E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 162 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2016 No. 53 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Monday, April 11, 2016, at 3:30 p.m. Senate THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2016 The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was ties vote to advance the FAA Reau- what, and thereby deny the American called to order by the President pro thorization Act yesterday. We will now people a voice in the future of the Su- tempore (Mr. HATCH). continue our work to pass this bipar- preme Court. In the words of the Wash- f tisan legislation that will support ington Post’s Fact Checker, he will be American jobs. It will also enhance ‘‘telling supporters a politically con- PRAYER safety and security measures to help venient fairy tale.’’ That is the Wash- The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- protect travelers in our airports and in ington Post. I am sure he will gloss fered the following prayer: the skies. It will look out for con- over the fact that the decision about Let us pray. sumers’ interests by providing more in- filling this pivotal seat could impact Almighty God, we are safe with You. formation on things such as seat avail- our country for decades, that it could Give our lawmakers the wisdom to put ability and baggage fees. It will main- dramatically affect the most cherished their entire trust in You. Help them to tain rural access and promote Amer- constitutional rights, such as those remember Your promise to guide their ican manufacturing as well. That is contained in the First and Second steps on the right path. Lord, fill them what the FAA bill before us will do. Amendments. I am sure he will con- with courage so that they will stand Here is what it won’t do: It won’t raise tinue to demand that Washington for right in every circumstance. When taxes or fees on airline passengers or spend its time fighting on one issue they experience setbacks, may they enact heavyhanded regulations that where we don’t agree rather than work- rest in the victory of Your love. Help could diminish choices or services for ing together on issues where we do. I them to experience the length, breadth, travelers. am sure he will spend some time refut- and height of Your sovereign grace. I appreciate the diligent work of ing the words of his own Vice Presi- We pray in Your merciful Name. Chairman THUNE and Senator AYOTTE, dent. I am sure he will repeatedly Amen. the chair of the committee’s aviation claim that his nominee is ‘‘mod- f panel, as well as that of their Demo- erate’’—not that he means it; it is just cratic counterparts, Senators NELSON a useful piece of spin that has been du- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE and CANTWELL. tifully echoed across the spans of the The President pro tempore led the The FAA Reauthorization Act has left and in the media for years. Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: been a bipartisan effort from the very Consider the recent Democratic Su- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the start. Let’s keep working together in preme Court nominees. One Wash- United States of America, and to the Repub- the same spirit today. I urge colleagues ington Post columnist hailed the lic for which it stands, one nation under God, to work with the bill managers to proc- ‘‘moderate’’ record of President indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. ess amendments, if they have them. Obama’s first pick to the Supreme f f Court. One New York newspaper pro- claimed his second nominee a ‘‘prag- RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY FILLING THE SUPREME COURT matic centrist.’’ When President Clin- LEADER VACANCY ton made his Supreme Court nomina- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, tions, the Post declared one a—you HELLER). The majority leader is recog- President Obama will fly to Chicago, guessed it—‘‘moderate,’’ and the New nized. where he will try to convince Ameri- York Times practically fell all over f cans that, despite his own actions itself exalting the ‘‘resolutely cen- while in the Senate to deny a Supreme trist’’ style of the other. That last FAA REAUTHORIZATION BILL Court nominee a vote, the Constitution nominee—who said it would be a good Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I somehow now requires the Senate to idea to abolish Mother’s Day, by the was glad to see Senators in both par- have a vote on his nominee no matter way—was not just firmly centrist, not ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S1775 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:39 Apr 08, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07AP6.000 S07APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S1776 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 7, 2016 just decisively centrist, but resolutely My wife Elaine and I join all Ken- Court and what the Constitution says centrist, in the Times’ opinion. The tuckians in sending our deepest condo- or doesn’t say, but we know that the records of every one of these Supreme lences to the families and loved ones of Constitution says that the President Court Justices have been anything— this young couple. We share their shall—not may, but shall—nominate anything—but moderate or centrist in heartbreak over the fact that Steph- Supreme Court Justices. He has an ob- the years since. They have been reso- anie and Justin were taken from us en- ligation. He has to do that. The Con- lutely leftwing. But that is the point. tirely too soon. And we extend our stitution is also very affirmative: ‘‘Moderate’’ isn’t exactly a true prayers and sympathies to all the fami- There has to be advice and consent. descriptor for Democratic Supreme lies who lost loved ones in Belgium. That is what we are instructed in the Court nominees; it is just burned into Attacks like these remind Americans Constitution. the printing presses of the editorial everywhere that we must defeat ISIL It is a little strange how we can have boards. and other terrorist groups who not from the Republicans advice and con- Yet, even the New York Times has only threaten our interests but criti- sent when the vast majority of the Re- had to admit that President Obama’s cally, importantly, threaten innocent publicans won’t even meet with the current nominee would give Americans civilians. man. They refuse to hold hearings and the most leftwing Supreme Court in 50 Today we honor the lives of Steph- certainly to have a vote. years—in 50 years. That is why the far anie and Justin. We mourn their loss. So I don’t know how anyone is read- left is squarely behind President And we rededicate ourselves to our im- ing the Constitution, but we need to do Obama’s campaign to deny the Amer- portant fight against terror. our job. We are not doing our job when ican people a say in this momentous f we don’t hold hearings and have a vote. decision. We shouldn’t be here talking about Su- The American people understand RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY preme Court nominees being far left or what is at stake. The administration LEADER far right or moderate. doesn’t want the American people The PRESIDING OFFICER. The To show how off track this has got- messing this up for them, and they will Democratic leader is recognized. ten, 2 days ago the chairman of the Ju- say what they always say to get what f diciary Committee, the senior Senator they want today: a far-left Supreme from Iowa, gave a speech here. Guess Court for decades to come. That is just FAA REAUTHORIZATION BILL who he was attacking. Justice Roberts, one more reason why the American Mr. REID. Mr. President, I agree the Chief Justice of the Supreme people are lucky to have a Judiciary with the Republican leader that it is Court. He said to the Chief Justice: chairman like Senator GRASSLEY in important that we get the FAA bill Heal yourself. The Chief Justice. Is their corner. Senator GRASSLEY is pas- done as soon as possible, but I would there anyone in the world—anyone in sionate about giving the people of this just have everyone reflect—when we the United States, anyone in the legal country a voice in such a critical con- were in the majority, we tried to bring field, anyone in the political field—who versation. He has stood strong for the up the FAA bill, and that went on for people throughout this debate, and he weeks and weeks, with unnecessary thinks he is some kind of crazy liberal, has proven himself a dedicated legis- filibusters. The FAA came to a screech- John Roberts, who worked on the court lator throughout this new majority, ing halt. with Merrick Garland? They wrote with yet another Judiciary Committee- As we have said, if you are a respon- opinions together. They agreed almost passed bill clearing the Senate on a bi- sible minority, you work to get things 90 percent of the time on their opin- partisan basis just this week. He under- done. That is what we have done. We ions. stands that we don’t need to get stuck have worked hard with the majority to So it is really too bad that now we fighting about one issue.
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