Administration of William J. Clinton, 1993 / June 28 1183 Letter to Congressional Leaders on poses a continuing threat to United States the Strike on Iraqi Intelligence nationals and shows utter disregard for the Headquarters will of the international community as ex- pressed in Security Council Resolutions and June 28, 1993 the United Nations Charter. Based on the Government of Iraq's pattern of disregard for Dear Mr. Speaker: (Dear Mr. President:) international law, I concluded that there was Commencing at approximately 4:22 p.m. no reasonable prospect that new diplomatic (EST) on June 26, 1993, at my direction, U.S. initiatives or economic measures could influ- naval forces launched a Tomahawk cruise ence the current Government of Iraq to missile strike on the Iraqi Intelligence Serv- cease planning future attacks against the ice's (IIS) principal command and control United States. complex in Baghdad. This facility is the head- Consequently, in the exercise of our inher- quarters for the IIS, which planned the failed ent right of self-defense as recognized in Ar- attempt to assassinate former President Bush ticle 51 of the United Nations Charter and during his visit to Kuwait in April of this year. pursuant to my constitutional authority with This U.S. military action was completed upon respect to the conduct of foreign relations impact of the missiles on target at approxi- and as Commander in Chief, I ordered a mately 6 p.m. (EST). military strike that directly targeted a facility Operating under the United States Central Iraqi intelligence implicated in the plot Command, two U.S. Navy surface ships against the former Chief Executive. In ac- launched a total of 23 precision-guided cordance with Article 51 of the United Na- Tomahawk missiles in this coordinated strike tions Charter, this action was reported imme- upon the key facilities in the IIS compound. diately to the Security Council on June 26. The USS PETERSON (DD 969) launched On June 27, Ambassador Albright provided 14 missiles from its position in the Red Sea, evidence of Iraq's assassination attempts to while the USS CHANCELLORSVILLE the United Nations Security Council, which (CG 62) in the Arabian Gulf launched nine had been convened in emergency session at missiles. The timing of this operation, with our request. missiles striking at approximately 2:00 a.m. I am certain that you share my sincere local Iraqi time, was chosen carefully so as hope that the limited and proportionate ac- to minimize risks to innocent civilians. Initial tion taken by the United States Government reports indicate that heavy damage was in- will frustrate and help deter and preempt fu- flicted on the complex. Regrettably, there ture unlawful actions on the part of the Gov- were some collateral civilian casualties. ernment of Iraq. Nonetheless, in the event I ordered this military response only after that Iraqi violence, aggression, or state-spon- I considered the results of a thorough and sored terrorism against the United States independent investigation by U.S. intel- continues, I will direct such additional meas- ligence and law enforcement agencies. The ures in our exercise of the right of self-de- reports by Attorney General Reno and Di- fense as may be necessary and appropriate rector of Central Intelligence Woolsey pro- to protect United States citizens. vided compelling evidence that the operation I remain committed to ensuring that the that threatened the life of President Bush in Congress is kept fully informed regarding Kuwait City in April was directed and pur- significant employments of the U.S. Armed sued by the Iraqi Intelligence Service and Forces. Accordingly, I am providing this re- that the Government of Iraq bore direct re- port on the U.S. military actions of June 26, sponsibility for this effort. consistent with the War Powers Resolution. The Government of Iraq acted unlawfully I appreciate your thoughts and continued in attempting to carry out Saddam Hussein's support as we address these important con- threats against former President Bush be- cerns. cause of actions he took as President. The Sincerely, evidence of the Government of Iraq's vio- lence and terrorism demonstrates that Iraq William J. Clinton VerDate 14-MAY-98 13:59 May 26, 1998 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 W:\DISC\P26JN4.029 INET01 1184 June 28 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1993 NOTE: Identical letters were sent to Thomas S. an excellent addition to the Labor Relations Foley, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Board.'' and Robert C. Byrd, President pro tempore of the Senate. NOTE: A biography of the nominee was made available by the Office of the Press Secretary. Statement by the Press Secretary on the President's Telephone Conversation With President Boris Nomination for a Member of the Yeltsin of Russia Corporation for Public Broadcasting June 28, 1993 June 28, 1993 Beginning at about 1:15 p.m. this after- The President announced his intention noon, President Clinton spoke with Russian President Boris Yeltsin for 30 minutes. The today to nominate University of Arkansas po- two leaders exchanged views on issues to be litical scientist Diane Blair to be a member discussed at the G±7 summit in Tokyo. Presi- of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. dent Clinton described G±7 efforts to de- ``Diane Blair is one of the most capable velop a program to support the process of and committed people I know,'' said the democratic reform and development of free President. ``She is one of the most respected markets in Russia and said the U.S. expects people in our State and a dear friend of mine the G±7 to move forward with a solid package and of Hillary's. I think that she will do an of assistance. excellent job of maintaining the Corporation President Clinton also reviewed progress for Public Broadcasting's outstanding made in implementing the U.S. bilateral as- record.'' sistance package he announced in Van- couver, noting that the U.S. had already obli- NOTE: A biography of the nominee was made gated more than half of the $1.6 billion. available by the Office of the Press Secretary. President Clinton said that the separate and additional $1.8 billion assistance package for Russia has been approved by the House of Representatives and was under consideration Remarks at the Democratic National by the Senate. He reiterated to President Committee Presidential Gala Yeltsin his full support for this effort. June 28, 1993 Thank you very much. Thank you so much. Nomination for a Member of the First, let me say a special word of thanks National Labor Relations Board to Scott Pastrick for this wonderful dinner June 28, 1993 and all those who worked on it, to Roy Furman for agreeing to take on this enor- The President announced today that he in- mous responsibility in the Democratic Party. tends to nominate law professor and arbitra- I don't think the first time he came to my tor William Gould to the National Labor Re- lations Board. attention or, rather, I came to hisÐhe hosted ``William Gould has a tremendous amount me in his officeÐif he had known then that of both practical and scholarly experience in he'd wind up on this stage tonight, I'm not labor law,'' said the President, ``and stands sure he would have done it. And I thank him. for the principles I want the NLRB to up- Like so many others, he came into the lead- hold: the rights of all workers to participate ership of this party because of the campaign in labor organizations and the need for labor of 1992. and management to work together to in- I thank my dear friend David Wilhelm for crease our Nation's competitiveness in a his leadership and all of those who work in global marketplace. I think that he will be the vineyards of the Democratic Party. I VerDate 14-MAY-98 13:59 May 26, 1998 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 W:\DISC\P26JN4.029 INET01.
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