ABS Bulletin A P U B L I C A T I O N O F T H E A S S O C I A T I O N F O R B A H Á ’ Í S T U D I E S – N O R T H A M E R I C A Shapour Rassekh to deliver Balyuzi Lecture at ABS Montreal conference The Executive Committee is pleased International Institute for Educa tional to announce that Shapour Rassekh will Planning and International Bureau of deliver the 30th Hasan M. Balyuzi Education and has written numerous Memorial Lecture at the 36th Annual studies for these organizations. His Conference of the Association for books include The Contents of Educa - Bahá’í Studies. The conference will be tion (1987), Perspectives on Literacy held at the Fairmont The Queen (1991), Education et culture de la paix: Elizabeth in Montreal, Quebec, over Selection bibliographique mondiale the weekend of 9–12 August 2012. Dr. (1996), and Moqaddemeh bar jame‘eh Rassekh’s lecture will be on the shenasi-ye Iran (with Jamshid Behnam, topic,“‘Abdu’l-Bahá, the Standard- 1970). A poet and an expert in Persian bearer of a New Civilization.” literature, he recently contributed a The conference theme is “The chapter to the volume Converging Vision of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá for North Zones: Persian Literary Tradition and the America/La vision d’Abdu’l-Bahá Writing of History: Studies in Honor of pour l’Amérique du Nord.” Amin Banani (2011). For the past thir- Dr. Rassekh, who holds a PhD in ty years Dr. Rassekh has been the lead Shapour Rassekh (Photo Tobin Smith) sociology, was a professor at the editor of Payam-i-Bahá’í, the most University of Tehran and served as widely distributed Bahá’í monthly Irfan Collo quium and has articles in Iran’s Secretary of State for Economic magazine. He is the author of numer- the Encyclo paedia Iranica. He lives in and Social Planning. He has been a ous articles in that periodical, as well Geneva, Switzerland. consultant to UNESCO’s as others including papers for the Conference Information For the conference theme statement Webinars are a success and as well as the latest updates on the The Association is pleased that the webinars being held are attracting and conference program, visit the ABS engaging both ABS members and the community at large. In March 2011, a website, <http://www.bahai- session was held with Dr. John S. Hatcher on “Enigmatic Questions studies.ca>. A registration form and Surrounding the Appearances of the Prophets,” in January 2012, a session was hotel information is included as part of held with Dr. Payam Akhavan on “Preventing Genocide by What Does Not this Bulletin. Happen.” The most recent webinar was held on 28 March with presenter Dr. Michael Penn speaking on “Morality and Mental Health: The Role of Moral Emotions in Mental Health and Character Development.” The presentations are In this issue . followed by time for Q & A. The Association will be continuing these bimonthly 2 Announcements webinars and is planning to post conference presentations on the ABS website. 2 Members’ news Find the latest information about future webinars at <http://www.bahai-stud- 3 Registration form ies.ca/Upcoming+ Webinars>. NUMBER 118 / MARCH 2012 BAHÁ 169 B.E. 1 Announcements and calls for papers ABS–Japan Annual office. The Tahirih Conference Justice The 20th Annual Conference of Center is a ABS–Japan will be held 6–8 October 501(c)(3) 2012 at the Tokyo Bahá’í Center on nonprofit the theme “Society where Public organiza- Acts as Central Player.” tion that Efforts to build new kinds of gov- serves ernments face many challenges, women including pressures exerted by and girls Montreal: Bassin Peel du canal de Lachine—Pôle des Rapides diverse ethnic, religious and political fleeing © Parcs Canada (P.-É. Cadorette) 2007 groups. The resulting confusion gender-based violence by offering could well lead to the rise of new both legal and social services to dictatorships. immigrant women in need. Members’ news Even in democracies, adherence to Bahá’í Service Fellows would ANNE GORDON PERRY and her hus- the principle of majority rule often serve in the capacity of Legal and band Tim Perry are currently work- leads to the exclusion of minorities Social Services Case Aide/ Admin - ing on a film, Luminous Journey: and the disadvantaged, widening the istrative Assistant. Basic qualifica- ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in America, 1912. The gap between the conditions they face tions for the Fellowship positions trailer for the film can be viewed at and those enjoyed by the majority. include undergraduate degree; <http://www. LuminousJourney. Though majority rule may sound strong writing, communication, and org>. reasonable enough, the realities it organizational skills; and an creates are often far from ideal, as informed interest in international people often opt for immediate gains women’s rights or working with and do not always exercise good immigrant communities. The ABS Bulletin (ISSN 0840-6138) is published quarterly by the Association judgment. The Bahá’í Service Fellowship for Bahá’í Studies, a nonprofit scholarly To rectify these problems, democ- position is a full-time, one-year posi- organization with 1833 international racies need to adopt Bahá’í principles. tion with the possibility of exten- open memberships and 113 institutional Above all, efforts to increase spiritual sion for a second year. Compensation memberships. The Associ ation pro- capacity are a fundamental need. for the fellowship includes a nominal motes scholarship on all aspects of the Bahá’í Faith; holds conferences and The Association for Bahá’í Studies salary plus room and partial board seminars on promising research fields; welcomes proposals for presentations provided by a local Bahá’í host fami- develops courses, lectureships, and on the history of democratization, the ly. Benefits for the position include other formal presentations relating current situation, Bahá’í teachings, medical and dental insurance, Bahá’í principles to scholarly research and other subjects for the conference. accrued paid time off for vacation fields; and publishes books, as well as Contact the Conference Task Force at and sick days, and paid time off for the refereed Journal of Bahá’í Studies. <[email protected]. ne.jp>. federal holidays. © 2012 To learn more about the Tahirih Association for Bahá’í Studies Tahirih Justice Center Justice Center and to access the 34 Copernicus Street service fellowship application materials for the service Ottawa, ON fellowship, please visit the website: Canada, K1N 7K4 The Tahirih Justice Center recently <http:// www.tahirih. org> or con- Tel. 613-233-1903 announced a new Bahá’í Service Fax 613-233-3644 tact the Center by email at E-mail: [email protected] Fellowship in its Houston, Texas, <[email protected]>. Website: www.bahai-studies.ca 2 ABS Bulletin 118 THE VISION OF ‘ABDU’L-BAHÁ FOR NORTH AMERICA Association for Bahá’í StuDies 36th Annual Conference, 9–12 August, 2012 Fairmont Queen Elizabeth Hotel, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Please register for EACH person attending the conference by fax: 1-613-233-3644, by phone: 1-613-233-1903, online at http://www.bahai-studies.ca or by mail: 34 Copernicus Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1N 7K4. Name _________________________________________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________________________ City _____________________________________________________________ Province/StatE ________________ Country _________________________________________________________ Postal/ZIP Code ______________ Telephone ____________________________ E-Mail ___________________________________________________ If this registrant is a child, please indicate age _________ Do you have any special needs? ___________________ Full Conference Fee (4 days) One-Day Fee Please circle onE fEE. ABS Member Non-Member ABS Member Non-Member By May 31 $80 $140* $30 $50** ALL CONFERENCE FEES Individual ARE IN CDN DOLLARS Adults By July 31 $90 $150* $30 $50** After July 31 $100 $160* $40 $60** *This fee includes a 1-year membership in the Asso- By May 31 $130 $200* n/a n/a ciation, including a year’s Couples By July 31 $140 $210* n/a n/a subscription to The Journal After July 31 $150 $220* n/a n/a of Bahá’í Studies and ABS Bulletin, and discounts on Seniors (65+)/ By May 31 $60 $90* $20 $25** ABS publications and Students/ By July 31 $70 $100* $20 $25** conferences. U.S. mem- berships are charged at the Unwaged After July 31 $80 $110* $25 $30** U.S. currency rate. Children (ages 5–15) **This fee does not include $60 $30 membership. must be registered by July 31 ***Parents and dependent Senior couple: 10% off total registration fee children living at the same Special Discounts Family: 20% off total registration fee*** address (3 persons minimum) Total Fees: Method of Payment Scholarship ChEquE MonEy OrDEr Contribution: VISA MastErCarD AmErican ExprEss GRAND TOTAL Credit Card Number CANCELLATION POLICY: Registration Credit Card Expiration Date fees are refundable, less 10% administrative fees if the Association is notified by July 31, and less 20% administrative fees if notified after July 31. Cardholder’s Name (please print clearly) Registrants from outside Canada, please note: fees paid by credit card are processed in Canada. Some credit card companies Cardholder’s Signature apply a service charge for transactions taking place in another Country. HHHOOOTTTEEELLL AAANNNDDD RRREEESSSEEERRRVVVAAATTTIIIOOONNNSSS The conference hotel is in downtown Montreal, and it offers two restaurants, pool, whirlpool, steam baths and exercise rooms, salon and spa, and complimentary internet access in the guest rooms. There are 14 wheelchair-accessible rooms. The hotel is also directly connected to Place Ville Marie, an underground complex with 60 stores and a large food court. Fairmont Queen Elizabeth 900 Rene-Levesque West, Montreal, Quebec H3B 4A5 SpEcial confErEncE room ratE: Single/double occupancy - $139 per night (plus tax) ADDitional room occupants: Each extra person sharing a room will be charged and additional $20 (must be same as individual reservation charge) per night.
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