Please ask for: Fiona Harboard Telephone: 01482 613712 Fax: 01482 613110 Email: [email protected] Text phone: 01482 300349 Date: Tuesday, 03 February 2015 Dear Councillor, Energy and Infrastructure Overview and Scrutiny Commission The next meeting of the Energy and Infrastructure Overview and Scrutiny Commission will be held at 10:00 on Wednesday, 11 February 2015 in Room 77. The Agenda for the meeting is attached and reports are enclosed where relevant. Please Note: It is likely that the public, (including the Press) will be excluded from the meeting during discussions of exempt items since they involve the possible disclosure of exempt information as describe in Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972. Yours faithfully, Scrutiny Officer for the Town Clerk Town Clerk Services, Hull City Council, The Guildhall, AlfredPage Gelder 1 of Street,78 Hull, HU1 2AA www.hullcc.gov.uk DX: 11934 HULL 1 Tel: 01482 300300 Energy and Infrastructure OSC To: Membership: Councillors P Allen, A Clark, D A Craker, J Dad, J Fareham, A Gardiner, G Wareing and A Williams Portfolio Holders: Councillor M Mancey, Portfolio Holder for Energy City Officers: Trish Dalby, Director of Strategic Commissioning and Delivery Mark Jones, City Regeneration & Policy Manager Andy Burton, City Streetscene Manager Malcolm Relph, City Economy Manager Graham Hall, Assistant City Manager Fiona Harboard, Scrutiny Officer (x6) For Information: Councillor T McVie, Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee Councillor J Korczak Fields, Deputy Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee Reference Library (Public Set) Alerts: Councillor A Bell, Leader of the Majority Opposition Jane Price, Assistant City Manager Press office Viking Radio – [email protected] Yorkshire Post – [email protected] & [email protected] Radio Humberside – [email protected] Hull Daily Mail – [email protected] & [email protected] KCFM Radio – [email protected] All Other Elected Members Page 2 of 78 Energy and Infrastructure Overview and Scrutiny Commission 10:00 on Wednesday, 11 February 2015 Room 77 A G E N D A PROCEDURAL ITEMS 1 Apologies To receive apologies for those Members who are unable to attend the meeting. 2 Declarations of Interest To remind Members of the need to record the existence and nature of any Personal and Discloseable Pecuniary interest in items on the agenda, in accordance with the Member Code of Conduct. Members Code of Conduct - Part D1 of the Constitution) 3 Minutes of the Meeting held on Friday 14th January 2015 5 - 14 To approve the minutes as a true record. NON-EXEMPT ITEMS 4 Rail Themed Discussion Item 15 - 16 To discuss with representatives of the local rail companies issues appropriate to the regional rail infrastructure. 5 Fracking and Coal Bed Methane Policy Discussion Paper 17 - 42 To enable the Commission to consider the issues around Fracking and make recommendations for the development of the Fracking Policy, as requested in Full Council. Page 3 of 78 6 Bus Lane Review and Enforcement 43 - 54 To provide an update on the review of the use of Bus Lanes throughout the city and the introduction of enforcement through the use of Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras. 7 Referral from Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee 55 - 76 To enable the Commission to consider a referral from the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee regarding appropriate Corporate Performance Measures for Highways. 8 Energy and Infrastructure Overview and Scrutiny Commission 77 - 78 Draft Work Programme 2014/15 To consider the items included in the work programme and make recommendations for the inclusion of additional items. EXEMPT ITEMS No Exempt Items THERE ARE NO EXEMPT ITEMS ON THIS AGENDA Page 4 of 78 Energy and Infrastructure Overview and Scrutiny Commission 10:00 a.m. – 12:40 a.m. Wednesday 14th January 2015, Room 77, The Guildhall, Alfred Gelder Street, Hull, HU1 2AA Present: Councillors P Allen (Chair), A. Clark, D A Craker, J. Dad (Deputy Chair), J. Fareham and A. Gardiner In attendance: P Robinson (Local Transport Plan Development Manager) Minute 34 Councillor M Mancey (Portfolio Holder – Energy City) Minute 34 D Sharp (Assistant City Manager, Streetscene) Minute 34 and 35 P Shipp (Chief Executive , East Yorkshire Motor Services) Minute 34 and 35 D Skepper (Commercial Director, Stagecoach East Midlands) Minute 34 and 35 K Ryan (Senior Public Transport Officer, Streetscene) Minute 35 R Glossop (Flood Risk Planning Manager) Minute 36 A Burton (City Streetscene Manager) Minute 37 G Hall (Assistant City Streetscene Manager) Minute 38 E Warwick (Directorate Operations Office) Minute 38 Page 5 of 78 Apologies: Councillor A. Williams Minute Number Action to be Taken by 32 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Ray Teal Councillor A. Clark declared a personal interest in minutes # in so far as he is a link Director for Street Lighting at Kingstown Works Limited. Councillor J. Fareham declared a personal interest in minutes # in so far as he is a Director of Kingstown Works Limited. Recommendations: Reasons for Recommendations: N/A N/A 33 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON WEDNESDAY 3 a. Scrutiny Officer - FH DECEMBER 2014 The Scrutiny Officer submitted the draft minutes from the meeting held on Wednesday, 3 December, 2014. Recommendations: Reasons for Recommendations: a) That, once the names of Cllrs A Clark and J Fareham have a) To give a true reflection of the meeting been included as sending their apologies, the minutes of the meeting of this Commission held on Wednesday, 3 December, 2014, having been printed and circulated, be taken as read and correctly recorded and be signed by the Chair. Page 6 of 78 P a g e 2 NON EXEMPT ITEMS c) Scrutiny Officer – FH 34 A63/CASTLE STREET WORKS DISCUSSION ITEM Paul Robinson (Local Transport Plan Development Manager), and Doug Sharp, Assistant City Manager, Streetscene, attended to support this item. Concerns were raised regarding the lack of attendance of the Highways Agency Project Officer. As a result, Peter Shipp (Chief Executive , East Yorkshire Motor Services) and Dave Skepper (Commercial Director, Stagecoach East Midlands), although not invited to attend for this item, had offered to contribute. The Commission was advised of the following key issues:: i. The A63/Castle Street Works were due to take 35 months to complete, the first phase being the relocation of graves at the Trinity Burial Ground. ii. The HA plan was to re-route traffic from the A63 onto slip roads so that traffic would flow throughout daylight hours. iii. That a recovery system would be provided by the HA during the period of, and in the locality of, the Works. iv. That Streetscene was working to reduce 99% of traffic pinch-points in advance of the Works. v. That the Secretary of State for Transport was doing all possible to ensure the bridge works would be complete by the end of 2016, and that the HA were looking at an accelerated programme for the footbridge. The Commission discussed: i. That there would inevitably be some congestion, and that local drivers would use their own diversions. ii. That a recovery service that encompassed more of the A63, and that preferably was made permanent, was needed. iii. The impact of the Works on the Interchange and bus services. iv. The likely date of commencement of the major part of the Works. v. The importance of minimising disruption in the 2017 City of Culture. Recommendations: Reasons for Recommendations: a. N/A a. That the Commission thanks Mr Peter Shipp for providing the Castle Street Works schedule of works, as supplied to him by Balfour Beatty, and for briefing the Commission on the plans. Page 7 of 78 P a g e 3 b. N/A b. That the Commission wishes to express its disappointment at the failure of the Project Manager from the Highways Agency, or a member of his team, to attend the second meeting that he has accepted an invitation to but not attended. c. That a letter be sent to the Secretary of State expressing the c. In order to highlight the lack of essential interaction between the concerns of the Commission at the non-attendance of the Commission and the Highways Agency Highways Agency, and requesting that pressure be placed on the Agency to meet with the Commission to make certain that members can contribute to the advance planning that is needed to ensure that the A63 / Castle Street Works is accommodated within the transport infrastructure and causes minimum disruption to residents of, and visitors to, the City. Minute Number Action to be Taken by 35 LOCAL BUS TRAVEL DISCUSSION ITEM b) Andy Burton/ Graham Hall/ Doug Sharp/ Kerry Ryan c) Scrutiny Officer - FH Peter Shipp (Chief Executive , East Yorkshire Motor Services), Dave Skepper (Commercial Director, Stagecoach East Midlands) Kerry Ryan (Senior Public Transport Officer, Streetscene) and Doug Sharp (Assistant City Manager, Streetscene) attended to support a discussion about the local bus services and related issues. The Commission discussed: i. Bus Lane Enforcement: That, following feed-in from the Commission, consultation with Members and bus companies was taking place; that enforcement would mean revised lines, TROs and signs; a Cabinet report was to be brought to the Commission in February; that the deadline for enforcement was June or July 2015, but that this was dependent on the feedback and changes that may need to be Page 8 of 78 P a g e 4 made; that a bid had been submitted for funding for the re-alignment of the lanes on Anlaby Road; that Anlaby Road would continue to have two lanes; and, that Hull residents question the need for bus lanes, but that they speed up bus services and increase passenger numbers.
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