Christmas Hop ; Cross Country at Montecito [ Men Race at Saturday Eve f Pomona Sat. ) i VOL. IX. SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1929. N o. I f JOIN THE EAGLE CONTEST; ELECT STATE’S MOST POPULAR MAN, WOMAN STUDENTS PLANS BEING Watson Brings Love Delta Zeta Deltans MADE TO HOLD To People of Lompoc Hold Autumn Party Members of the Delta Zeta HAND IN VOIES NET T0URNE1 An intimate view of “Love” Delta sorority entertained at an was given the populace of Lom­ autumnal party Friday evening, Following Christmas vacation a November 22, at the home of Jean widwinter tennis tournament! open poc last Sunday morning when TO OFFICE BT Dave Watson, student body Neilson on upper Santa Barbara to all students, will- be held on street. the college courts. The tourna­ treasurer, preached on this Many alumni and members at­ ment will be composed of four topic to the congregation of tended. Those present were: Mr. events, men’s singles and doubles, the First Presbyterian Church , The last social event preceding and Mrs. Lester Girsh, Mr. ,and Following a recent discussion women’s singles, and .mixed of the northern town. His the Christmas holidays will take Mrs. Gene Powell, Mr. and Mrs. doubles. The committee is try­ sefmon, . which was very well heard on the campus between sev­ place tomorrow evening when the George Browne, Mr. and Mrs. ing to secure trophies from the received by the listeners, was eral college men and co-eds. as to annual Christmas Formal dance Warner, Misses Ester Janssens, newspapers and one or two of the based on his own personal ex­ the most popular ipan and woman will be held at the Montecito Helen Smith, Carmie Janssens, sporting goods stores, and will periences and hardships, he Country Club. Elizabeth Peacock, Ella Cornwall, at Santa Barbara State College, probably be successful, according said. A feature of the evening will Elsie Tietz, Joycelyn Kelley, the Eagle is holding a popularity to Howard Lane. This was Rev. Watson’s first be a buffet supper which will be Charlotte Carroll, Dorothy May Entries, which will close the sermon. His services were se­ contest in which the entire stu­ served to all the guests promptly Gibson, Jeannette Birnie, Jean last Friday preceding vacation, cured by Dr. C. A. Spaulding dent Body will be able to vote for at midnight. Although at the Neilson, Laura Middleton, Hubert may be made by signing the list of the local Presbyterian the best liked pair at college. student body meeting held Tues­ Sawyers, Dudley Buck, Nils The- .The two will be chosen entirely days, the serving of the supper to on the bulletin beard or by giving Church when it was found that baud, Dan Britton, Wesley Dick- by their fellow students. Votes students at the rate of $2.00 per one’s name to Howard Lane. Par­ Lompoc was without a minister ensen, Howard McKibben, James must be cast and turned into the couple was voted down, a suffi­ ticipants will not be rushed in fsr the day. Shaug, Jack Ferris, Ted Neider- Eagle office, or marked and put cient number of tickets have been playing off their matches in order muller, Archie Way, Lymap Cur­ in the box of the editor, Allan sold to make the affair possible, that they may not interfere with Economics Sorority tis, and Bill Campbell. Ottley by Monday, December 9, according to Betty Procter, chair­ any players’ regular routine. Initiates New Girls Chaperones for the evening 1929.«. A committee of the edi­ man of the social committee.- The committee hopes to create were Mr. and Mrs. F. Duncan, and tor, and several staff members, The dance which will start at an interest in tennis on the cam­ Kappa Omicron Phi, national Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Neilson. Carmie Janssens, Elizabeth nine o’clock instead of eight- pus, and by means of the men’s home economics sorority, initiat­ Victor Janssens’ orchestra fur­ Schauer, and Lawrence Parma thirty as the- past hops have, will singles and doubles to aid Coach ed five new members last Monday nished the music for . the even­ will go over the votes and pick be formal in ¿very sense of the Hal Davis in uncovering some new evening in the, women’s club out the winners. The names of material to fill in the positions ing’s festivities. word, according to Miss Procter. the m ost. popular students will left op^n by the. loss of Gledhill rooms. The new members are Men are expected to wear tux­ appear in next week’s edition of and Koke. Mary Camp, Jocelyn Kelly, Jen­ edos, although dark suits are ppr- this paper. missable, while evening gowns will nie Lind, Marie Stiber, and Mild­ Tn order that students can’t be in vogue for the women. COLLEGE ALUMNI Journalists Meet red Wright. vote more than once for their The special feature arranged Pledges of Alpha' Phi Gamma, Following the initiation a for­ choice, the names of the voters for. the dance intermission will be ■journalism fraternity, entertained mal dinner in honor of the new must accompany- the • names of a Christmas tree with all the the members in a- meeting at the 111 YEARLY MEET members was held at El Paseo. their selections or the ballots will usual ornaments. A Santa Claus home of Lucille Powers Wednes­ Those attending the dinner were The San Joaquin Valley Alumni not be held valid. This is a nec­ will give his general array of toys day evening. ‘'Cootie” was played Miss Clark, Esther Trull, Doro­ section of the Santa Barbara State essary precaution, as in similar to the more prominent “ children” next, with Lucille Powers, Marie thy Curtis, Elizabeth Johnson, College held its annual meeting at contests in other callege frater­ of the campus. Cochran, and Dora Woods winning Genevieve Schmitt, Mary Wheeler, El Tejon Hotel in Bakersfield on nities, sororities, and classes have For the benefit of college wo­ the prizes. Lollypops were served Helen Campbell, Marian Davidson, November 26th. banded together and stuffed the men living in “ houses,” Dean Pyle to the members. and the new members. Dean Smith, president of the ballot box with the names of mem­ has extended the rule that women association, is a member of the bers of their group. The names must be in by 12:30, Miss Proc­ class of 1924, industrial education of all voters will be held abso­ ter said. n department, and Eleanor Warren, lutely secret, so there is nothing Patrons and patronesses for the OUTLOOK BRIGHT FOR home economics, 1928, is secre­ to fear in voters ‘attaching their affair will be President and Mrs-. tary-treasurer. names to those of their choice. Clarence L. Phelps, Dean Mildred HOOP SEASON AS BIG Mr. H. A. Spindt, principal of The Eagle is sponsoring the C. Pyle, Dr, and Mrs. Charles the Kern' County Union High contest to give the students some­ Jacobs, and Dean and Mrs. Wil­ SQUAD TRAINS DAILY School, was the guest of honor thing of interest on the campus, liam Ashworth. and made the principal address of and those in charge expect the Music will be furnished by Vic “ I’m going to get five men on the .evening. His topic was student body to give the plan its Janssen’s qight-piece orchestra. Sorority To Stage the -team this year that can hit “ Criticisms.” best support by voting. Popular­ Harold Teen Dance the, basket whether they can Forty graduates and’ guests sat ity contests, beauty contests, and Have You Noticed? cover the floor or notV ¿aid down to a »lovely banquet table similar contests have proved very Dr. Carson sitting in Ted Coach Hal Davis in reference to in the Sun Room o f the El Tejon popular in other colleges through­ Cecelia Hauser will be hostess Neidermuller’s celestial chariot the coming basketball season. Hotel. Decorations were carried out the country, and the contest, conversing with a group of col­ at a sport collegiate dance to be Chief Davis outlined, venting his out in brilliant colors with can­ at Santa Barbara State is expect­ lege m en? given by Tau Gamma sorority at spleen, on several varsity men dles in the shades of the flowers ed to be likewise. Coach Luke Trim ble riding in the Strollers’ Club House on Loma present, that he was disgusted used. with last, year’s performances the rumble seat of a roadster Road at 8:30 tonight. The dance Mrs. Jane C. Miller, alumni sec­ when the Roadrunners would care­ Popularity Contest with one of the campus co-eds? is to be a Harold Teen Hop. retary, outlined in brief* a plan May Smith’s dimples? fully work the ball down the floor, for issuing an alumni bulletin to Dr. and Mrs. Horace Pierce Gibby Martin’s busted fin? only to have some1 energetic be sent to - all graduates. The That Ardle Pierce finally will be the patrons. Among the young forward heave the casaba bulletin will include reports of the My choice for the most pop­ managed to get his name in alumni members present will be over the backstop. annual meetings of each of the the Morning Press “ I Saw” col- Madeline Wilhoit, Katherine Dir­ The State team will undoubt­ five sections of the association and ular woman at S. B. S. C. is lum n? ham, Estelle Batty and Margaret edly be stronger this year. Forced will be issued in the late Spring Bill Delaney with a package to j piece together new combina­ West. Marlyn Jameson is general of 1930.
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