MOUNTSFIELD PARK Hither Green London SE6 London Borough of Lewisham Archaeological impact assessment April 2005 Archaeology Service MOUNTSFIELD PARK Hither Green London SE6 London Borough of Lewisham Archaeological impact assessment National Grid Reference: 538408 173917 Project Manager Robin Nielsen Author Julian Bowsher Graphics Neville Constantine Museum of London Archaeology Service © Museum of London 2005 Mortimer Wheeler House, 46 Eagle Wharf Road, London N1 7ED tel 020 7410 2200 fax 020 7410 2201 email [email protected] web www.molas.org.uk Mountsfield Park, SE6, Archaeological Assessment @ MOLAS Summary (Non-Technical) This report presents the results of desk-based assessment work carried out by the Museum of London Archaeology Service on the site of Mountsfield Park, Lewisham London, SE6. The report was commissioned by Land Use Consultants. There has been no archaeological work on or in the vicinity of the site. Evidence of past landuse has been derived from documentary and cartographic resources. It is probable that the north-east corner of the park lay in the vicinity of the ‘lost’ medieval village of Rombergh. Thereafter the site has largely been open pasture. Mountsfield House was built there in the 1840s and, since 1905, it has been a park. The principal impact of the proposed works will involve the construction of a new pavilion which could include toilets, changing rooms, café, park ranger station, bowls club, storage space and a room for hire. This new facility is likely to be placed over the site of Mountsfield House. It is recommended that any ground investigations be monitored by an archaeologist. 1 p:\lewi\1089\na\field\dba02.doc Mountsfield Park, SE6, Archaeological Assessment @ MOLAS CONTENTS 1 Introduction 4 1.1 Site location 4 1.2 Site status 4 1.3 Origin and scope of the report 4 1.4 Aims and objectives 6 1.5 Methodology 7 1.6 Proposed development summary 7 2 Planning and legislative framework 8 2.1 Planning policy guidance (PPG16) 8 2.2 Archaeology and planning in Lewisham 9 3 Background: archaeological and historical 11 3.1 Introduction 11 3.2 Geology and topography 11 3.3 Archaeological and historical summary 12 3.3.1 Prehistoric 12 3.3.2 Roman 12 3.3.3 Medieval 12 3.3.4 Post-medieval–modern 13 4 Archaeological potential 25 4.1 Factors determining archaeological potential 25 4.1.1 Natural geology 25 4.1.2 Present land use 25 4.1.3 Earlier (post-medieval–modern) buildings 25 4.1.4 Depth of archaeological deposit 25 4.2 Archaeological potential 25 2 p:\lewi\1089\na\field\dba02.doc Mountsfield Park, SE6, Archaeological Assessment @ MOLAS 4.2.1 Prehistoric 26 4.2.2 Roman 26 4.2.3 Medieval 26 4.2.4 Post-medieval–modern 26 4.3 Research objectives 26 5 Impact of proposals 27 6 Conclusions and recommendations 27 7 Acknowledgements. 27 8 Bibliography 28 8.1 Site specific 28 8.2 General 28 Fig 1 Site location. 5 Fig 2 Detail from the Parish of Lewisham Tithe Map, 1843 (originally drawn with south at the top). (LLSL) 16 Fig 3 Detail from the Ordnance Survey map, 1867, with field system superimposed (LLSL) 17 Fig 4 Detail from the Ordnance Survey map of 1894, showing Mountsfield House. (LLSL). 20 Fig 5 View of the store / stables in 1969. (LMA 69.5.HB.5773) 21 Fig 6 View of the store / stables in 1969. (LMA 69.5.HB.5772) 21 Fig 7 Mountsfield Park, the rose garden in July 1905. (LMA 3168) 22 Fig 8 Mountsfield Park, parkland on the left with the rose garden on the right, July 1905. (LMA 3165) 22 Fig 9 Mountsfield Park, conveniences, June 1911. (LMA 3472c) 23 Fig 10 Mountsfield Park, the bandstand in November 1914. (LMA 7893c) 23 Fig 11 The development of Mountsfield Park. 24 3 p:\lewi\1089\na\field\dba02.doc Mountsfield Park, SE6, Archaeological Assessment @ MOLAS 1 Introduction 1.1 Site location Mountsfield Park lies south-east of Lewisham town centre. It is bounded on the west by houses fronting on to Laleham Road, to the south by houses fronting on to Brownhill Road, on the east by Stainton Road and to the north by George Lane and houses fronting on to Davenport Road. The centre of the park lies at Ordnance Survey National Grid reference 538445 173953. Within this report the area is known as ‘the site’ (Fig 1). 1.2 Site status This document has been prepared in support of an application for planning consent. There are no Scheduled Ancient Monuments or Listed Buildings within or near to, the site. The site is not a registered historic park or garden or registered battlefield, as defined by English Heritage. The site does not lie within an Archaeological Priority Zone (APZ), or a Conservation Area, as defined by the Borough of Lewisham. The nearest APZ, centred on the historic core of Lewisham town, lies to the west of Laleham Road. There have been no archaeological excavations within the site, or in the near vicinity. 1.3 Origin and scope of the report This report has been commissioned from the Museum of London Archaeology Service (MoLAS) by Land Use Consultants. It has been requested in advance of possible redevelopment of the site (see sections 1.6 and 5) and may be required in relation to the planning process in order that the local authority can formulate appropriate responses in the light of any identified archaeological resource. The desk-based assessment (Archaeological Assessment) has been carried out in accordance with the model brief published by the Greater London Archaeology Advisory Service, and in accordance with the standards specified by the Institute of Field Archaeologists (IFA 2001). Under the ‘Copyright, Designs and Patents Act’ 1988 MoLAS retains the copyright to this document. Note: within the limitations imposed by dealing with historical material and maps, the information in this document is, to the best knowledge of the author and MoLAS, correct at the time of writing. Further archaeological investigation, more information about the nature of the present buildings, and/or more detailed proposals for redevelopment may require changes to all or parts of the document. 4 p:\lewi\1089\na\field\dba02.doc ©MoLAS 2005 52 1 Driving Test 4 8 23 Ha B St Swithun'sChurch Centre M ll Work 9 12 2 Lewisham Park 16.5m 50 13 5. 29.9m 28 Resettlement m Centre 11 El Sub Sta 14.0m 2 6 Vicarage 13 1 31 Cooling 191 ST SWITHUN'S ROAD BM 15.11m 8 N Station 6 1 66 15 1 35 33 N 9 2 0 2 2 1 15.5m 15 7 1 0 2 24 LEWISHAM PARK Club 6 2 25.6m 193 17.0m 4 El Sub Sta El Sub Sta 5 4 1 44 7 o 55 53 1 t 55 7 Ho 21 10 49 to 53 lm 47 20 hurs 39 LI BM 18.71m 14 9 to 16 8 2 3 TT to 6 31 199 t LE ROAD 34 LANIER 8 3 W Works 6 O 4 9 Club 2 O 1 to 8 Ho D LANIER 22.9m ROAD 5 1 llyden 3 7 to 2 to 1 75 73 4 6 0 4 8 2 3 25 1 29.6m e 27 Mountfield Court 3 0 5 E 2 36 8 3 2 4 YC 19 2 AD t 5 o BM 25.30m 23 3 RD 2 RO BEACON ROAD FO 24 4 1 26 BM 2 2 Warehouse 7.19m RA 34 8 99 97 44 104 DF 19 15 26.5m 1 ORD RO Church 205 14.6m 136 11 6 126 Hi 116 llc Ardm 1 re AD 23 Ch st 106 27.4m 207 46 urch 2 Primary School er ARDMERE ROAD 5 2 94 e C 48a 82 12 06 2 1 to 6 70 5 48 1 to 8 o t ot 58 101 Theodore 0 1 141 24 0 tage 6 Hither Green Court 2 TCB 15.2m Croft Court THEODORE ROAD 32 12 23.5m 7 s LB MOUNT PLEASANT ROAD 1 17.1m 1 1 3 8 0 BM 16.34m 2 35 1 0 1 Schoolkeeper's 9 9 15 2 8 7 House 7 3 29.6m 6 1 5 5 LB 4 5 3 BM 212 2 9 29.6m 2a 1 to 1 2 54 21 4. 2 211 08 1 4 1 m 2 56 53 W AL 8 58 75 65 ar 6 21 1 D lin 2 4 WORTH GRO 538400/174300 gh 3 115 60 am 0 2 BR 2 C 151 62 BM ou rt 30 64 139 .28 223 VE 127 49 m 62 64 117 37 222 113 27.1m 87 153 68 101 0 10km 25 30.5mLondon Borough of Lewisham 89 23.4m 5 13 4 13 LB SPRINGRICE ROAD 140 73 Boro Const and Ward Bdy 1 46 the site 18.5m CR 1 2 59 6 235 12 GEORGE LANE 2 23 16 2 45 47 8 1 2 1 29.9m 0 1 15 BM 29.71m MALLET 9 0 SPRINGRICE 1 ROAD 4 15.8m 99 78 R 15.1m 102 29.6m 245 6 64 BM 16.46m GE 2 221 5 2 108 OR 40 to 163 8 2 1 GE 0 a b 4 6 6 2 2 2 4 LARA CLOSE LANE 257 13 2 165 4 m 1 5 8 1 HITHER GREEN LANE 19 7 7. 2 tre 269 BM en h C h Garage 9 271 a 0 2 2 2 29.8m alabas 8 1 171 209 26.5m e C e Th 158 285 183 195 173 183 287 161 1 8 151 4 GEORGE LANE 139 1 7 127 2 1 3 115 0 31.7m 1 6 103 2 1 7 1 6 4 0 91 1 1 31 43 8 1 79 to 55 67 6 BM 22.45m 1 0 6 DAVENPORT ROAD 96 8 4 8 0 89 133 6 6 6 2 C Bo 5 19 0 R ro 5 1 1 to 6 6 2 Con 36 3 0 6 8 4 56 15 st a Tennis 1 Court nd 34 1 t 106 War o 6 1 d 3 0 Bd 131 y 75 6 1 t 18 140 o 6 54 3 OAKLEY DRIVE 1 73 1 t 1 121 o 6 20 52 11 32.6m 104 96 Bowling Green 50 Hither Green 130 58 El Sub Sta 46 LULLIN Hospital 32 63 Mountsfield Park S 94 G 169 TA RO ST INTO 109 1 O AD 0 ROSENTHAL ROAD 8 NE El Sub Sta LB D Fn LALE N LANE 38 H 19 GROVE AM 6 3 RE 5 3 84 51 R 4 3 Mountsfield Park MO 31 O AD PC 82 SYCA 122 28 97 9 6 OAD 15 R 45 5 EY 24 74 CLOSE FARL HIGHFIELD HE 1 to 6 72 AT HE 43 4 68 R 85 8 37 4 2 14 8 108 14 2e The 33.2m 81 3 8 Lodge 69 2d 55 8 Tennis Courts 18.6m BM 19.40m 2 8 43 c 82 b 8 2a 82 Tennis Courts 7 FARLEY ROAD 6 16.9m 14 6 Mountsfield Park 1 10 7 4 Tank 6 2 1 to 6 1 5 0 3 3 64 8 2 6 20 26 5 3 3 3 96 12 9 18 34.0m HO 5 SPI TAL WA Playing Field Y 10 87 86 75 El Sub Sta 63 49 117 37 19.3m 88 HONLEY ROAD 8 4 2 2 84 8 8 6 5 1 92 7 4 5 8 HEATHER CLOSE 11a 4 6 TCB 3 4 10 5 11 to 1 LB 94 72 C 102 1 U D H A 2 El Sub Sta M S 93 114 TR El Sub Sta TH 5 EET 5 E W THE WOODLANDS 35.2m 124 OODL Mountsfield Park 57 134 to 142 ANDS 58 STAI 74 to 79 47 7 107 1 95 81 NTON 83 71 61 144 59 73 Playing Field 26 to 62 1 BM 20.60m R 19.8m OA 67 CARSWELL ROAD D RINGSTEAD ROAD 60 1 1 0 79 PH Mountsfield Park 55 66 9 8 MOUNTFIELD CLOSE 7 8 6 154 3 4 7 TCB 9 6 2 1 t 1 7 o 6 o 1 35 4 54 THE WOODLANDS 1 3 Shelter 2 a 2 21 71 THE WOODLANDS 5 2 1 1 9 o 24 4 t 6 6 2 0 19 t o 2 7 5 52 6a 54 7 4 8 5 6 6 3 2 to 1 26 to 3 19.2mOAD 1 3 8 33.3m R MEWS 59 2 NE HAM Playground 0 LE 9 UR 3 56 LA BO 46 1 3 El Sub Sta 3 El Sub Sta 12 MEL 34 40 30 to 35 36 to 41 42 to 47 48 to 53 3 54 to 59 18 1 47 73 14 11 15 CR 85 REDFERN ROAD Bo ro Con 95 2 m 17.6m BRITTON CLOSE st a 62 105 nd 279 W 115 ard 4 0 5 BM 19.
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