
! .. 2nd ISSUE "THE CLARION ot . SKYE" 'Atlrv ~a.. · :mnd Inter"" Island Advertiser . ......................................................................................................................,_, .' . j. -~,( ~ l ~A-"*1Ci5l II ~ _: - DESPAIR not fellow-Islesrrian who in dreams sublime see 1 st for thy Island glories yet .unborn. And fain would chide the laggard wings of Time, Be cause they bring not the transcendent m0rn; Be firm in thy devotion, year by year. We seem to travel on a sunw~rd way; And what seems dubious, now. ., may yet be clear; 11 The darkest hour is on the · ver ge of day. - ISSUED every month by A.W.Nicolson & Sons , St.ationers and Commission .Agents, Struan House, Struan, ISLE OF SKYE. Phone:Struan ·ro THE PEOPLE OF SKYE. In thls second issue of "The Clarion of Skye", may I repeat what I have said· in the· first edition. ' · Having a thorough knowledge of this Island, and it's people for many years back, I feel that t:qE:; time is ruilw r:i,pe to introduce to you; a means whereby you may come .into closer relations to one another than formerly, and wnich also may be. of financial benefit to you as well as social.This wi ll. be found in· the Monthly "Clarion of Skye and Inter Island A-dvertiser". Up to the present you have not got any concrete form of advertisement, therefore it .. has occurred to me to offer my services. For the past many years, Ihad reason to call at most homes in village and country districts and :noticed that very often so.me had something ·to - · sell; others wanted to buy and in the.se a:ustere times, no one !Can · af.for~r to leti unwanted- things lie about,_ while others arl" wi 11 ~ ng· t. ~ !''J-r>c.t.;..B .s::u.~ . -- . y~ ·o . e ~ample '' ~ -.__;·.ron.e:r . lll ~lgol l might ll.ave a ooat to sell' while a · . ' . '~man in water.ni .sh _w.o uld be wil·ling to buy. A lady in carbost might ue needing a sewing machine, which one in Kyleakin was eager to sell-,. or a young marri ed. couple were seeking a house which may have bee·n vacant for years due to want · of publicity. An advert in the "Clarion" is. a medium of comme rce q.nd economic progress and ·each month its circulation will continue to s.pread out~ all ove r Scotland, . , - . The charge is J/- per advert of 15 words, and one penny for each s.\lcoeedin,g W")rd, Box No .6·d extra. A free copy sent to all advertisers . Yearly subscription of 1~copi ea p~t p~id 2/6d. The range of advertising covers from a trumpet to a Rolls Royce, · Circulation of "Clarion" at present 150 copies. I bear no responsi­ bility for transactions, all these to be agreed upon by contracting parties . · trThe Clarion" with your help has unlimited possibilities • . Support Home-enterprise, and bring your native Island to the front among the Hebrides, Thanking patrons for goodwishes extended to me for first is sue. t Thank you ~ . \ _________: __-.:~~-----_;A:..::.:· . W. _N -:-I-'-C_O_L_S~O~N.J,__ E_d_i_t_o_r...:..•----'----,------ A D V E R T I. S E M E N T. S . FOR SALE - 193r, Austin 12 ~ slightly damaged front, relOiable engine., tyres '' almost new, what offers for lot, or will sell in parts. Apply:Murdo Lamont, ~r; chant Roag, Dunregan. , F?R SALE -Austin 7 se~ter ·?,4)-I : P .Saloon, new-o~ery, ~ood ~yr~s,suitable Hlghland roads. Body wlth dlVlSlOn~ powerful. Box .No.1 Clarlon Struan. FOR SALE. 'Aus ln , - -sea er 'Tourer or sale.Apply 685 Clarlon Of'fce. FORSALE - year-6 co Tle b1tch, partl:'Y't:ra:lned. Apply 2 Ciarlon Off'lce. FaltsALE. Half qyldesdili 'BWrs...e.,. r1~:mg l years, unbroken, over 14 hands 1 ~~llent ~a.. , Apply · Clarlon cJfflce: · , GEN'rs ±'or Duxlan woo & co. L . , , aupp 2ers o a ln s o ,oo s, arm ~aQh inery ~ 'Tract or Oils, Snowcern,· e tc. Apply Alistair Nicolson, Junionr­ St ruan House, Skye. ·~ Advertisements continued overleaf;- ADVERTISEMENTS CONTINUED: AGENT for all types of PRINTING, Commercial and Private Statio. diaries, personal cards, duplicate books, Order and receipt booh printed or plain. Ask me to call with samples. No cash required delivery. Send a post Card to Alistair Nicolson~ Struan House, , _ .4 . Phone : Struan ) . · ----- Fi'OR SALE . 1 Cart Whee l, height normal, almost new 1 suit crofter, ~pply 4 "Clarion" Office. FOR SALE. 1 Herring Net·' very good condition, quantity of se-cond-hand V lining. 2 wooden man~lepieces, suit )6 x 6 R.Grates~ equal new and unpainted. Apply "Clarion" Office, Box 5. FOR SALE: 1 Mare nine : years old 14-2 Color-------------------------- Dun. Guaranteed, all harness, 1 gelding rising) years 15 hands, color bl ack, won 1st and Special Pri3E1 1950 Sh ew . E::-:cellent .and well-known breed. Apply Donald Beaton, Balmeanach House, Dunvegan~ Skye. ·· WHAT HAVE YOU TO SELL. Can we sell it for you ? What do you wish to buy that is not available in the shops. Can we trace it for you? Give the "C l a rion" a chance. A. W.NICOLSON . WANTED a nice Skye girl about 17 years for Country Boarding House, middle May. Ap:r:;ly Box No.6 ''Clarion" office. MIDDLE-AGED ·AMN, reliable, experi enced in Hot el work and dri ving, seeks situation as 'eithe r , in Skye. Recommended. Apply Box No.6· "Clarion" offic FOR SALE. Two we ll-bred Cross Shorthorns· Bulling Heifers in Bracadale, Apply Box 16 "Clarion" Office~ Strua._n_·-------:-------------=----­ FOR SALE. Ferrets of good working strain. 15/- each. Apply: Peter Macintyre, Str~thaird, Broadford, SKYE. , WANTED FOR MORRIS I RIS 1932 18 H.P. 2 wheels wit h tyres, size 18 or 19 5 holes, state price. Hec tor MacKinnon, Bal meanach, StruanQ Skye, TO LET. ) Unfurnished Rooms to let from now onwards, own do or, by main ' bus route, milk and farm produce available, Bracadale District, Apply Box No. "Clarion" Office, struan, Skye. · , · FOR LE Car an S a s minus w ee s, su1table crofter, 2 goo'Cl"S1,ngle I1' l0ugh~ Q.LJ. in gn<::>d oondi-t..ion. , Ap]:Jly Dox No, 8 1' E7ltiri on" 0:ff'ic e, ·"S t i'I'Ui3.."1.. 1 Cart complete w1 th wheels , cheap ·to clear. Apply Box No.8,·" Clar::.."'Ci''T''ff, ·1 CROFTERS PLOUGH , unused since· overhauieaa~Sm itny, price £7 or nearest Apply ·Box :No.9 11 Clarion" Office. ' · ·1 NEW PRACTISING CHANTER with 2 music books, under cost price. Apply 1 0. " Cl ari on" Office, Struan. · WAN'rED KITCHEN RANGE, or COOK and HEAT" between n ow and May. Apply Box No. 11 "Clarion" Office~ Struan,SKYE. FOR .SALE: 3 Restaurant Ta bles (New) size J8"x J8", height ·30 inches. Pri ce £3 each. Appl y Robb-'Ullinish, Lodge Hotel SKYE. FOR SALE 1 Aust1n 12 1936. Gear Box ln good order. Box 14 "Clar1on" Office. FOR SALE: 500 GALLON PETROL TANK EXCELLENT ORDER. BEST OFFER SECURES. APPLY: JAMES CAMPBELL, ROSKILL HOUSE DUNVESAN SKYE. 1 WANTED: Copy of the Book "BRAVE SONS OF SKYE~. Box 15 : Clarion" QITc ADVERT ISE your stray shee . or cattle, 1.f any in the 11 Clar1on' . SPECIAL NO. o e 1ssue or S ye Wee , l you ave rooms a e ~ with att endance, advertise in the "Cla rion". Copies will be distributed to visitors stepping into Skye . THE ROADS OF SKYE. 'The roads of this Island have now become a source of danger to · tfie travelling public,as most ·have already ~e ad inthe public Press. 1Bus Compani es and privat e hiring concerns, are ln immediate ne ed o some kind of subsidy from the Government JLf they are to be expected to ca rry on. Where there is no other form of trans port this mos t alarming col di tion, is a l so a matter of concern to every man and woman in Skye as th roads are their life-line.Repairs have gone beyond roadmen and funds, We suggest a "Road-day"on which all able-bodied man will help repair the roads pending Government.action and at least help harrassed transport . owners and so save the l lfe of our beautiful Island and it 1 s Patriotic people. "Reader, it concerns ·you".- 1The Editor. ARTICLES are solicited ftom all interested in the welfare of SKYE. HELP <J:he "CLARION" to expand. THANK YOU ; --------~--------------.
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