Appendix A. Spelling List This appendix shows the treatment of technical terms that are encountered frequently in AFS publications. There are two lists, one for terms relating to mathematics and statistics and one for other terms. Parts of speech are abbreviated as follows: adj = adjective, adv = adverb, n = noun, and v = verb. Superscripted numerals refer to notes at the end of the appendix. The sources for the second list are abbreviated as follows: W11 = Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 11th edition; W3 = Webster’s Third New International Dictionary (but not W11); CMS = Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition; CBE = Scientific Style and Format, 6th edition (Council of Biology Editors, Cambridge, UK); and FT = Fisheries Techniques, 2nd edition (American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland). Asterisks indicate terms that are not in either of the two dictionaries, plus signs terms for which AFS’s treatment differs from that in these dictionaries. 1. Mathematical and Statistical Terms analysis of variance (n; adj) discriminant function analysis analysis of covariance (n; adj) dome-shaped curve arcsine (arcsin in mathematical Delphi technique expressions, e.g., arcsin[x + 1]) Duncan’s multiple-range test arcsine transformation arcsine-transformed E(x) (expected value) η (eta; amount of variation in a given Bartlett’s test variable accounted for by ANOVA) base e, base 10 (n) expectation-maximization algorithm base-e, base-10 (adj) error-prone estimates best fit (n) best-fit (adj) Friedman’s rank-sum statistic Beverton–Holt Friedman two-way analysis of variance Bonferroni by ranks bootstrap F-statistic, -test, -value Chapman–Robson method general linear model (n; adj) chi-square (or χ2) test (not chi-squared generalized least squares test) G-test, -value coefficient of variation (define as goodness of fit (n) 100 × SD/mean or 100 × SE/mean) goodness-of-fit (adj) cross-classify growth-invariant discriminant functions detrended correspondence analysis H0 (null hypothesis) multiple comparison procedure HA (or Ha) (alternative hypothesis) multiple correlation (n) habitat suitability curve multiple-correlation (adj) Hardy–Weinberg expectation multiple regression (n) heteroscedastic, -icity multiple-regression (adj) homoscedastic, -icity multisample single recapture model honestly significantly different test multivariate analysis Hotelling–Lawley criteria multivariate analysis of variance Hotelling’s T2-statistic Newman–Keuls Jolly–Seber model nonlinear least-squares regression Jonckheere test nonuniform probability sampling Kendall coefficient of correspondence one-way analysis of variance (W) Kendall rank correlation coefficient (τ) pair-group method Kendall’s tau (or τ) pairwise comparison Keuls’ test Pearson’s product-moment correlation Kolmogorov D-statistic coefficient Kolmogorov–Smirnov cumulative Pillai criteria distribution test product-moment correlation Kolmogorov–Smirnov one-sample test product-multinomial sampling k-sample binomial test (2 × k test) P-value Kruskal–Wallis H-test Kruskal–Wallis k-sample test r (correlation coefficient) R2 (coefficient of multiple least significant difference (n) determination; least-significant-difference (adj) r2 if only one explanatory variable) least squares (n) rank sum (n) least-squares (adj) rank-sum (adj) linear discriminant analysis loge (or ln), log10 Scheffé’s statistic logistic regression Shannon–Weiner diversity index (H′) log-likelihood function Shapiro–Wilk W log-linear signed rank lognormal, -ity sign test log-transformed (log transformed after skewed distribution its noun) Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient (rs) Mahalanobis distance square-root-transformed data Mann–Whitney U-test stratified random design (or sampling) maximum likelihood (n; adj) stratified-random-sample model mean square error Strauss’s linear index Monte Carlo Student–Newman–Keuls test multiattribute utility analysis multinomial distribution time series analysis t-test age-class (nW3; adj*)17 Tukey–Kramer analysis age-cohort (n; adj) 17 Tukey post hoc analysis age-group (nW11; adj*)17 Tukey’s test age structure (n; adj)* two-way analysis of variance air bladder (nW11; adj*)24 type I (or II) error air-breathing (adj)* air-dried (adj; v)* unweighted pair-group method with air-dry (v)W11 arithmetic averages air sac (n)W11 [in birds only] U-test air stone (n; adj) alongshore (adj; adv)W11 W3 Var(x) (or V[x]) (population variance) ammonia nitrogen or NH3-N (n ; adj*) W11 var (x) (or var[ x ] or Vx[]) (sample ammonium nitrate (n ; adj*) ammonium nitrogen or NH +-N (nW3; variance) 4 adj*) variance–covariance angler data (n; adj)* angler-day (n)*19 W (Kendall coefficient of angler effort (n; adj)* correspondence) angler-hour (n)*19 Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney two-sample appendices or appendixes (n)W11 test aquaculture [not aquiculture] Wilcoxon matched-pairs, signed-ranks artificial intelligence (nW11; adj*) test Wilcoxon rank-sum test back-calculate (v)* Wilcoxon’s signed rank test back-calculation (n)* Wilks criterion W11 backwater (n) Wilks’ lambda (or λ) W3 baitfish (n) bait line (n; adj)* x-axis, -coordinate, -intercept bait minnow (adj)* W3 bank fish (n ; adj*) y-axis, -coordinate, -intercept W3 bank-full (adj) W11 barbed wire (n) barbed-wire (adj)* barbwire (n; adj)* 2. Other Terms W11 bar code (n ; adj*) base flow (n; adj)* W3 baseplate (n) acid-neutralizing* W11 11 B cell (n ; adj*) acid-tolerant* bedform acre-foot, acre-feet (n)W11 bed load (n; adj)* acre-foot-day (n)* W11 benefit-cost or cost-benefit (adj) acre-inch (n)W11 binary code (n)* x at age (n)* binary–coded wire tag (adj)* x-at-age (adj)* W11 biotelemetry (n) age x (n)* W3 blacktail (n) 21 bleb-like (adj)* age-x (adj; age x after its noun)* block net (n)* chlorophyll a (n)W11 block-net (adj)* chlorophyll-a (adj)* blocknet (v)* clear-cut (n; adj)W11 block-netter (n)* clear-cut (v)* block netting (n)* clear-cutting (nW11; adj*) block-netting (adj)* cobalt-60 (n; adj)+15 blow down (v)* coded wire tag (n; adj)* blowdown (n; adj)W11 coded-wire-tagged (adj; v)* x boat or xboat (n)18 coded wire tagging (n)* bottom fish (nW3; adj*) coded-wire-tagging (adj)* bottom fishing (nW3) cod end (nW3; adj*) box plot (n)* cold brand (n)*8 brackish water (n)W11 cold-brand (adj; v)*8 brackish-water (adj)W11 cold water (n)W11 break up (v)W11 coldwater (adj)+ breakup (n)W11 cold-water disease (adj)* breakwater (n)W11 common property (n)W3 brewer’s yeast (adj)W11 common-property (adj)* brood female (nW3; adj*) compact disc (n)W11, 23 broodfish (n)* contingent valuation (n; adj)* broodsac (n)W3 cool water (n)* broodstock (n)+ coolwater (adj)* brood year (n; adj)*20 cost-benefit (adj)W11 bus route (n; adj)* coworker (n)W11 bycatch (n)* cove rotenone sampling by-product (n)W11 creel (n; v)W11 crosshatch (n; v)W11 carbon-14 (n; adj)+ cross-hatching (n)W11 case history (nW3; adj*) cross-react (v)W11 cast net (n)W3 cross-reaction (n)W11 cast-net (adj)* cross-reactive (adj)W11 castnet (v)* cross section (n)W11 catch curve (n) cross-section (v)W11 catch-curve (adj) cross-sectional (adj)W11 catch depletion method cross validate (v)* catch–release (adj)* cross validation (n)* catch and release (n)* cut bank (n; adj)* catch-and-release (adj)* catch per effort or catch per unit effort daphnia (n)W11 [define as Daphnia spp. (n)* at first use] catch-per-effort or catch-per-unit-effort data (n)W11 [singular: datum; data takes (adj)* plural verb] char (n)W11 [not charr] database (n)W11 charter boat (n)* data logger (n; adj)* charter boat or charter-boat (adj*)18 data set (n)* charter fishing boat (n)* x-day19 day length (n; adj)* end point (n)W11 [objective] decision maker (n; adj)*1 exvessel (n)* [prevailing usage] decision making (n)*2 eyed egg (n)W3 decision-making (adj)*2 eyed egg stage (adj)* deep sea (n)W3 eye-up (n; adj)* deep-sea (adj)W11 deep water (n)* family-group (n; adj)* deepwater (adj)W11 fax (n; v)W11 deepwaterman (n)W3 fieldwork (n)W11 degree-day (n)W11 field-worker (n)W11 Dermo (n)* filterability (n)W11 desktop (n)W11 filterable (adj)W11 die off (v)W11 filter-feed (v)* die-off (nW11; adj*) filter feeder (n)W11 dip net (n)W11 filter feeding (n)* dip-net (adj)* filter-feeding (adj)* dipnet (v)W11 fin clip (n; adj)* dipnetter (n)W3 fin-clipped, fin-clipping (v)* dipnetting (n)W3 finfish (n)W11 disc brake (nW11; adj*)23 fin fold (nW3; adj*)5 disk or disc (n)W11, 23 fin ray (n; adj)* distiller’s (adj)+ first-order (adj)W11, 16 D-loop (n; adj) fish culture (nW3; adj*) dome-shaped (adj)* fish culturist (n)* dorsolateral (adj)W11 fish farm (nW11; adj*) dorsoventral (adj)W11 [not dorsiventral] fish-farm (v)W11 dorsoventrally (adv)W11 fish-farming (nW3; adj*) double-tag (v)* fish-finder (n)W3 double-tagged (adj)* fish hatchery (nW3; adj*) downcurrent fish ladder (nW3; adj*) downlake (adj; adv)* fishline (n)W3 download (v)W11 fish meal (nW3; adj*) downstream (adj; adv)W11 fishnet (n)W11 drift net fishpond (n)W11 fishpound (n)W3 early x or early-x (adjW11)3 fishway (n)W11 early (advW11)3 fishweir (n)W3 echolocation (n)W11 fish well (nW3; adj*) echo sounder (nW11; adj*) fish wheel (nW3; adj*) echo sounding (n)* floppy disk (n)W11, 23 echo-sounding (adj)* flowmeter (n)W11 ecosystem-wide (adj)*22 flow rate (n; adj)* e-mail (n; adj)+ fly-fish (v)W3 end label (n; adj)* fly fisher (n; adj)+ end-labeled (adj)* fly fisherman (nW11; adj*) endpoint (n)W11 [end of line] fly-fishing (n)W11 focal point (n; adj)* grow out (n)* xfold or x-fold [e.g., fourfold, 14-fold] grow-out (adj)* food fish (nW3; adj*) footrope (n)W11 handline (n; v)W3 FORTRAN or Fortran (n)W11 hard water
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