"Ea«t Haven's "East Haven's Own Own Newspaper" ^be Eaet Haven Citisen Newspaper" VOL. I., No. 20 EAST HAVEN, CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1937 PRICE 5 CENTS REYNOLDS DINNER SET FOR JULY 29 Stone Church Holds . E. H. H. S. Graduates Independence Day Mr. Russell Mallinson Memorial Services 1937 Heads General Com­ Last Sunday, July 4, the Old Stone By RAYMOND PITCAIRN mittee Ciiurch paid tribute to members, National Chairman living and deceased, who were re­ Sentinels of the Republic At a committee meeting of the ceived into the church during the With a sphit of reverence, as well Reynolds Dinner Committee, last month of July from 1871 to 1936, in as of patriotism, America observes Wednesday evening, for the dinner this year the 161st anniversary of in honor of Mr. Edward Reynolds, the form of a Memorial Communion the Declaration of Independence. Service. At the same time It commemorates who hag recently retired from the In his sermon. Dr. Edwin D. Har­ the 150th anniversary of the United bench following a term of four vey, interim pastor of the church, States Constitution. years, it was decided to hold mentioned that many loved the Old Between these two celebrations the dinner at Wilcox's Pier Rest­ there Is a close relationship. To­ aurant, West Haven, on Thursday, Stone Church, and that there were gether they commemorate the fact now living 41 members of the church that our nation was created and July 29. A chicken dinner will be who had been received during the constituted the Land of Freedom. served and music will be furnished month of July. Dr. Harvey also It was the Decla.ration of Inde­ by Jack Lawlor and his Society Or­ pendence that proclaimed to the chestra. spoke of the late Rev. Daniel J. world that all men arc created free Clark, who was ordained as pastor and equsJ, that they arc endowed The general committee for the of the church on July 7, and who with certain inalienable rights, that affair is as follows: Mr. Russell also celebrated his birthday..durin.g. to secure these rights governments Mallinson, general chairman; Mr. are instituted. Herman Hackbarth, Mr. William this month. He also said that the It was the Constitution of the Rev. Clark had received 680 mem­ United States that gave those prin­ Osborn, Mr. Harold Hall, Mr. Her­ bers into the church during his forty ciples strength and permanence. bert Korn, Mr. Rudolph Schmidt, Mr. years of faithful service, of which Without that Charter of Liberties, Carl Rosenquist, Mr. Harold Brom- 120 were received during July. the freedom won by the courage berg, Mr. Ted Huling, Mr. Gus Mer­ and the self-sacrifice of our fathers Thirty of these members are still would have perished. rills, Airs. Dorothy Merrills, Mrs. living. To the men who, through those Chartes Miller, Airs. Alvin Sanford, He also spoke of Miss Ellen L. two historic documents, gave sub­ Mr. Chester Newton, Mr. J. Russell stance to our national ideals, all MacArthur, Mr. George Sisson, Mr. Thompson, who joined the church Americans owe a debt of gratitude • on July 7, 1871, and she is believed today. Leon Brockett, Mr. Henry H. Brad­ to be the oldest in point of church To realize what they established ley, Mr. Thomas Pendleton, Mrs. membership and continuous active for us, it is necessary only to con­ Katherine Dolan, Mr. Frank Carbone, service. She is still living at 214 sider the growth in area, in prratige Mrs. Otto Bath, Mr. Irwin Sprague, and in the well-being of its people Mr. Lyman Goodrich, Mr. George Main Street. ' . that America has achieved. I Dr. ' Harvey read a poem in . To realize from what they pro-.j Beckett, Mr. George Noble, Mrs. "TfJieThWy^ot 'tlVbse"''wKo"'Kaw tected us, it' is necessary only to' Florence Burwell; Mr. Rudolph Kueri; observe the repression of human Mrs. Chester Night, Mr. Maurice from our midst, before entering into rights and of the human spirit Communion. The poem was written which today afflicts so many nations Germond, Mr. William Geenty, Mr. by a member of the Old Stone abroad. Edward Lynch, of New Haven; Mr. Church. Independence Day, 1937, thus be­ Robert Gerrish, Mr. William comes a dual anniversary. It com­ McKeon, Mr. Dean Texido, Mr. The committee in charge of this memorates our birth as a, nation, beautiful Memorial Service were: and it demonstrates that only Jack Lawlor, Mr. Henry Antz, Mr. Mrs. Henry H. Bradley, Mrs. Charles through the power of human lib­ Henry Weber, Mr. Frank Redfield, erty and through government insti­ Mr. Leslie Redfield, Mr. Clifford F. Bat-es, Mrs. Sydney M. Everett tuted to secure such freedom, can and Mr. E. E. Cowles. , X a country progress and endure. Sturgcs, and Mr. John Howe. l£ • j»—- ^-(s On us rests the responsibility of ONION KING WORKS keeping that spirit alive. 5 Cases Browght Before Court Session "ISOLATES" LEPROSY Tlie following cases were brought up during the Town Court session here on Monday, July 5, by Judge Arthur T. Connor. Anthony Console ' was fined twenty-five dollars for exceeding the speed limit and driving without a license; William Lynch was fined Reading up and down, first row, Stanley Skut, Nelson Smith, Gordon f'"e dollars and costs for drunk- Stevens, Avery Stillings, Truman Suprenant; second rovy, Merritt eness; Richard Riley was discharged Thompson, Edwin Tipping, Frank Vercillo, Doris Warner, E''"'.-ard after being brought before the court Whittlesey. (See Page Three.) for breach of the peace and drunk- ) eness; judgment was suspended on Arthur Richkowski for discharging of Tax Collections Building Shows fireworks ov^er the holidays; and Wilfred Gagne was sentenced to Still On Increase Increase Over 1936 twen*y-flve days in pail for the fol­ lowing offenses: reckless driving, According to Mr. Thomas F. Rey­ In an interview with Building In­ evading responsibility, driving with­ nolds, tax collector here, the collec­ spector William Hogan, recently, it out a license and driving a car with­ Just a few years ago Clyde H. tions for the month of June are as was learned that, wUh the exception out permission of the owner. Melton of Devlne, Toxiis, headed a follows: current, $9,7002.09; back of the erection of the East Haven $3,500,000 enterprise and was known taxes,, $5,428.68; interests and liens, High School last year, building in the Dr. Earl B. McKinley, one of the as the "World's Bermuda Onion $914.03; and Old Age Assistance world's foremost experts on leprosy, Two Enroll KinR." The depression came, bank vicinity has improved quite a little taxes, $239.00, making a total of who has announced "isolation" of failures wrecked the financial struc­ in comparison to the 1936 figures. the true germ of leprosy. The doc­ In C. C. C. ture of business, and today he Is $16,283.80 over all. From October I, 1933 to July 1, tor, dean of medicine at George fighting his way back to economic For a period of nine months of 1937, a period of nine months, the Washington university, is in the Due to the announcement by the independence as a salesman of toys 1935, October to July inclusive, the total estimated cost of construction Phil.ppines for four months' re^ tp^^ ^ jg^ ^^^^^ j,,^^ .^^ in a store In Pasadena, Calif. tax receipts totalled $210,913.37; and amounted to $170,460.00, which in­ search work in the Cuhon island • „„„„„,.,•„„ •• ,. , „ in comparison to the same period of volved the building of 20 new leper colony, residence of e.ooo, ^"f P^'"?. ^PP''^^^'""-'^ f°^^"™"'"ent Rhubarb From Europe 1936, of which the receipts amount­ houses in East Haven. Igpers. 1'" '""^ Civilian Conservation Corps, Rhubarb was first brought to ed to $223,822.96, there is an in­ Mr. Hogan staieu that the chief ' j two have applied for such in William -- I King, of Taylor Avenue, and James America for planting from E&rope crease of $12,909.50 over-1935. reason for the lack of building here, about 150 years ago. Trumpeter Swans Large | Andrews, of Winchester Place. The is due to the extraordinary high The beautifuitiiuli and rare trumpetetrumpeterr !.„..„ i ^ ^ ,-. ,, ,. Dishonest Man,. Cheater prices of building materials. swanvans are the largest of 'th e United a^t ^Madison ^'^ ^°, Connecticut'^P°'^ «* Cam, byp nooHadleyn to­, Gold Discovery Site "A dishonest man," said Hi Ho, States', native water fowl day. Gold was first discovered In the the sage of Chinatown, "must at Elevation.of Land in OIilo Pirated First Edition Black Hills region of South Dakota I last be cheated himself, since he is The average elevation of land in The first edition of Shakespeare's Many Species of Painu ,)uly 27, 1874, at the site of the town forced into companionsh<i with ex­ Ohio is 565 feet above sea level and ••Sonnets," published hi 1609 by nl Custer. There are over 1,UOO species of perts in dishonesty." 200 feet above Lake Krie. iom Thorpe, was a pirated one. palms in the world. PAGE TWO THE EAST HAVEN CITIZEN, FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1937 THE EAST HAVEN CITIZEN, FRIDAY,. JULY 9, 1937 PAGE THREE OUR What's What In SOCIETY Uhc East 1bav>en Citisen BOOK"CASE BUILDING by The CHAMBERLAIN Store has ORGANIZATIONS MISS MARJORY LEWIS TOWN TEAM TO MEET A Weekly Newspaper by CONSTRUCTION Society Editor helped your ancestors with their furniture MISS LOTTIE E. STREET An open forum for the discus­ Established 1937 E. H. Democratic Club sion and explanation of con­ Week-end in Delaware problems since 1835 Librarian struction and material problems LYME ON SUNDAY This week we choose another po­ Mr.
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