\ * ’• i T h e P l y m o u t h M a i l VOL. XXXV, No. 52 . PLYMOUTH, MICHifeAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1923 WHOLE No. 1474 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Oh Boy, But You Did Grab SATURDAY of Those REV. S. CONGER HATHAWAY, A. M„ PASTOR Chocolaiu Co/cred Peanut Clusters last Saturday. You THE LAST DAY OF OUR sure know a good thing when you see it. Look at this one ....THANKSGIVING.... f o r n e x t “The roar of the world is in my ears; SATURDAY and SUNDAY 1 C E N T S A L E Thank God for the roar of the world; Thank God for the mighty tide of fears, DON’T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY Against me always hurled. .... “Thank God for the bitter and ceaseless strife, Fresh Juicy Butter Caramels Buy one at Regular Price, and we give an Extra And the sting of his chastening rod; for lc. Example— Thank God for the stress and the pain of life, And oh! thank God for God.” per l b ., 37c 10c Item s.................................2 for 11c —Joyce Kilmer. Pecan, Almond and Walnut Stuffed Dates, $1.50 Items ..........................2 for $1.51 “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into at 43c per pound $1.00 Items ..........................2 for $1.01 His courts with praise: Be thankful unto Him, and bless His name; for the Lord is good.” BEYER PHARMACY P h o n e No, Block South 2 7l* Stare 211-F2 P. M. Depot Pinckney’s Pharmacy A FATAL ACCIDENT ‘WAIN OF PLYMOUTH"THANKSGIVING DAY PICTURES AT LOCAL THEATRE IASI SUNDAYHIGH SCHOOL GLEE CLUBS WILL GIVE OPERETTA TUES­ Manager H. R. Lush of the Penni­ Accessories DAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 27, man Allen theatre announces that | ROBERT HUTCHINS OF HADLEY, there will be no Wednesday night See the Display AT HIGH SCHOOL AUDITOR­ MICH., FATALLY INJURED ON show next week, but that on Thurs­ Gasoline and Oils IU M . day, Nov. 29th, Thanksgiving day, ANN ARBOR ROAD. a matinee will be given at 2:30 -of- o’clock, and two evening shows, 7:00 The Plymouth High school Glee and 8:30 o’clock. The attraction clubs will give the operetta, “Cap­ Tires and Batteries A fatal accident occurred on the billed for Thanksgiving day is tain of Plymouth,” at the High' Thomas Meighan in “Woman Proof.” Ann Arbor road, several miles west school auditorium, on Tuesday even­ Repaired of this village, late last Sunday This is one of Meighan’s best pic­ ing, November 27th, at 7:30 o’clock. tures, and is sure to please every­ afternoon, when Robert Hutchins, a The operetta is given under the per­ foreman with the road grading crew, body. There is also a splendid com­ JEWETT sonal direction of Miss Fern Hall, edy. » We’ll sell you just the tools sustained injuries from which he instructor of art and music in the you need— died about forty minutes later. The public schools. This charming oper-1 You’ll find them right it is unfortunate man had given the order etta is founded upon the story of th e, ag reed . for the caterpillar shovel to move “Courtship of Miles Standish.” The j MODELS d o c t o r forward, and was in the act of get­ songs are tuneful and the story de-1 ting on the platform when he slipped lightful, and it is sure to please1 E.C. and fell between the platform of the everybody. We give below, the pro- [ When it comes to repairing or adjusting any mechanism of a car shovel and the bank of the roadway, gram and cast of characters: a man’s ingenuity is not of very much use unless he is supplied with and he was badly crushed about the MIGHENER WILL SPEAK IN OUR SALESROOM the proper tools. We will sell you a complete outfit at a dwarfed head. Medical aid was at once sum­ CAST OF CHARACTERS price. All of our accessories are conveniently priced. moned from Plymouth, but the man Miles Standish ............. James Hickey j ; was beyond all human aid. The re- Jo h n A lden : ...................P ie rre K e n y o n 1 CALL US FOR A DEMONSTRATION j mains were brought to the Schrader Elder Brewster ..............Clifford Cline j The Plymouth Auto Supply Co. Bros. Funeral Home in this village, E ra sm u s ..............................Ira Kingsley and Wednesday, were taken by Wattawamut .........T. Harold- Stevens { O. B. BOItCIv, Prop. 834 Penniman Ave. undertaker F. D. Schrader to Clyde, P eck su o t ..............................Dee Trimble, I Mich., where funeral services were R ich ard .............................. Glenn Arnold ! j held and the remains interred in the , S te v en ............i ............. Harold Stevens,- . cemetery at White Lake. Mr. i Hillman & Rathburn G ilb ert ............................’..D e e T rim b le J Hutchins was 58 years of age, and ! REO GARAGE PLYMOUTH PHONE 2 P riscilla ............................. Alta Hamill ‘ I was a man highly esteemed by his J Corner Maplr Avenue and South Main Street employers and fellow employes. ’M ercy .................................. Mena Bolton I C h arity ................................ Gladys Hake .' Percales and Ginghams P atien ce ...................................H elen F ish HARRISON-WILCOX M ary .................................... Thelma Peck M arth a ..............................Thelma Davey ! I An attractive wedding took place, H e s te r ................................. Lila Patten New Quilt Challies ' Saturday afternoon. November 17th, Soldiers. Sailors. Indians. Squaws. ! at th e hom e o f M r. an d Mrs-. C. L. Puritan Men and Maidens ! Wilcox, when their daughter. Helen HON. EARL C. MICHENER The Bank j Louise, was united in marriage to PROGRAM Up-to-Date Groceries Kenneth Harrison, son of Mrs. Had- If you wish a thing to be well done, , ley Underwood of Highland Park, ( You must do it yourself, you must Congressman Earl C. Michener of The ceremony took place at four [ not leave it to others!” Adrian, will be the speaker at the Your Business : o’clock, in the presence of intimate “Courtship of Miles Standish’’ meeting of the Wayne County Po­ 5f/( Discount for Cash on all friends and relatives of the families.1 A C T I. mona Grange, at the Grange hall, j Rev. Crissman of the Highland Opening Chorus Plymouth, Saturday afternoon. The Foundation groceries, except Sugar ,Park Presbyterian church, read the j Solo and Trio—"The Wail of the public in general is cordially invited i impressive service, during which “O P ro p h e t" to come out and hear the congress­ j Promise Me.” was played by Doniel j Solo and Trio—“Friendships Call” m an. Patterson on the violin, with Miss, Chorus—“Hail! Captain of Plymouth” The bank is a real community business center. It WE ARE OPEN EVENINGS I Czarina Penney at the piano. Solo and Sextette—“Just What a A R E U N IO N | The bride, who entered on the arm I Little Maiden Should Do’’ is here«that business exchanges are made and con­ i of her father, was lovely in a white F in ale sidered, and it is here also that many enterprises in [net frock, embroidered in silver.! A C T II. A party of former Mayville ladies Her long tulle veil was held in place , Chinese Love Story— from Detroit and Royal Oak, came to this community, prosperous today, had their mod­ i by a wreath of orange blossoms. Solo—“Spinning Song” Plymouth on Saturday of last week, DRAKE SISTERS for a reunion with Mrs. Adella est, but sound beginnings. ;The bridal bouquet was of white bebe Duet—“Love Thy Neighbor” LIBERTY and STARKWEATHER NORTH VILLAGE ! chrysanthemums and roses. Her ' Chorus—“Indian Ghost Dance" Markham, at her home on Stark- j only attendant was Miss Mildred Fay | Duet—“Flirtation" weather avenue. Mrs. V. Parks, i, Your best business friend is this bank. The 'of Detroit, who was charmingly! Sextette—“Indian Lullaby" Mrs. J. T. Moore. Mrs. E. Robinson, eftener you visit us, the surer will be your business [gowned in orchid taffeta, and carried! F in ale Mrs. J. Ghos, Mrs Dr. Mitchell. Miss pink roses. Albert Harrison as -1 A C T III. M. C. Rood. Mrs. I. Ranney. all of foundation. sisted his brother as groomsman.! ’Liza Jane— Detroit; Mrs. J. A. Trend, Miss F. Little Marguerite and Katherine j Male Chorus—“Soldier’s Chorus'’ Trend, Mrs. Dr. Bradshaw, all of Don’t delay that visit. Come in today. j Moon, cousins of the bride, made Solo—“I’m Sorry That I Said It, Royal Oak, were the ladies present. I dainty flower girls, dressed in white \ B u t I D id ” The first feature for pleasure was and carrying baskets of rose petals.; Solo and Sextette—“There’s Nothing making use of a substantial one I In each room the color scheme of1 To Do But Chat” o'clock luncheon, after which a pro­ S T O R M S A S H pink and white was carried out most- F in ale gram was presented by the hostess, PLYMOUTH UNITED SAVINGS BANK [effectively by the artistic arrange- for entertainment, followed by an j ment of chrysanthemums in those, interesting social period. A very Main Bank, 330 Main S t I colors massed against a background | enjoyable occasion it proved to be. Branch Office, Cor. Starkweather o f fe rn s . MANY SEE CORNERSTONE LAID Refreshments were served during, Ave. and Liberty St. An investment in Storm Sash is an investment in Charles Holloway is quite ill at the informal reception, which follow­ There was a good attendance at his home on Ann Arbor street.
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