•tat* Llbtrary; LAS VEGAS AGE VOLUME XVII. LAS VEGAS, CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA, SATURDAY, MARCH 5. 1921 REGULAR MEETING OF SIMPLE CEREMONY [JUDGE LANGAN TO BE RANGER CALDWELL BUOL SELLS BORAX CASE! CITY INE • Virginia City Judge Accused of No. One Flow So Great That School Board Gives to the Pub­ Notices of Licensees Due Will Doctors Order President Wilson Large Deposit in Clark County Neglect of Duties in State The Pipes Can't Handle. lic the Facts in Regard to Hereafter Be Mailed Out To Leave Ceremony. Inau­ Taken Over By Borax Smith Bank Trust Case Two Wells Flowing Much Exaggerated Case to Individuals guration Sidelights For Huge Sum (Special to the Age) From telegrams we learn that the > The ke nest excitement has pre­ Tb the State Board of Education of The regular meeting of the C'ty Commissioners wins held March 2, CARSON CITY, .March .4—As­ Ranger Caldwell Oil ft Gas Co.. drill- [ vailed in Las Vegas the past week the State of Nevada; To tbe Parents HARDING POLICIES ing at Breckenridge. Texas, has at which His Honor, the Mayor W. E. sembly concurrent resolution No. 5 over the sale by Clark Co. men of and Guardians of the Children of Las brought in at least two big wells. an immense borax deposited. The Vegas School District No. 12 of Clark Ferron, Commissioners Conklin and passed both house* directing attorney Martin, City Clerk Doherty and City The policies which will be fol- After several months of hard luck find is located between Las Vegas connty, Nevada; To the Public at general to serve, no later than Mon- and after financing the company the Attorney Stevens were present. lowed by the new president are and St. Thomas and is about s>ven I_fie: day, complaint for removal from of­ second time, stockholders in Lincoln miles from fhe Colorado river. la-Be: In tho matter of tbe whip­ Minute**! of the previous meeting as follows: and Clark counties are at last coming floe of Judge Frank P. Langan and The deposit is said to be an im­ ping of Frank Lee, a member of the were read and approved, as well as No direction of world policies. into their own. The No. One well in mense one, it being 1500 feet long. Eighth Grade of Las Vegas Grammar the reports of officers. All claims No permanent military alliance, offering Langan an opportunity to* which the Company has the most in­ 15 fe t wide and, where It drops Into , School, on the 19th day of January. against the city were allowed as per political commitments or econom­ be heard in person or by counsel In terest came in of its own accord with a canyon is 150 feet deep. It Is esti­ claim book. ltU. ic obligations which will subject hi* defense not later than Thursday such a flow that it could not be shot mated by mining men that there are Owing to the wide publicity given After discussion, it was the opin­ our decisions to foreign authority. until yesterday, when the shot was of next week. 300.0M tons in sight. tbe case ln tbe public press of the ion of the board tbat the method now Formulation of an association of placed. The force of the flow was The lucky owners, Peter Buol and Pacific Coast, Hhe undersgned, the used for collecting fees for licenses nations for conference. Recommendation by the attorney so great according to Mrs. French's thr e associates, have sold the claim Board of Trustees of said School Dis­ (entitling individuals, companies or R' commlendations [looking tow­ general several days ago to secure telegram, that the eight inch casing to "Borax" Smith, of Twenty Mule trict, called for a full lnveestlgaUon of corporations to conduct business ln ard approximate disarmament the removal of Frank P. Langan, was broken; it was only with great i Team fame. the case to be held on the 19th day the City of Las Vegas) unnecessarily Creation of machinery for medi­ known nationally as the judge who difficulty that the line was mended. It is stated that work will begin of February, 1921, in the court room wastes the time of the City Clerk and ation, conciliation and arbitration gave Mary Pickford her divorce, from This well is now flowing thousands immediately on removing the borax of the Clark county court house at does not encourage promptness tn of International disputes. his position as judge of the first ju­ of barrels daily, the exact amount of! and tha shipments will be made from dicial district, was made to the leg­ which has not yet been determined, j Las Vegas, Nevada, at 10 o'clock a. the payment of said licenses, it was Clarification of international ! Dyk , Nevada, until a spur line of m. of said day, for the purpose of ordered that the Clerk, on the 1st of law. islative committee appointed to in­ as the pipes are too small to accom- railroad is built to the property. modate the flow. determining the truth or falsity of each quarter mail notices of fees due Creation of a world court. vestigate the affairs of the State Bank The deal has been pending for those public reports, ln the dally and for licenses from various individuals, Resistance to assaults on civili­ and Trust company receivership. The No Three well is increasing daily i some time and is one of the biggest report was approved by all the com­ weekly press. companies and corporations and that zation. now according to latest information transactions in mining property to be Those public press dispatches ln remittances, either by mail or in per­ mittee and was voted on by both and it promises to be a great produc-! made in Clark county in recent years. Promotion of international trade houses Friday. •some Instances reported that the son, be made to the City Clerk prom­ Reduction of abnormal expendi­ er. This is the well that was first! The consideration. It is said, was shot this week and which caused no principal when whipping the said ptly upon receipt of notice. tures. Neglect of the Interest of deposi­ $250,000. $50,000 of which was paid Frank Lee had struck him continu­ Upon appllcattn f James Nimck, Mttle speculation in oil stocks in Las in cash. Administration efficiency. tors of the bank through failure to Vegas and elsewhere. ously seven hundred blows and left City Plumber Inspectr, it was order­ Lightened tax burdens, sound enforce orders made relative to pro­ him prostrate on the floor of the ed that 250 copies of Ordinance No. commercial practices and ade­ secution on actions, the cause of The other three wells are setting | SCHOOL TOURNAMENT IN the casing and will probably also be eighth grade school room, where the 36, known as the Plumbing Ordi­ quate credit facilities. which arose from the receivership, OVERTON WELL ATTENDED whipping took place. nance, together with amendments, be Sympathetic -concern (for txftir in the producing class within a short is attributed to the judge by the com­ time. The Board of Trustees decided tbat printed for circulation. cultural problems. mittee. He is also charged with oth­ The Clerk opened bids for dispos­ Abolition of government experi­ The stockholders, as well as Mr. ! The High Schools of Lincoln and the examination of witnesses would er offenses, among them the follow­ and Mrs. French are to be congrat­ be confined largely to those who were al of garbage in compliance with a ments in business. ing: Clark Counties held a tournament notice to bidders published in the ulated on their stick-to-it-lve-ness.: yest rday at Overton. Our schooll present, ln the eighth grade room Industrial peace. Failure to require verified reports They have been up against many when the whipping took place, and Las Vegas Age. Only one bid was from the receiver. was well represented by all the teach­ submitted, that of R. J. Opperdyke, hud problems in th? past few months ers and forty-one students. The bask­ were eye witnesses to the same. At 1:19 p. m. Friday, March 4th, Failure to render a decision in ac­ and have overcome all obstacles by{ whp agreed to fulfil the provisions of cordance with law and facts in the et ball teams went by train, accom That said investigation was made a Warren G. Harding of Ohio repeated hard fighting and a persistant and pani d by Prof. Raitt. William Bloe public meeting, and when the inves­ the ordinance for $75 per month for in a clear firm voice the oath of of­ matter of fees for the receiver's at­ the term of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 years. stubborn desire to make good. del took Misses Kipp, Clough and tigation was called to order at 10:00 fice as president of the United States. torneys. Thereupon the contract for hauling Failure to fix the compensation of Potter, and Clarice Keate In his car. o'clock a. m. every seat in the large and disposing of garbage under Or­ Before the cheering had died away Misses Wolf and Norris and Mes­ court room was occupied and even the receiver. dames A. H. Norris and Chas. Ire­ dinance No. 80 was granted to R. J. he stepped forward and began his in­ Failure to require proper filing, en­ standing room was at a premium, Oppedyk for a t?rm of two years. augural address. Ten feet away, land rode over with Harold Silk. as the citizens, parents and guardians tering and docketing of matters in NEW AIR ROUTE Prof.
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