PROJECT: SUKHJODA BALU GHAT MINING PROJECT, JHARKHAND. FORM- I APPLICANT: SHRI RAJAN PRASAD FORM- I PROJECT: SUKHJODA BALU GHAT MINING PROJECT, JHARKHAND. FORM- I APPLICANT: SHRI RAJAN PRASAD APPENDIX I (See paragraph – 6) FORM I (I) Basic Information S.N Item Details o. 1. Name of the project/s Sukhjoda Balu Ghat Mining Project (Plot No. 998, 2875, 410). 2. S. No. in the schedule 1(a) mining of mineral 3. Proposed capacity /area /length Proposed capacity of extraction of Sand will 7, 20,000 /tonnage to be handled/command TPA. The area of the proposed mine is 11.291 Ha or area/lease area/number of wells to be 27.90 Acres. drilled 4. New/Expansion/Modernization New Mine 5. Existing Capacity/Area etc. Area: 11.291 Ha or 27.90 Acres. 6. Category of Project i.e. ‘A’ or ‘B’ Category ‘B2’ 7. Does it attract the general condition? No. If yes, please specify. 8. Does it attract the specific condition? No If yes, please specify. 9. Location BLOCK-1 (AKTALLA), Plot No. 998 PILLAR NO COORDINATE A 24°0'13.96"N 87°25'57.72"E B 24°0'11.30"N 87°26'1.79"E C 24°0'13.96"N 87°25'57.72"E D 24°0'12.68"N 87°25'49.54"E BLOCK-2 (NARANGI), Plot No. 2875 PILLAR NO COORDINATE E 23°59'37.52"N 87°26'31.24"E F 23°59'36.58"N 87°26'39.55"E G 23°59'29.90"N 87°26'40.92"E PROJECT: SUKHJODA BALU GHAT MINING PROJECT, JHARKHAND. FORM- I APPLICANT: SHRI RAJAN PRASAD H 23°59'33.62"N 87°26'31.44"E BLOCK-3 (RAKHRI) ) Plot No. 410 PILLAR NO COORDINATE I 23°59'19.01"N 87°26'59.00"E J 23°59'14.20"N 87°27'20.10"E K 23°59'6.15"N 87°27'16.51"E L 23°59'14.38"N 87°26'56.82"E Plot/Survey/Khasra No. Plot No.- 998, 2875, 410 Village Mouza: Sukhjoda Tehsil/Anchal Raneshwar District Dumka State Jharkhand 10. Nearest railway station/airport along Kurwa Railway Station approx. 24 km in NNW with distance in kms. Andal Airport (about 150 Km SE) Ranchi Airport (about 250 km in SW) 11. Nearest Town, city, District Nearest Town – Dumka (30 km away N) Headquarters along with distance in Nearest City - Ranchi (210 km away SW) kms. District Headquarter- Dumka (about 30 km N) 12. Village Panchayats, Zilla Parishad, Village Panchayat - Sukhjoda Municipal Corporation, Local body Village- Govindpur (complete postal addresses with District – Dumka telephone nos. to be given) Jharkhand. 13. Name of applicant Shri Rajan Prasad 14. Registered Address Shri Rajan Prasad S/o Shri Shakal dev Prasad At- Shastri Nagar P.o & P.s – Bank More, District- Dhanbad. Phone No.- 9204783823 15. Address for correspondence Name Shri Rajan Prasad PROJECT: SUKHJODA BALU GHAT MINING PROJECT, JHARKHAND. FORM- I APPLICANT: SHRI RAJAN PRASAD Designation (Owner/Partner/CEO) Owner Address Shri Rajan Prasad S/o Shri Shakal dev Prasad At- Shastri Nagar P.o & P.s – Bank More, District- Dhanbad. Phone No.- 9204783823 Pin Code 826001 E-mail [email protected] Telephone No. 9204783823 Fax No. -- 16. Details of Alternative Sites examined, Mining has been proposed for the allotted lease area. if any. Location of these sites should Hence no alternatives site is proposed. be shown on a toposheet 17. Interlinked Projects No 18. Whether separate application of NA interlinked project has been submitted? 19. If yes, date of submission -- 20. If no, reason -- 21. Whether the proposal involves approval/ clearance under: if yes, details of the same and their status to be given. (a)The forest (Conservation) act, No 1980? (b) The wildlife (Protection) act, No 1972? (C) The C.R.Z Notification, 1991? No 22. Whether there is any Government State government grants the lease in favor of Shri Rajan Order/Policy relevant/relating to the Prasad through LOI (Letter no-822/M dated 18-05-2015). site? 23. Forest land involved (hectares) No PROJECT: SUKHJODA BALU GHAT MINING PROJECT, JHARKHAND. FORM- I APPLICANT: SHRI RAJAN PRASAD 24. Whether there is any litigation pending against the project and /or land in which the project is propose to No be set up? (a) Name of the Court (b) Case No. (c) Orders/directions of the Court, if any and its relevance with the proposed project. (II) Activity 1. Construction, operation or decommissioning of the Project involving actions, which will cause physical changes in the locality (topography, land use, changes in water bodies, etc.) S.No. Information/Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate quantities confirmation No /rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 1.1 Permanent or temporary change in No There will be no change in the land use. Mining land use, land cover or topography will be opencast mining, along the centre of the including increase in intensity of stream bed keeping both the shores unaffected. land use (with respect to local land use plan) 1.2 Clearance of existing land, No There is no vegetation or building. Hence, no vegetation and buildings? clearance is required. 1.3 Creation of new land uses? No The mining activity will be confined to the lease area so no new land use will be created. 1.4 Pre-construction investigations e.g. No There are no such investigations causing physical bore houses, soil testing? changes of the lease area. 1.5 Construction works? No No construction work is required for the proposed activity except for temporary rest shelter for workers & ramps for movement of trucks near the mine area. 1.6 Demolition works? No No demolition is involved during the project PROJECT: SUKHJODA BALU GHAT MINING PROJECT, JHARKHAND. FORM- I APPLICANT: SHRI RAJAN PRASAD 1.7 Temporary sites used for No Local people will be hired, who will be working construction works or housing of only during the day and hence no temporary sites construction workers? for housing will be required. 1.8 Above ground buildings, structures No The work involves excavation of sand from river or earthworks including linear bed. structures, cut and fill or excavations 1.9 Underground works including No There will not be any underground mining or mining or tunneling? tunneling. 1.10 Reclamation works? Yes Replenishment is done on the basis of conceptual plan & period. Hence reclamation work is proposed as per mine plan. Quantities Area Area of sand to broken replenis be (Acre) h (Acre) replenishe d (cum) As on - - - date End of 27.90 27.90 400000 plan period End of 27.90 27.90 400000 conceptu al period Source: Mine Plan 1.11 Dredging? No The work involves excavation of sand from dry river bed and as such no dredging will be done. 1.12 Offshore structures? No Not required for this project. 1.13 Production and manufacturing No Only excavation of sand from river bed. No other processes? production or manufacturing process is involved which would change the land use or topography of the area. 1.14 Facilities for storage of goods or No Sand will be loaded into trucks and sent to the materials? market hence no storage facility will be required 1.15 Facilities for treatment or disposal of No No waste/effluent will be generated at the mine solid waste or liquid effluents? site. As all the quantities of sand to be exploited shall be saleable PROJECT: SUKHJODA BALU GHAT MINING PROJECT, JHARKHAND. FORM- I APPLICANT: SHRI RAJAN PRASAD 1.16 Facilities for long term housing of No Around 161 Workers will be hired / employed operational workers? locally from the nearby villages, for the mining activity. Thus no housing facility will be developed near mine site. 1.17 New road, rail or sea traffic during Yes There will be an increase in traffic because of construction or operation few trucks for transportation of minerals. 1.18 New road, rail, air waterborne or No There is already an approach road connecting the other transport infrastructure mine lease area to a metalled road joining to the including new or altered routes and highway. No new road, rail or other transport stations, ports, airports etc? infrastructure is envisaged. 1.19 Closure or diversion of existing No There would be no closure or diversion of transport routes or infrastructure existing routes, which would change the traffic leading to changes in traffic movements. movements? 1.20 New or diverted transmission lines or No As there will be no electricity or large scale water pipelines? requirement for the project, therefore no transmission lines or pipelines are involved 1.21 Impoundment, damming, culver ting, No No impoundment, damming, culverting, realignment or other changes to the realignment or other changes to the hydrology of hydrology of watercourses or watercourses or aquifers is envisaged. aquifers? 1.22 Stream crossings? No No stream crossings are involved. 1.23 Abstraction or transfers of water Yes About 4.8 KLD will be required for dust from ground or surface waters? suppression purpose and about 7.2 KLD for domestic use therefore total water requirement is about 12 KLD. This water will be supplied from bore wells of the nearby area. 1.24 Changes in water bodies or the land Yes The RBM mining activity definitely changes the surface affecting drainage or run-off? flow pattern; drainage etc. but these changes will only channelize the stream and hence, these changes will be positive. PROJECT: SUKHJODA BALU GHAT MINING PROJECT, JHARKHAND. FORM- I APPLICANT: SHRI RAJAN PRASAD 1.25 Transport of personnel or materials Yes In the operation phase Sand will be excavated for construction, operation or manually.
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