Originator: Andrew Crates Tel: 0113 222 4409 Report of the Chief Planning Officer CITY PLANS PANEL Date: 13th August 2015 Subject: POSITION STATEMENT - Planning Application 15/01973/FU Development of 292 residential dwellings with open space and associated infrastructure on land east of Great North Road, Micklefield, Leeds APPLICANT DATE VALID TARGET DATE Barratt Homes and 13th May 2015 12th August 2015 Persimmon Homes Electoral Wards Affected: Specific Implications For: Kippax and Methley Equality and Diversity Community Cohesion Yes Ward Members consulted Narrowing the Gap (referred to in report) RECOMMENDATION: For Members to note the content of the report and presentation. 1.0 INTRODUCTION: 1.1 This full planning application is presented to Plans Panel due to the size and sensitivity of the proposals when considered in conjunction with the other components of the housing allocation, including an outline planning application for a housing development of circa 70 houses further north (13/02271/OT), given their overall significance to Micklefield. Application 13/02271/OT was previously presented to City Plans Panel on 11th June 2015 where Members agreed to defer and delegate approval to the Chief Planning Officer. 1.2 The application site is identified within the UDP Review as a Phase 3 allocated housing site under Policy H3-3A.32. 2.0 PROPOSAL: 2.1 This full planning application proposes the erection of a residential development of 292 residential dwellings with open space and associated infrastructure. 2.2 The application is accompanied by both an illustrative masterplan to show it accords with the wider development of the allocation, as well as a detailed layout and house types. Two accesses are to be taken from Great North Road for the northern and southern portions of the development. The northern portion of the development will contain an access connecting to the development to the north (subject to planning application 13/02271/OT). That development takes a principal access which has already been constructed by virtue of planning permission 12/00845/OT and reserved matters consent 12/05140/RM, for 10 dwellings and landscaping. That access will therefore also benefit the development proposed in this current application. 2.3 A number of planning obligations are required and so the development will be subject to a S106 agreement which is expected to provide for the following: • Affordable Housing – 15% (with a 60% social rent and 40% submarket split) • Public open space on site. • Travel Plan including a monitoring fee of £3,455 • Cycle facilities at Micklefield Station - £8,000 • Residential Metrocards (Bus and Rail) at a cost of £605.00 per dwelling. • Employment and training initiatives (applies to the construction of the development). 3.0 SITE AND SURROUNDINGS: 3.1 The site is a greenfield site, allocated in the UDP Review for housing, under Policy H3-3A.32. The main settlement of Micklefield is located to the west of the site and the A1(M) is located further away to the east, beyond which is open countryside within the Green Belt. The site is divided into two parcels by a green wedge in a small valley of land running east – west across Great North Road. 3.2 The site is essentially grazing land and contains a small number of mature trees and some vegetation around the boundaries of the site, mainly located adjacent to the watercourse crossing the site, Sheep Dike. The site falls in a north-easterly direction towards Sheep Dike, as well as in a south-easterly direction, hence the flow of the watercourse. Beyond the site boundary, to the north-east of Sheep Dike, is a further narrow area of grassland, before reaching the landscaped bund and tree belt adjacent to the A1(M). 4.0 RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY: 4.1 13/02271/OT - Development of circa 70 houses (to the north of the application site, but within the same housing allocation) – approval delegated to the Chief Planning Officer. 4.2 PREAPP/13/00924 – Residential development of 270 dwellings (relates to the site of this current application) 4.3 12/05140/RM - 10 houses with landscaping (to the north of the site, but within the same housing allocation) – Approved. 4.4 12/00845/OT - Outline application for residential development (to the north of the site, but within the same housing allocation) – Approved. 5.0 HISTORY OF NEGOTIATIONS: 5.1 The applicant undertook pre-application discussion with officers prior to submission of the application. Since submission of the application, Officers have also had briefing sessions with Ward Members, which have highlighted the importance of considering how the applications fit in with the whole of the allocation, ensuring an equitable approach to planning obligations and any infrastructure requirements. 5.2 Previously, the applicants carried out a consultation event in November 2013. In August 2014, consultation packs containing a covering letter, brochure, comment card and freepost reply envelope were posted to 335 homes and businesses close to the site. 6.0 PUBLIC/LOCAL RESPONSE: 6.1 11 site notices have been displayed, posted 22nd May 2015. The application has also been advertised in a local newspaper, published 28th May 2015. 6.2 One letter of representation has been received from Micklefied Parish Council, stating objection to the application on the following grounds: • The planning framework has not been subject to input of agreement from the local community or the Parish Council. • Uncertainty over the ability to expand Micklefield Primary School. • Inadequate off-street car parking provision. • Lack of detail regarding building materials and thus no certainty as to how many dwellings will be constructed in natural Magnesian Limestone. • Two areas in one portion of the net development site act as natural water run off points when there are flash floods. • Loss of a one-off opportunity to widen Accommodation Road which runs around the rear of Garden Village. • The need for an additional housing type (bungalows). • Unacceptable plot boundaries with the Sheep Dike for plots 251-269. • Doubt as to the effectiveness of the off-site highway alterations to the junction of Church Lane and the A656 (Roman) Ridge Road. • Deficiencies in certain aspects of the housing design concept and layout. • Concern that Micklefield Station may move in the future and that the public transport availability is not as favourable as the applicant suggests. • Comment is also made that the Parish Council is not convinced that the proposed accesses are acceptable and wishes these to be thoroughly assessed by highways. • It is also noted that matters around foul sewage, surface water, and air quality need careful consideration. • The positive aspects of the application are also noted – the density of development is in keeping with the village, 15% provision of Affordable Housing is acceptable, there is no direct vehicular access from Garden Village, the retention of trees and planting of hedgerows and the retention of the existing alignments of the public rights of way. 6.3 27 letters of objection have been received from local residents stating concern that: • Question whether there is sufficient sewage capacity. • Question whether Sheep Dike can handle all of the additional surface water run- off. • Concern about the level of traffic that may be generated by the development. • It is noted that there are ongoing problems with the landfill site at the southern end of the village. • Concern about the poor accesses into and out of the village and their safety record. • Concern that the primary school will be unable to cope with the additional demand. • The doctors surgery is only a satellite and can only just cope at the current time. • Private access are also required in case of emergencies and it is questioned whether the emergency services have been consulted. • It is noted that Micklefield station may move in the future. • The number of houses in Micklefield will double if all of the housing allocations are developed. 6.4 3 letters of support have been submitted, stating support for the principle of development, subject to ensuring that existing accesses are maintained for existing properties. 7.0 CONSULTATION RESPONSES: 7.1 Statutory: Highways: - It has long been noted that off-site highway works are required to improve the Church Lane / A656 junction and information has been submitted to demonstrate that an ‘in highway’ solution is feasible. Highway officers have also provided detailed comments in respect of the internal layout which, whilst acceptable in principle, requires some amendments and clarification to ensure that the layout is acceptable. Highways England: - No objection. Network Rail: - No objection. It is suggested that the development makes a contribution to enhancing cycling facilities at Micklefield Station at a cost of £8,000. It is also noted that any drainage solutions must take run off away from the railway. Natural England: - Does not wish to comment in detail on this application. Environment Agency: - No objections, subject to a condition that the development is carried out in accordance with the measures contained in the Flood Risk Assessment. 7.2 Non-statutory: TravelWise Team: - Advice is provided on improving the Travel Plan. A monitoring fee of £3,455 is required. West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA): - Due to the size of the site, it is inevitable that parts of the site will be more accessible than others. It is noted that the relatively low frequency of bus services is offset by the rail connectivity. It is unlikely that a bus service at the service level set out in the Core Strategy could be sustained. Advice is provided in relation to the Travel Plan and also amendments to the layout to maximise access to bus stops and also the rail station. Residential MetroCards (bus and rail zone 1-3) should be provided to future residents at a cost of £605.00 per dwelling.
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