University of Texas at El Paso DigitalCommons@UTEP The rP ospector Special Collections Department 2-21-2013 The rP ospector, February 21, 2013 UTEP Student Publications Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.utep.edu/prospector Part of the Journalism Studies Commons, and the Mass Communication Commons Comments: This file is rather large, with many images, so it may take a few minutes to download. Please be patient. Recommended Citation UTEP Student Publications, "The rP ospector, February 21, 2013" (2013). The Prospector. Paper 126. http://digitalcommons.utep.edu/prospector/126 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections Department at DigitalCommons@UTEP. It has been accepted for inclusion in The rP ospector by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UTEP. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The University of Texas at El Paso · February 21, 2013 theassayer of student opinion prospectorwww.utepprospector.com 25-year STRIDE Dr. Natalicio behind UTEP’s vision “...you can’t By Andrés rodríguez Natalicio, 73, was born and raised in St. Louis, Mo., where she received The Prospector just dream a degree in Spanish and graduated Twenty-five years ago, UTEP summa cum laude at St. Louis Uni- President Diana Natalicio wasn’t versity. She then went on to receive about it, you’ve sure that she wanted to take on the her master’s in Portuguese and a doc- presidency of a struggling universi- torate in linguistics from the Univer- got to do it...” ty, but she took on the job hoping to sity of Texas at Austin. change the mainly ceremonial role Under her leadership as the first – Diana Natalicio, of the president. Now, with an in- female president of UTEP, the uni- stitution of nearly 100 years headed versity’s enrollment has grown from UTEP President towards tier one-status under her 14,971 to more than 22,700 students, care, she said those changes have who, she said, reflect the demograph- certainly been made. ics of the region. The university’s re- Part of the university’s plan towards “I think what was going through search expenditures have also grown a tier-one status includes increasing my head at the time was, ‘Wow I can’t from about $5 million in 1988 to annual research expenditure to $100 believe I’m really going to do this’,” nearly $80 million in 2012. million and granting 100 doctoral de- she said, “I wasn’t sure that it was the “That’s what our research and doc- grees per year. Last year 75 doctoral kind of job...that I would enjoy be- toral program activity has done, it’s degrees were granted and research cause I like meaty things, things that changed the climate entirely on the expenditure was at $79 million. have to do with research and I saw it campus. Undergraduate students “On both fronts we’ve made huge as a bit ceremonial.” have much higher aspirations now to strides,” she said. “We’re getting closer Feb. 11 marked the 25th anniver- go on to graduate schools, to do a lot and closer...we’re $20 million away and sary of Natalicio’s inauguration as of other things, because we’re a dif- we’re growing at $3, $4, $5 million a UTEP president in 1988. Before that, ferent kind of UTEP,” she said. “We’re year so it could be four or five years.” she served as vice president for aca- not just a continuation of K-12, or Natalicio assures that the prepara- demic affairs, dean of liberal arts and sort of a regional comprehensive uni- tions towards tier one won’t sacrifice chair of the languages department. versity, we’re a research university accessibility for quality and prestige. She first came to the university as a that offers a broad range of highly en- linguistics professor in 1971. riched experiences.” see sTrIdE on page 3 PhoTograPhy courTesy universiTy communicaTions / illusTraTion by diego burciaga / The Prospector 2•22•13 REGISTER TODAY LIVE.UTEP.EDU Better Opportunities for Successful Students Like us on Facebook Contact Student Engagement and Leadership Center (747.5670) if you need accommodations for the event listed above. and get the latest updates! PAgE 2 February 21, 2013 editor-in-chief perspectivesAlejandro Alba, 747-7477 Column Parking, prices and alternatives we asked, By KrIsToPhEr RivErA on attendance. It would be very disap- you answered pointing for a student to be dropped The Prospector or their final grade dropped a full It’s obvious stu- letter based on circumstances that dents refuse to pur- are out of their control. Traffic has chase parking per- always been an issue in El Paso. Just mits by looking at now, the city has worked to minimize the numerous vehi- traffic by creating the new Spaghetti King Features Weekly Service Weekly King Features January 21, 2013 January cles that park about bowl on the East Side. Yet, there’s still a mile radius from a slight build up of traffic for students PoLL rEsULTs perimeter parking lots on campus. I coming from the East Side. Everyone haven’t purchased a parking permit in is heading to the West Side of town do you agree with about three years. in the morning and vice versa in the I’ve enjoyed the walk through the evening. stricter gun laws? 60% NO 40% yEs neighborhood around campus, but Also, for international students when I am running late to class it’s coming from Ciudad Juárez, the wait the opposite. I park around West Yan- time at the bridges can take up to dell Drive and Los Angeles Drive. It’s three hours. about a mile walk from my vehicle to Because of all these situations there my classroom. King Features Weekly Service Weekly King Features January 21, 2013 January Besides having to deal with the should immediately be some initia- costs of permits, faculty and staff have tive or priority to give students some to pay a bigger amount for parking, cushion from all these issues. I’d ranging from $157 for remote park- definitely be excited to see a shuttle ing to $437 for the parking garage at service for students who park off lots 1-3. Parking for students range campus, not just close to the remote from $100 for remote parking to $305 parking lot, but the area around the for the parking garage at lots 1 and 2. southeast and east portion of campus Sometimes parking spots at some of for students who park in the public the lots can fill up and you have no parking spaces around the residential choice but to find an alternative spot area. outside of campus. This can happen Also, for students, especially fe- often and it is aggravating seeing the male students, a walk off campus permit become useless. late at night can be dangerous. Look I understand some of these fees at the case of the student who was are expensive so the school can pay sexually assaulted near Taco Bell. She off the debt collected from the state was walking to her vehicle parked off bonds used for projects like the park- campus. ing garages. Security should expand to areas From a health aspect, there’s defi- off campus. Even if it’s not manda- nitely a benefit to averaging a total of tory being that it’s off school grounds. eight miles of walking a week. Also, Though, it should still be something in big cities with metro systems, like taken into consideration rather than subways, it’s normal to walk a good ignored. It’s students who attend distance to get to work or home. It’s a school at UTEP and invest their time natural thing. and money in the school. There’s Another thing to consider, along money being spent in other areas of Note to with parking issues, is the amount of campus that we can live without. I’d time it takes to commute to school. editors: rather have a comfortable experi- effective with the An accident on the freeway can cause ence in school taking advantage of Feb. 4 package, a big delay in the usual amount of everyday services offered rather than “Mama’s Boyz” is time it takes for a student to get to a campus transformation, although I discontinuing. school. This along with the time it am looking forward to it now that it’s For more, see the takes to park and walk to class can readmefirst file being worked on. If having improved lead to a late arrival in class for both on our download students and teachers. I’ve had pro- parking and services will help me get page. fessors arrive late to class because to class on time or sooner than ever, they couldn’t find any parking space then I’m all for it. It’s going to show for the lot they paid for. on my final grade. I won’t be credit- Then I begin to think if there should ing any of my success to campus be more leniency when it comes to transformation. professors who keep a really close eye Kristopher rivera may be reached at [email protected]. ACCUracy Watch archivesEArCh The Prospector is committed to Visit www.utepprospector.com accuracy. If you think we have to search the archives for your made an error of fact, e-mail us at favorite articles and multimedia [email protected]. projects since 2007. —13— the sPeak your mind vol. 98, no. 29 prospectorstaff submit a letter to the editor! Editor-in-Chief: Alejandro Alba Cartoonist: Blake A.
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