Session 3A:STARS Convection Comm. in Asteroseismology Vol. 157, 2008, WrocMl aw HELASWorkshop 2008 M. Breger,W.Dziembowski,&M. Thompson,eds. Modelingstochasticexcitationofacousticmodes in stars: presentstatus andperspectives R. Samadi1,K.Belkacem1,M.-J.Goupil1,H.-G.Ludwig2 ,and M.-A.Dupret1 1 Observatoire de Paris, LESIA, CNRS UMR8109, 92195 Meudon, France 2 Observatoire de Paris, GEPI,CNRSUMR 8111, 92195 Meudon, France Abstract Solar-likeoscillations have nowbeen detected formorethanten yearsand theirfrequencies measuredfor astill growingnumberofstars with variouscharacteristics (e.g. mass, chemical composition,evolutionarystage ...).Excitationofsuch oscillations is attributed to turbu- lent convection andtakes placeinthe uppermost part of the convective envelope. Since the pioneering work of Goldreich&Keely(1977),moresophisticated theoreticalmodelsof stochastic excitation were developed,which differfromeachotherbothbythe wayturbulent convection is modeled andbythe assumedsources of excitation. We briefly review herethe different underlyingapproximations andassumptionsofthosemodels. Asecond part showS thatcomputed mode excitation rates crucially depend on the waytime-correlations between eddies aredescribed but alsoonthe surfacemetalabundance of the star. IndividualObjects: Sun, α Cen A, HD 49933 Introduction Solar p-modes areknown to have finitelifetimes(afew days)and averylow amplitude(afew cm/s in velocity andafewppm in brightness).Inthe lastdecade, solar-likeoscillations have been detected in numerouSStars, in different evolutionarystages andwithdifferent metallicity (see recent review by Bedding &Kjeldsen, 2007).Theirfinite lifetimesare aconsequence of severalcomplex dampingprocessesthatare notclearly identifiedsofar.TheirexcitationiS attributed to turbulent convection andtakes placeinthe uppermost part of the convective envelope, whichisthe placeofvigorousturbulent motions. Measuringthe mode amplitudeand the mode lifetime enables to inferthe excitation rate, P (the energy whichiSSuppliedper unittimetothe mode). Deriving P put constraints on the theoreticalmodelsofmodeexcitationbyturbulent convection (Libbrecht, 1988). Goldreich&Keeley (1977, GK hereafter)haveproposedthe firsttheoreticalmodel of stochastic excitation of solaracousticmodes by the Reynolds stresses. Since thispioneering work,different improved modelshavebeen proposed (Dolginov&Muslimov,1984; Balmforth, 1992; Goldreichetal.,1994; Samadi&Goupil, 2001; Chaplinetal.,2005; Samadietal., 2003; Belkacem et al.,2006b,2008).Theseapproaches differfromeachothereither by the wayturbulent convection is described, or by the excitation process. In the present paper, we briefly review the mainassumptionsand approximations on whichthe different theoretical modelsare based. As shownbySamadietal. (2003),the energy suppliedper time unittothe modes by turbulent convection cruciallydepends on the wayeddies aretime-correlated. Arealistic R. Samadi, K. Belkacem,M.-J.Goupil, et al. 131 modelingofthe eddy time-correlationatvarious length scalesisthen an important issue, whichisdiscussedindetails below. Thestructureand the properties of the convective upper envelopealsohas an important impact on the mode driving. In particular,the surfacemetal abundance cansignificantlychangethe efficiency of the mode driving. Theoreticalmodels Most of the theoreticalmodelsofstochasticexcitationadopt GK’s approach.Thisapproach firstconsistsinsolving,withappropriateboundary conditions,the equation thatgoverns the adiabatic wave propagation(alsocalled the homogeneous wave equation). This provides the well-knownadiabatic displacement eigenvectors (ξ;(;r, t)). Then, one includes in the wave equation turbulent sources of drivingaswellasatermoflineardamping. Thecomplete equation (so-calledinhomogeneouswaveequation)isthen solved. Among the sources of driving, the contribution of Reynolds stresses, whichrepresents a mechanicalsourceofdriving,isconsidered. Goldreichetal. (1994, GMKhereafter)have proposed to include in addition the entropyfluctuations(alsoreferredtoasnon-adiabatic gaspressure fluctuations). It is generallyassumedthatthe entropyfluctuationsbehave as apassive scalar. In thatcase, Samadi&Goupil(2001, SG hereafter)haveshown thatthe contribution of the Lagrangian entropyfluctuationsvanishes.Onthe other hand, as shown by SG,the advection of the entropyfluctuationsbythe turbulent velocity field contributes efficientlytothe mode drivinginaddition to the Reynolds stresses. This advective term corresponds to the buoyancy forceassociated with the entropyfluctuations. Since it involves the entropyfluctuations, it canbeconsidered as athermal source of driving. Thesolution of the inhomogeneouswaveequation corresponds to the forced mode dis- placement, δ;r (orequivalentlythe mode velocity ;vosc = dδ;r /dt). Adetailedderivationofthe solution for radial acoustic modes canbefound in Samadi&Goupil(2001, SG herefater)or in Chaplinetal. (2005, CHEhereafter). It canbewritten as ˙ ¸ ; 2 2 ; 2 P || ξ || 2 2 || ;vosc || (ω )=|| ξ || = (C + C ), (1) 0 2 η I 16 η I 2 R S where ω0 is the mode frequency, P is the mode excitation rate (the rate at whichenergy is suppliedtothe mode), η the mode dampingrate(whichcan be derived from seismicdata), 2 2 I the mode inertia, andfinally CR and CS the contribution of the Reynolds streSS andthe 2 2 entropyfluctuations, respectively.The expressionsfor CR and CS are ZM „ «2 2 3 dξr CR =4πG dm ρ0 SR (r, ω0) (2) 0 dr Z 4 π3 H M α2 C 2 = dm s g S (r, ω ) (3) S 2 r S 0 ω0 0 ρ0 where αs =(∂Pg/∂s)ρ, Pg is the gaspressure, s the entropy, ρ0 the mean density, G and H aretwo anisotropicfactors (see theirexpression in SG), SR and SS arethe “sourceterms” associated with the Reynolds stressesand entropyfluctuationsrespectively, ξr the adiabatic mode radial eigen-displacement, andfinally gr (ξr , r)afunction thatinvolvesthe first and second derivatives of ξr (see itsexpression in SG). Thesourcefunctions, SR and SS ,involve the dynamicpropertiesofthe turbulent medium. Theexpression for SR is (see SG andSamadietal. (2005)): Z Z ∞ +∞ E 2(k) S (r, ω )= dk dω χ (ω + ω) χ (ω) (4) R 0 2 k 0 k 0 −∞ k 132 Modelingstochastic excitation of acousticmodes in stars: presentstatusand perspectives where k is the wavenumber, E(k)the time averaged kineticenergy spectrum, χk (ω)isthe frequency component of E(k, ω)(the kineticenergy spectrum as afunction of k and ω). A similarexpression is derived for SS (see SG). Note thatthe function χk (ω)can be viewed as ameasure in the Fourierdomain of the time-correlationbetween eddies.Thisfunction is generallyreferredas’eddy time-correlation’ function. ThederivationofEqs.(1)-(4) is basedonseveral assumptionsand approximations.Among them,the mainones are: • quasi-Normal approximation(QNA):the fourth-order moments involvingthe turbulent velocity aredecomposedinterms of second-order ones assumingthe QNA, i.e. assuming thatturbulent quantities aredistributed accordingtoaNormaldistribution with zero mean.However,aSShown recentlybyBelkacem et al. (2006a), thepresence of plumes causes aseveredeparturefromthisapproximation. Belkacem et al. (2006a)have proposed an improvedclosure model thattakes the asymmetrybetween plumes and granules as well as the turbulence inside the plumes into account. As shownbyBelkacem et al. (2006b), this improved closuremodel reduces the discrepancy between theoretical calculations andthe helioseismicconstraints. • isotropic, homogeneous, incompressibleturbulence:the turbulent medium is assumed to be isotropic, homogeneous, andincompreSSible at the lengthscale associated with the contributing eddies.Thisassumption is justifiedfor lowturbulent Mach number, Mt (see SG). However, when the anisotropy is small, it is possibletoapplyacorrection that takesthe departurefromisotropyinto account. Such correctionshavebeen proposed by SG andCHE in twodifferent ways.However,inbothformalisms, the exactdomain over whichthesecorrections arevalidisunknown andremainstobespecified. • radial formalism:radial modes areusuallyconsidered. However, generalizations to non- radial modes have been proposed by Dolginov &Muslimov (1984), GMKand Belkacem et al. (2008). • passive scalarassumption:aspointed outabove the entropyfluctuationsare supposed to behave as apassive scalar(seethe discussion). • length-scale separation:eddies contributing to the drivingare supposed to have achar- acteristiclength scale smallerthanthe mode wavelength. This assumption is justified forlow Mt (see SG andthe discussion). Eddy time-correlation Most of the theoreticalformulations explicitly or implicitly assume aGaussian function for χk (ω)(GK;Dolginov&Muslimov,1984; GMK; Balmforth, 1992; CHE).However,hydrody- namical3Dsimulations of the outer layers of the Sunshowthat, at the length associated with the energy bearingeddies, χk is ratherLorentzian (Samadietal.,2003).Aspointed outbyCHE,aLorentzian χk is alsoaresult predicted forthe largest, most-energetic eddies by the time-dependent mixing-length formulationofconvectionbyGough (1977).Therefore, thereare some numerical andtheoreticalevidences that χk is ratherLorentzian at the length scale of the energy bearingeddies. Theexcitationofthe low-frequency modes (ν ! 3mHz)ismainly due to the large scales. However, the higher the frequency the more importantthe contribution of the small scales. Solar 3D simulations show that, at small scales, χk is neither Lorentzian norGaussian (Georgobianietal.,2006).Then, accordingtoGeorgobianietal. (2006),itisimpossible to separate the spatial component E(k)fromthe temporalcomponent at all scaleswith the same simple analyticalfunctions. However, such resultsare
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