010 2350 Golf Course Rd. Contribution $ 250.00 Olathe, KS 66061 Owen Donohoe 6/24/2010 6265 Arapahoe Contribution $ 250.00 Shawnee,KS 66226 Peggy Mast 6/24/2010 765 Road 110 Contribution $ 250.00 Emporia, KS 66801 Raymond Sifers 6/24/2010 2022 S State St.
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