/ , t UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Q:ongrrssional Rrcord d PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 92 CONGRESS SECOND SESSION VOLUME 11S""':'-PART 8 MARCH 22, 1972 TO MARCH 28,,1972 (PAGES 9419 TO 10746) UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON, 1972 March 23, 1972 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE 9813 I therefore, submit, from the Joint SON, Mr. PaOXMIRE. Mr. Ttl'NNEY, then subsequently by the House of Rep­ Ec~nomic Committee, a report entitled and Mr. STEVENSON) : resentatives and signed into law, could S. 3409. A blll to prOVide for the cessation "1972 Joint Economic Report," and ask of bombing In Indochina and for the with­ bring to a close the most tragic saga in unanimous consent that this report may drawal of U.S. military personnel from the American history. the war in Vietnam. be printed together with minority and Republlc of Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. The bill that I send to the desk. co­ other views. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Rela­ sponsored, along with myself, by Sena­ The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. tions. tors CRANSTON, MONDALE, HUGHES, Mc­ GAMBRELL). Without objection, it is so By Mr. ALLOTr (for himself, Mr. GOVERN, NELSON, PROXMIRE. and TuN­ ordered. STAFFORD, Mr. TOWER, and Mr. CRANSTON) : NEY, would end the war. It is not a long S. 3410. A blll to amend chapter 5, United bill. It is presented on two pages, but it PRINTING OF REVIEW OF REPORT States Code, to revise the special pay struc­ is long in its impact. It has three sec­ ON METLAKATLA HARBOR, ture relating to members of the uniformed tions. ALASKA (S. DOC. NO. 92-64) serVices, and for other purposes. Referred to The first section is an "end the war" the Committee on Armed Services. section. That is, very simply, after 30 Mr. RANDOLPH. Mr. President, I By Mr. TOWER: days from the enactment of this legisla­ present a letter from the Acting Secre­ S. 3411. A blll to facilltate Federal Ship tion no further funds would be available tary of the Army. transmitting a report Mortgage Insurance for drydocks and drilling to continue any type of military or para­ dated November 6, 1970, from the Chief vessels. Referred to the Committee on Com­ merce. military operation in Indochina. of Engineers, Department of the Army, By Mr. WILLIAMS (for himself, Mr. The second section would stop the together with accompanying papers and BENNETT, and Mr. TOWER) (by re­ bombing. an illustration, on a review of the report quest) : This second section is broken down on Metlakatla Harbor at Metlakatla, S. 3412. A bUl to foster the development into two points-part (a), which is to Alaska, requested by a resolution of the and implementation of an integrated system, stop the bombing in Cambodia. Thailand, Committee on Public Works of the U.S. to be privately owned and operated, for the Laos. and the Democratic People's Re­ Senate. adopted February 4, 1964. I ask prompt and accurate processing and settle­ ment of securities transactions effected on public of Vietnam. unanimous consent that the report be national securities exchanges and In the The part that concerns the bombing in printed as a Senate document, with an over-the-counter markets, which wlll assist South Vietnam is taken up in paragraph illustration, and referred to the Commit­ in assuring the proper functioning of the (b) of section (2). and states that the tee on Public Works. securities markets and which will be respon­ President of the United States can use The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. sive on a nondiscriminatory basis to the bombing there, but only when it involves BYRD of Virginia). Without objection, it needs of issuer companies, brokers. dealers, the immediate safety of the troops being is so ordered. banks, and other members of the securltle& Industry and the publlc investors. Referred withdrawn. to the Committee on Banking, House, and This, of course, is important because ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED Urban Affairs. we all do have a concern with the loss of By Mr. WILLIAMS (for himself and life of Americans. and we want to assure The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ Mr. CASE): the people of this country, the mothers pore (Mr. METCALF) announced that on S. 3413. A blll to provide for the expan­ and fathers of the children who are in today, March 23, 1972, he signed the fol­ sion of the Beverly National Cemetery in or Vietnam as a part of American policy. lowing enrolled bills, which had previ­ near Beverly, Burllngton County, N.J. Re­ ferred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs. that they will be given the maximum ously been signed by the Speaker of the By Mr. STEVENSON: amount of safety as they are brought House of Representatives: S.3414. A blll for the rellef of Alexandria home. However. because of the irrespon­ S. 904. An act to amend the Uniform Time Nicholson. Referred to the Committee on the sible use of bombing by the Chief Execu­ Act to allow an option in the adoption of Judiciary. tive today, I feel it is important to pro­ advanced time in certain cases; and By Mr. HRUSKA (by request): vide and it has been included in this S. 3160. An act to provide for a modifica­ S. 3415. A blll to amend section 3401 of if tion in the par value of the dollar, and for title 18, United States Code, to authorize section, that when and the President other purposes. U.S. magistrates to use the probation provi­ chooses to use bombing inSouth Vietnam sion of the Youth Corrections Act, and for he report to the Congress why. and other purposes. Referred to the Committee give the particulars concerning the use ENROLLED BILLS PRESENTED on the JUdiciary. of bombing. By Mr. THURMOND: This, I want to underscore, I find very The Secretary of the Senate reported S.3416. A bill to amend titles 10 and 37, important. He should render an account­ that on today, March 23, 1972, he pre­ United States Code, to authorize members of ing to Congress, and thereby an account­ sented to the President of the United the Armed Forces who are in a missing status ing to the American people, because the States the following enrolled bills: to accumulate leave Without limitation, and for other purposes. Referred to the Commit­ Congress itself has been held in dark­ S. 904. An act to amend the Uniform Time ness concerning what is going on with Act to allow an option in the adoption of tee on Armed Services. advanced time in certain cases; and By Mr. MOSS: respect to the bombing. S. 3160. An act to provide for a modifica­ S. 3417. A blll to amend title 5, United This is a ridiculous situation. I say tion in the par value of the dollar, and for States Code, to regulate certain activities of lidiculous because that is the only word other purposes. Federal employees, and for other purposes. for it. It is quite obvious in this par­ Referred to the Committee on Post Office and ticular case that all a person in Indo­ Civil Service. china needs to do is walk out of the door INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND of his house, and he can see and count JOINT RESOLUTIONS STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED the airplanes and count the number of The following bills and joint resolu­ BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS bombing strikes. Of course, the American tions were introduced, read the first time people cannot do that. By Mr. GRAVEL (for himself, Mr. When it is asserted that secrecy is and, by unanimous consent, the second CRANSTON. Mr. MONDALE, Mr. time, and referred as indicated: necessary because security is involved By Mr. MANSFIELD (on behalf of Mr. HUGHES. Mr. MCGOVERN, Mr. in the bombing, there is only one group McGoVERN) (for himself and Mr. NELSON. Mr. PROXMIRE, Mr. of people that this secrecy Is bound to MUNDT): TuNNEY, and Mr. STEVENSON): affect, and that is the American people, S.3408. A blll to provide for the distribu­ S. 3409. A bill to provide for the cessa­ not the Indochinese people, not the peo­ tion to Mdewakanton and Wahpakoota tion of bombing in Indochina and for the ple that are being bombed. Tribes of Sioux Indians of their portion of withdrawal of U.S. military personnel The third section of this legislation the funds appropriated to pay JUdgments in from the Republic of Vietnam, Cambodia, favor of the Mississippi Sioux Indians in In­ deais with the prisoners of war. Here and Laos. Referred to the Committee on again I want to make a very strongstate­ dian Claims Commission dockets Nos. 359 Foreign Relations. through 363, and for other purposes. Re­ ment, because I think a strong statement ferred to the Committee on Interior and In­ Mr. GRAVEL. Mr. President, I rise is in order. It is very simple-that this sular Affairs. today to introduce legislation which I administration, with forethought, has By Mr. GRAVEL (for himself. Mr. hope will carry with it the support that it developed a POW issue in this country CRANSTON, Mr. MONDALB. Mr. deserves,· and I say that because this with the intention of arousing the emo­ HtTGHES, Mr. McGoVERN, Mr. NEL- legislation, if passed by the Senate and tions .. of the. American people so as to 9814 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE March·· 23, 1972 develop their resolve to maintain mili­ the war. Now, 3 ~~ years later, we find that end it now. We think the American tary presence in Indochina. there was no secret plan to end the war. people should know clearly how the sen­ Well, that tactic has failed.
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