Brookdale College awards diplomas to 1,104, B1 IED R rVN Baseball roundup Kremlin warning GBRANCH Angels blank Yanks, 3-0; Assigns nuclear armed Tory's Forecast: Met edge San Diego, 4-2. subs off U.S. coast. i, than clearing Page B2 Page A2 wMthmr on A2 Daily Register VOL. 106 NO. 273 YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER . SINCE 1878 MONDAY, MAY 21, 1984 . 25CENTS Administration of spill fund rapped BY TOM KOSENTHAL industries, earned more money in fund, and he promised to hold cleaning up hazardous waste sites cleanups. In the same period, the million, not more than $17 million. Auoctaled PTCM Writer . interest than was spent on cleanup hearings next month on the report's were also used to rectify en- fund earned more than $2,159 Lesniak charged that the Kean of toxic wastes. findings. vironmental hazards in New Jer- million in interest, the report said. administration has not spent state TRENTON (AP) - The state State Sen. Daniel Dalton, D- Marwan Sadat, director of the sey. The total in the fund was $17.1 funds in order to avoid increasing Department of Environmental Gloucester, chairman of the Senate DEP's Division of Waste Manage- For every $1 New Jersey spends million, according to the Treasury the taxes on chemical industry. Protection hat spent (our times Energy and Environment Commit- ment, defended the spending. He from its spill fund on federally Department. When the spill fund is exhausted, more money on administrative tee, and Sen. Raymond Lesniak, D- said administrative costs Include approved waste sites, the federal Robert Hunt, a treasury official the tax will automatically double in ootta than on cleaning up haiardous Union, who sponsored legislation feasibility studies, salaries of government adds 69, Sadat said. who oversees the spill fund, last order to replenish it. waste sites with the Spill Com- creating the fund In 1979, have workers and other preparations The report issued to legislators week disputed Sadat's statements "They've been very slow in doing pensation Fund, says a report by criticized state environmental of- necessary before cleanup can oc- last month said that in the nine that feasibility studies and sampl- the actual cleanup work," Lesniak the Treasury Department. ficiate taking too long to begin cur. months ending March 31, $8.5 ing are paid for out of the fund. said. "The only reason I can figure The report also shows that the cleaning up sites. In addition, he said the report did million fund was spent on adminis- He also disagreed with his own out is they don't want to antagonize fund, which raises money by taxing "This was never Intended to be a not note that matching funds from trative costs for the spill fund while department's report on the total in business, which would pay the the state's chemical and petroleum money-maker," Dalton said of the the federal superfund program for $2 027 million was spent on the fund, saying it was nearly $13.3 See Spill, page A7 Congress, Reagan scored on toxic waste inaction BY STEPHANIE GLUCKMAN WEST LONG BRANCH - Gov. Thomas H. Kean, principal speaker Monmouth College's commence- ment ceremonies yesterday, lam- basted Congress and the Reagan administration for "inaction" in the area of environmental protec- tion. The governor, who received an honorary doctor of laws degrees during the ceremony, focused sole- ly on New Jersey's environmental concerns during his speech. Kean criticized Reagan for his reluctance to reauthorize the Superfund to clean up toxic waste dumps. The governer had warned a senate committee last week of the consequences of delaying reauthorization for the next fiscal year, which begins Oct. 1. He said he supports a five-year reauthoriza- tion bill now in congress that would increase the Superfund more than fivefold, from the current (1.6 billion to $9 billion over the next five years. While the Superfund will expire at the end of this fiscal year, the FATHER AND SON — U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Reagan administration wants to William J. Brennan Jr., right, formerly of Rumson, congratulates delay reauthorization until after his son William J. Brennan III, as he became president of the New the November election. Kean warn- ed that if Congress does not act HiUmiHniiHrmntH"" Jersey Bar Association at its annual meeting Saturday night in PRINCIPAL ADDRESS - Gov. Thomas H. Kean In his speech, the governor criticized President Atlantic City. immediately, the fiscal resources for continuing major cleanup ef- listens as he is introduced by by Monmouth College Reagan and the Congress for inaction on the forts at toxic waste dumps na- President Samuel H. Magill, (inset), yesterday environment. Seated next to the governor is Judith tionwide would soon run out. during the school's commencement exercises. Stanley, of Middletown, a member ot the college's Kean urged that the state adopt Kean received an honorary doctor of laws degree. Board of Trustees. new means of solid waste disposal. Arab ministers "Our landfills are filling," he said. is where all life began," he said. "If been introdued on the state level, we've studied them," he said. "The "We must move to recycling, to we destroy the ocean, we'll destroy but he did not specify. One resol- question is the courage and the resource recovery, and we must human life itself." ution now pending in the Assembly recourses to act on those prob- move fast." Kean said he had asked the would move the sludge dumping lems." The commencement marked the Environmental Protection Agency site off Monmouth Beach to 106 Kean charged the graduates with denounce Iran end of a six-month-long observance to move ocean dumping sites miles offshore. responsibility for a clean environ- of the College's 50th anniversary. well-defined war zone while recent farther away from eastern shores. Kean said the ocean was further ment, and asked, "If you're not TUNIS, Tunisia (AP) - The "Fifty years ago, the ocean was He said that William Ruckleshouse, foreign ministers of the Arab alleged Iranian attacks came threatened by acid rain. "When it willing to help out with these bluer and the beaches that lined it head of the EPA, had accepted his problems, who will?" He said that nations overruled Syrian and Lib- without warning in International were white," said the governor. He rains, that rain is add," he said, sea lanes and in territorial waters recommendation. But, he added, adding that the ram destroys trees, though graduates may be con- yan dissent yesterday and accuse said that "hazardous dumping" has "this is only a short-term solution." of other gulf states. lakes, and monuments. "The Con- cerned ith "jobs and money, ... Iran of aggression in Its war since polluted the ocean and The long-term solution, he noted, is against Iraq and its reported at- Iran, a non-Arab nation, has gress and President must act on There is no economic future beaches, as pollutants on land "an end to all ocean dumping." without a clean future." He ex- tacks against Arab shipping in the denied making the attacks seeped down into the waterways. acid rain legislation," he said. Persian Gulf. The resolution expressed the The governor said he supported plained that employers and em- "The ocean, if you think about it, environmental legislation that has "We've identified the Issues, and See Congress, page A7 Saudi Foreign Minister Sand al- ministers' "extreme concern over Faisal told reporters the Arab the Iranian aggression against states may have to "take action" to Saudi and Kuwaiti oil tankers in the end the crisis in the gulf, a major territorial waters and maritime source of oil for Western Europe routes of. the ... gulf nations, far Walk for Mankind brings out 200 and Japan.All II Arab League from the declared zone of military members were represented at the operations." BY DANIEL LOWENTHAL one-day meeting. The ministers recalled that At least 10 ships have been under the Arab League charter, any Approximately 200 persons damaged by attacks in the gulf aggressive act against an Arab walked 12 miles in different sec- since January, including five nation "is considered an aggression tions of the county yesterday to Kuwaiti and Saudi oil tankers in against all other Arab nations," to help raise money for health care in leu than a month. be resisted by all possible means. poverty-stricken areas of the Unit- The resolution, approved by a The resolution called on the UN. ed States and the Third World. majority vote, did not mention the Security Council to take "firm and Project Concern's Walk for Man- attacks by league member Iraq on clear action" to end the crisis. kind filled the streets of Red Bank, oil tankers around Iran's Kharg Iraq, which invaded Iran In Eatontown, Holmdel, and Sandy Island. September 1910, has offered to Hook. Early estimates indicate Conference sources, speaking on negotiate peace. Iran says Iraq's more than 110,000 was earned, condition they not be identified, President Saddam Hussein must according to Cindy Fitzpatrick, one said the distinction was made first resign. of the organizers. because the Iraqi attacks took "Nobody in the Arab world seeks Each walker, or groups of place In a previously declared and See Iran, page At walkers, got pledges for the amount of mileage their feet endured. And although the Middletown Marine Police didn't walk, but rather •Monday. patroled the streets of Red Bank, index they managed to secure $375 hi Movies A8 pledges, Fitzpatrick said. Advice B7 People A2 The local walks coincided with Arts AS Obituaries A7 many others around the state and Business.
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