Vol. XXV, No. 6 [PRICE TWELVE CENTS] NOVEMBEB 2, 1922 Soccer Team Defeats Princeton, Last Year's Champions, 1 to 0 One Fraudulent Cornellian Safe in Penitentiary for This Year New East Ithaca Heating Plant to Be Most Extensive in World "Dixie"Manuscriρt Promised Cornell by Charles W Curtis '88 Published weekly during the college year and monthly in July and August at 123 West State Street, Ithaca, New York. Subscription $4.00 per year. Entered as second class matter May 2, 1900, under the act of March 3, 1879, at the postomce at Ithaca, New York. CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS NOTICE TO EMPLOYERS HEMPHILL, NOYES &S CO The Cornell Society of Engineers 37 Wall Street, New York Trustee Executor maintains a Committee of Employ- Investment Securities ment for Cornell graduates. Em- Philadelphia Albany Boston Baltimore "For the purpose of accommodat- ployers are invited to consult this Bridgeport Syracuse Scranton Committee without charge when in Pittsburgh Los Angeles ing the citizens of the state" need of Civil or Mechanical Engi- Jansen Noyes '10 neers, Draftsmen, Estimaters, Sales Chartered 1822 Engineers, Construction Forces, Charles E. Gardner etc. 19 West 44th Street, New York Stanton Griffis ΊO City Room 817—Phone Vander- Harold C. Strong bilt 2865 Clifford Hemphill C. M. CHUCKROW, Chairman Member New York Stock Exchange Farmers' Loan and Trust Cascadilla School GRADUATES GO TO CORNELL Company Ithaca College Preparatory School A High-Grade Boarding School for Boys New York Trust Company Summer School July to September, especially for Col- lege and University Entrance No. 16-22 WilliamStreet Examinations Branch: 475 Fifth Ave. Special Tutoring School at 41st Street Assets Over Private Instruction in Any Subject Throughout the Year Three Million Dollars Letters of Credit Trustees Foreign Exchange F. C. Cornell Ernest Blaker C. D. Bostwick Cable Transfers Our 1922-23 Catalog will appeal to that President Charles E. Treman schoolboy you are trying to Adminstrator Guardian Vice-Pres Franklin C. Cornell interest in Cornell A postal will bring it. Vice-Pres. and Sec, W. H. Storms Member Federal Reserve Bank and New Treasurer. Sherman Peer The Cascadilla Schools York Clearing House Ithaca, N. Y. Another Old Landmark Gone Stop Over at Martin Gibbons has removed the Ithaca iron bound porch (bucket gone long ago) from over the entrance of the is permitted by the Lehigh Valley Railroad on practically all Senate. This porch has been the tickets. Cornel] ians travelling between New York or Phila- stage of many impromptu coming- delphia and Chicago can, by reason of the Lehigh Valley's outs of tragedians who have made service, take advantage of this without loss of additional a great success on the stage of life, business time, as shown by the following schedule: to say nothing of the amusement (Daily) (Daily) they have afforded the multitude in Westward Eastward the street below. Kid Kugler will 8:10 P. M. Lv New York (PENN. STA.) Ar. 8:26 A. M. 8:40 P. M. Lv. ... Philadelphia (Reading Term'l) Ar. 7:49 A. M. have to hunt up a new opera house. (a) 4:37 A. M. Ar Ithaca (b) Lv. 11:40 P. M. You delinquents will have to hurry 4:53 P. M. Lv Ithaca Ar. 12:37 Noon up and come back if you want to 8:25 A. M. Ar Chicago (M.C.R.R.) Lv. 3:00 P. M. see the few landmarks left, or visit e .jNew York to IthacItha a Chicago to Ithaca bleepersWnίn Sleepers j us up in the Forests of Stores. Fash- j Ithaca to Chicago Ithaca to New York ion still requires the wearing of (a) Sleeper may be occupied at Ithaca until 8:00 A. M. shirts. I am making them for $4.00 (b) Sleeper ready for occupancy at 9:00 P. M. up, $22.50 up for the usual half- PENNSYLVANIA STATION—the Lehigh Valley's New York Passenger dozen. Buy a postal and write for Terminal—is in the heart of the city, convenient to everywhere. samples this day. Be sure your next ticket reads via Lehigh Valley. Your stop over arrange- ment can be made with the conductor. L. C. Bement Leliig Railroad The Toggery Shop The Route of The Black Diamond Hurry up, I'll soon be Emeritus. CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS VOL. XXV, No. 6 ITHACA, N. Y., NOVEMBER 2, 1922 PRICE 12 CENTS N AUTOMOBILE census of the of the new Chemistry Building is almost ments and the meats will be cooked as Campus, probably not wholly con- as conspicuous as the great bulk of the whole carcasses over open fires. Students Aclusive, indicates that there is one State Drill Hall. ' from the South, where they have had ex- automobile to every twenty-five students, perience in such things, are in demand in EDWIN SHEVLIN, formerly boxing in- as compared to one for every thirty-two making the preparations and in carrying structor at Cornell and now welterweight last year. Of these cars, 124 are owned by out the plans. champion of New England, spent one fraternity men, four by women, and the week in Ithaca as the guest of John J. CHEMISTRY STUDENTS held their annual rest by independents. As to makes, 117 Fallon, present boxing coach, and helped get-together in Barnes Hall on October 24. Fords, in all stages of variation and camou- to increase the interest in boxing at the Herman F. Spahn '23, of Pleasantville, flage, from the conventional sedan to the University. Coach Fallon now has about N. Y., president of the Chemistry Associa- piratic sardine-carriage; Buicks and seventy-five men under his charge. tion, presided at the meeting, which was Dodges come next in the order named. attended by more than two hundred stu- Some cars are such mongrel or hybrid THE CROSS COUNTRY CLUB is financing dents in chemistry. products of the junk heap that they are itself by the sale of tags on the Campus. beyond indentification. These figures are The proceeds of the sale are to be applied A CHEERING SECTION is an experiment presented as supplementary to those giv- in part to the purchase of trophy cups as which the Graduate Manager is trying out en by Romeyn Berry in his "Sport Stuff" prizes to the winners of the novice and for the Columbia game on November 4. of two weeks ago, and with the general freshman cross country series; in part to Section F of the east stand has been re- statement that Rym's abilities as a sending a man to look over in advance the served for male members of the Athletic statistician are only exceeded by his courses on which Cornell is scheduled to Association, from which cheering in its talents as a commentator. run; part to be held as a reserve fund sublimated form may be expected. against the possibility of sending another A GREY FOX, rare visitor from the team to England. SENIOR OFFICERS of the Student Coun- South, was recently shot at Taughannock. cil were elected October 24, on a total vote The first record of an animal of this species THE DRAMATIC CLUB began its acti- usually high. Ernest D. Leet, of James- in the neighborhood of Ithaca was of one vities of the year by presenting in the town, N. Y. editorial director of the Sun, killed at West Danby about twelve years Campus Theatre, on October 20 and 21, was elected president. Arthur B. Treman ago. three one-act plays; "Exiled" by Arthur of Ithaca was elected secretary, and Leo- THE SAGE CHAPEL Preacher for Novem- Doyle; "Out of the Night" by John Smith nard C. Hanson of Veblen, S. D. was ber 5 will be the Rev. Dr. George B. (pseudonym); and "Jilted" by Mayer chosen treasurer. Portner. Cutten, Baptist, president of Colgate THE FENCING CLUB gave a dance at the University. "ANDROCLES AND THE LION" is to be Delta Upsilon Lodge on October 26, the CHRISTOPHER ST. CLAIRE, of Mineville, presented by the Women's Dramatic Club proceeds of which are to be applied to Pa., will speak before the Current Events this term. As a preliminary, Professor providing equipment for the Club this Forum on November 5 on "The Miners Martin Sampson read the Shaw play to year, and furthering its interests in the and the Community." the prospective members of the cast. world of sport. THE STOCK JUDGING TEAM from Cornell THE C. U. C. A. is offering courses in PASSING THE HAT at the New Hamp- placed ninth among twenty colleges at its department of religious education in shire and Colgate games, to provide money the National Dairy Show at St. Paul, advance of anything done in previous for sending the Band to the Dartmouth Minnesota, recently. Richard S. Baker years. These include a course for fresh- game in New York, netted slightly over '23 made the highest score of the team, men on "The Life of Christ"; "An Out- $1,000. Any remainder of the fund, after and placed fourth in individual rating. line of Old Testament History"; "Ten its purpose has been accomplished, will THE BERRY PATCH, the "colyum" of Fundamental Questions about Religion"; be used for sending scrubs to the Penn- the Sun, is having difficulty in getting con- "Vocational Problems"; "Christ in the sylvania game, and for providing mega- tributions of the right sort, if one may Life of To-day"; and "The Social Prin- phones and insignia for the cheer-leaders. ciples of Jesus." The committee on re- judge by the appeal it is making to induce THE SON of the sculptor of the statue ligious education, of which R.
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