.« *>?»«* r>* » «v V* lar-^yw -'rr: 20 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Sat., March 6, 1962 Needy get Getting gardens ready Wittke wins BUSINESS________ the cheese for spring planting bowling title p a g e 3 ... page 13 ... p ag e 9 Social Security changes are inevitable \ A few years ago our Social Security Administration were benefiting. Now, as more of us become entitled to after-tax earnings when the worker was alive. This also pubiicixed the case of Mrs. Ida Fuller, billed as the first checks and as the benefits have expanded and the tie to must end. the cost-of-livIng index (voted under Nixon) boosts recipient of Sociai Security BenefiU. In her 60s Promises have been made to 168 million Americans. Light snow Manchester, Conn. payments annually, the check for the "free lunches” in when Social Security went into effect in 1937, Ida Fuller Your These promises must be kept, e s p ^ ^ to t b ^ the past, is being presented. flurries Tuesday "contributed” oniy about $22 in SS taxes before she Money's already reUred. But modificaUons can’t be «tacked. Mon., March 8, 1982 retired. You and I have wanted to believe. We have not asked miiiaa for cost-of-living increases must be revised. — See page 2 ourselves the hard questiops.that.cBn .be solved with 25 Cents Yet, she iived to coliect more than 120,000 in retire­ Worth 'Fairness dictates a better correlaUon between cot- ment benefits, according to a former Social Security ac­ honest answers and not-so-tou^ adjustments in benefits. tribuUons and benefits. Taxing beneflta for people with HanrhfBtrr HrralJi tuary. A. Haeworth Robertson, now a consuitant to Sylvia Porter The changes will, come; they must to protect the high incomes should be w eld ed — all on a gradual William M. Mercer Inc. greatest sociai welfare system ever devised in our na­ phase-in basis. The age for retirement begs for a Ida Fulier wasn’t aione. Take the case of Arthur L. tion. gradual increase. Smith of Montciair, N.J. in 1935, when Social Security As of now, we cannot even plan what we will need to legislation was first passed, he was an official of the supplement our Social Security benefits. We know the And our overall tax policies should make it possible to American Insurance Company, had worked for the firm adjustmoits are ahead. The quicker they are voted, the save for retirement, while our budget policies are almost 50 years and was nearing retirement. Smith didnT need the SS checks that arrived monthly, better off we all will be. targeted to control inflation — at last. A rock-ribbed Republican who had saved and insured but he took them. Today, the system is geared to recent income levels. (Xir dream of a decent, dignified retirement can come More himself for retirement privately. Smith first was con­ “ Dumdemocrats,” be pronounced the phrase as It encourages the "double-dippers” who work for true. temptuous of the plan. But within weeks his attitude Southeners do Damnyankees, " I f they want to dole out government to age SO, for a tax-supported pension, then (Job bunting? Sylvia Porter’s comprehensive new 32- Election may changed, and for about 2Vit years, from the time SS con­ those dollars to.me. I ’m not going to return them.” But get a job with private industry for the last .10 to 15 years tributions began until Smith retired in 1940, he and his he warned his children, “ You are the only ones paying of their careers to tap into Social Security'. This scandal page booklet “ How to Get a Better job” gives up-to-date company contributed about ^00 into his SS account. for this.” must end! information on today’s job market and bow to take ad­ vantage of it. Send $1.95 plus 50 cents for postage and On his retirement, his C9 mpany gave him a party, a Arthur Smith lived to age 83. Like Ida Fuller — and Today, too, low wage earners often get a relatively lose Gladstone bag and a gold'watch, no pension. (In those millions of others — he collected thousands more than larger percentage of their earnings than do h i^ e r ear­ handling to “ How to 'Get a Better Job” in care of this days, insurance company employees especially were he had paid in. ning contributors. In some cases, the wife and children newspaper, 4400 Johnson Dr., Fairway, Kan. 66205. expected to save fo r ’their later years on their own.) In those years, millions more were contributing than of a worker who dies may get more than the worker’s Make checks payable to Universal Press Syndicate.) bring revolt jobs? r-In brief- GUATEMALA Cl’TY (UPI) - Op­ with mal-intent,” he said. AMERICANS AT WORK position leaders today charged the At a press center in Guatemala Ci­ Braniff tickets: military regime tampered with ty, the candidate accused the 4 . Major Occupation Categories communications to secure victory government-run Guatel com­ More layoffs were reported for its candidate in a presidential munications company of foot- Friday at Multi-Circuits but no firm UTC builds laser vote in Guatemala, a nation with a dragging in releasing vote totals figures were available and officials that have only trickled out since traditiqn of ballot fraud. of the company could not be reached EAST HARTFORD United Technologies As ruling-party candidate Gen. polls closed in most towns Sunday no guarantees for confirmation, Research Center has built a $600,000, nine-kilowatt Anibal Guevara took a strong lead in evening. Employees interviewed Friday industrial laser for an experimental cutting system a race to determine Guatemala’s Maldonado Aguirre also said his at Oak Ridge National Laboratory at Oak Ridge, leadership against a growing two-party coalition has been unable morning as they left work all said Tenn. By Bruce B. Bakke tickets” to avoid tying up cash with the guerrilla movement, one politician to call regional offices because they had received no layoff slips airline. The three-month laser was delivered to Oak UPl Business Writer warned election fraud could spark telephones are suspiciously out of and. in fact, had been told to report American Airlines, Braniff’s chief Ridge, site of a national laboratory operated by “ a civil uprising.” order. for weekend work. competitor, called a news conference Union Carbide Corp. The laser will b^om e a major DALLAS (UPI) - Braniff Inter­ ’The United States has promised to Antonio de Sandoval, cousin of However, those employees said national sold a second ticket for $1 in 10 Friday to spell out restrictions on the rightist presidential candidate component to of the^ Consolidated Fuel Service Workers pour in arms and other assistance to they expected more layoffs on the cities Friday, but buyers had no guarantee. resist the guerrillas if the generals Mario Sandoval Alarcon of the Reprocessing Program which Union Carbide con­ 13.4 million weekend. ducts for the U.S. Department of Energy. guarantee their tickets will be valid if ’Thomas G. Plaskett, senior vice presi­ allowed a clean election. The National Liberation Movement, said Total Mho C a lv :^ And sources Said that on Friday the financially troubled airline folds dent of marketing for Dallas-based military has been accused of rigging Guatel delivered “ false” telegrams foremen were told to lay off certain before.they can be honored. American, said under the plan tickets 2 t.4 o i the past (wo elections, both won by from alleged party members. Total WIilM CMar: numbers from their staffs, but were The offer, covering all Braniff-served purchased from a defaulting airline army generals. “ The government” is behind the UPI photo cities in Texas and Oklahoma except the could be used only on a standby basis 52.4 ■ ■ “ We are not calling it fraud,” said communications problems, San­ not given specific instructions on Dallas-Fort Worth area, allows anyone without reservations on American. Alejandro Maldonado Aguirre, a doval said, warning that “ a civil up­ how to select which employees who buys one ticket on Braniff to buy former U.N. ambassador running rising could result.” Sandoval Alar­ Long lines would get their layoff slips. Plaskett also said only tickets New penalties another of an equal or lesser value for $1. for president on behalf of a coalition con’s party has vowed to “ take it to It was also reported that some purchased from a travel agent would be ’The tickets will be good between March the streets” if fraud occurred. Thousands of early voters wait patiently in general election. Officials reported only, involved, and-Jickets with “ no value or of the moderate National Renova­ foremen, those with the least HARTFORD — The Internal Revenue Service 15 and April 30. tion and the Christian Democratic Both Sandoval and Maldonado minor incidents due to the delays. minimum value,” such as cut-rate deals, long lines at this polling place in Guatemala sen iority in th eir jobs, w ere has announced that it will levy a newly increased It was the third cut-rate sale the debt- parties. would not be honored. No refunds would i Craft 12.1 Please turn lo page 8 City to cast their ballots In the Sunday demoted. penalty against individuals who attempt to avoid in­ ridden airline had begun in an attempt to “ It is lack of communications come tax withholding on wages by filing false W-4 generate cash (low during a normally be given by American for tickets Professional, ■a Transport One hopeful rumor circulated in purchased from a defaulting airline, he Forms, "Employee’s Withholding Allowance Cer­ slow time of the year.
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