To subscribe to the Record-Press, the area's best source for local news, call (800) 300-9321 WESTFIELD SCOTCH PLAINS FANWOOD Friday, November 20, 1998 50 cents ?acher contract talks break down SFFEA's McGuane floats specter of teacher strike ByTMAQUAMNO try to get this done before school started in have not been unreasonable in their full 3.5 percent. Briefs RECORD-PRESS September and before the contract actual- demands. She said the three-year salary "They don't get the combined increment ly expired June 30, which was actually our increase "is not a clear representation of and raise," McGuane said. "They only get i SCOTCH PLAINS-FANWOOD— target date." what the teachers are going to get." the rnise." . Money may talk, but for teachers and the At a Sept. 1 meeting the board offered a "There are other things that they want "People don't really understand how the; Artists needed Board of Education, conversations about three-year proposal which included salary to do to the salary guide which lowers salary guides are made," McGuane added- for First Night money have gone no where. increases of 3.7 percent, 3.7 percent and those percentages," McGuane said. "They "People think we are making enormous The school board and the Scotch Plains- 3.5 percent with no change in medical ben- are proposing to take away columns on the amounts of money and we're not doing oue WESTFIELD — First Fanwood Education Association (SPFEA) efits. The SPFEA rejected the proposal salary guides and they want to condense jobs during this negotiation period and Night Westfteld has issued still have not reached a contract settle- due to a provision regarding longevity. the salary guide by taking away steps." that, is not true." i a call to artists for "hands- ment. After two unsuccessful sessions The next day, a state-appointed media- "If they do that it is loss of an offer than For about seven weeks teachers walked on interactive art." with a state-appointed mediator, both tor was called in and the longevity issue 3.7, 3.7 and 3.5 percent," she added. on informatiuniil picket lines in the morni The New Year's Eve arts sides are waiting for a date to be sched- was resolved to meet the SPFEA's concern. Teacher salaries are determined by ings before school started and outside two program is looking for pro- uled to meet with a fact finder. However, the SPFEA stiJl did not agree to educational degrees and longevity, Once school board meetings. ] fessionals who can share Terry Larkin, vice-president of the the three-year package citing problems teachers reach a certain level of the salary Some teachers didn't attend back to their talent with people of board of education said the major points of including the third year salary increase guides, they no longer are given the incre- school night. all ages. Pottery, sculpture, disagreement are "money, money, money." that was offered. ment, a built-in salary increase standard Larkin said the whole thing is it waste weaving, origami, carica- to each level of teachers. ture and collage are among "I am very frustrated because I think "Our offer still stands," Larkin said. of time. the talents being sought. we put out a fair offer," Larkin said. "We Barbara McGuane, president of SPFEA McGuane said the 157 teachers who are "Wo have a lot of issues in the district Also needed is a person started negotiations earlier than usual to and chief negotiator said the teachers at the highest level, would not receive the (.Continued on page A-2) who can organize and direct an art project for that par- ticular evening. For more information, Zoning board call(908> 518-2983. Mobile Meals adds service defies Council WESTFIELD — Mobile Meals of Westfield has been added as a service project and okays first for members of the Westfield Service League. Members will handle Mobile Meals deliveries one floor retail office morning a week. The volun- tary service is for those who By TMAGHMHNO space i»n the TirHt floor and wo are unable to shop and pre- UWOHll t'HKSS wanted to promote retail on the pare their own meals; it is fust floor because it is more available to residents of WKSTFIKLU The Hoar<l of pedestrian friendly," (loldmnn Westfield and surrounding AdjuHtment isaued a UKW varL mud towns. ance to Prudential NJ Healty, "It, was recommended by the ignoring an ordinance recently .special improvement district and passed by the Town Council. unanimously anrt»«'d to by the Safe Dating Prudential wiw seeking tile council in the context of diH- for Girls variance from the newly amend- cussin^ the land use ordinance," ed land uwe ordiiiiuuc prohibiting he added. WESTFIELD — High busineMis offices on the first floor (ioklmmi Nuid tin1 stundarda school girls in 10th-12th of buildingK in the central hu.si- for jfrariting n use variance are grades are invited to a nesH diotrict for the Npnce at 2 Hi extremely high. workshop that can prepare North Avenue. "A special renson hn« to \ye them about "Decisions for First Congregational Church I* located at 12* tlmar 91. In WaatflaM. For further information, call tha church At Monday'*) work m'MHion, the sliown, winch is a difficult crite- Your Life." offica at (MM) 233-24*4. Town ('ouncil decide*! to have ria to meet ami even more diffi- The workshop will run 7- Town Attorney Charlie llrandt cult, criteria lo meet would be a 9 p.m. Wednesday. Dec. 2 at writi' a letter to the hoard showing that the ^nint of the the Washington Rock Girl informing them of the Town variance (foes not impede the Stout Council, 201 E Grove First Congregational to Councils stand on first-floor zoning plan," (Joldinan said. St. The Girl Scout council retail and the newly iiiHlilutvd "I did HjM'uk to (»ne member of includes Westfield, Scotch provinions of the land IIH«' ordi the Hoard of AIIJUNIincut who Plains and Fanwood in its name told mi' iifler t he fact about ttte aervice area. "In the process of overhauling disciiHMidii thid ensued in consid- Topics will include ".safe celebrate Pilgrim heritage the /ouirii; law u lew inoiiths ii^ii, eration of the application," dating" awareness; myths one of t he cluing'-; t lial we npecif (iohhiiaii siiid. "Il .seemed lo me Tithing men and women will circulate through and miticoni'pptiuns about WESTFIELD — Following in the footsteps of ically htghliKbf('<l was a cban^e the Uojird of Adjust iiicnt hadn't 1 out the xervice with long poles to hckle or poke rape; malt and female per- their forebearers, members of the Firnt lo the /oiini): ' t;IIIII;II(1H in the liefii iiwiitc nf tlie fact that the ceptions, and sex roles. Congregational Church in WeMtfield will celebrate sleeping parishioners. cent rid litiHiiM'f-n district," said i h;ili(j,i' tniide was specifically dlN Coat is free for Girl Thanksgiving with a traditional 1'ilgrim service on Thi.H year's service will IIIMO incorporate elements l.iirtv (ioldnuin, ih iiiuiiin ol Ihe cussed hy the special improvH- Scouts and $7 for non-mem- Nov. 22, 10 a.m. of modern worship to demonstrate how spiritual Luws and Huli'r- ('ominillce sind locnl diHtrict and I lie council." expression has evolved since the I7l.li ceulury bers. Financial aid i« avail- The sanctuary will be modified to resemble a votuiM memher ol (lie SID honrd "If I hey had been aware of thn Visitors are invited to arrive ut !>:4Ti a.m. and able. Parents are welcome Pilgrim meeting house and parishioners will arrive of director^ "We specifically fnct thnl it W;IM unp'iitmil to I lie. to attend with their daugh- in costumes appropriate to the time, Much as dark meet the Church iwwiiK'iit lo don » Pilgrim hal utiide n i hun^e to pt'ohihil nun couiiiil a pnlicy inalliT, if that ters. clothing, white collars, bonnets or hatn. and bib. Children from firM grade up are invited to reliul or l i'Nt;niriiiit or hunk use hud heen jiouiled mil to llieni, I For registration, call The wervice will include a ThankHgiviiiK prorlii- attend the service and child core will be provided mi the fust (loot of hiiildim'N in am lni|K'lul that tiiry would Imve (9081 2:i2'.i2Mi, Ext. 21H. ination, prayers, and the Kinging of Psalm 100 and for those younger In the xpml ol ThnnkHgivm^, ;i the centra I hiisine.nH dinti id voted ii^aiiiHt this applicalioil," others without choir or musical accompaniment in special offering of money or non perishable food '"I'lie leuMMi Wfis n H«'ll-e thai liiildiiuui added "I am hopeful will be taken. YuiYtidc Festival the Puritan manner. (here WltH aireiiily rxci'ss ollice l( 'CJIII iniM'il on pa^e A 21 at All Saints SCOTCH PLAINS All Saints K|>IHI opnl Church, Angry fans dispute report r>59 Park Ave., has sched- uled ils Yuletide Festival 9 a.m. 5 p.m. tomorrow (It 2D. of boozy football fracas Local vendor* will sell antique*, holiday crafts, •y JON UD0VMAN detected from the gmne mte and everything would go decorations ami unique excessive noine continued until lloerr ulrto n.iked if unv hoard KiftH. Must of the vendors around 11 p.m." member other than I'olev allend have hern fit (he festival for WEHTFIELI) Published She said the game ended eil the gome mid wits (old no n number of year*, accord cnnipiaints about alcohol and Iwtween fKHMMO pm mid the "There waw a Htaiemen! muile ing to eveni Chairman noise during and after the crowd "promptly" lei! without Iiv II hoard meiiihei thai il a M! II Joseph Hrit I Wentfield Ilitfi) School home foot- any mi»luip She added thai lln dent I'* 'hopped olf al t IM- jitndl Fur mure informal inn, ball Kiiiiif1 Oct.
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