E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 144 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1998 No. 65 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was give our sins, and You will heal our ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER called to order by the Speaker pro tem- land. PRO TEMPORE pore (Mr. SHAW). Father, I ask that You help us to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The f humble ourselves before You and turn Chair will receive 15 1-minutes on each from any wickedness that may be in side, following the gentleman from DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER our lives. Father, I pray as we do that, Texas (Mr. DELAY). PRO TEMPORE You will hear our prayers and heal our f The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- land. Grant us the strength and cour- fore the House the following commu- age to follow You every day. REVEREND SCOTT RAMBO nication from the Speaker: Again, I thank You so much for the (Mr. DELAY asked and was given WASHINGTON, DC, blessings and the grace and mercy that permission to address the House for 1 May 20, 1998. You give us every day. I pray Your minute and to revise and extend his re- I hereby designate the Honorable E. CLAY blessings on this day and all that takes marks.) SHAW, Jr. to act as Speaker pro tempore on place in this House. I pray this in Mr. DELAY. Mr. Speaker, our open- this day. Jesus' name. Amen. ing prayer this morning was offered by NEWT GINGRICH, my good friend and pastor of my f Speaker of the House of Representatives. church, Reverend Scott Rambo. f THE JOURNAL Reverend Rambo has ministered to the spiritual needs of many of my con- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The PRAYER stituents since 1995, when he became Chair has examined the Journal of the Reverend Scott Rambo, First Baptist the pastor of the First Baptist Church last day's proceedings and announces of Sugar Land, Texas. Church, Sugar Land, Texas, offered the to the House his approval thereof. following prayer: Since becoming pastor of the first Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- Baptist Church, Reverend Rambo has Let us pray together. Father, we nal stands approved. come before You this morning, thank- brought excitement and a sense of mis- ing You so much for all the blessings f sion to our community. His message of faith and family has inspired many, as that You give us in life. I thank You PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE for the privilege of being an American witnessed by the astronomic growth of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the citizen and for the honor of being able the First Baptist Church of Sugar gentleman from Ohio (Mr. TRAFICANT) Land. to pray for the men and women who come forward and lead the House in the Reverend Rambo is a graduate of the lead our country. I pray Your blessings Pledge of Allegiance. University of South Alabama and of and Your wisdom upon them as they Mr. TRAFICANT led the Pledge of the Southwestern Baptist Theological lead us. Allegiance as follows: Seminary. He started his career as the Father, as I reflect on the images of Minister of Evangelism at the Retta the great lawgivers whose faces are all I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Repub- Baptist Church in Burleson, Texas. He around the walls of this Chamber, Fa- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, became the youth minister at the Hill- ther, my attention is focused on Moses, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. crest Park Baptist Church in Arling- the only lawgiver whose full face is f ton, Texas, then moved to Dallas to shown. Father, when I think about that take the job of Associate Youth Min- and know that his full face is shown be- MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE ister at the First Baptist Church of cause he is the only lawgiver who re- A message from the Senate by Mr. Dallas. ceived his law directly from You and Lundregan, one of its clerks, an- He then left Texas for 3 years, serv- not from man, I am reminded that our nounced that the Senate had passed ing as the Associate Pastor of the First ultimate authority for all of life is without amendment a bill of the House Baptist Church in Bossier City, Louisi- You. of the following title: ana. But, like all Texans, he could not Lord, I pray Your success formula for leave Texas, he had to come home, so our Nation today. Father, You tell us H.R. 3301. An act to amend chapter 51 of title 31, United States Code, to allow the he returned back to Texas and started in Your word that if we will humble Secretary of the Treasury greater discretion his current ministry in Sugar Land, ourselves and pray and seek Your face with regard to the placement of the required Texas. and turn from our wicked ways, then inscriptions on quarter dollars issued under Reverend Rambo, in my opinion, is a You will hear our prayers, You will for- the 50 States Commemorative Coin Program. man that truly has a heart and a love b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H3491 H3492 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE May 20, 1998 for the Lord, and I want to thank Rev- FBI agent who shot Vicky Weaver unturned in seeking the truth about erend Rambo for his inspirational right between the eyes while clutching these stunning revelations about ille- words today and thank him for the in- her infant son. Shame, my colleagues. gal campaign contributions in return spirational work that he does in Sugar Congress, the Justice Department in- for missile technology to Communist Land, Texas. vestigates themselves and then they China. So I want to welcome him to the cover their assets every time. That said, I urge my colleagues to in- House, and thank him for all his good We are a bunch of fools. It is time to vestigate this matter with their minds work. put our government in order. Support focused on one thing and one thing f H.R. 692 and put an independent coun- only: National security. National secu- sel on these types of cases. Shame, NATIONAL SECURITY TOO IMPOR- rity is not a partisan issue. It is about Congress. No American family should protecting our values and our way of TANT TO BE AUCTIONED OFF TO be gunned down. HIGHEST BIDDER life from those whose entire political f system is hostile to our belief in free- (Mr. GIBBONS asked and was given dom, the rule of law, individual rights, permission to address the House for 1 SUPPORT H.R. 2183, FRESHMEN CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM BILL and the right to worship God as we see minute and to revise and extend his re- fit. marks.) (Mr. ALLEN asked and was given f Mr. GIBBONS. Mr. Speaker, Ameri- permission to address the House for 1 cans awoke this morning with a num- minute and to revise and extend his re- HOUSE SHOULD MAKE DECISION ber of new questions on their minds, marks.) ON DRUG TESTING OF DOD EM- beginning with why would the Clinton Mr. ALLEN. Mr. Speaker, Congress PLOYEES administration switch the responsibil- has spent millions of dollars to inves- (Mr. TAYLOR of Mississippi asked ity for satellites from the Department tigate soft money abuses, but there are and was given permission to address of State to the Commerce Department? many Members in this Chamber who the House for 1 minute and to revise Both the State Department and De- will rail against certain big money con- and extend his remarks.) fense Department were against this tributions and then vote against cam- Mr. TAYLOR of Mississippi. Mr. move. They knew these communication paign finance reform. Speaker, our Nation this year is going The freshmen took a different tact. satellites were one of America's most to spend $18 billion on the war on We put together a bill that would ban sensitive military and intelligence drugs. As we speak, there are Ameri- soft money, improve candidate report- gathering technologies. Even the cans flying counter drug missions in ing and require some disclosure of the former Secretary of State, Warren places like Colombia and Peru, and Christopher, wrote to the President outside group advertising. H.R. 2183 closes the soft money loophole, it gets they are being shot at, and pretty often that these sophisticated communica- they get killed. tion satellites held technology secrets elected officials, candidates, and party officials out of the business of raising Mr. Speaker, imagine my surprise that could jeopardize, and I quote, then when, just yesterday in the Com- ``significant military and intelligence money from corporations and unions and the wealthiest contributors. mittee on Rules, an amendment to re- interests of America.'' quire all Department of Defense em- Was Secretary Christopher reluctant Later this week the long delayed de- ployees to be drug tested was voted because he understood the importance bate on real campaign finance reform down along straight party lines. Every of the built-in encryption equipment will begin. Now we must watch out for single Republican voted against requir- that interprets the ground controller's poison pills and red herrings.
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