E1128 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 9, 2014 to stand up to the enemy. That was a trade- RECOGNIZING THE EFFORTS OF dinary efforts and dedication to Shelter House. mark of Jeremiah Denton—he never gave up SHELTER HOUSE, INC. AND THE I also commend all Shelter House volunteers, the fight. RECIPIENTS OF THE 2014 VOLUN- as well as the private sector and government In his most memorable moment, Denton TEER AWARDS partners, who constantly strive to better our blinked the words ‘‘torture’’ in Morse code dur- community through efforts to provide secure, ing a televised propaganda interview. This HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY structured environments, and indispensable was the first time Americans and the world OF VIRGINIA support for families in need. learned the extent of torture that American IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me POWs were experiencing. Jeremiah Denton’s in expressing our sincere appreciation to Shel- Wednesday, July 9, 2014 bold, steadfast courage in the face of constant ter House and its many volunteers and com- torture embodies the American spirit of perse- Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- munity partners. Their selfless work benefits verance against all odds. ognize the remarkable efforts of Shelter the entire Northern Virginia community and im- Thankfully, Denton would later be released House, Inc., and to congratulate the recipients proves the lives of many of our neighbors. during diplomatic negotiations known as ‘‘Op- of the 2014 Volunteer Awards. Shelter House f eration Homecoming.’’ Upon his return to is a community-based, non-profit organization IN RECOGNITION OF DR. EDDIE American soil, Denton proudly declared: ‘‘We that works to break the cycle of homelessness HADLOCK are honored to have had the opportunity to by offering support to those most in need in serve our country under difficult cir- the Northern Virginia community. Shelter cumstances. We are profoundly grateful to our House provides crisis intervention, temporary, HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS commander-in-chief and to our nation for this transitional, and permanent housing, training, OF TEXAS day. God bless America.’’ counseling, and programs to support self-suffi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Denton went on to receive the Navy Cross, ciency. Of course, none of this would be pos- Wednesday, July 9, 2014 the Defense Distinguished Service Medal, the sible without the hard work of dedicated volun- Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Navy Distinguished Service Medal, three Sil- teers. honor the dedicated service of Dr. Eddie Shelter House was founded in 1981 by sev- ver Stars, the Distinguished Flying Cross, and Hadlock, President of North Central Texas eral faith groups, which came together to bet- many other military honors. College. After 40 years of service to NCTC, ter serve low-income individuals and families. Later in life, Denton became the first Repub- Dr. Hadlock’s exemplary career is coming to Shelter House operates three shelters: The lican elected to the United States Senate from an end. Alabama since Reconstruction. In the Senate, Katherine K. Hanley and the Patrick Henry Dr. Hadlock’s career in education includes he worked to combat the spread of com- family shelters, which provide temporary hous- two years of public school teaching and 35- munism and strengthen our nation’s defense. ing for local families who become homeless, plus years as a college teacher and adminis- He was a strong advocate for family values and Artemis House, Fairfax County’s only trator. From part-time teaching assignments, and a voice of reason in the Senate. emergency shelter for families and individuals serving as a vocational counselor, and various After his time in the Senate, Jeremiah Den- fleeing domestic and sexual violence and administrative positions up to president, Dr. ton maintained a very modest life, offering human trafficking. By partnering with Falls Hadlock has served in virtually every area of counsel to others interested in public service, Church Presbyterian Church, Shelter House college operations. Dr. Hadlock currently never wavering in his commitment to our great added permanent housing to its portfolio at the serves on the Executive Committee of the nation. Ives House. Construction of additional perma- Texas Association of Community Colleges and On May 28, 2014, America lost one of our nent housing began earlier this year. has held membership in numerous profes- finest heroes as Jeremiah Denton passed The programs operated by Shelter House sional organizations including serving as a away at the age of 89. have contributed greatly to breaking the cycle member of the Reaffirmation Committee for Jeremiah Denton embodies what it means of homelessness. In FY 2013, Shelter House the Southern Association of Colleges and to be a public servant in every sense of the served 1,858 people in 523 households and Schools. word. When his nation needed him, he always significantly reduced the average length of North Central Texas College’s sterling rep- answered the call of duty and stood tall in the stay for families at each of its shelters. FY utation is a reflection of the committed leader- face of doubt and despair. He never once 2013 was an exciting year for Shelter House’s ship of Dr. Hadlock. His professional legacy wavered in his commitment to serving our Community Case Management program. With will continue to benefit the students of North country, steadfastly enduring torture by the the support of a grant from the Fairfax County Texas for years to come. I join his colleagues North Vietnamese. Consolidated Community Funding Pool, Shel- and the community in commending North Cen- It is often said that the measure of a man ter House hired a Community Case Manager tral Texas College’s President, Dr. Eddie is not what he takes with him when he dies, and was therefore able to increase the num- Hadlock for his dedication to education and but rather what he leaves behind. Jeremiah ber of people served. The Community Case extend best wishes upon his retirement. It is Denton left behind a remarkable example for Management program focuses on homeless- my privilege to represent North Central Texas future generations of what it means to be a ness prevention by providing financial assist- College in the U.S. House of Representatives. great and proud American. He left behind a ance and support. f legacy that can never be filled. Volunteers and community partners are es- We are proud to claim Jeremiah Denton as sential to this success, as they provide the A TRIBUTE IN HONOR OF THE RE- a native son of Mobile. I admire him for his tools necessary to combat homelessness. TIREMENT OF MIKE GARCIA, passion for service, and I strive to emulate his Their expertise, financial support, and efforts PRESIDENT OF SEIU UNITED example. compose the foundation of Shelter House’s SERVICE WORKERS WEST Mr. Speaker, it is with great respect that I commendable work. This year, Shelter House honor the life of Senator Jeremiah Denton, not has recognized the following individuals and HON. ZOE LOFGREN only today, but each and every day. partners for their outstanding commitment to OF CALIFORNIA f ending homelessness in our community, and I IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES am very pleased to enter their names into the Wednesday, July 9, 2014 PERSONAL EXPLANATION CONGRESSIONAL RECORD: Changing Lives Awards: McLean Bible Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, I rise with my HON. JIM GERLACH Church Justice Ministry, Mars Incorporated, colleagues, Congresswoman KAREN BASS, OF PENNSYLVANIA Gracing Spaces, Greg Ziegler. Congressman XAVIER BECERRA, Congressman IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Creating New Beginnings Awards: Society AMI BERA, Congresswoman JULIA BROWNLEY, of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging; Congresswoman LOIS CAPPS, Congressman Wednesday, July 9, 2014 BB&T Insurance Services, Inc.; Emmanuel Lu- TONY CA´RDENAS, Congressman JIM COSTA, Mr. GERLACH. Mr. Speaker, unfortunately, theran Church; St. John’s Community Serv- Congresswoman SUSAN DAVIS, Congress- on July 8, 2014, I missed two recorded votes ices. woman ANNA ESHOO, Congressman SAM on the House floor. I ask that the RECORD re- Community Champion Award: Supervisor FARR, Congressman JOHN GARAMENDI, Con- flect that had I been present, I would have John Cook. gresswoman JANICE HAHN, Congressman MIKE voted ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall 369 and ‘‘yea’’ on roll- I congratulate the 2014 Volunteer Award re- HONDA, Congressman JARED HUFFMAN, Con- call 370. cipients on being recognized for their extraor- gresswoman BARBARA LEE, Congressman VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:06 Jul 10, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K09JY8.011 E09JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS.
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