Insect traces and the mummies of Palermo – a status report 73 Entomologie heute 31 (2019): 73-93 Insect Traces and the Mummies of Palermo – a Status Report Insektenspuren und die Mumien von Palermo – ein Statusbericht KRISTINA BAUMJOHANN & MARK BENECKE Summary: In an inter-disciplinary investigation of the mummies of the Capuchin Monastery in Palermo we made entomological fi ndings with regards to the comparatively poor state of preservation of the deceased, to provide enlightenment about the process of natural mummifi cation, as little is known about how the bodies were handled after death until they were laid out in the basement. Three groups of insects could be found on the bodies that are in accordance with the conditions described and the storage situations in the monastery of Palermo: corpse colonisers, pests and predators. This is our fi rst status report on the topic. Keywords: Palermo, mummies, insects, forensic entomology, archaeoentomology, feeding traces, decomposition Zusammenfassung: Bei einer interdisziplinären Untersuchung der Mumien des Kapuzinerklosters in Palermo wurden von uns insektenkundliche Befunde erhoben, um den vergleichsweise schlechten Erhaltungszustand der Verstorbenen wie auch den Vorgang der natürlichen Mumifi zierung zu erhel- len, da über den Umgang mit den Körpern nach Todeseintritt bis zur Aufbahrung im Keller wenig bekannt ist. An den Leichen konnten drei Insektengruppen gefunden werden, die im Einklang mit den geschilderten Bedingungen und Aufbewahrungssituationen im Kloster von Palermo stehen: Leichenbesiedler, Lästlinge und Räuber. Dies ist unser erster Lagebericht über diese Thematik. Schlüsselwörter: Palermo, Mumien, Insekten, forensische Entomologie, Archäo-Entomologie, Fraßspuren, Verwesung 1. Introduction and the area was expanded under the ground. The catacombs were created in this manner The Capuchin Catacombs of Palermo (Le and gradually expanded in size (STRÖBL 2007). Catacombe dei Cappuccini) are located in the The absorbency of the volcanic tuff stone current capital city of Sicily underneath the Ca- evidently caused a large number of the bodies puchin Monastery. It houses what is possibly to desiccate in a natural manner, so that the the largest known collection of spontaneously large number of deceased persons in the vault and anthropogenically mummifi ed mummies were mummifi ed in a natural manner (WUNN (SINEO et al. 2008) in the world (Fig. 1). 2007; SINEO et al. 2008). The Capuchins — a catholic order — settled Well-ventilated mummifi cation areas that here in 1534, after they had formed six years have been excavated in the tuff, so-called previously from the Franciscans (STRÖBL 2007). colatoi, were used to store the dead on trans- The vault was initially limited to the cavernous verse terracotta pipes (Fig. 2). The room was area underneath the Church of Santa Maria sealed for around 8-12 months. After the della Pace. After around 1599, this space was rooms were opened, the mummies had been no longer suffi cient for the deceased monks desiccated in a natural manner due to the Entomologie heute 31 (2019) 74 KRISTINA BAUMJOHANN & MARK BENECKE Fig. 1: The Capuchin Catacombs of Palermo (Le Catacombe dei Cappuccini). a Main entrance. b Corpses in hallways. c-f Current state of preservation of the deceased (“mummies”). Abb. 1: Der Mumienkeller von Palermo. a Haupteingang. b Anordnung von Leichen in Gängen. c-f Heutiger Zustand der Leichen. absorbency of the tuff (STRÖBL 2007; WUNN the vault (AUFDERHEIDE 2003; STRÖBL 2007). 2007). The bodies were then laid in the fresh From 1783, the catacombs were opened to air, rubbed down with vinegar and clothed the general public for burials (STRÖBL 2007). (SINEO et al. 2008). WUNN (2007) mentioned The deceased are arranged in groups in the the dusting off of the bodies of arsenic and corridors (the clergy, men, women, children, chalk, before they were positioned or laid professional groups such as lawyers etc.) out in the corridors and passageways of the (AUFDERHEIDE 2003). The peace of the vault. The majority of the deceased were laid deceased was destroyed in 1943 due to a out in the vault in open wall niches, others bombing attack and in 1966 due to a fi re; were laying in coffi ns (Figs 1 b -f, 3 a, b, d). damaged water pipelines caused water to get Since the beginning of the 17th century, into the vault in the 1980s (STRÖBL 2007). not only monks, but also benefactors of the The exact and current number of mummies order and of the monastery were buried in in the catacombs is unknown (SINEO et al. Insect traces and the mummies of Palermo – a status report 75 Fig. 2: The ‘Colatoio’, a room in which the corpses were apparently (temporarily?) prepared. The room has full access for arthropods. Cage door is modern and usually closed. Corpses have not been moved as can be deducted from early photographs of the room. Abb. 2: Das „Colatoio“, ein Raum, in dem die Leichen offenbar (zeitweise?) hergerichtet wurden. Der Raum ist für Gliedertiere frei zugänglich. Die Gittertür ist normalerweise geschlossen und wurde für uns geöffnet. Lage der Leichen durch Fotos belegbar seit Jahrzehnten unverändert. 2008). The majority of the bodies laid out persons in churches. Until recently, this are skeletonised; only a few bodies still ex- habit of separation was common in many hibit the remnants of former soft tissue or catholic churches. Lawyers were considered have been preserved completely (BENECKE to be of high social status but may also have 2014; Tab. 1). had enough money to grease their way into Inside of the catacombs, different spaces the catacombs — those on display in the were (and are still) reserved for different catacombs were considered to be honorable socio-economic groups. Priests and monks persons. The category “males” is likely a were distinguished because they lived in mixture of “all remaining social groups”. different parts of town and also maintained In archaeological work, it are frequently only different lifestyles. Whilst the life of monks fragments of insects that are encountered was strictly regulated (mostly prayer, rest, (GROTE & BENECKE 2001; COURI et al. 2009; work inside of the monastary, few hours HUCHET & GREENBERG 2010; HUCHET et al. of other occupations concerning the care 2013). These “witnesses from the past” may of elderly and sick persons), priests were provide information about the mummifi ca- more on duty in their respective parishes. tion process (HUCHET 2010). HUCHET (2010) Virgins — i.e. unmarried females with a sees information content in this “natural” ar- proper lifestyle — as well as females were chive of archaeoentomology that frequently placed in a different part of the catacombs, remains undiscovered. most likely due to the catholic custom to Our archaeoentomological investigations separate women from man, even living were expanded to include taxonomical and Entomologie heute 31 (2019) 76 KRISTINA BAUMJOHANN & MARK BENECKE Fig. 3: Many corpses are in bad shape. a Virgin, b Mechanical damage due to stabilising wires getting loose. c Stuffi ng of a mummy. d. Mummifi ed brothers; the formerly much better state of preservation is vaguely visible. Abb. 3: Heutiger, teils schlechter Zustand der Leichen. a Jungfrau. b Teils mechanischer Zerfall durch Herausrosten der Aufhängung aus der Wand und Zusammenfallen der Leiche. c Ausstopfung einer Leiche bzw. deren Kleidung. d Verstorbenes Brüderpaar; die ehemals gute Erhaltung und Präsentation ist noch schwach zu erahnen. Tab. 1: Current state of preservation of the mummies. 1 = Soft tissue of head preserved (fully or partially), no signs of tissue destruction by insects, 2 = tissue loss due to insect activity, 3 = skull skeletonized or only minor pieces of dried tissue visible, 4 = unknown (e.g. hooded by a cowl), 5 = empty pupal shells or fragments of beetles. Tab: 1: Aktueller Zustand der Mumien. 1 = Weichgewebe des Kopfes (ganz oder teilweise) erhalten, ohne Fraßspuren, 2 = Insektenfraßspuren im Weichgewebe, 3 = skelettiert (auch im Sinne von: kleinste Gewebsstücke ohne Fraßspuren), 4 = nicht erkennbar (bspw. wegen Abdeckung durch Mönchsgewandskapuze), 5 = andere Insektenspuren außer Fraßspuren wie Fliegenpuppen (leeren Hüken) oder Käferfragmente. n 1 2 3 4 2+5 5 Monks 129 2 77 14 22 14 0 Men 214 2 75 123 9 5 0 Other 148 9 56 80 1 2 0 Priests 56 4 18 26 1 5 2 Virgins 11 0 0 10 1 0 0 Women 109 2 14 91 2 0 0 Total 667 19 240 344 36 26 2 Insect traces and the mummies of Palermo – a status report 77 ecological data from forensic entomology 2. Methods that were obtained in succession studies of colleagues (e.g. PAYNE 1965; TRUMBLE 2.1. Collection of the entomological & PIENKOWSKI 1979; BUCHELI ET AL. 2009; traces ANDERSON 2011). Animal cadavers are used to simulate human corpses that are The entomological traces were collected colonised by insects under various different using spring steel tweezers and LED torches conditions (e.g. indoors vs. open land, water, and they then were transferred into sample sun vs. shade, (partially) buried, clothed, containers containing 90% EtOH. burned, day vs. night etc.) (e.g. HASKELL et al. 1989; GREENBERG 1990; DAUTARTES 2.2. Investigation and determination of 2009; DE JONG et al. 2011; CABALLERO & the entomological traces LÉON-CORTÉS 2014). Information about early or late corpse colonisers, the location A binocular stereomicroscope (Leica of egg laying, the development of larvae, MZ12.5, maximum 100x), a microscope which traces insects leave behind on corps- (Leica DMLED, maximum 1000x) and es, preferred biotopes and living conditions the corresponding classifi cation literature of different groups and species of animals (OEHLKE 1969; STRESEMANN 1976a, b, 1978; was obtained in this manner (e.g. HWANG & RICHARDS 1977; MOURIER & WINDING 1979; TURNER 2005; DEKEIRSSCHIETER et al. 2009, LINDNER 1981; DISNEY 1983; MÜLLER 1986; 2013; MATUSZEWSKI et al. 2013). SMITH 1986; GERSTMEIER 1998, HURKA 2005, The networking of information between KACZOROWSKA & DRABER-MONKO 2009; forensic and archaeological entomology SCHAEFER 2010) were used for investigation should be striven for and should be in- and determination of the entomological corporated in the recording of fi ndings traces.
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