Department of the Army, DoD § 578.48 § 578.47 World War II Victory Medal. ern boundary of the American Theater (§ 578.50 American Campaign Medal). (a) Criteria. The World War II Victory (c) One bronze service star is author- Medal was established by the act of ized for each campaign under the fol- Congress July 6, 1945 (59 Stat. 461). It is lowing conditions: awarded for service between December (1) Assigned or attached to, and 7, 1941 and December 31, 1946, both present for duty with, a unit during the dates inclusive. period in which it participated in com- (b) Description. The medal is Bronze, bat. 3 1 ⁄8 inches in width. On the obverse is a (2) Under orders in the combat zone figure of Liberation standing full and in addition meets any of the fol- length with head turned to dexter look- lowing requirements: ing to the dawn of a new day, right foot (i) Awarded a combat decoration. resting on a war god’s helmet with the (ii) Furnished a certificate by a com- hilt of a broken sword in the right manding general of a corps or higher hand and the broken blade in the left unit or independent force that he actu- hand, the inscription ‘‘WORLD WAR ally participated in combat. II’’ placed immediately below the cen- (iii) Served at a normal post of duty ter. On the reverse are the inscriptions (as contrasted to occupying the status ‘‘FREEDOM FROM FEAR AND of an inspector, observer, or visitor). WANT’’ and ‘‘FREEDOM OF SPEECH (iv) Aboard a vessel other than in a AND RELIGION’’ separated by a palm passenger status and furnished a cer- branch, all within a circle composed of tificate by the home port commander the words ‘‘UNITED STATES OF of the vessel that he served in the com- 3 AMERICA 1941–1945’’. The ribbon is 1 ⁄8 bat zone. inches wide and consists of the fol- (3) Was an evadee or escapee in the 3 lowing stripes: ⁄8 inch double rainbow combat zone or recovered from a pris- in juxtaposition (blues, greens, yellows, oner-of-war status in the combat zone reds (center), yellows, greens, and during the time limitations of the cam- 1 9 blues); ⁄32 inch White 67101; center ⁄16 paign. Prisoners of war will not be ac- 1 inch Old Glory Red 67156; ⁄32 inch corded credit for the time spent in con- 3 White; and ⁄8 inch double rainbow in finement or while otherwise in re- juxtaposition. The rainbow on each straint under enemy control. side of the ribbon is a miniature of the (d) The arrowhead is authorized for pattern used in the WWI Victory wear on this medal to denote participa- Medal. tion in a combat parachute jump, heli- copter assault landing, combat glider § 578.48 European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal. landing, or amphibious assault landing, while assigned or attached as a mem- (a) Criteria. The European-African- ber of an organized force carrying out Middle Eastern Campaign Medal was an assigned tactical mission. (The ar- established by Executive Order 9265, rowhead is described in § 578.61) announced in WD Bulletin 56, 1942, as (e) Description. The Bronze medal is amended by Executive Order 9706, 11⁄4 inches in width. On the obverse is a March 15, 1947. It is awarded for service LST landing craft and troops landing within the European-African-Middle under fire with an airplane in the back- Eastern Theater between December 7, ground below the words ‘‘EUROPEAN 1941 and November 8, 1945 under any of AFRICAN MIDDLE EASTERN CAM- the conditions as prescribed in § 578.49 PAIGN’’. On the reverse, an American (Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal). bald eagle close between the dates (b) The boundaries of European-Afri- ‘‘1941–1945’’ and the words ‘‘UNITED can-Middle Eastern Theater are as fol- STATES OF AMERICA’’. The ribbon is lows: 13⁄8 inches wide and consists of the fol- (1) Eastern boundary. The eastern lowing stripes: 3⁄16 inch Brown 67136; 1⁄16 boundary is coincident with the west- inch Irish Green 67189; 1⁄16 inch White ern boundary of the Asiatic-Pacific 67101; 1⁄16 inch Scarlet 67111; 1⁄4 inch Theater (§ 578.49). Irish Green; center 1⁄8 inch triparted (2) Western boundary. The western Old Glory Blue 67178, White and Scar- boundary is coincident with the east- let; 1⁄4 inch Irish Green; 1⁄16 inch White; 425 VerDate Aug<31>2005 12:10 Jul 30, 2008 Jkt 214125 PO 00000 Frm 00435 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\214125.XXX 214125 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with CFR § 578.49 32 CFR Ch. V (7–1–08 Edition) 1⁄16 inch Black 67138; 1⁄16 inch White; and ing troops and palm trees in the fore- 3⁄16 inch Brown. ground with the words ‘‘ASIATIC PA- CIFIC CAMPAIGN’’ above the scene. § 578.49 Asiatic-Pacific Campaign On the reverse, an American bald eagle Medal. close between the dates ‘‘1941–1945’’ and (a) Criteria. The Asiatic-Pacific Cam- the words ‘‘UNITED STATES OF paign Medal was established by Execu- AMERICA’’. The ribbon is 13⁄8 inches tive Order 9265 (WD Bulletin 56, Novem- wide and consists of the following ber 6, 1942), as amended by Executive stripes: 3⁄16 inch Yellow 67108; 1⁄16 inch Order 9706, March 15, 1947. It is awarded White 67101; 1⁄16 inch Scarlet 67111; 1⁄16 for service with the Asiatic-Pacific inch White; 1⁄4 inch Yellow; center 1⁄8 Theater between December 7, 1941 and triparted Old Glory Blue 67178, White March 2, 1946 under any of the fol- and Scarlet; 1⁄4 inch Yellow; 1⁄16 inch lowing conditions: White; 1⁄16 inch Scarlet; 1⁄16 inch White; (1) On permanent assignment in the and 3⁄16 inch Yellow. Asiatic-Pacific Theater. (2) In a passenger status or on tem- § 578.50 American Campaign Medal. porary duty for 30 consecutive days or (a) Criteria. The American Campaign 60 nonconsecutive days. Medal was established by Executive (3) In active combat against the Order 9265 (WD Bulletin 56, 1942), as enemy and was awarded a combat deco- amended by Executive Order 9706, ration or furnished a certificate by the March 15, 1947. It is awarded for service commanding general of a corps or high- within the American Theater between er unit or independent force showing December 7, 1941 and March 2, 1946 that he actually participated in com- under any of the following conditions: bat. (1) On permanent assignment outside (b) Boundaries of Asiatic-Pacific The- the continental limits of the United ater—(1) Eastern boundary. Coincident States. with the western boundary of the (2) Permanently assigned as a mem- American Theater (§ 578.50 American ber of a crew of a vessel sailing ocean Campaign Medal). waters for a period of 30 consecutive (2) Western boundary. From the North days or 60 nonconsecutive days. Pole south along the 60th meridian (3) Outside the continental limits of east longitude to its intersection with the United States in a passenger status the east boundary of Iran, thence south or on temporary duty for 30 consecu- along the Iran boundary to the Gulf of tive days or 60 nonconsecutive days. Oman and the intersection of the 60th (4) In active combat against the meridian east longitude, thence south enemy and was awarded a combat deco- along the 60th meridian east longitude ration or furnished a certificate by the to the South Pole. commanding general of a corps, higher (c) One bronze service star is author- unit, or independent force that the sol- ized for each campaign under the con- dier actually participated in combat. ditions outlined in § 578.48 European-Af- (5) Within the continental limits of rican-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal. the United States for an aggregate pe- (Service stars are described in § 578.61). riod of 1 year. (d) The arrowhead is authorized for (b) The boundaries of American The- wear on this medal to denote participa- ater are as follows: tion in a combat parachute jump, heli- (1) Eastern boundary. The eastern copter assault landing, combat glider boundary is located from the North landing, or amphibious assault landing, Pole, south along the 75th meridian while assigned or attached as a mem- west longitude to the 77th parallel ber of an organized force carrying out north latitude, thence southeast an assigned tactical mission. (The ar- through Davis Strait to the intersec- rowhead is described in § 578.61). tion of the 40th parallel north latitude (e) Description. The Bronze medal is and the 35th meridian west longitude, 11⁄4 inches in width. On the obverse is a thence south along the meridian to the tropical landing scene with a battle- 10th parallel north latitude, thence ship, aircraft carrier, submarine and an southeast to the intersection of the aircraft in the background with land- Equator and the 20th meridian west 426 VerDate Aug<31>2005 12:10 Jul 30, 2008 Jkt 214125 PO 00000 Frm 00436 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\214125.XXX 214125 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with CFR.
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