Coast Guard, DHS § 132.210 not be less than that of the pump-dis- stations; each pipe must run as far charge outlet. away from this cargo as practicable, to (j) In no case may a pump connected avoid risk of damage by the cargo. to a line for flammable or combustible (i) Each fire hydrant or ‘‘Y’’ branch liquid be used as a fire pump. must be equipped with a valve such (k) A fire pump must be capable of that the fire hose may be removed both manual operation at the pump while there is pressure on the fire and, if a remote operating station is main. fitted, operation at that station. (j) Each fire hydrant connection must be of brass, bronze, or equivalent § 132.130 Fire stations. metal. The threads of fire hose cou- (a) Except as provided by paragraph plings must be of brass or other suit- (b) of this section, ire stations must be able corrosion-resistant material and so numerous and so placed that each comply with NFPA 1963. part of the vessel accessible to persons (k) Each fire hydrant must have a aboard while the vessel is being oper- fire hose 15.2 meters (50 feet) in length, ated, and each cargo hold, are reach- with a minimum diameter of 38 milli- able by at least two effective spray pat- meters (11⁄2 inches), connected to an terns of water. At least two such pat- outlet, for use at any time. terns must come from separate hy- (l) No fire hose, when part of the fire drants. At least one must come from a equipment, may be used for any pur- single length of hose. pose except fire-fighting, fire drills, (b) Each part of the main machinery and testing. space, including the shaft alley if it contains space assigned for the stowage (m) A suitable hose rack or other de- of combustibles, must be reachable by vice must be provided for each fire at least two streams of water. Each hose. Each rack on a weather deck stream must come from a single length must be placed so as to protect its hose of hose, from a separate fire station. from heavy weather. (c) Each fire station must be num- (n) Each section of fire hose must be bered in compliance with § 131.830 of lined commercial fire hose, or lined fire this subchapter. hose that meets Standard 19 of Under- (d) Each part of the fire main on a writers Laboratories, Inc. (UL). Hose weather deck must be either protected that bears the UL label as lined fire against freezing or fitted with cut-out hose complies with this section. valves and drain valves so that exposed parts of the piping may be shut off and Subpart B—Portable and drained in freezing weather. Except Semiportable Fire Extinguishers when closed against freezing, the cut- out valves must be sealed open. § 132.210 Classification. (e) Each outlet at a fire hydrant (a) Each portable fire extinguisher must be at least 38 millimeters (11⁄2 inch) in diameter and, to minimize the and semiportable fire extinguisher is possibility of kinking, must be fitted classified by a symbol combining letter so that no hose leads upward from it. and number. The letter indicates the (f) Each fire station must be equipped type of fire that the unit should extin- with a spanner suitable for use on the guish; the number indicates the rel- hose there. ative size of the unit. (g) Each fire station must have at (b) The types of fire are the fol- least one length of fire hose. Each hose lowing: on the station must have a fire nozzle (1) ‘‘A’’—fires in ordinary combus- approved under subpart 162.027 of this tible materials, where the quenching chapter that can discharge both solid and cooling effect of quantities of ei- stream and water spray. ther water or solutions containing (h) Each pipe and fire hydrant must large percentages of water is essential. be placed so that the fire hose may be (2) ‘‘B’’—fires in flammable liquids, easily coupled to them. Each station greases, and the like, where the blan- must be readily accessible. No deck keting effect of a smothering-agent is cargo may interfere with access to the essential. 425 VerDate Mar<15>2010 08:26 Nov 18, 2011 Jkt 223196 PO 00000 Frm 00435 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\223196.XXX 223196 wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR.
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