SDMS Document 112606 APPENDIX 5 ADMINISTRATIVE RECORD INDEX G) O o (-I 03 04/29/91 Index Chronoiagica! Order Page: 1 m MftSSEI^ft OPEKftBLE UNIT »2 Docuiiients Docufflsnt fiusber: BHM-004-1441 To 14ti Parent: 6«M-3S!4-1875 Date: / / Title: {BiodeqradatiDn inforniation) General Safety Plan for Deto!! Industries Inc Type: PLAN Author: none; Detox Industries Recipient; none: OS EPA Dnruiiient Nuiber: e!1M-S94-1439 To 1440 Parent: Gi1H-a04-1122 Date; / / Title: (Letter providinq reouested list and cost of manuals available from Health Education Services') Type: CORRESPONDENCE Sutnor; Sausville, Paul i; NY Dent of Environiiiental Conservation Recipient; none: none usiber: GM-1-SZ4-S331 To E624 Parent: SMf1-eB3-17ii uiiie II Part 2 Surface Water Investigation Preiiisinary Report for RI/FS at GMC-CFD Type; PLAN fiuthur; none; none Recioient; none: none Document Nuaber; G«M-eSi-B252 To 2264 Date: / / Title: The Treataient of Organic Bearing Wastejjater in the Cheniical Industry Using Liquified Gas Extraction Type; PLAN Author: McEovern, William E: CF Systesis CorpDration Recipient; none; none Docuiiient Nunber; Gilll-086-2133 To 2169 Date; / / Title; Interim fiethods for the Saipling and Analysis of Priority Pollutants in Sediments and Fish Tissue Type: PLAN Author: none: Environfflental Honitoring i. Support Laboratory - Cincinnati Recipient: none: US EPA CD 2 O O o en OD Inde,^; Chronological Order Page: 2 GM tIASSENA OPERABLE UNIT 12 Documents Docufflent Nuaber: R«?l-006-2099 To 2104 Date; Title: RecoiFuTiendation on Removal Action Level for PCBs in Soil based on Health Effect Type: PLAN Condition: flARGINALIA Author; none: none Recipient: none: none Docusent Number; GilM-004-1467 To 1469 Date: / / Title: Initial Reiiedial Action i^ork Plan (site maps attached) /pe: PLAN Author; none: none Recioisnt; none; none Dncujient Number: 6f1K-gS4-0677 To 0679 Date; Title: Soecificstions for St. Lawrence River Flow Study - GM Site Type: PLAN Author; none; none Recipient: none: none DocuiBsnt Nuaber: Bi1i1-006-1712 To 1661 Parent: GI1!1-ea6-171i Date; / / Title; Dust and Vaoor Suppression Technologies for Excavating Contaiiiinated Soil Type; PLHW Author; Todd, Quintin R: Roy F seston Inc Recioient; Stinson. Narv K; US EPA Docuiient Number: 6!1l1-002-0909 To 8923 Date: / / Title: (nonitorinq well data and map) Type; DATA Author; none: none ReciDient: none; none 3 3 O O CO 05 Index Chronological Order Page; BM MASSENA OPERABLE UNIT S2 Doruments jocusient Number: GMH-035-0172 To 0194 Parent: Gi1M-e05-0169 Date: / / Fitle: Proposal - Environmental Control of PCB Dechlorination in St. Lawrence River Sediments Type: PLAN Author: Tiedie, James M; MI State University Recipient: none: General Motors Document Nuiber: GMn-3B5-0195 To 0209 Parent: Gilll-005-0169 Date; / / Title; Reductive Dechlorination of Polychlorinated Biphenyls bv Anaerobic Microorganisms from Sediments Type: PLAN Author: Tiedje, James M: MI State University Recipient; none; none nn-cBQ-siiio iu flii Date; Title: A Pfopcsal for the Usage of Wildlife as Monitors of the Environmental Contamination of the Food-chain of the Akwesasne Mohawk Nation f:Utno': none: none Recioient; none: none Document Number; SMn-006-2170 To 2172 Date: / / Title; Groundwater Collection and Treatment (with attached technology evaluation and diagram of qranul carbon absorption systes! process) Type; PLAN Author; none: US EPA Recipient: none; none Document Number: GMI1-006-2173 To 2174 Date: / / Title; Chemical Deto;-;ification (includes technology evaluation) Type: PLAN ^ Author: none; UB EPA 3 Recipient; none: none _i o o oa en 04/29/91 Index Chronological Order Page: 4 GM MASSENA OPERABLE UNIT t2 Documents Document Number; SMM-ES6-2175 To 2176 Date; / / Title; Solidification (includes technology evaluation) Author; none; US EPA Recipient; none: none Document Number; 6MM-0a6-2177 To 2179 Date: / / Title; Sasification (includes technoloqv evaluation and diaoram of process flow) US EP Document Nusber; GMH-a26-2180 To 2181 Date: / / Title: Cn-Site Incineration (includes technoloqv evaluation) Authcr; non ".eLiuientit. ; noner-.nna;. none Document Number: 61111-386-2182 To 218 uace: Title: Dioloqical Detoxification (includes tecnnc sydiUd Liun Recipient: none: none Document Number: GMM-006-2184 To 2185 Date: / / Title: Containment (includes technology evaluation) Type: PLAN Author: none; US EPA Recipient: none; none c-:> 04/29/91 Index Chronological Order ^aop; 5 6M HftSSENA OPERABLE UNIT 12 Docufflents Document Number: 6MM-S06-2186 To 2107 Date; / / Title: Excavation (includes technology evaluation) Type: PLAN Author: none; US EPA Recioient: none: none Document Number; GMH-ea4-e632 To 863 Date; / "itle; (Letter auprovinq B2/23/92 request to take no more than 30 small soil samples from areas adjacent to the lagoons and north and east disposal areas of ihe site to be used only for bench scale studies of various PCB treatment processes) Tyre: CORRES-ONDENCE Author: Hauptman, Melvin: US EPA Recipient: Preino, Douqlas C: General Hotors Docum-nt Number 1M-037-000i To 0083 itle; (Handwritten notes regarding dimensions end volumes recorded at the GM Massena site) Autnor; Caspe, Richard L; US EPA Recioient: none; none jcument NumPer: W •era! Motors Central Foundry Division Site, Massena NY iype: ^LA» Author: none: US EPA Recipient: none: none Document Number: GMM-336-i709 To 1709 Date: 35/29/47 Title: (Tribal resolution regarding water rights on the river, and stating that the Federal Government must pay all damages resulting from proposed seaway project) Type; LEGAL DOCUMENT <7) Author; Ransom, Peter; St Regis Mohawk Tribe Recipient: none; none O O 01 index Chronological Order Page; 6 GM MASSENA OPERABLE UNIT 12 Documents Document Number; GMM-0B6-0589 To 0590 Parent; SMM-806-0584 Date: 04/29/71 Title: (Memo reporting on the B4/27/71 oil slick in the St. Lawrence River at Massena NY) Type: CCRRESPQNDENCE CDndition; ILLEGIBLE Author: Shaver, Bruce R: US Coast Guard Recioient: none; none Document Number; GMM-B05-0563 To 8566 Parent; GMM-005-055B Date; 07/16/7 (Memo repardinq 27/15/71 site insoecti reoortinq on the oil slick in the bav attributed to wastewater discharqe from the site) . V D e: L U n r- c b r L- N I't I'i L E Condition; MISSING ATTACHMENT Autho^; Paller, Kans: NY Sept of Health Recioient; Bruce; none Document Number: GMM-BB4-1273 To 1274 Parent; GHM-004-1271 Date: 07/16/71 itls: (Memo reqa i/71 site insoection, reportino on the oil slick in tne bay attributed iter discharoe from the site) Cnndition; MISSING ATTACHMENT Author; Paller, Hans; NY Dept of Health Recipient; Bruce: none Document Number: 6MK-a01-0088 To 8089 Date; 07/16/71 Title: (Mesio regarding B7/15/71 site inspection, reporting on the oil slick in the bay attributed to wastewater discharge from the site) Type; CORRESPONDENCE Condition: MISSING ATTACHMENT Author; Paller, Hans: NY Dept of Health Recipient; Bruce: none 2 oO o 0" ro 04/29/91 Index Chronological Order Paqe; 7 GM MASSENA OPERABLE UNIT 12 Documents Document Number; SMM-085-3593 To 0651 Parent: GMM-005-e592 Date; 87/16/71 Title: (Memo regarding alleged April oil spill into the waste stream) Type: CORRESPONDENCE Author; Paller, Hans; NY Dept of Health Recipient: Bruce: none Document Number; BMM-086-0587 To 8588 Parent; eMM-806-05S4 Date; 09/31/7: 'Letter regarding GM's ettori's to rpdiirp tfp ilvent extractable levels in the wastewater discharqe from the site pe: CUHREoPUNDtNCb Author: Calhoun, G E: General Motors Recipient: Paller, Hans: NY Dept of Health Document 6i!ii7iKprNumPer;' Rs:N-fflaS-f«^47 In Bl Parent; BMM-B05-B346 DAJ-P; ?,^. itie; (Letter reoardino the need fo'- a SPDES Permit for the surface runoff from the Industrial Landtill) ype; CORRESPONDENCE nor; Hale, David W; O'Brien S Sere Document NumSer: GMM-2Bi-0B93 To 3399 Date: 81/01/82 Site Inspection Reoort: 6M Central Foundry. Massena NY Author; Sweredoski, Darrell M; NY Dept of Environmental Conserv iecioient: none: US EPA Document Number: GKM-B82-0978 To 0980 Date: 33/88/82 Title: Results of Examination (of residential water sample taken from Antoine Cole kitchen tap) Type; DATA Author: Callaghan: NY Dept of Health Recipient: none: none Q 3 O O CO en iT .=: )• 1 n fm Index Chronological Order GM MASSENA OPERABLE UNIT *2 Documents Document Nuniber: GMM-305-3714 To 0716 Date; 09/02/02 Title; (Letter forwarding attached first bimonthly progress report on the interim cap construction at the site) Type; CORRESPONDENCE Author: Van Hoesen, James: NY Dept of Environmental Conservation Recipient: Visnic, Christine M: US EPA Document Number: GMM-002-8973 To 0977 Date; 10/31/82 Title; Results of Examination Type: DATA Huthor; none: NY Dept ot Health Recipient; none; NY Deot of Environmental •inpprvs! i nn rv- i.^ , ^ ns /ns^ ;n-- jDcument Number; GMM-832-8V63 To mn 15; Ke- •UltS 0^ txamination Type DATA Author none: NY Dent of Health none: NY Deot of Environmenta Document Number: GMM-8ei-1661 To 1665 Date; 13/35/82 Title: Results of Examination (water sample analyses) Type; DATA Author; none: NY Dept of Health Recipient: Estabrook, Frank: NY Dept of Environmental Conservation Document Number: GMM-032-0939 To 0946 Date: 18/14/82 Title; Results of Examination Final Report (sediment sample analyses) Type; DATA Author: none; NY Dept of Health Recioient; none; NY Deot of Environmental Conservation c o cc- Index Chronological Order GM MASSENA OPERABLE UNIT #2 Documents Document Number: GMM-002-0947 To 0962 Date: 13/14/82 Title; Results of Examination Type; DATA Author; none: NY Dept of Health •lecipient: none: NY Document Number; SMM-0B2-0934 To 093 Date: 12/17/82 u! txamination rir Tyoe: DATA Author; none; NY Dept of Health Recipient: Estabrook, Frank: NY Dept of Environmental Conservation Document Nuaber: 8MM-332-3931 To 8933 ite; ii/iz/di itle; Final Reoort - Results of lixamir •fdte" and sediment samole analvses) Hutnor: none: NY Dept oT Heaii scipient; Estabrook.
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