Property of the Watertown Historical Society' * Jt watertownhistoricalsociety.org A WEEKLY PAPER DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF A LIVE AND GROWING TOWN VOL. IX NO. 29. TEH PAGES WATERTOWN, CONNECTICUT FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1924 TEH PAGES Staffk Otff • Onto TAPT SCHOOL ALUMHI . MOOH POUND SEASON , BURTON CARTER . j DAY SATURDAY IN SEWING MACHINE OPENED SUNDAY CHAMPIONS DR. BUTLER Tie law EArawtf Uai Large Number of Graduate! Ex- Adam Dsgntis and Wife of Echo Loeali Defeat Middlabury B Watertown, Conn., May 13. Editor Watertown News: 1. pected to Return for Late Road Law ' Score of 1-0— Another In the present crisis the call of patriotism that comes * The article in the Law Enforcement Annul Event Violators. Oane Sunday column of last week seems a needles!), voter admits of two intelHfible answers: — i denunciation of Dr. Nicholas Murray f first, "I wiU obey the law and we all my influence to hw* A biff event in the Taft School Adam Degutis who resides on The Watertown ' Independents on prohibition. Dr. Butler ,^ w enforced and obeyed. callendar in scheduled for Satur- Echo Lake road was hailed into baseball team opened their season pronouncing alouloud what so many have, *™ •««»•••«• •«•» »«»»*•«•• been feeling, states that the present | The sacrifice is to> great Lot the country go to the day which )8 known as Alumni the local court before Judge on the Heminwny Park, diamond law is proving a mistake; and' this 1 day. This year the coming hack Tetro on Monday evening charged on last Sunday afternoon when being so, it should be repealed, But; dogs. I am going to hare my Hquor." (if the old grada is looked forward with a violation of the Volstead they defeated the nine represent- he adddds thah t untiil it is repealedld, it must All other answers come from the twisted logi* of honest peopl? to und preparations have been Law. Constables Allen and Sprano ing the town of Middlebury by be enforced. The comment of the ivn force. I or self-deception or intentional snbterfttge. made to make this the banner armed with search warrants, a 1-0 score. Despite the cold and. ment League on this is that it is Alumni day in the history of the made a visit to Degutis' home. threatening weather a large preposterous doctrine." •, I Tuft School. • Present indications Nearing the house Office Allen gatlu'Hng turned out to witness Of course, the political sense of most J MR. TAFT REPLIES • Dr. Butler will now explain to the the gaim? and they were treated Americans will revolt against this vcr-! «•„ Maine people and they will promptly point to a return of one of the noticed a, man just 'leaving the arc glad that The News has vote to repeal this policy. In Arkansas largest number of graduates to premises who appeared to be un- to a well played game as the seore diet There is nothuw pre|K,sterous ,)rinted Mr. Burnham Carter's* article the legislature put through prohibition. attend a similar outing. The der the weather to some extent. would indicate. "Pete" Max- aboult advocating the repeap t of a qques- which u m mtwn to our OWI1 article The liquor interests forced by initiative tionablc law. As to whether the 18th of last week on Dr. Butler's speech, program arranged for the day is: When accosted by the office he well was on the firing line and, f a vote for the repeal of the law and Amendment and the Volstead Act areare. M objects to our denunciation produced a quart of moonshine gave a mid-season exhibition of were defeated by a 54000 majority. In Saturday May 17th. questionable or not, there is no time to!! o( ^ Butler'Butlers stand and especially to Idaho the legislature did the same pitching only one clean hit being 1.00—Luncheon at School. which he claimed to have purchas- discuss here: on the one hand, wejour use of the word -preposterous." thing and the people voted three to one 2.30—Baseball Game—Taft vs ed for $4.00. He was taken back registered against him during the have the statistics in regard to the num- We have read the. interview with Dr. when it came to them. It is the same ber of poor-houses closed since prohi. Butler in the New York Times of Sun- tale* all through. Quoting some figures Choate. to Degutis' house and when • the entire game. The Middlebury bition, etc.; on the other, there is the pitcher also gave a splendid ex- day, May nth, reported by P. W.- already given" in this column, Colorado .5.30—Important business. Meet- accused was shown the evidence situation revealed by Police Commis- Wilson and are inclined to consent to adopted prohibition by a majority of he had nothing to say) hibition of twirling, and it was a sioner Ehright that the number ••• of withdraw the word "preposterous" and 68,000 and three yean later defeated ing of Alumni, association jnthc crimes in New York City has doubled lecture room. A careful search was made* of tough ganvc for cither to loose. substitute the word "fantastic" in its a beer amendment by 85,000. Michigan and that an entirely new class of crim- place. adopted. prohibition by a majority of 7.00—'Annual Banquet. Toast the place in ordedto find the sec The Indies were able to gather inals has been created all over the coun- only, one hit from the opposing But to begin with Mr. Carter's letter. 68,000 and three years later defeated Rev. Gerald* Cunningham. ret hiding place. An old fashioned try—the bootlegger. But each one Of course there is nothing preposterous a beer and wine amendment by 207,000. pitcher. -' can go into these facts for.himself; it about advocating the repeal of 9 ques- The Michigan experience is peculiarly Speakers: Mr. George Appel.for machine which stood in the corner is enough to say that there arc many Ynle.- John tStevcnson for Will- of the room was opened and a tionable law. Prohibition has brought significant because Detroit is probably The brand of ball displayed byy who, like the writer, "supported pro. enormous benefits and on the other as wet as any state in the country and iams. Mr. Dwight Mallon* for gallon jug containing moon- the locals watt very encouraging hibitioo originally and who have slowly hand has brought enormous demoral- it would be interesting to know what the School: Thomas Thatches shine was found. This place was to their many followers, and with come to the conduson that it is a mis- ization and corruption. FoT ourselves, Dr. Butler could teach the people of raided on two different occasions take—or at least that the Volstead Act we have never concealed the opinion Michigan that they did not know when President of the Alumni associa- a little more practise they will be as its interpretation is too stringent. by officers of the law and each able to cope with the best there that no economic benefits or even the they defeated that beer and wine amend, tion. John Blossom Director of As has been said, however, there reduction of the crimes, committed in ment' There is something so simple in Athletics at Yale, "Present Day time they were enable to find is around this locality. is no room to discuss this here. It is consequence of the use of liquor.can the proposition to turn back this move- Inter-Collegiate Athletics." Mr. any evidence of moonshine. The diamond, has been put in the intolerant attitude of the Law En- Outweigh the evils of corruption, which, ment by a little talk.. forcement League in rgard to another Taft. Degutis' wife who had sold the excellent condition and the play- as Dr. Butler said, is earing away the And what is the evidence offered us possible solution of the problem that foundations of our moral and political Sunday, May 18th. moonahin£-fc> this young men was ers arc very thunkful to the civic seems so amazing. The League-lays that the reverse process has even be- structure. Mr. Carter originally sup- gun ? Why, it is that there has been 9.H0—School service at -New also placed under arrest along union for the interest and sup- down this arbitrary and dictatorial doc- ported prohibition and has slowly come trine :"The repeal of the i8th Amend- a storm of' applause for Dr. Butler and Episcopal church. Sermon by with Degutis and both were tak- port they have given towards to the conclusion that it is a mistake. 'his letters are over a hundred to one en to the town, hall for trial. hulking the ball field what it is ment is us hopless as the repeal o f the jaw Frir ourselves we were bitterly opposed Mr." Howe. ; of; gravitation." Now by what possible for repeat Dr. Butter replies, "It to prohibition, foreseeing as many thou- has been amazing.!' Dr. Butler is casily Degutis was found guilty by today. / - clairvoyant authority can the League sands did-the demoralization that, has BISHOP BREWSTER the judge and was fined $200 make such a statement?' I-aws have amazed. Who has been ignorant thr.t Next Sunday the locals will been caused. We claim no credit for a we have a very large number of people and costs and given 30 -days .in have ns thVir opponents the Turn- been repealed quite often in history.: ,foresigh„ t that was shared with a large DEDICATES OHEIST OHUEOH : in the country strongly opposed to the jail.
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