E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 106 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 146 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2000 No. 11 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was lic for which it stands, one nation under God, I yield back the President's big budg- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. et government proposals which rob pore (Mrs. BIGGERT). Peter to pay Paul. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER A message from the Senate by Mr. AIRING OF SUICIDE PROGRAM PRO TEMPORE Lundregan, one of its clerks, an- RECKLESS AND IRRESPONSIBLE nounced that the Senate has passed The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- (Mr. RILEY asked and was given per- without amendment a concurrent reso- fore the House the following commu- mission to address the House for 1 lution of the House of the following nication from the Speaker: minute.) title: WASHINGTON, DC, Mr. RILEY. Madam Speaker, last H. Con. Res. 245. Concurrent resolution to February 9, 2000. week the public-access cable television correct technical errors in the enrollment of I hereby appoint the Honorable JUDY channel operated by the Community the bill H.R. 764. BIGGERT to act as Speaker pro tempore on Television of Lane County, Oregon this day. aired a program that is shocking to the J. DENNIS HASTERT, SERIOUS BUDGET CONCERNS conscience of a civilized society. The Speaker of the House of Representatives. (Mr. GIBBONS asked and was given program in question is a new do-it- permission to address the House for 1 yourself video that is a step-by-step PRAYER minute and to revise and extend his re- guide to committing suicide based on the book ``Final Exit'' by Derek The Chaplain, the Reverend James marks.) Mr. GIBBONS. Madam Speaker, I rise Humphry. David Ford, D.D., offered the following today to join with my colleagues to ex- Mr. Humphry gives a video dem- prayer: press my serious concern with the onstration on what he claims is ``dying O God, our hope for all the years, our President's budget proposal that was with dignity.'' I do not believe that sui- faith by You is bold, You help us face released earlier this week. cide is synonymous with dignity. unwanted tears, our hands with You do With the surpluses that this Congress Madam Speaker, it is a sad day in- hold. has created, the President now seeks to deed when we make readily available You promise life without an end. You renew the era of big government by ex- on public television a step-by-step pledge the gift of love. Your peace and panding the size and the scope of the guide on where to find lethal drugs, grace forever send, all gifts from heav- Federal bureaucracy, including the cre- with or without a doctor's prescription, en above. Amen. ation of $350 billion of new government to be mixed with chocolate pudding or spending. applesauce to bring about death or how to use a bag or mask to commit sui- THE JOURNAL Madam Speaker, furthermore, the President failed to provide hard-work- cide. The airing of this devaluation of The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ing Americans with meaningful tax life is nothing short of reckless and to Chair has examined the Journal of the cuts and instead included a $181 billion me irresponsible. last day's proceedings and announces tax increase. to the House her approval thereof. I am seriously concerned that the Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- President's budget proposal will actu- A TRIBUTE TO THE LATE PARMA nal stands approved. ally raid Social Security, rather than SAMAD safeguarding it for future generations. (Mr. CHABOT asked and was given Madam Speaker, we need to pass a permission to address the House for 1 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE responsible budget, not one laden with minute.) The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the irresponsible spending increases and Mr. CHABOT. Madam Speaker, Cin- gentleman from Alabama (Mr. RILEY) pointless tax increases, a responsible cinnati has said good-bye to a wonder- come forward and lead the House in the budget like the budget supported by ful lady and great teacher, Parma Pledge of Allegiance. my Republican colleagues here today Samad, who died last month after a Mr. RILEY led the Pledge of Alle- that will fund essential government long, courageous battle with cancer. giance as follows: programs, provide necessary tax relief, As a student in Cincinnati's Catholic I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the and protect Social Security while pay- schools, I had the privilege of being United States of America, and to the Repub- ing down our national debt. taught by many outstanding teachers. This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H257 . VerDate 27-JAN-2000 23:44 Feb 09, 2000 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09FE7.000 pfrm02 PsN: H09PT1 H258 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE February 9, 2000 My sixth grade teacher at St. ican family. We should encourage mar- tion only want to improve their lives Catharine's, Parma Samad, Miss Fierro riage, not penalize it. We are restoring and the lives of their families. But we at the time, was simply the best. Over family, children, and the American must remember that there are a lot of her career, she taught in both the dream. people who also want to come to Amer- Catholic and public schools. Last year President Clinton and his ica and must wait years, perhaps, to Madam Speaker, our entire commu- Democrat allies labeled marriage pen- come legally. It is not fair to them if nity has benefited from her selfless alty relief as risky, and the President we do not enforce the law. dedication to her students. And she vetoed it. This year the Democrats are Madam Speaker, I hope all of my col- will be long remembered by those encouraging him to veto it again. leagues will support this common sense whose lives she touched over her 39- In my district alone, this bill will approach to discourage illegal immi- year teaching career. help end the marriage penalty for over gration. Madam Speaker, I know that I am 150,000 Americans. The President and joined by many in Cincinnati who his Democrat friends should stop play- KEEP SOCIAL SECURITY AND knew and admired Parma Samad when ing election-year politics. MEDICARE SOLVENT I offer my sincere condolences to Par- Mr. President, it is time for you to ma's husband, Ron, to her parents, help us help American families. (Mr. SMITH of Michigan asked and Cosmo and Agnese Fierro, and to all was given permission to address the her family. Parma will be greatly House for 1 minute and to revise and VIRGINIA LEADERSHIP DOES NOT missed. extend his remarks.) GET IT Mr. SMITH of Michigan. Madam There is no question in my mind that Speaker, early this morning the Steve she is looking down on us right now (Mr. BLUMENAUER asked and was Forbes campaign called me and said from a better place, and that she is given permission to address the House that Steve Forbes' wife flew into smiling. for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.) Michigan late last night; and sometime Mr. BLUMENAUER. Madam Speaker, between 12 p.m. and 5 a.m. this morn- DISAPPOINTMENT WITH LACK OF yesterday the Virginia legislature just ing, the family made its decision that COOPERATION said no to the citizens' efforts to try he would be withdrawing from the pres- (Mr. PITTS asked and was given per- and control the problems of livability idential race. As one of the Michigan cochairmen mission to address the House for 1 in their community. It is sad that the for Steve Forbes, I was disappointed, minute and to revise and extend his re- new leadership in Virginia just does because what Steve Forbes brought to marks.) not get it. the podium, to public discussion, was Mr. PITTS. Madam Speaker, I was Smart growth is good for the econ- detailed plans on where this country disappointed to read last week a Roll omy. It helps declining and distressed goes, where we go, in terms of fixing Call story entitled ``Democrats Feel areas, and it does not force the Hob- Social Security, where we go in terms Cocky After Big Speech.'' It said basi- son's choice of dumb growth. But the of fixing Medicare, both insolvent. cally that House Democrats feel it is State of Virginia refuses to deal mean- In my 5-minute speech today under going to be ``their way or the highway ingfully with the transportation and fi- Special Orders, I will be talking about going into November.'' nance problems on a State level and at what could happen on paying down the When Mr. HASTERT became Speaker a the same time, refuses to give local debt, but probably that it is not going year ago, he gave a speech in the House governments tools to handle it them- to happen, and that what is really that reached out to our Democratic selves. going to happen is a tremendous bur- colleagues offering to meet them half- I hope that the citizens of Virginia, den on our kids and our grandkids if we way, and that he expected them to as I hope that citizens around the do not wake up, if we do not pay atten- meet us halfway.
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