1 116TH CONGRESS " ! DOCUMENT 2d Session HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 116–95 IMPEACHMENT OF PRESIDENT DONALD JOHN TRUMP THE EVIDENTIARY RECORD PURSUANT TO H. RES. 798 VOLUME XI, PART 7 Historic Materials Printed at the direction of Cheryl L. Johnson, Clerk of the House of Representatives, pursuant to H. Res. 798, 116th Cong., 2nd Sess. (2020) JANUARY 23, 2020.—Ordered to be printed U.S. GOVERNMENT PUBLISHING OFFICE 39–530 WASHINGTON : 2020 VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:15 Jan 24, 2020 Jkt 039530 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 5012 Sfmt 5012 E:\HR\OC\HD095P29.XXX HD095P29 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with REPORTS E:\Seals\Congress.#13 COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY JERROLD NADLER, New York, Chairman ZOE LOFGREN, California DOUG COLLINS, Georgia, Ranking Member SHEILA JACKSON LEE, Texas F. JAMES SENSENBRENNER, JR., STEVE COHEN, Tennessee Wisconsin HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, JR., Georgia STEVE CHABOT, Ohio THEODORE E. DEUTCH, Florida LOUIE GOHMERT, Texas KAREN BASS, California JIM JORDAN, Ohio CEDRIC L. RICHMOND, Louisiana KEN BUCK, Colorado HAKEEM S. JEFFRIES, New York JOHN RATCLIFFE, Texas DAVID N. CICILLINE, Rhode Island MARTHA ROBY, Alabama ERIC SWALWELL, California MATT GAETZ, Florida TED LIEU, California MIKE JOHNSON, Louisiana JAMIE RASKIN, Maryland ANDY BIGGS, Arizona PRAMILA JAYAPAL, Washington TOM MCCLINTOCK, California VAL BUTLER DEMINGS, Florida DEBBIE LESKO, Arizona J. LUIS CORREA, California GUY RESCHENTHALER, Pennsylvania MARY GAY SCANLON, Pennsylvania, BEN CLINE, Virginia Vice-Chair KELLY ARMSTRONG, North Dakota SYLVIA R. GARCIA, Texas W. GREGORY STEUBE, Florida JOE NEGUSE, Colorado LUCY MCBATH, Georgia GREG STANTON, Arizona MADELEINE DEAN, Pennsylvania DEBBIE MUCARSEL-POWELL, Florida VERONICA ESCOBAR, Texas PERRY APELBAUM, Majority Staff Director & Chief Counsel BRENDAN BELAIR, Minority Staff Director (II) VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:15 Jan 24, 2020 Jkt 039530 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 5904 Sfmt 5904 E:\HR\OC\HD095P29.XXX HD095P29 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with REPORTS MAJORITY STAFF AMY RUTKIN, Chief of Staff PERRY APELBAUM, Staff Director and Chief Counsel JOHN DOTY, Senior Advisor AARON HILLER, Deputy Chief Counsel and Chief Oversight Counsel BARRY BERKE, Special Counsel NORMAN EISEN, Special Counsel ARYA HARIHARAN, Deputy Chief Oversight Counsel MADELINE STRASSER, Chief Clerk PRIYANKA MARA, Professional Staff WILLIAM S. EMMONS, Professional Staff ANTHONY L. VALDEZ, Staff Assistant MINORITY STAFF BRENDAN BELAIR, Staff Director, Counsel BOBBY PARMITER, Deputy Staff Director, Chief Counsel ASHLEY CALLEN, Chief Oversight Counsel STEPHEN CASTOR, Counsel DANNY JOHNSON, Oversight Counsel JAKE GREENBERG, Oversight Counsel PAUL TAYLOR, Chief Counsel, Constitution Subcommittee DANIEL FLORES, Counsel RYAN BREITENBACH, Counsel JON FERRO, Parliamentarian, Counsel ERICA BARKER, Deputy Parliamentarian ELLA YATES, Member Services Director ANDREA WOODARD, Professional Staff Member (III) VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:15 Jan 24, 2020 Jkt 039530 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 7633 Sfmt 5904 E:\HR\OC\HD095P29.XXX HD095P29 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with REPORTS 93d CongreBS } HOUSE COMMITTEE PRINT 2d Sesidon WORK OF THE IMPEACH:.1:ENT INQUIRY STAFF AS OF FEBRUARY 5, 1974 COMMITTEE ON THE JUDlCIARY HOUSE OF ,REPRESENTATIVES NINETY-THIRD CONGRESS SECOND• SESSION FEBRUARY 1974 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 28-177 WASHINGTON : 1974 (26553) 26554 COlUUTTBE ON THE JUDICIARY Pl•:TEll W. RODINO, JR., New Jer11ey, Chairman 11.\ROl,D D. DONOHUE, ll1tll!lllCbt1sett11 ImWARD HU1'CHIN'SON, Mlcblglln JACK :iJROOKS, Texu llOHmtT McCLORY, Illinois ll01mR'1' W. KASTENAUHER, Wisconsin HB:SltY l'. SlUTH Ill, New York VON Im\.' Alt08, California CHAJtJ,1':S W. SANDMAN, Ja., New JerSl'Y Wll,t,IA!\I i. HUNGATE, MIBBourl Tm[ RAILSBACK, Illlnola JOHN CONYl<~R8, Ja., Michigan CHARLES E. WIGGINS, California JOHHUA EILBEKO, Pennsylvania DAVID W, DENXIS, Indiana JEROllE R. WALDIE, California HAMILTON FISH, Ja., New York \\' Al,TER FLOWERS, Alabama WILEY MAYNE, Iowa JAl\U-~S R. MANN, South Carolina LAWRENCE J. HOGAN', ltar7land l'AUL B. SARBANES, Maryland l\l. CALDWEl,L BUTLER, Virginia JOHN I<'. SEIBERLING, Ohio WILLIAM R. COHEX, Maine GEORGE E. DANIELSON, California TRENT LOTT, MlsslHKlppl HOBERT F. DRINAN, Alassacbuaetts 'HAROLD V. FROEHI,ICII, Wl11ron1dn CHARLES B. RANGEL, New York CARLOS J. MOORHEAD, California BAUBARA JORDAN, Tes:u JOSEPH J. MARAZlTI, New Jersey ltA Y THORNTON, .Arkansas ELIZABETH HOLTZMAN, New York WAYNE OWIDNS, utah EDWARD MEZVINSKY, Iowa Jt:KOME 31. ZEIFMAN, (Jeneral Ooun11el (lAas,:a J. CLi~E, A1aocfate <leneral Coun,el Ht:RBtlRT FUCHS, Oom1ael HERBERT E. IIOFFlUX, Uo1m1el WILLlAJ.I P. SHATTUCK, (Jo1mael H. CHBISTOPIIEB NOLDE, CotOIBel ALAN A. PABKIIB, Coun1Jel JAm:s F. FALCO, Co1msel MAUBIC& A. BARBO'-A, Coimael FRANKLIN 0. POLK, Counsel Rott:B A. PAULBY, (Jo1mael THOJ.IAB E. MOONEY, Counari P£TER T. STRAUB, Oo11n11el MlfIUEL w. DLOMMER, Oounael AU:XANDER B. COOK, Co111111d (11) 26555 Foreword I nm pleased to make available this report from Special Counsel, ,John Donr, advising the Members of the House Judiciaty, Committee regarding the work being carried on by the Inquiry Staff as of Tues­ day, February 5, 1974. Ohairman. J1'1mRUARY 51 1974 26556 Contents Page l 'ore\\'Ol'cl ______________________________________________ _ 1 IH I. 01·gn11izntion -------------··--------------------------- 1 H. Brt'akdown of the stnff and biogrnphies of connseL ______ _ r, Impl•nrhnwnt), , inquiry. staff list_ ___________________________ _ I\l1Stlllll'S ------------------------------------------------- (V) 26557 I. Organization OonstituHurud and Legal llesearch.-Under the general snper,·ision of J oscph \Voods, this section is providing the legnl suppcn·t for the office. As legal questions arise, they nre referred to tins section for research, analysis and report. The major project at this timu is the research into the constitutional issue of defining the g1·mmcls for im­ peachment. Factual lnmestigation.-This work is under the general supervi­ sion of Richard L. Cates and Bernard ,v. Nussbiium, both experienced attoi·neys with many years of pmctice. The group is organized into task forces with a task force leader in charge of each. The task forres are collecting and examining an the evidence available-both uxc1J­ patory and inculpatory-ii1 the six folJowing categories: 1. Allegations concerning clon,estic sm·,·eilhmce acti\'itil"s con­ ducted by or at the'direction of the T.'11ite House; 2. Allega~ion~ concernh1g if!telligence activities concluetecl by or at the direction of the. '\Vlute House for the purposes of the Presidential ele~tion of 1972; _3. Allegations conceri1ing the, ,varergate break-in aiul related activitiC$, incluaing alleged efforts by persons in the W'J1ite House and others to "cover i.ip" such activities and others; 4. Alleged improprieties in connection with th~ personal fi- nances of the President; " _ , · 5. The allegati01.s conceming efforts by the White House to use agencies of the Executive Branch for, political 1>urposes, nnd alleied White House im1plvement with illegal cnmpnigii coiltri- but1ons; . _, , 6. 'fhe allegations concerning other misconduct that do not fall within one of the foregoing categories, such as the secret bombing of CambQdia, impoundment of funds. , In the paragraphs t1mt follow on page 2, I have enden.vored to off er a represent,ative selectioit of· events under investigation. I iun listing these ex~mp}es only because I want to give the Committee n rough idea of our work. I want to emphasize that the events men­ tioned are merely examples, that· the list is by no means exhaustive 1t11d that the selection does not r~prescnt any judgment by this office concefoing the relative gmvity of, the a1legahons. Furthermore, the mere fact that we are. undertaking fovestigntion into a particular sub­ ject- shou.ld not bP. i,nterpreted to 1:1ea11Jh&t we think: there ,y_lls any wrongdomg there, p~• that, any preJud~men~ of the ev1denc~ has been made. Chnr~ are. ~qt proof. ,v~ ~onside!' 1t the duty of this ~~ce to senrch out all the facts-those that exonernte as well as those thnt·may inip1irnte-in order to reach n:fnir nnd impartial conclusion nbmit the truth of the charges that hnYe been made. (1) 26558 2 Among the subjects hein~ explored hr the task force examining domestic sm·veillni1ee 1wth·ittes are 11Ue1,tntions with respect to (n) the lllHO wiretnps, (b) the Huston Pinn, (c) f.he uctivitiesof lfossrs. Cnul­ fielrl nnd Ulnsewicz, ( d) the ncti\'itics of the special iin-estigntin1 unit in the White House, nnd (e) th<'- ucthrities surrounding the l~llsborg triul. · - · 'l'h<• tnsk force chnrgecl with cxnmiiling cnmpaign intelligence acth•• itics is examining illle#!ntions with r<'spect to th<' following nctidties, t.ll!lOllg others: ( ll ), Whit~ Hou,se "dirty tric~s," (.b). intellig~nce nctiv­ ltlC'S of t]m Conmnttee to llll-1'.l<'ct the Pr<'Std<'11t, (c) the Diem cables. ( cl) tho plan to burglririz(' 1111d to fircboi11b H1:ookings Instit11tio11, uncl (c) Opemtion Snnclwedge. A1\10ng the nrens under consideration b)' the tusk force considci·ing the Watergate break-in und nftem'lilth am nllegntions with respect. to (n) tlw.'Liddy plnn, (b) the actmil brenk:\n _at Wnt<'rgate, (c) the d<'­ stl'ltction of files, docmi1ents nncl other evid<'nce, (d) payments to th~ Wntl•rgnte dcferidn.11ts, (e) the relntioi1sMp bt•tween the CIA nnd the Wuforgnte investi.~ration, ( £) offers of.. cxecnti~re clenwncy to tl.ie >ra,t<'1:­ gnte def<'ndnnts. (g) tl1{' role of ,Tohn D<'nn m thl' Watcr1Intc mvesh- gation; {h) the firing_ ~f ~Ir. C'ox, nnf <n tl1e Prcsicleht~a]tar.es. - . !he task forc<1 r,xmiunmg .the J>res1de1:t's p!'l'sonnl finn}t<"~s is <'Xnm­ mmg, among otlwrs. nlleirnt1ons concernmg (n) tnx clednchoils tnk{'Jt for the gi.ft of Vice Pr~sidentinf pape1~; (b) '<JH4ncti~i1s ..mid'e~pcndi­ f ures nttr1butnble to private uses of Sun Clemente and l\.ey B1scnvnc, ( <~) :t\1.1:. sall},ofthe New York np~i:t"?ei1t1.{ d) ,th~ deditc{ion\3 911~ ~he Winther home; (e) the sale of certnm Flor1dn lots, (f) th_e poss1b1hty that.
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