DOCUMENT RESUME ED C55 6" RC 003 557 TITLE Indian Education. Part 2, HearingsBefore the Special Subcommittee on Indian Education ofthe Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, UnitedStates Senate, Ninetieth Congress, First and SecondSessions on the Study of the Education of IndianChildren. INSTITUTION Congress of the U.S., Washington,D.C. Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare. PUB DATE 69 NoTE 297p. EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$9.87 DESCRIPTORS Achievement; *American Indians;Attitudes; Curriculum; *Education; *Federal Government; *Information Seeking; *Investigations;Racial Factors; Schools; Teachers IDENTIFIERS Cherokees ABSTRACT Hearings of the U.S. Senate'sSpecial Subcommittee on Indian Education--held at Twin Oaks,Okla., on Feb, 19, 1968--are recorded in this document, whichis Part 2 of the hearings proceedings (Part 1 is RC 003556; Part 3 is RC 003 558). Part2 contains Indian testimony (mainlyCherokee) about changes and improvements that must be made ifIndian children are to receive equal and effective education.Also included are articles, publications, and communicationsrelating to Oklahoma's Indians, as veil as learning materials (inCherokee and English) related to health education. (EL) INDIANEDUCATION cx) k- ,4) HEARINGS BEFORE THE ON tA) SPECIAL SUBCOMMITTEE INDIAN EDUCATION OF THE COMMITTEE ON LIBOR 8NDPUBLIC WEIPLU UNITED STATESSENATE NINETIETH CONGRF SS FIRST AND SECONDSESSIONS ON THE STUDY OF THEEDUCATION OF INDIAN CHILDREN PART 2 FEBRUARY 19, 1968 TV01,1"71"1":""til*. TWIN OAKS; OKLA. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO- DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIG- INATING IT. POINTS OF VIEW OR OPIN- IONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDU- CATION POSITION OR POLICY. Printed for the use of the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTINO OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1969 COMMITTEE ON LABOR AND PUBLIC WELFARE LISTER HILL, Alabama, Chairman WAYNE MORSE, Oregon JACOB K. JAVITS, New York RALPH YARBOROUGH, Texas WINSTON L. PROUTY, Vermont JOSEPH S. CLARK, Pennsylvania PETER H. DOMINICK, Colorado JENNINGS RANDOLPH, West Virginia GEORGE MURPHY, California HARRISON A. WILLIAMS, JR., New JerseyPAUL T. FANNIN, Arizona CLAIBORNE PELL, Rhode Island ROBERT P. GRIFFIN, Michigan EDWARD M. KENNEDY, Massachusetts GAYLORD NELSON, Wisconsin ROBERT F. KENNEDY, New York STEWART E. McCLums, Chief Clerk JOHN S. FORSYTHE, General Counsel EUGENE MITTELMAN, Minority Counsel SPECIAL SUBCOmMITTEM ON INDIAN EDUCATION ROBERT F. KENNEDY, New York, Chairman WAYNE MORSE, Oregon PAUL J. FANNIN, Arizona HARRISON A. WILLIAMS, JR., New Jersey PETERH. DOMINICK, Colorado RALPH YARBOROUGH, Texas ADRIAN L. PARMETRit, Professional Staff Member JOHN L. GRAY, Professional Staff Member 2 CONTENTS CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF WITNESSES PE BE VARY 19, 100S Kennedy, Hon. Robert F., a U.S. Senator from the State of :New York, andrage chairman of the Senate Special Subcommittee on Indian Edrcation____ 537 Fannin, Hon. Paul .7., a U.S. Senator from the State of Arizona 539 Gourd, Louis R., Cherokee Indian., Tahlequah, Okla 541 Ballenger, Mrs. Mlidred, member, chief's executive committee, Tahlequah, Okla., accompanied by Virgil Harrington, director, Muskogee, Okla., area office, Bureau of Indian Affairs ; and W. E. Dade McIntosh, principal chief, Creek Indian Tribe 547 Dreadfulwater, Andrew, and Hiner Doublehead, journeyman machinist and welder and professional interpreter, Stilwell, Okla. accompanied by Mrs. Andrew Dreadlulwater and son, AlbertDreadful"water 565 Procter, Mrs. Lucille, accompanied by her son, Wesley Procter, interpreter_ 574 Manus, Jerry, representative, Cherokee Nation ; Jackson McLain, Cherokee representative, Bull Hollow, Okla. ; and Jerry Standingwater, Cherokee representative, Salina, Okla. ; comprising a panel 580 Hayden, Mrs. Iola, executive director, Oklahomans for Indian Opportunity_ 585 Keen, Ralph, general business manager, Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma 603 James, Overton, field representative, Indian Division of the Oklahoma State Department of Education 033 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Statemz_nts : Ballenger, Mrs. Mildred, member, chief's executive committee, Tahle- quah, Okla., accompanied by Virgil Harrington, director, Muskogee, Okla., area office, Bureau of Indian Affairs ; and W. E. Dade Mc- Intosh, principal chief, Creek Indian Tribe 547 Dreadfulwater, Andrew, and Hiner Doublehead, journeyman ma- chinist and welder, and professional interpreter. Stilwell, Okla., ac- companied by Mrs. Andrew Dreadfulwater and son, Albert Dread- fulwater 565 Fannin, Hon. Paul J., a U.S. Senator from the State of Arizona 58.9 Gourd, Louis R. Cherokee Indian, Tahlequah, Okla 541 Prepared statement 546 Hardin, Lonnie, Assistant Area Director (Education) Muskogee area office, BIA 638 Hayden, Mrs. Iola, executive director, Oklahomans for Indian Oppor- tunity 585 Keen, Ralph, general business manager, Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma_ 603 James, Overton, field representative, Indian Division of the Oklahoma State Department of Education 633 Kennedy, Hon. Robert F., a U.S Senator from the State of New York and chairman of the Senaie Special Subcommittee on Indian Education 537 Manus, Jerry, representative, Cherokee Nation ;Jackson McLain, Cherokee representative, Bull Hollow, Okla.; and Jerry Standing- water, Cherokee representative, Salina, Okla. comprising a panel 580 Procter, Mrs. Lucille, accompanied by her son, Wesley Proctor, inter- prater 574 Articles, publications etc. : "An Experiment in Cross-Cultural Education, 1962-67, Report of the University of Chicago," by Sol Tax, project director, and Robert K. Thomas, field director, June 1968 940 4.' IV Articles, publications, etc.Continued "An Investigation of Educational Opportunityfor the Indian in North-Page eastern Oklahoma," by Ross Underwood 842 "Cherokee Families and the Schools," by RobertV. Dumont, Jr., University of Kansas 877 "Cherokee Primer" by Willard Walker,Carnegie Corp. cross-cultural education project, University of Chicago 687 "Cherokee Stories," by Rev. Watt Spade and WillardWalker, Carnegie Corp. cross-caltural education project,University of Chicago 761 Excerpt from minutes of Executive Committee of theCherokee Nation, February 24, 1968 968 "Indian Communities of Eastern Okalhomaand the War on Poverty," by Albert L. Wahrhaftig, CarnegieCorp. cross-cultural education project, University of Chicago 851 "Indian Population Residing in BlaineCounty, Okla., A Study of the, prepared by Oklahoma Employment SecurityCommission 848 "Indians, Hillbillies, and the `education,' " byRobert K. Thomas and Albert L. Wahrhaftig, Carnegie Corp.cross-cultural education project "My Opportunities of Observation," byMrs. Mildred P. Ballenger, 1968 555 Oklahomans for Indian Opportunity, 1967 annualreport 591 "PHS Indian Hospital" book in both Cherokee andEnglish 643 "Problems of Oklahoma Youth from TraditionalIndian Homes," by Harold Cameron, Human Relations Center,University of Oklahoma_ 846 "Redskins and Rednecks : The Myth of CherokeeAssimilation," by Albert Wahrhaftig and Robert K. Thomas,Carnegie cross-cultural education project 893 "Social and Economic Characteristics of theCherokee Population of Eastern Oklahoma Report of a Snivey ofFour Cherokee Settle- ments in the Cherokee Nation," by Albert L.Wahrhaftig, Carnegie cross-cultural education project, University ofChicago 907 "The Cherokee People Today," by Albert L.Wahrhaftig, Carnegie Corp. cross-cultural education project 795 "The Cherokee School Society and the InterculturalClassroom," by Robert V. Dumont, National Indian Youth Council,and Murray Z. Wax, University of Kansas 881 "The Tribal Cherokee Population of EasternOklahoma : Report of a DemographiC SurveY of Cherokee 'Settlements in the Cherokee Na- tion," by Albert L. Wahrhaftig, Carnegiecross-cultural project, University of Chicago 897 "Toward a Fundamental Program for the Training,PaiployMent, and Economic Equality of the American Indian," byHerbert E. Striver, director of progxam developinent, W. E. UpjohnInstitute for Em- ployment Research J08 Communicationg to, from : Cook, J. R., assistant director, Upward Boundproject,,.Southwestern State College, Weatherford, Okla., tot Senator RobertV. Kennedy 985 Ballenger; Mrs. Mildred P: to SubCommittee on IndianEducation, March II., 1968, withattachinent. 958 Dreadfulwater, Andrew, chairman, OriginalCherokee COMmunity Or- ganization to Subcommittee on Indian-Education 960 Guthrie, Bennett M,; re the linmunization profile ofall:infant-a and preschoOlers born at PAS Indian Hospital, ,Tablequah, Okla.,. July 1, 1960, and May 30, 1969 844 Hagerstrand, 21_, exeCutive Vice, president; Cherokee National ETis- torical Society, to Senator Robert F. Kennedy,February 27;:1968:..4 966 Harrington, Virgil N. area direaor, 1VIuskogee area office, BIA,to Sen- ator Robert 117. Re1nedy March 11968,;Withattachment 961 Harris, Dean V., ph. D.; licensed Clinical psyehologist,Muskogee, Okla.' to SenatorRobert F. Kennedy, 117elikuary 23, 1968 986 Keeler, 'W. W., princiPal chief, Cherokee Nation or Tribe ofOklahoma, to Senator Robert F: Kennedy, -March 4, 1968 971 Saeger, Arimen 11. Jr., ACWS, Tahlelpay, Okla,,,toSentitqr RObert F. Kennedy, February 19, 1968 562 Sam, ArChle, Oklahonia 'City, Okla.; to SenatdiBobert,F;'Kennedy, February 27, -1968 965 INDIAN EDUCATION XONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1968 U.S. SENATE, SPECIAL Suncommrrran ON INDIAN EDUCATION OF THE COMMITITIE ON LABOR ANDPUBLIC WELFARE, Twin Oaks, Okla. The subcommittee met, pursuant to notice, at 9 a.m., atthe
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