Route (Infra Done Parish Code) Maint. No Log Date Date Grid ref Problem Status Priority * MAR/2/1 C (Medium Marsworth (MAR/125) 78499 27/03/14 08/04/14 SP916142 faded possibly incorrect fingers Resolved Other) Map Route Closed under TTRO Investigatio Marsworth MAR/3/1 76869 04/07/13 SP917144 followed by permanent diversion n D (Low) MAR/6/1 B (Medium Marsworth (MAR/141) 78461 19/03/14 22/04/14 SP920153 STILES DAMAGED Resolved P&C/Maint) Inspection Marsworth MAR/8/1 74747 22/08/12 SP926153 path erosin reorted by work team Required A (High) Annual C (Medium Marsworth MAR/8/1 59253 26/02/14 SP925153 Clearance required Clearance Other) Annual C (Medium Marsworth MAR/10/1 59254 26/02/14 SP928141 Clearance required Clearance Other) Annual C (Medium Marsworth MAR/10/1 59254 26/02/14 SP928141 Clearance required Clearance Other) Annual C (Medium Marsworth MAR/19/1 59252 26/02/14 SP910164 Clearance required Clearance Other) Annual C (Medium Marsworth MAR/19/1 59252 26/02/14 SP910164 Clearance required Clearance Other) path hurned up by forestry Landowner C (Medium Medmenham MED/12/2 73576 30/01/12 SU806869 machines Contact Other) Landowner I (Improve - Medmenham MED/12/5 73645 07/02/12 SU815866 possible stile to gate negotiations Contact Prog) Landowner B (Medium Medmenham MED/13/1 77872 29/11/13 SU822863 Fallen Tree Contact P&C/Maint) Inspection C (Medium Medmenham MED/18/1 70844 07/10/10 SU801867 possibly unauthorised structures Required Other) MED/19/2 C (Medium Medmenham (MED/7683) 78860 30/06/14 SU806861 stile damaged SI Raised Other) non recorded gate in place with weight on it to ensure it self Landowner C (Medium Medmenham MED/21/1 73611 02/02/12 SU811842 closes... Contact Other) Officer unlawful metal kissing gate Progressing B (Medium Medmenham MED/21/1 75753 28/01/13 SU806839 installed Issue P&C/Maint) MEN/1/1 B (Medium Mentmore (MEN/5626) 77830 21/11/13 07/05/14 SP903219 stile to gate Resolved P&C/Maint) MEN/1/1 Mentmore (MEN/5627) 78746 07/01/14 20/02/14 SP903218 FINGER DAMAGED Resolved D (Low) MEN/1/2 Mentmore (MEN/38632) 78745 07/01/14 27/02/14 SP905218 SIGNPOST DAMAGED Resolved D (Low) Inspection C (Medium Mentmore MEN/2/1 61772 07/03/07 SP903217 reported footpath obstructed Required Other) MEN/2/1 Mentmore (MEN/5635) 78743 07/01/14 25/02/14 SP902217 FINGER DAMAGED Resolved D (Low) MEN/2/1 Mentmore (MEN/5638) 78744 07/01/14 20/02/14 SP906215 FINGER DAMAGED Resolved D (Low) Landowner B (Medium Mentmore MEN/3/1 78776 04/06/14 SP903214 NON REINSTATEMNET Contact P&C/Maint) MEN/3/1 SIGNPOST AND FINGER Mentmore (MEN/38639) 78742 07/01/14 25/02/14 SP901217 DAMGED Resolved D (Low) MEN/3/1 Mentmore (MEN/38648) 78736 07/01/14 26/02/14 SP903198 FINGER DAMAGED Resolved D (Low) MEN/4/1 Mentmore (MEN/38716) 78747 07/01/14 25/02/14 SP905219 SIGNPOST DAMAGED Resolved D (Low) Annual C (Medium Mentmore MEN/6/1 59246 26/02/14 SP898208 Clearance required Clearance Other) MEN/6/1 Mentmore (MEN/5649) 78741 07/01/14 25/02/14 SP896212 FINGER DAMAGED Resolved D (Low) Annual B (Medium Mentmore MEN/8/1 75803 26/02/14 SP909187 Clearance required Clearance P&C/Maint) Annual B (Medium Mentmore MEN/8/1 75803 26/02/14 SP909187 Clearance required Clearance P&C/Maint) MEN/8/1 Mentmore (MEN/5669) 78735 07/01/14 26/02/14 SP908188 finger damaged Resolved D (Low) Annual B (Medium Mentmore MEN/10/1 74216 26/02/14 SP909198 Clearance required Clearance P&C/Maint) * Priorities in accordance with problem severity matrix in managing reported issues page. Updated on 12/08/2014 Route (Infra Done Parish Code) Maint. No Log Date Date Grid ref Problem Status Priority * Annual B (Medium Mentmore MEN/10/1 74216 26/02/14 SP909198 Clearance required Clearance P&C/Maint) MEN/11/1 Mentmore (MEN/5678) 78739 07/01/14 20/02/14 SP897202 FINGER DAMAGED Resolved D (Low) MEN/13/2 Mentmore (MEN/5691) 78738 07/01/14 26/02/14 SP888196 FINGER DAMAGED Resolved D (Low) Annual C (Medium Mentmore MEN/15/2 59245 26/02/14 SP891193 Clearance required Clearance Other) MCL/5/1 B (Medium Middle Claydon (MCL/39779) 78234 11/02/14 SP735271 signpost damaged SI Raised P&C/Maint) Annual C (Medium Middle Claydon MCL/14/1 59030 26/02/14 SP699251 Clearance required Clearance Other) hurdles and cow crush reported Landowner B (Medium Middle Claydon MCL/18/2 78982 12/08/14 SP709233 blocking route Contact P&C/Maint) Bridleway has fallen trees and overgrowth blocking it along Annual B (Medium Middle Claydon MCL/20/1 62605 26/02/14 SP706233 different parts. Clearance P&C/Maint) Bridleway has fallen trees and overgrowth blocking it along Annual B (Medium Middle Claydon MCL/20/1 62605 26/02/14 SP706233 different parts. Clearance P&C/Maint) Annual C (Medium Mursley MUR/2/3 58952 26/02/14 SP818289 Clearance required Clearance Other) Landowner B (Medium Mursley MUR/3/2 78903 10/07/14 SP823294 non reinstatement Contact P&C/Maint) Annual C (Medium Mursley MUR/6/1 58955 26/02/14 SP827279 Clearance of field edge needed Clearance Other) MUR/7/3 B (Medium Mursley (MUR/8459) 78943 30/07/14 SP820276 HANDRAIL DAMAGED SI Raised P&C/Maint) MUR/9/3 C (Medium Mursley (MUR/8476) 01633 08/03/00 02/05/14 SP820277 No step Resolved Other) MUR/10/1 B (Medium Mursley (MUR/8507) 77484 08/10/13 26/03/14 SP808279 stile damaged Resolved P&C/Maint) Annual C (Medium Mursley MUR/12/1 58948 26/02/14 SP816288 Clearance required Clearance Other) Annual C (Medium Mursley MUR/13/1 58949 26/02/14 SP812295 Clearance required Clearance Other) Landowner B (Medium Mursley MUR/13/1 78957 05/08/14 SP810300 bean crop across route Contact P&C/Maint) Annual C (Medium Mursley MUR/16/2 58950 26/02/14 SP834297 Clearance required Clearance Other) Annual C (Medium Mursley MUR/16/2 58950 26/02/14 SP834297 Clearance required Clearance Other) Inspection B (Medium Mursley MUR/20/2 73298 08/12/11 SP824267 Bridleway very muddy Required P&C/Maint) Annual C (Medium Mursley MUR/20/2 58763 26/02/14 SP825267 Clearance required Clearance Other) Annual C (Medium Mursley MUR/20/2 58763 26/02/14 SP825267 Clearance required Clearance Other) Inspection B (Medium Mursley MUR/21/3 78175 29/01/14 SP827270 ROUTE FLOODING Required P&C/Maint) Annual C (Medium Mursley MUR/21/3 58954 26/02/14 SP827269 Clearance required Clearance Other) Annual C (Medium Mursley MUR/21/3 58954 26/02/14 SP827269 Clearance required Clearance Other) route overgrown and low hanging B (Medium Mursley MUR/22/1 77071 31/07/13 SP829265 branches SI Raised P&C/Maint) Officer Progressing B (Medium Nash NAS/2/1 73622 06/02/12 SP781336 new fenceline Issue P&C/Maint) Annual C (Medium Nash NAS/2/3 59531 26/02/14 SP780339 CLEARANCE REQUIRED Clearance Other) Annual C (Medium Nash NAS/2/3 59531 26/02/14 SP780339 CLEARANCE REQUIRED Clearance Other) Annual C (Medium Nash NAS/3/1 58761 26/02/14 SP785339 Clearance required Clearance Other) Annual C (Medium Nash NAS/3/1 58761 26/02/14 SP785339 Clearance required Clearance Other) Annual C (Medium Nash NAS/4/1 59530 26/02/14 SP784341 CLEARANCE REQUIRED Clearance Other) Annual C (Medium Nash NAS/5/1 59529 26/02/14 SP781342 CLEARANCE REQUIRED Clearance Other) * Priorities in accordance with problem severity matrix in managing reported issues page. Updated on 12/08/2014 Route (Infra Done Parish Code) Maint. No Log Date Date Grid ref Problem Status Priority * Annual C (Medium Nash NAS/5/1 59529 26/02/14 SP781342 CLEARANCE REQUIRED Clearance Other) Annual C (Medium Nash NAS/10/1 59532 26/02/14 SP771341 CLEARANCE REQUIRED Clearance Other) Officer NAS/11/2 Progressing B (Medium Nash (NAS/31722) 74574 23/07/12 SP782338 Gate not needed Issue P&C/Maint) Newton Annual C (Medium Longville NLO/1/2 58966 26/02/14 31/07/14 SP849314 Overgrowth and undergrowth Clearance Other) Newton Annual C (Medium Longville NLO/16/1 58967 26/02/14 31/07/14 SP843312 Clearance required Clearance Other) Newton Annual C (Medium Longville NLO/19/1 58964 26/02/14 01/08/14 SP840324 Headland path needs mowing Clearance Other) Newton Annual C (Medium Longville NLO/19/2 58965 26/02/14 31/07/14 SP842319 Strimming needed Clearance Other) Newton B (Medium Longville NLO/20/2 78960 05/08/14 SP831322 fallen branch on route SI Raised P&C/Maint) NMA/2/1 Landowner B (Medium North Marston (NMA/9222) 73873 20/03/12 SP756235 No step Contact P&C/Maint) Annual C (Medium North Marston NMA/4/2 58704 26/02/14 SP773229 Overgrown path Clearance Other) Annual C (Medium North Marston NMA/4/2 58704 26/02/14 SP773229 Overgrown path Clearance Other) NMA/5/2 Inspection B (Medium North Marston (NMA/9411) 75051 08/10/12 SP775229 Tied gate Required P&C/Maint) Officer NMA/8/1 Progressing North Marston (NMA/9307) 78139 22/01/14 SP782225 bridge damaged Issue A (High) Landowner B (Medium North Marston NMA/12/2 77784 12/11/13 SP774206 pole across stile Contact P&C/Maint) NMA/12/2 Landowner B (Medium North Marston (NMA/9249) 75052 08/10/12 SP776213 stile unstable Contact P&C/Maint) Inspection B (Medium North Marston NMA/18/1 71130 30/11/10 SP780239 Path across garden blocked Required P&C/Maint) NMA/20/3 self closing gate too quick for Landowner B (Medium North Marston (NMA/9311) 78395 05/03/14 SP758229 horses Contact P&C/Maint) Annual C (Medium Oakley OAK/5/1 59129 26/02/14 24/07/14 SP662112 CLEARANCE REQUIRED Clearance Other) OAK/9/1 B (Medium Oakley (OAK/46979) 78473 25/03/14 27/05/14 SP639118 signpost missing Resolved P&C/Maint) Bridge and stile reported B (Medium Oakley OAK/9/5 72582 16/08/11 SP650097 damaged SI Raised P&C/Maint) Annual C (Medium Oakley OAK/12/2 59113 26/02/14 SP617112 Bramble and fallen trees Clearance Other) Annual C (Medium Oakley OAK/12/3 58759 26/02/14 SP626115 Clearance required Clearance Other) Annual C (Medium Oakley
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