Can Mark Zuckerberg be the next president of the United States? China, business opportunities for Panama Trump y Varela a security agenda Process Martinelli: Principles governing the Extradition on matters ISSN 1726-0485 edición june ´17 june edición 1726-0485 ISSN penal rbc.com.pa Colaboradores en esta edición José Javier Rivera J. Rafael Fernández Lara Consejo Giovana del C. Miranda Garzola Editorial David Rodríguez Joel Rincon Ailen Galván Casilda Quiróz Lisbeth Martéz Milena Vergara Ana Sofía Corrales Mariela de Sanjur José Javier Rivera J. Giovana del C. Miranda G. Portada y Diagramación: Virginia Medina Fotografía: Mariela De Sedas de Sanjur Rivera, Bolívar y Castañedas @rbc_abogados RBC Abogados JUNE 2017 06 Editorial VARELA – TRUMP: A Content SECURITY AGENDA 36. Politics REQUIEM OF SOCIALISM OF 21ST CENTURY 39. Panamanian Economy CONSUMER PRICE INDEX 47. World Economy THE WORLD GROWTH WILL FORTIFY UP TO BE LOCATING IN 2,7 % AND IMPROVE THE PERSPECTIVES 56. Environmental Capsule 57. Ilustrious People PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA 61. Sports Capsule 66. Cultural Capsule Invited Writer Can Mark Zuckerberg be the next president of the United States? 08 Norms Consult of interest Doctrine & COMMUNITY JUSTICE OF PEACE Jurispru- dence IN ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSES OF TRANSIT 18 TERM TO PRESENT THE APPEAL RESOURCE BE- GINS TO RUN FROM TIME 23 NEXT TO NOTIFICATION Editorial VARELA-TRUMP: A SECURITY José Javier Rivera - Attorney AGENDA [email protected] week after reestablishment of soil, but this issue was quickly removed diplomatic relations between China from agenda for political reasons. Aand Panama, with consequent ces- sation of diplomatic relations with President Trump acknowledged the Taiwan, President Varela undertook success of Canal Authority in man- a state visit and a complementary aging waterway particularly after en- tour in the United States of America. largement. And economic issues such as increasing US investment in Pana- Frankly, this meeting was surpris- ma and other issues such as educa- ing because US president has had tion weren’t included in the agenda. a tight schedule in his own country and practically hasn’t visited abroad. President Varela passed a difficult test, but no mention was made during this However, focus of the agenda was talk about China’s approach to our coun- on security issues, especially fight try and possibility that companies from against terrorism, drug trafficking and that country, which are state-owned cooperation between countries to enterprises, participate in issues of im- achieve a reduction in these crimes. portance for Panama, such as the canal expansion project, construction of mega Much was rumored about the possibility ports, reactivation of Colon Free Zone by that United States would raise at this table installing inventory in our country and 6 a request to locate some kind of facility implementation of turnkey projects in equivalent to a military base on patriotic mining, transportation, agriculture, tele- Legislación y Economía June 2017 communications and financial fields. vens, following an expensive process of reviewing changes in legislation and From a business perspective, the meet- policies Exchange of information and ing of President Varela with represen- know their client that have been ex- tatives of multinational companies ecuted by public and private sectors. dedicated to financial activities and the meeting with presidents of the IDB The inclusion of Panama in the list of and the Monetary Fund speak well of jurisdictions of cooperating OECD coun- good health of Panamanian economy. tries should also be reflected in coun- try’s economy, favorable news for the After this visit, it is worth suggesting to establishment of multinational compa- the central government and business nies that comply with the legislation of guilds the organization of commercial branches of multinational companies. tours to the United States and China, re- spectively, to pave the way for return of the trust that has been eroded by black It will dawn and see... lists of The OECD and roles of Panama. By the way, it is worth mentioning that everything points to the fact that the OECD will finally consider Panama as a cooperating jurisdiction, and there- fore remove it from the list of tax ha- 7 Fotografía: La Estrella de Panamá Invited Writer Can Mark Zuckerberg be the next president of the United States? Fuente: Rodrigo Terrasa www.elmundo.es he first days of each January, Mark Zuck- Terberg publishes a Facebook post with his What was its purpose for 2017? “My per- purpose for the New Year. In 2009, for exam- sonal challenge is to have visited and met ple, he committed to wearing ties every day people across US by end of year. I have to dress with the gravity that deserved the spent a lot of time in many states, so I will economic crisis. A year later he challenged have to travel about 30 this year to com- himself to learn Mandarin Chinese and then plete this challenge”, he wrote on January 3. to eat only meat from animals that he him- self had sacrificed. His image at that time He’s been touring for five months, and there’s was not the best, especially following the Zuckerberg in rodeo in Texas, fishing for premiere of David Fincher’s social network, shrimp like Forrest Gump in Alabama, giving which portrayed the creator of Facebook as milk to a calf in Wisconsin, going to an African a lad and scruffy hooded and unscrupulous. Mass in South Carolina, having lunch with the army in North Carolina and Dining by surprise So, in 2013, he promised to meet a person in Ohio with the Moore, a family of Democratic outside his office every day and write thank- tradition who voted for Trump in November. you notes by hand. Two years ago Zucker- “We met a very cool guy,” Mr. Moore said. berg set himself the goal of reading a book a week and last year, running 365 miles and He’s been touring for five months, and there’s developing an Artificial Intelligence sys- Zuckerberg in rodeo in Texas, fishing for tem for his home that is now called Jar- shrimp like Forrest Gump in Alabama, giving 8 vis and has the voice of Morgan Freeman. milk to a calf in Wisconsin, going to an Af- Legislación y Economía June 2017 Would you have more power? rican Mass in South Carolina, having lunch “Much more. Facebook still does with the army in North Carolina and Dining not have nuclear weapons “ by surprise in Ohio with Moore, a family of Democratic tradi- tion who voted for Trump in November. “We met a very cool guy”. Mr. Moore said. His trip to deep America, portrayed as a campaign di- ary on a Facebook page, has fueled ru- mors about a pos- sible nomination of Mark Zuckerberg to the US presidency in 2020 or 2024 that he has denied with little success. “I am focused on building our community on Facebook and working on the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative”, he said. Zuckerberg has recently taken steps to im- In 2015 he and his wife created a char- prove his oratory, including Chinese, has met ity to “build a better world” through with heads of state, given a dron to the Pope, which he donated 99% of his $ 45 bil- and last year managed to introduce a clause lion worth of Facebook shares. To man- in his contract that would allow him to have age his foundation he hired (happened?) a position In the public administration with- To which he was head of campaign of out losing control of the company. Would Barack Obama in 2008, David Plouffe. there be political space for a character like him in the US? “It’s hard to say. Zuckerberg “If Zuckerberg has a personal aspiration to is pure Silicon Valley, a technocratic elite on become president of the United States, it is the West Coast”, says Connecticut politi- still to be seen, but it is absolutely clear that cal scientist Roger Senserrich. “He’s got all wants to get into the political arena”, says the money in the world to run a campaign, Juan Verde, an Obama adviser and contribu- but convincing average American that his tor to Ted Kennedy’s campaigns, Bill Clinton, troubles concern him is something else”. Al Gore, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton. “Its strategy is clear interest in having an impact Nick Bilton wrote this year at Vanity Fair: “Un- in the public sphere. He wants to make sure like Trump, who has Twitter troll diplomacy, that, whatever party he rules, he understands Zuckerberg has become an expert on states- that people like him play an important role”. men, meeting with world leaders since he 9 Would he have more power? “Much more... was just 20 years old. He knows where to fo- Facebook still has no nuclear weapons” cus his energies from a global perspective. “ ple are thirsty for freshness. “ Sillicon Val- The owner of Facebook has never spo- ley has changed the pattern, society has ken expressly against Donald Trump, but changed. “Millennials have another vision. he has criticized from his personal ac- Before the ideal was Wall Street, money, the count those “fearful voices who ask to profession. Today is happiness, responsibil- build walls and distancing people.” Ac- ity, the environment, the passion for what cording to Eric Trump, president’s son, his you do, for what you like ». Yes, we like. father and Zuckerberg are, nevertheless, twin souls, “two enterprising types who be- Zuckerberg knows more about the per- came the epitome of the American dream.” sonal lives of millions of users around the world than any government president, man- “Comparing them is like comparing pears and ages our most intimate secrets.
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