Post difico "Sox 1550 la" I'raic!. 30, ^^Ir-fornia iebrurry 2^, 1^2 A' ' '..'. I-: TO OH ICIAC A!*L L.::CHTIVE 3C ilD 01 TH3 CALIFIR'H S'.'.vru r:i"..(.TIC,-* or tY.JCR, '--.^JTr'iS! Dear Jirs una brothers: I have learned that yovr 3o;rd mc tl-i* of ) obrui'.'y 1^, adcnted a resolution ccncs.ni:.** 9 for '.Ting on" o.< tho- n * io brought tho recent suit n^itnrt 'anry I.undaberg, In -vhirh I trie tho rortoui charios that "r. Lurdehcrg Mishandled and in*,ro'*-irly nin^rt.?d funds belon.i*.n<- to tho Seai-rcra International bnior. of i'orth . -orica, of which I a.i 6 onbtr. I uj.'or"t '*' that yo'*r-solution ter"ed tho arib a ''Corr-unist "irty fra::ewn", a.d alio th.t it violated t!< reeort "unity for victory nledge" enterod into e-.t^aon the A.r.of 7.., tha C.I. '., t'n railroad Crotherhoodn, and vari.ou? ir^eoendort labor organizations. You are also roeontod aa hcvn* votod "full ecnfi'h.-uc^ r d support" to r. lAuJo' rg. Your resolution donands an ans^or by myself, .id thorofor* r.t iv o".n n..'o I 3 din* t'ds '',ttar to all tn : oi .icors and board "iomborr oi th) California Itata Federation of labor, to th.' o..-icers of tho r. I f'.rati on oi hi.)'.r, to t': viriom local unions and t'u^r officers, ancl to tho labor and daily "noss. Tint, l^t - 1*' i t the ohar^*- t^at thii -nit is a ''Con i.ir.ist Party iranoun" is ridiculem. T^o cth^r 'or.beri oi thi 3.I.V. and niyself f<-' 1 'ron*l.y enough - ^ut ';'.io honor mr i.ite^r^ty oi t'*-o organization to whidh we oolong to vent to kno" e-rtain th'nis: (1) hat has bo- come of th.j tonoy -hieh has bior paid into tho J.A.V. drring tho nast throa and one half yo.rs '7hich has b^c.-i controlled and <*r.nt by "r. Lur". r ; and -"'ithort any acccuntini 'hatnoev.r t<*. the :;emb"uship? * (K) '."hy hasn't thu .1.1.1. h\d a con'/<;ntion, an jl ction of oj?icjrs, ur t <!f,nr' ''rt on in til i t 1 n th oj trio? bolicvo that a3 -onbera 's?' aro entitled to have this information, and to ' 'i ace' -.<1 f t 1 '*Co.r:uniat fr. iou-" h f-a"s rant I' S'/ora to thos" '* tions is nothing but rano-calling by hr. hundoh ri to n v nt t : trnth froi c in out. <'e will ..n*'."- a irono:al. !h.- ilaintijfa in tha care a/ain-'t hr, Lrndcborg (and it !a only a*ain;t 'r. nn -Ix. 1-3 .:.d jomc oubor indi- viduals and not t .aimt tho union at al], os n. ' ' rg is trying to \ahe it to^ear) Lll ta^o an auditor of onr ) n choosing and go over tho i.i.t . hoot- II those b- okn don't rov-;al t^* truth of tho chargoa wo nako, re will drop the cisi a^d rr.si *n from the -.1.1;. and -)Ublic3y .t'-olo-^tzv tL.u."doh-,rg. ''-'ill 1. jondeb -r * asci* t this chall'?n 0? Second, this caso h.ss absolutely nothin* to dc ith tho C.I.' . r- i tr b:.:is for that it of *-onr r<. ic-lntion callin* thif a violation . t"u r-iCTnt "unit-*.-" . u-. :t conus iror r - 3 yst iry to 03. 'e a^. all ^apbjrs of thu d.f.l. an/ aro not in tho C.I.f. and h.v.; no con- nection -.*ith th^ C.J.' . 1 hav^ b.-n a ..-mb r ?)f t! * bailors r.ion of tho Pacific ( .i.h.) lor night v^ars. I have cl ara'ca cards fro<" th) 1/54 and t'-.! irgC-1'57 maritime strikes. y union n cord s i ^bs for itaclf. J^it b cmsc h*<li v.. th.it r.tcl .ti rs ^h 'lld bo driven out of the labor nov, ;cnt doesn't 1 it*- thLi rai ; a C. "lot, "illions of other v;or'* r^ a re, * 'th to on this ireno '.tion as yen i 11 r w. Thil) T-o arc on tho s'-hn.^t of labor nnity, von brothers <idn't 'nr that :*r. und;b r* inst-ucted thu of t' j '.h.*\ . ) <- <f 1 T, I -o!:ic f it -raotinn n- ' .J. ., . ., .ullrcari, arc independent onion, including the State ieduration and th. .tata C.I.C., ti lifted -.s a r.cin" rith the unity stat':n'.etit .xc^nt tho ".b.?. and the 3.I.T. "hieh arc ictic ably ; -;ir.i. h*. ^ "1H - i ; h r'l* i... e rsiticn to talh abo'ub th *" Lty" q!';ition in ." " ol the-e facts. * n )crm--<' of not taking up this ^atsor ins.do the union ft rat. t.ll, ^ f-h.ae! you brothers don't knew it, but there is very littlo djnccracy in the S.l.U. and the S.U.P. I was suspended from th unim and hed . * -cok ^icl )d up because I brought this suit to find nut what ha^jnod to the ronoy oi tho monbers vhich 'r. Lundc- h. r* hna never accounted for. I vent to the S.U.P. meeting en Feb. 1^42, in order to ..vilaln my position to the lenb rs. r wn not v n .Lt':*..! a ?ha c t : a-i.-.ik. "a-. Lnnde^.rg's "a- sistantn" saw to that. The* practically throw no out of the nrtinr-. !?ow, a hand- pickod co.*rdttoe his bean selected to yive ee a trial, but the corn- et't u wouldn't 3 t ; brin% in a reporter to ta!.; 'io--n 'h.: ".:vid--nc ". "hit arj thoy afraid ef? nd^r those facts, do you think I ceuld get r.lrjss t.uide the union ae lon^ as ' r. Lundcberg controls it liko an i itatien "itl,r? Ln you think I ceuld fird out what had hanienod to th J.I.'. ion * in any other .'ay than goin^ to court? , tn' to : a v r" '.---tortant 'att<.r to your attention 'hich I r tin! -.-.-'11 ak yot top ant think b for;, you so quickly condemn ua n-'* so unthLn! in.;ly su^ -ort "r. hundcbjrg. You aro all acquainted 'Lth famous " u-d uto cm;< " 'hich "*,he State moderation oi Labor and all th A., .of . unions in the state fought all the "'ay to the Sunmno Court of California to yuarante-r labor'3 right to picket. The Howard Auto Co. bitterly n-*-c' ^ lahr-r -md ii notoriorsly anti-mien. Hcird Auto is, end for :iany <.: ths has b .nr., on t.'ii "Unfair Liat" of the San i'rancisco Labor Council, to 'hich the S.U.P. is affiliated. Yet, hr. Lundcb^rg, unbeknownst te the mc.nb rship of the S.U.P. and without their authority, bought a ;luick auto- robilo Irom Howard Auto Co. in ^ril of 1 ^1, and naid for -ith ,ailers money. You 'ill find attached a "het03t?t u<*)yy jf tho contract of purchase 'ith 'r.Lundo- r-'j i* atur cn it. eu "ill also find a chock 'hich * r. Lundeb^rg nade cut to ?o*.ard nuto, but which "'as re- turned ior correction an stated in the ohotostat letter -'ich i I n .nclose, b-.cauru in his excitement (ho must have known ho was doinr wrong) "r. Lundcberg wrote his rt' tit'iro ta Howard dundobtrg Instead ol Harrv Lundebery, *fho the -re." rt time -till owns thi3 Suiek. hrr ' ' ry ha v olat d v.r fur.'Mn,ntal union princi- ple 'y uyiny thi- car, and naying 'i.U.P. money fcr it wh^n eur union domtod money to the tate Loderation's fiyht rr'aJnst n-ard '.uto, "nd -'hen ho .-ard Auto is on the unfair 1 3t srraniy. ; la-xir. :;o"' LMip^BTni JUSTIFY ^ir ACT i*' srsPDin s.r.p. "CI " '< 'Y : A I'!! ' riy .IK CH'CERX "!ficn CUR UhlON HAS .-TVER MfWEY I-T1HT IH T '3 CChkT CA32 A^M'iST IT? v *'nf, **R. vsr-ii r^ T-insa .-tgSTicNS? Thia is <u;'t in tincj of what cur ease against Mr. Lundeborn is yoinr to briny out. Lor't you think that it ia in the intsreat of tho menb r.'io of the 3UP-3IU to know theac facts, and to find out just h r. r- A; violated thu tru.it ei tin* 4 jnbor3hip and is hurt- in* th ir r ts oi hon st unionist ? Don't you think th) tit;, i.;-h.<ration of Labor ought to reserve judgc- ..** i 1 all tho china are noun, in view of such as situation aa the tD , ,r ;.T y.i* 'aybe th<n are oth.r things that you brothers don*' hn^"" ' tt. -o; 't yen t;.in! you ou"ht to -ait ane find ou ? It v ) ire aeting for tho best interests of the mcmb rship in this .nattur* -\"ain w,, re-'-at, thi3 is not an attack on tho S.U.P. e^ 'h J.I.U. Mr.
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