E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 164 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 11, 2018 No. 116 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was As a mom, I am outraged. This ad- demand that the administration re- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- ministration is failing to comply with unite all separated children with their pore (Mr. MARSHALL). a court-ordered deadline. parents—not later, now. This is a court f But what is this really about, babies, order, not a suggestion. toddlers, and young children? Ask any If the problem is that these agencies DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO pediatrician. This is harmful, and are understaffed, I will come over to TEMPORE every day creates more harm to these the agency. I will go over to Health and The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- innocent children. Human Services to help. I am sure fore the House the following commu- This administration is saying they many of my colleagues will join me. nication from the Speaker: were forced to separate families when, Mr. Speaker, when the families are in fact, it was their deliberate zero-tol- reunited, our work is not done. We WASHINGTON, DC, must fix our broken immigration sys- July 11, 2018. erance policy, their strategy that forc- I hereby appoint the Honorable ROGER W. ibly took children out of their parents’ tem. It is long past time to vote on a MARSHALL to act as Speaker pro tempore on arms, and it has always been within comprehensive, humane, and compas- this day. their power to stop this coldhearted sionate immigration reform bill. That PAUL D. RYAN, and inhumane madness. is what Oregonians want, and it is what Speaker of the House of Representatives. On Monday, I met with Latino and the majority of people in this country f immigrant community leaders in Or- want. egon to hear from them firsthand f MORNING-HOUR DEBATE about how this administration’s ac- RECOGNIZING EAGLE SCOUT The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- tions are harming families and commu- TOMMY FULFORD ant to the order of the House of Janu- nities. They spoke of unprecedented The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ary 8, 2018, the Chair will now recog- fear, of families torn apart, and of chil- Chair recognizes the gentleman from nize Members from lists submitted by dren afraid to go to school. They spoke Illinois (Mr. BOST) for 5 minutes. the majority and minority leaders for about why people come to the United morning-hour debate. Mr. BOST. Mr. Speaker, I rise today States in the first place: to make a bet- to recognize Tommy Fulford of The Chair will alternate recognition ter life for themselves and for their between the parties. All time shall be O’Fallon, Illinois, for winning the Na- children. tional Eagle Scout Service Project of equally allocated between the parties, Miriam Corona from Yamhill County and in no event shall debate continue the Year Award for the central region. said that there is no greater gift of love This project was a year in the mak- beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other than to leave everything you know for ing. Tommy took a dirt-filled storage than the majority and minority leaders your children’s future. That is why my room dating back to 1904 in the base- and the minority whip, shall be limited grandparents got on a boat in 1921 and ment of the O’Fallon, Illinois, History to 5 minutes. crossed the ocean from Italy for the Museum and created an exhibit illus- f American Dream. It is why many peo- trating the long history of coal mining ple are now fleeing terrible violence in FAMILY SEPARATION in southern Illinois. The room was de- Central America and in Mexico to signed to give visitors the feel of being The SPEAKER pro tempore. The make a better life for themselves and in an actual mine. Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from their children and, oftentimes, to save I visited the exhibit last month. Mr. Oregon (Ms. BONAMICI) for 5 minutes. their children’s lives. Speaker, coming from mining roots Ms. BONAMICI. Mr. Speaker, yester- That is what we stand for in this myself, I can tell you Tommy’s project day was the court-ordered deadline for country of the United States of Amer- hit very close to home. the Trump administration to reunite ica: a better life, a peaceful life free To put things in perspective, Eagle more than 100 children under 5 years from violence, and a better future for Scouts around the country and their old with their families. the next generation. As a parent, that volunteers completed almost 8.5 mil- The administration has failed to is what I want for my children, and as lion hours of service toward their Eagle meet this deadline, and that is shame- a Member of Congress, it is what I projects last year. This works out to ful. Dozens of babies and toddlers re- want for everyone in our community. 150 hours per project. Tommy and his main in government custody with no The Trump administration’s actions 18 volunteers dedicated 934 hours of idea of when they will see their parents contradict these fundamental values. service to complete his coal mining ex- again. We are better than this. I continue to hibit. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H6043 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:45 Jul 12, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11JY7.000 H11JYPT1 H6044 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 11, 2018 Tommy, I applaud you, and I appre- I went to three other sites before communities that enters its way into ciate your dedication and hard work. I going to Brownsville and, Mr. Speaker, our community, it is toxic water pollu- know you have a bright future ahead of I, as a Member of the Congress of the tion. you. United States of America, went to a So if somebody throwing garbage SCHOOL VIOLENCE PREVENTION PROGRAM site in my congressional district, and I over your fence would infuriate you as Mr. BOST. Mr. Speaker, in January, went to other sites. I could not see the an individual, then I would ask you to I came to this well to urge support for children, and I was asked to leave the imagine how you would feel if your bipartisan legislation I introduced with premises. I behaved in an orderly fash- neighbor was knowingly poisoning the my Illinois colleague, Mr. SCHNEIDER. ion. I had two forms of identification. kids in your backyard, your children? Our bill proposed a Federal grant pro- But not only could I not see the chil- I don’t think that I know of words. I gram to improve security at our dren, I was asked to leave the property. don’t think I know of a four-letter schools and protect our children. There is no transparency. This is the word that would describe this for me. I Since then, our legislation passed the Federal Government holding children don’t know of an emoji that I could House and the Senate and was signed and not allowing open access to these text anybody. I don’t know an emotion into law by President Trump. Because children by Members of Congress. that I could use to adequately describe of Members’ bipartisan support, I am It is not enough for things to be the feeling of having my community proud to say these grants are now right; they must also look right. When poisoned, knowingly and willingly, available to local communities. the Members of the Congress of the year after year after year. Please urge local officials in our dis- United States of America cannot see Now, the World Health Organization tricts to visit cops.usdoj.gov for more the children who have been secreted in says that any amount greater than 10 information on how to apply for up to various locations around the country parts per billion microcystin algae is $500,000 in grants through the school vi- and separated from their parents, not poison for humans and that it causes olence prevention program. However, only does this not look right, it isn’t everything from nausea to liver dis- the application deadline for this fiscal right. ease. That is a pretty broad spectrum. year is July 30, so time is of the es- At some point on this infinite con- The Florida Department of Environ- sence. tinuum that we call time, we will all mental Protection just reported that We have advanced safety technology have to account for our time. At some the level released into our waters is in banks, office buildings, and retail lo- point, when the omnipotent, the omni- more than 150 parts per billion. cations. There is no reason we present, and omniscient are one, we Let me say that one more time. shouldn’t have that same technology in will have to answer to what is hap- The World Health Organization said our schools to protect our children. pening to these children today. These that anything greater than 10 parts per f children belong to all of us in the sense billion is poison.
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