
r |i i; J f,; h fl fi i; r:'! ll r |i I ', t! •»i: 11,11; >• •• n. c f 11 f f f p * ^ r r i»>" f v * r»»•• 11. f [• i-1. r t^ r r >• • • t^ • • > ••?fl!(tl|!im!:ii!r!H'l!if|f!lilli!il!il!lft|i Hffintt till LOCAL NEWSBRIEFS Judge reverses Topfree ruling Monroe County Court Judge Pitricia D. Maries ruled in November that the New Yoric State public nudity iaw, prohibiting women from baring their breasts in public, is unconstitutional. Marks determined that the convictions of the Topfree protestors in 1989 were *'legal­ ly uisufHoent and against the weight of the evidence.** Her decision overturns the Ibp­ free women*s convictions by City Court Judge John Manning Regan, who ruled that women must not be aUowed to expose their breasts, which he said are considered sex­ ual and therefore indecent in "Judeo­ Christian tradition/' Jttst Use tt: Thc Ibpfree women, who were arrested Banana boys poster at tbe Bug Jar on Monroe in 1986 and 1989 after baring their breasts Avenue Tbfifut otit wbo tite Banana Boys are, see at picnics in Dunind Eastman and Cobbs Hill page 7. Parks, had aigued that the state law violates the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitu­ tion, which calls for equal protection under the law. The only exceptions to the law are nursing mothers and "topless** dancers. Marks wrote, "The Court of Appeals has upheld the statute as it pertains to nude sun­ bathing by a male in public places. Male and female breasts arc physiologically similar." Area law enforcemem officiais say they are not sure what the ruling's effect will be, and Gay patrol to cover downtown need guidance from thc county prosecutor. Chief Deputy Anthony M. Ciaccia Jr. of the By Sosan Jordaa "Our basic job is to be observers, aiKl so we have to leam what and what tiot to Moiuoe County SherifiTs office said, "It's a Duritig the long cold ni^us of February, good witnesses should any Iticidents occur," say, and how to say it." bit premature in the game to evaluate the Matthew Knapp and three companions plan Knapp said. "We wiU have waUckr talkies and Bar owners in the downtown area wiU be lamificadons of tbe decision.*' Capt. Michael to be patrolling thc gay bar area do'wntoivn, can instantly report any problems directiy notified by Capt. Fennessy or Capt. Mosher, Karnes of the city's Goodman Section as members of thc newly formed gay Pa<^Ilic to police. Our coordinator in the Depart­ and a joint meeting may be set up for them said, "I don't know how fu'-reaching that group, which hopes to crcate a "visible ment will be Capt. Lany Fennessy, tbe crime to discuss the situation, ask questions and ruling is. Certainly we have a lot of other deterrent'' to gay basliers and other attackers prevention officer who has tesponsibility for offer suggestions. "Wr're there for the more serious incidents to look into. in tlie area. PaiXic downtcrwn." residential neighbors in the area too," Knapp Soniething like this we respond to on a com­ Thc group, which is still nameless, con­ Kn2q>p said that a Padlkc presence will act said. "They are often disturbed by people plaint basis." sists of two women and two men. In late as a visible deterrent to gay bashers and coming out of bars late at night." November they met with Capt. Ray Mosher, Ibpfree protestor Ramona Santorelli said, others who wait to assault people leaving The group's beat wiU be within Capt. head of the Rochester PoHce Department's gay bars. "What happens inside the bars is Mosher's Downtown Section jurisdiction, "IVe always said that therc was going to be Downtown Section, ro discuss setting up the a maverick judge in Rochester who was go­ none ofour business," he said. "\(^ will be which extends currendy to the Inner Loop. patrol, which will resemble those in other covering the streets." He said that the two After Jan. 1, the section wiU expand, and wiU ing to take this case seriously and find in our areas of thc city, although it will remain a fivor. And (Marks) is the one." Santorelli said pairs will patn^l separately but will both be cover areas of Monroe and Alexander St.s, separate entity — the Downtown Pacfllic on the streets from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m., mak­ and more of Main St. "HopefuUy by then that she and fellow Ibpfree protestor Mary (Police And Citizens Ibgether). Lou Schloss talked about the issue on the ing up their ow^ shifts. we'U have more people," Knapp said. Donabtie show on Nov. 27, and have also "The meeting went very well," said The danger of patroUing downtown Ihiining wiU include spendh^ time in a appearcd on talk shows in Philadelphia and Knapp, founder of the group, who propos­ streets is something Knapp takes seriously, police car. "\lfe*U see how people react to New Jersey. ed the idea in a letter to the editor in the Oc­ but ail four group membets feel that it is a us and to thc poUce officer," Knapp said. tober Entpty Closet. "Wc got a lot of infor­ Their af^peal to overturn the Coumy Court project that is long overdue. "I think this is "Thc job is to keep everybody safe. If wc mation, and Ray Mosher was very suppor­ great," Knapp said. "1 couldn't be morc tried an unofficial patrol ofour own, uncon­ reversal of their City Court victory in 1986 tive. It was a positive experience." will soon be heard by the New Y^rk State pleased that it is staning to become a reali­ nected to the poUce department, Capt. Court of Appeals. Santorelli said that she ex­ Knapp said that the group will submit an ty. After the gay bashing incident at the Mosher said tliat the poUce would look at pects that Marks* ruling will also be application to thc Police Department, and Bachelor Forum in September, I felt a need us as pan of the problem on the streets." appealed. group members will undergo background to take a stand.'' Knapp said that he was told Ktiapp says he thinks that gay bashing is checks meant to determine if they have by Ray Moshcr that PadBic members will be becoming a timely subject, and is receiving -Some infonnation from Greg Livadis, histories of substance abuse, assault and bat­ representing the PoUce Department, and more attention from the mainstrcam media Times-Unitm tery or other serious crimes. Then they will anyone who bocheiS them wiU have to ac­ than ever beforc. "I think untU it happens take part in six hours of training over two count to police. to you, you can't get the fuU scope of it. I've AIDS benefit nights, which is longer than most PadCic Ideally, Knapp would like to see a group been harassed verbaUy, and I*ve often wish­ training sessions. of 20 or 25 people, to be able to cover the ed that therc were other people or poUce "The training period was extended bars and work different shifts. The group there to say *Move along/ This group won't at Jazzberry's because we'U need to talk ahout cotiflict hopes to get the project off the ground by make the problem go away, but it's nice — "An Evening with thc Arts," to benefit management and dealing with disturbed FH>ruary. '*V9t aren't sure what nights we kind of giving back to the community. If we AIDS Rochester's community fund, will take people," Knapp said. He said that Capt. WiU be out," he said. "^I^'U decide among patrol f^ years and see no violem incidents, place at Jasdberry's Uptown, 50 East Ave., on Mosher had told him that the group couldn't outselves, but it wiU prot>ably be Friday aiKl tt WiU StiU be worthwhUe. Dec. 2 at 5:30 [km. have come along at a better time, as there Saturday nights. For now, we need to aqiply, * * We need to start taking care of The evening will featufc a performance by was a problem otganizing a PacfDic group in get our walkie talkies and ocher equipment, ourselves,'' Knapp said.' * We' ve come Antittiesis ^a2z and poetry, from Lyons, the downtown atea, due to the comparative­ and Stan training. Tbe walkie talkies wlU be Pmirot comliiacd on ps^c 3 N.Y.); poetry by Ibdd Beets, Laufcnce Cham­ ly few rcsidettts. booked direcdy into the police dcspatcher. poux, bobby Johnson and Jonathan Scouten; Nancie Ketuiedy and Howard Spindler per­ forming songs by W.H. Auden and Benjamin Book revietvs Buffaio benefit Bar stars Britten; singing by Susan Pluitkctt and acotistic guitar by ^V^ne Penlon. The event is being held in conitmction with mbrid AIDS Day, Dec. 1, and tbe Wotfd Health Organization's fourth annual AIDS Awarenesff Motith, designed to celebrate the achicvctnents and lives of colleagues and Iriends, while fnoumiog the losses sustain­ ed by creative communities; encourage ac­ tion to cure, atid care for, all people with HIV, and educate the public about HIV infectloD. Thc cxhibilioa "In the Face of AIDS," Holly Hvgkcs siMkk part in a First ctU9ied by David Kwasigroh, has been run­ New Bookflt sec page B Ammdmcnt bcacflt at gallwalls The Bnddy Awards, see pagc 13 ning at Jazzberry's since Oct. 25, and will (Above: firom MENI) In awflUow Sec page 6. (Above: Tbny Greene & Cheryl coaitiiMBcd an pagc 5 pboto by Maria VbntUo Martin, pboto by Sttsan DatHd) 2 THE EMPTY CLOSET December, 1991 W9\ v>-Imr->KI r'I^Oj:> YT^M3 3HT.
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