M/s. Manjunadha Stone Crusher Pre-Feasibility Report Kondakavur Village, Narasaraopet Mandal, Guntur Dt., 1.0 EXECUTIVESUMMARY 1.1 Introduction Road metal quarry of M/s. Manjunadha Stone Crusher covering an extent of 1.108 Ha is located at Sy. No. 401/B of Kondakavur Village, Narasaraopet Mandal, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh The quarry lease area has been granted for 10 years. The salient features of the project are given Table 1.1. Table 1.1 : Salient features of the project Project Name Road Metal Quarry Of M/s. Manjunadha Stone Crusher Mining Lease Area 1.108 Ha. Sy. No. 401/B , Kondakavur Village, Narasaraopet Mandal, Location of mine Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh. Minerals of mine Road Metal Quarry Proposed production of 7040 cu. m./annum of Road Metal mine Method of mining Open cast Semi Mechanized method. Drilling/Blasting Drilling & Blasting is required in production of boulders. No of working days 300 days Water demand Nil Sources of water Quarry lease area is surrounded by water bodies Man power Total : 10 Solid Waste Nil Nearest railway station Phirangipuram Railway Station – 11.5 km Nearest airport Gannavaram Airport – 91 km (NE) Project Cost Rs. 15.00 Lakhs 1 M/s. Manjunadha Stone Crusher Pre-Feasibility Report Kondakavur Village, Narasaraopet Mandal, Guntur Dt., 2.0 INTRODUCTIONOFTHEPROJECT/BACKGROUNDINFORMATION 2.1 Identification of Project and Project Proponent The proposed project area is found to have good deposits of Road metal. It is used in infrastructure development. 2.2 Brief Information about the Project The mining lease area of 1.108 Ha., is located in Non-forest, Government land. Open cast mining is followed and it has been proposed to produce approximately 7,040 cu. m./annum of Road Metal. The nearest habitation is Kondakavur Village located at a distance of 2.0 Km due NW of Quarry Lease. 2.3 Need for the Project and Its Importance to the Country or Region The demand for Road Metal has increased due to rapid industrialization and growth in infrastructure. So the number of Road Metal producing quarries is increasing in India. Due to bifurcation of State, there is a huge demand for Road Metal. As per EIA notification 2006 project proponent is submitting the proposal to get Environment Clearance for QL area of 1.108 Ha. from District Level Environmental Appraisal Committee/District level Impact Assessment Authority of Guntur constituted by MoEF, GOI for the purpose of operating the quarry lease for which Notification is issued. 2.4 Demands-Supply Gap There is huge demand since the material is used extensively in building construction infrastructure development. This project will help in reducing the Demand-Supply gap in the area. 2.5 Domestic/Export Markets The material is used in the domestic market and in there is no scope for exporting the material. 2.6 Employment Generation Proposed mining is semi-mechanized method and this project operation will provide livelihood to the 10 workers. It will provide employment to the people residing in vicinity. 2 M/s. Manjunadha Stone Crusher Pre-Feasibility Report Kondakavur Village, Narasaraopet Mandal, Guntur Dt., 3.0 PROJECTDESCRIPTION 3.1 Type of Project Including Interlinked and Interdependent Projects, IfAny. The proposed Road Metal Quarry is of 1.108 Ha. No interlinked projects were associated with this project. 3.2 Location The Quarry lease area is located in Sy. Nos. : 408/B of Kondakavur Village, Narasaraopet Mandal, Guntur District, A.P. The mining lease area falls in Survey of India toposheet No.s 65 D/4. The latitude & longitudes of the Quarry lease area are: GCP LATITUDE LONGITUDE 1 16°7'48.23"N 80°2'51.22"E 2 16°7'47.51"N 80°2'53.08"E 3 16°7'43.91"N 80°2'51.69"E 4 16°7'44.19"N 80°2'48.71"E Location of the mining lease in Guntur District is shown in Figure – 1. Google Image of Mine lease area is enclosed as Figure-2. 10 km radius map around the quarry lease area is shown in Figure -3. 3 M/s. Manjunadha Stone Crusher Pre-Feasibility Report Kondakavur Village, Narasaraopet Mandal, Guntur Dt., FIGURE – 1 LOCATION MAP QUARRY LEASE AREA 4 M/s. Manjunadha Stone Crusher Pre-Feasibility Report Kondakavur Village, Narasaraopet Mandal, Guntur Dt., FIGURE – 2 GOOGLE IMAGE OF QUARRY LEASE AREA 5 M/s. Manjunadha Stone Crusher Pre-Feasibility Report Kondakavur Village, Narasaraopet Mandal, Guntur Dt., FIGURE – 3: 10 KM RADIUS MAP 6 M/s. Manjunadha Stone Crusher Pre-Feasibility Report Kondakavur Village, Narasaraopet Mandal, Guntur Dt., 3.3 Details of Alternate Sites No alternate site was considered as the project is mineral specific and site specific. 3.4 Size or magnitude of operation The proposed mine has lease over an area of 1.108 Ha., and the production rate is 7040 cu. m./Annum. The lease follows open cast semi mechanized mining. Production parameters The Mineral production target for five years is given in Table3.1. Table3.1: Year wise Production Programme PROPOSED DEPTH SECTIONAL SECTIONAL VOLUME Influence on Year Area in (m2) In cum. RL in m both sides 99.0-87.5 I Year (2017-18) 160 6 7040 102.5-87.5 II Year (2018-19) 160 6 7040 105.0-87.5 III Year (2019-20) 160 6 7040 Total 21120 3.5 Geology and Reserves 3.5.1 Regional Geological setup The area is underline by various geological formations of different age groups ranging from archaean to recent. The granite-geeises, schists, Khondalites,charnockites and basic dykes of dolerites from the predominant rock types in the central part . the fringe of the archeans in the central prt is represented by cuddapah basin, namely nallamalai group of upper cuddapahs. In a sequentials order thev younger kurnools occurring in the cuddapahs and those in the western parts of district are thrust over by the cuddapahs and these in turn by the archean granite –gneises. The upper gondwana group of sand stones and shales out crop are seen at places between Guntur and tenali . the youngest rock types of the district appear to be of mio-piloscene age followed by the alluvial 7 M/s. Manjunadha Stone Crusher Pre-Feasibility Report Kondakavur Village, Narasaraopet Mandal, Guntur Dt., deposits of recent to sub-recent age 3.5.2 Local Geology The gravel occurs as the sloping hillock. It contains granite - gneisses, and Schists. The generalized lithological succession of the area is • Soil Resent • Granite – gneises } • Schists, Khondalites, charnockites } Archaen • Basement rock not encountered One distinct litho - stratographic unit constitute the subject area is Road Metal. No other minerals or rock units are seen in this area. The Schist is predominantly distributed in the most of the mine lease area. Road metal is exposed along the mine working in the quarry. Road Metal occurring in this area is grey in colour on the surface. 3.5.3 Exploration Road metal quarries as the lease area is located on undulating land with surface relief of 35 m. The Road Metals found to be normal in that area, the deposit is being worked out to an maximum depth of 70 m only. 3.5.4 Reserves Reserves of Road metal are estimated by Cross Sectional Area method. One cross section was drawn in the lease area and the summary of reserves are given in the below table: TABLE 5.1: Geological Reserves Section Wise Reserves Estimation for (G2)-111 Category Average Average Section Volume (cu m)* Sectional Area Influence A-A’ 3492 21 73332 B-B’ 3112 31 96472 C-C’ 2764 23 63572 Total (Mineable Reserves) 233376 Section Wise Reserves Estimation for Blocked Bench (111) Category A-A’ 504 21 10584 B-B’ 504 31 15624 C-C’ 380 23 8740 Total 34948 8 M/s. Manjunadha Stone Crusher Pre-Feasibility Report Kondakavur Village, Narasaraopet Mandal, Guntur Dt., Mineable Reserves Mineable reserves are calculated by deducting the reserves blocked under benches and reserves blocked in 7.5 m buffer zone from the total geological reserves. Only proved reserves were considered for calculating the mineable reserves. The details of reserves blocked under benches & safety/buffer zone are given in table below: A. Total Proved Geological Reserves (m3) : 267724 B. Reserves Blocked under benches (m3) : 34948 C. Reserves Blocked under 7.5m Buffer Zone (m3) : 600 Mineable Reserves (A-(B+C)) (m3) : 233376 Average Annual Production : 7040 Life of the Mine : 33 Years 100% recovery of the Road metal is considered from the quarry. 3.6 PROJECTDESCRIPTIONWITHPROCESSDETAILS 3.6.1 Method of Mining Mining of Road Metal in the area shall be accomplished by conventional open cast, mechanized method of working. The following mining parameters are proposed: Type of working : Opencast, Mechanized Bench height : 6.0m Bench width : 3.0m Bench face angle : 70° to 90° Overall pit slope : 45° (at the UPL) Drilling The drilling of holes is being done by 115 mm drill machine 9 M/s. Manjunadha Stone Crusher Pre-Feasibility Report Kondakavur Village, Narasaraopet Mandal, Guntur Dt., It is proposed to produce 21120 Cu. m. of Road Metal during five years plan period with an average annual production of 7040 Cu. m. from an area of 480 m3. Benches of 6 m height and 3 m width will be developed during the plan period in depth of previous year workings successively. The lease proposes to take up quarrying operations in entire quarry lease area. The excavation activity will be taken up in Eastern side of the quarry lease area and then continue moves towards Western side. a)Removal / Excavation of O.B. and other Quarry Waste: No Waste is generated in Road Metal quarry.
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