PERSOONIA A M YCOLOGI CAL JOURNAL VOL UM E 12 1983- 1985 Published by the R JJK SH ERBAR I U M LE IDEN, T I-l E NETH ERLANDS CONTENTS ;\ A, II. L. VAN OER & OORSC.IOT,C. A. N. VAN: A redescrip tion of some- genera wi th stau rosporcs . • . 4 15 ARNOLDS, E.: Notes on 1/ygrophon u - IV . N.:w species and new combinations in 1-lygro· ph oraccac . 475 ARX. J . A. VON . DREYFUSS. M. & MOLLER. E.: A revaluation of Oroctom ium and rhe Chactomraccac 169 BAS. C., No tulac :~d flomm agaricinam necrlandicam. Introduction , . , . 29 - : Hommur;,,a in weste rn Europe 5 1 - & I-lA TANAKA. S. J .: ,\ n undcs,:ribcd species o f Amonito l>CCtion l.epide/la from Ja· pon , . ..... .. .. , . , 321 - & WE UO LT. 0 .: 1/ydropusconicus. a new species from Norw01y 11 9 ROEKHOUT. T.: Notulac ad Flo ram al:a ricinam nccrl01 ndicom - lX. /tly cenello 4 27 BOlDI N. J. & LA NQUETI N. P.: CompiCmcnts au ~enr(' Vororio P. Karst. (B:a sidiomycC tcs . 243 BR UMM ELEN . J . VAN : Notes o n cup-fungi - I . 14 9 - : Notes on c u p·fun~:.r - 2 . 327 CORNER . E. J. H.: The clava rioid Romorio sub!!cn. Echinoromoria . 2 1 CAMS. W.. HOOC. G.S. DE. SAMSON. R. A. & EVANS, II . C. · The hyphomyccre genu s E11gyodonrium. a li nk bc rwce n Verticillirun and Aphanoclodium 135 HENGSTM EN GEL, J.: No tes on llymenoscyphus 489 J ULICH. W.: Basidiomycc tc" o f South-East Asia 2. On Sceniditml opionmr. with a discus- sion o f th e nomenclatural status of the genus 1-/exogonio l)ollin i (/lexagona Fr.) . I 0 7 - : Nco typificu tion o f 1/ydmwr harbo-jo,..is Bull.: Fr. .... .. , . 307 - : On Tulosnella cysridiopiloto . 317 - & STAR, W.: Ultrastructure ofbasidiosrores. I. Heenokio . 67 KUYPER. TH . W.: Studies in /,ocybe - 1. Revisio n o f the new WXOI of lnocybc described by VelcnovskY 375 - :Studies in lnocybe- 11 . 479 - & VUURE. ~ 1. VAN : omencla tural not e~ on Rttssll la , . 44 7 Li~ CE R . J . C. & LA NQUETIN. P.: Dcsc rirtio n of morr holof!)' . anato my :1n d cul tur:.l ch:•r· a c tcr ~ of lly men oclt oerc paucisetoso. spn ·. no\', . 87 MO UCHACCA. J.: RcdCcou\·en e de Thielorrio cooctilis Nicot. un a-.t:OmycCt (• obscrvC sur des fe uill cs morres de Carpinus, ct sc ~ r a p ro n ~ avec cc na111 c ~ c ~pCcc s de cc r.enrc , . 441 NOOR DELOOS . M. E.: No tuloc ad Floram ag.arkinom nccrlandicam- 1- 111 . Morasmiellus, Mocrocystidia and Rlrodocybt: 31 - : Studic" in l:.'nto/omo- 1. f.'molomo SC l' l. l'hleboplroro. see\. nov ..• , , . 75 - : No tu l:te ad Flor!lmugarici n:un nccrl!l ndicam - IV - V. Oitopllus ond l .l!rtcopox illus . 155 - : Studies in f.'tHolomo- 10 - 13 . 195 - : Ent olorn atat.'t':ll' in Greenland- !. The {: c nu ~ En toloma . 263 - : Not ulac ad Floram a~arici n a m ncc rl andicam- X- XI. I:.'tlto/omo . 45 7 OO RSC IIOT, C. A. N. VA N & PI ONTELLI. E.: O rrysospon'um vollcllorcllse, -.pee, nov. 487 PETERSEN . R. H.: Type ~ rud ic s in the cbv.:trioid fungi- VIII . 225 - : Type shldics in the d avn rioid fun~ i IX . 40 1 RAQ , V., REDDY, K. ;\ . & 1-IOOG. G. S. DC: 1/cliocepholo , a new )!Cn u ~ of dcmall:lccous hyphomyc..:lcs 239 REIJ NDERS. A. F. M.: Supplementary notes on b:a ~ i di ocar r ontogeny in agar i c~ . I S1\MSON, R. A. • ROMU;\ C II , M. C. & SEIFERT. K.,\ .: 1/irsutellagtliJ:nordil' and Stilhello kiervi/lei, two stroglubiotic cntomogcnous h)•phm ycctcs 12 3 SC III PPER. M. A. & STA I PERS . J . A.: Spore o rn;~me nt ation and species ''onccpt in Syn· ccpllolastmm . • . 8 1 STIJ V I~ . T., KL,\ N. J. & KUY PER. Til . W,: Occurrence of psiloc)•hin and ba cocystin in th e g ..: n u ~ h wcyiJC (Fr.) Fr. 469 UUi::. C. u. & BAS. C.: Coprinus hercules, spec. nov. • . 483 VELLINGA . E. C. & SCHR EU RS. J.: Notu1nc ad F1oram agaric in nm nccr1andicarn - VIII. Pluteus. Fr. in West-Eu rope . 33 7 VRIES. G. A. DE: First record of Stcphcnsio crocco QuCI. in the Netherlands , 46 3 NOTES AND BRIEF ARTICLES VON ARX on Conoriomyces . ....••• 0 • • I HI VON ARX &. CONTANTINESCU on Co/listospora t1 nd Crcodip/odina •. 95 BAS on 'Amanita in au rota s~c r .' 192 BAS on the name Agan'cuslacrymabmulus , . 103 GUAR RO. MARTINES & VON ARX on Apiosordaria 18 1 JOUCH on Ga/zinia gt!minispora .. , 189 KUYP ER on Rickenello and Ompltalina 188 RAO & DE HOOG o n Myrothecium 99 BOOKS RECE IVED by the Rijkshcrbarium library .... , o • o , ••• • • 194. 335.491 Oates of publication: Part 1. pp. 1- 106,31 Aut;. 1983 Part 2. pp. 107 - 194, 26l:ln. 1984 1':1r1 3. pp. 195 - 336, 2 Oct. 1984 Part 4, pp. 337- 503, IS Nov. 1985 CORRECTIONS Persoonia Volume II The dates of publica tion given on 1he preliminary pages of Volume II (issued with Volume II. part 4) should be changed as follows. Dates of publication: Pnn I. pp. 1- 120.15 Dec. 1980 Part 2,pp.l21 - 268, 11 May 1981 Part 3, pp. 269- 396, 18 Dec. 1981 Part 4. pp. 397- 524, 16 Aug.l982 I>ERSOON I A Published by the Rijksherbarium , lciden Volume 12, Part 1, pp. 1-20 (1983) SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES ON BASIDIOCARP ONTOGENY IN AGARICS A.F.M. REIJ NDERS Amers{oorr• Basidiocarp ontogeny ill described and illustrated of eight spt.o.cics of agarics, viz. Jlygrophoropsis aurontioco. /lygrophoms pudorinus, Tricholoma popu/inum, T. usraloldes, T. vaccil!um, Morosmieltus candidus, Morasmius wy nne/. and Pond/us mitis In many cases it stiJI is not clear to what ex tent ontogenetic structures of basidiocarps of aga rics can be used as taxonomic characteristics. Earlier ( Reijnders, 1963) we pub· lished a table wit h data o n the development of the basidiocarp of 232 species of Aga ri· cates. Although the data of some of these species were still incomplete, a number of regu larities or conformities between allied species became nevertheless apparent from the table. The difficulty of the application of these data in systematics is that. in most cases. they arc known of too few species. For in stance. it is not known if a special struc­ ture is correlaUve with other features and consequently is characteristic of a certain group; in other words, the limits o f the different structures arc insufficiently known. Although veils in mature basidiocarps arc only remnants of primordial structures and thus can be studied better and more completely in the primordium, one can determine their presence or abse nce with routin e methods in all species of a monographically treat· cd group. The development of the ve ils in the primordium. is onl y to be studied by time-absorbing technics and is known in only a few cases. That counts even more for another aspect of basidiocarp development: the succession of the internal differentia­ tion of stem, cap and gills. When only a limited amount of data arc ava iJ ablc one is easily inclined to ge neralize ; the application of ontogenesis in mycological taxonomy indeed brist les with such often unwarrented ge neralisat ions. Yet in a completely elaborated taxonomy the characteristics of o ntogenesis will have to play their rightful! part. It has already often been sa id that in a taxonomy ren ecting natural affinities, all characteristics have to be weighed by their importance. So we are still intent on extending our investiga tions on ontogenetic structures in agarics as far as they arc perceptible by the light-microscope (a limiting fa ctor is often the difficulty to collect prim ordia of the desired species). In the following notes we present the results of our studies of another eigh t species. • Address: The Schuilenburght U72. Schuilenburge rplcin I. 3816 TD Amcrsfoort, Netherlands. I P E RSOO N I A - Vol. 12, Part 1.1983 Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca (Wu lf. : Fr.) Maire l . He re we arc C011ccrned wil h a pure stipit ocarpous species. The firs t stages of the developing basidiocarp consist of long very slender ste ms, even up to 1- 2 em high. Fig. I shows the mic rophoto of a top of such a stem; width approximately 345 J.Llll . In ge neral the hyphae arc parallel. but not strictly so: they arc divided into shorl , bi· nu clea te cell s of a ra ther varying wid th (2 - 7.5 ~-Un ). 2. The cap comes into being because hyphae a t the top of the stem change direction and bend outward. Consequen tl y the upper pan widens and a chromophilous rim devel­ ops in which the radial hyphae run paraiicl. At the sa me time the hyphae in the centre of the stem du not grow stra ight upwards anymore but begi n to intertwine and the cells arc becomin g wider (up to 10 J.Llll ; those in the section of the cap have an average width of± 6.5 1-011 : in the stem only 3- 5 pm). Fig. 3 shows a media n section of a cap at that stage. At the underside o f the cap and decurrent on the sti pc the fo rmation of anasto­ mosing ve in s has already sta rted by now. These ve ins arc lined with a hymcnial palisade (width of the clements± 5 J.Llll) in whi ch already nume rous slender basidia (diam.
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