Version 6.0 FINAL REPORT OPPORTUNITIES FOR CROSS-BORDER COOPERATION IN WEST AFRICA: A Contribution to the regional integration process (Reference No 2010CE160AT057 ) Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) 22 nd January 2012 AEBR – AGEG – ARFE Tel: +49 (0)2562 70219 Enscheder Strasse, 362 Fax: +49 (0)2562 70259 D-48599 Gronau [email protected] Germany www.aebr.eu TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Lists of annexes, tables and maps 3 Abbreviations 4 Executive Summary 7 1. INTRODUCTION 12 1.1 Context 12 1.2 Border Conflicts in West Africa 16 1.3 Structures active in CBC 20 1.3.1 Supranational and multilateral institutions 20 1.3.2 Financial institutions 25 1.3.3. The sub-national level and the non-governmental sector 26 1.4 Role of the EU 27 1.5 Purpose and objectives of the study 29 1.6 Tasks 30 2. WORKING METHODS AND ACTIVITIES 32 2.1 Inception meetings experts and desk research 32 2.2 Key research questions and Interview Guide 34 2.3 Mini-Workshops and meetings on the ground 36 2.4 CBC areas under study in West Africa 38 3. CROSS-BORDER COOPERATION IN WEST AFRICA 39 3.1 Current situation of CBC in Africa 39 3.2 General overview West Africa 42 3.3 Case studies in West Africa 43 Description of Case Study 1 (SKBo) 45 Description of Case Study 2 (River Senegal and Karakoro Basin) 49 Description of Case Study 3 (Southern Senegambia and Guinea-Bissau) 55 Description of Case Study 4 (MKK) 58 Description of Case Study 5 (MAC Programme and West Africa) 63 3.4 The importance of transport development in West Africa 65 3.4.1 Highways 65 3.4.2 Railways 66 3.4.3 Airports 67 4 SWOT-ANALYSIS FOR CBC IN WEST AFRICA 69 4.1 Overall analysis 69 4.2 West African CBC 71 5 CONCLUSIONS 73 5.1 Lessons learned 73 5.2 Obstacles identified 77 5.3 Good examples 79 5.4 Relevance of the European Experience 82 2 Page 6 RECOMMENDATIONS 87 6.1 Action plan specific for the case studies 90 6.1.1 Concrete initiatives 90 6.1.2 Short-term and mid-term action plan 93 6.2 Road map for the development of Cross-Border Cooperation in West Africa 97 Annexes : I. Key Research Questions 102 II. Interview Guide 104 III. Table of contacts 110 IV. Workshop programme(s) 112 V. Map of “hot” CBC areas in West Africa 114 Tables : - Country codes (ISO 31661 alpha 2) 6 - Human Development Index (2011) / Infant Mortality Rate (2009) 13 - SWOT Analysis for CBC in Africa 69 - SWOT Analysis for CBC in West Africa 71 - Road Map for CBC in West Africa 100-101 Maps : - West Africa 17 - Regional Economic Communities (RECs) 21 - ECOWAS/UEMOA/WAMZ 23 - Niger River Basin 24 - The sharing of Africa in 1914 amongst colonial powers 39 - South Sudan 43 - Oil and Gas Concessions in Sudan 43 - CBC areas in West Africa 44 - SKBo Location Map 45 - Senegal River Drainage Basin 49 - Karakoro Basin (2) 51 - Southern Senegambia 55 - The Gambia River 57 - MKK (3) 58-59 - West Africa 17 th – 18 th centuries 59 - Urbanisation of the Sudano-Sahelian belt 60 - Macaronesia 63 - Trans-African Highways 66 3 Abbreviations ABN Autorité du Bassin du Niger (in English NBA) ACP African, Caribbean and Pacific ADB African Development Bank (in French BAD) ADF African Development Fund (in French FAD) AEBR Association of European Border Regions AECID Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo AfDB African Development Bank Group ALG Autorité du Liptako-Gourma (Autorité de développement intégré de la région du Liptako-Gourma) (in English LGA) APER Accords de Partenariat Economique Régionaux ARFE Association des Régions Frontalières Européennes AU African Union AUBP African Union Border Programme BAD Banque Africaine de Développement (in English ADB) BALG Autorité de Développement de Liptako-Gourma BCEAEC Banque Centrale des Etats de l’Afrique Equatoriale et du Cameroun (Central Bank of Equatorial African States and Cameroon) BCEAO Banque Centrale des Etats d’Afrique Occidentale (Central Bank of African States) BEAC Banque des Etats de l'Afrique Centrale (Bank of Central African States) BIS Boundary Information System BOAD Banque Ouest Africaine de Développement (West African Development Bank) CBC Cross-border co-operation CCFD Comité Catholique contre la Faim et pour le développement CDAA Communauté de Développement d'Afrique Australe CEDEAO Communauté Economique Des Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (in English ECOWAS) CEN-SAD Community of Sahel-Saharan States (Communauté des Etats Sahélo-Sahariens) CER Communautés Économiques Régionales africaines (in English REC) CILSS Comité permanent inter-État de lutte contre la sécheresse au Sahel CIP Cross-border Initiatives Programme COMESA Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (Marché Commun pour les Etats d'Afrique orientale et australe) CRDI Centre de Recherches pour le Développement International (French name of IDRC) CSAO Club du Sahel et de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (in English SWAC) DBSA Development Bank of Southern Africa (Banque de Développement de l'Afrique australe) DED Deutscher Entwicklungsdienst DNF Direction Nationale des Frontières (Mali) DSP Développement du secteur privé EAC East African Community EADB East African Development Bank (Banque de Développement d'Afrique Orientale) ECCAS Economic Community of Central African States ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States EDF European Development Fund (in French FED) ENDA Diapol Environnement et Développement - Prospectives et Dialogues Politiques (Environment and Development – Policy Dialogue and Perspectives) ERDF European Regional Development Fund (in French FEDER) EU European Union FAD Fond Africain de Développement (in English ADF) FED Fonds européen de développement (in English EDF) FEDER Fonds européen de développement régional (in English ERDF) FOGAR Forum of Global Associations of Regions (Forum Global d'Associations de Régions) FSN Fond Spécial du Nigéria GIZ Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GRDR Groupe de recherche et de Réalisations pour le Développement rural GTZ Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit HDI Human Development Index ICJ International Court of Justice 4 IDC Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa (Société de Développement Industriel de l'Afrique du Sud) IDRC International Development Research Centre (Canada) IGAD Intergovernmental Authority on Development IWRM Integrated Water Resources Management LGA Liptako–Gourma Authority (in French ALG) MAC Madeira-Açores-Canaries MDG Millennium Development Goals (in French OMD) MKK (MK2) Maradi-Katsina-Kano MOT Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière MRU Manu River Union NBA Niger Basin Authority (in French ABN) NBC National Boundary Commission (Nigeria) (Commission Nationale des Frontières du Nigéria) NEPAD New Partnership for Africa’s Development (Nouveau Partenariat pour le Développement de l'Afrique) NGO Non Governmental Organization NPFL National Patriotic Front of Liberia NTF Nigeria Trust Fund OCBM Organisation du Chemin de Fer Bénin-Niger (Benin-Niger railway organisation) OCDE Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (in English OECD) OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (in French OCDE) OIEAU Office international de l’Eau OMD Objectifs du Millénaire pour le développement (in English MDG) OMVG Organisation pour la mise en valeur du fleuve Gambie OMVS Organisation pour la Mise en Valeur du Fleuve Sénégal ONG Organisation non gouvernementale PDM Peace Dividend Marketplace PDT Peace Dividend Trust PIT Programme d’Initiatives Transfrontalières PLATFORMA Plateforme européenne des autorités locales et régionales pour le développement (European Platform of Local and Regional Authorities) PNUD Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement (in English UNDP) PSD Private Sector Department PTA Bank Eastern and Southern African Trade and Development Bank RASD République Arabe Sahraouie Démocratique (in English SADR) RAOB Réseau africain des organismes de bassin REC Regional Economic Community (in French CER) RETRARC-GUISEGAM Réseau TF de Radio Communautaire de Guinée-Bissau, Sénégal et Gambie RIOB Réseau international des organismes de bassin RUF Revolutionary United Front (SL) SADC Southern Africa Development Community SADR Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (in French RASD) SKBo Sikasso (ML), Korhogo (CI), Bobo Dioulasso (BF) SWAC Sahel and West Africa Club (in French CSAO) SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats TAH Trans-African Highway UE Union européenne UEMOA Union Économique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine (in English WAEMU) UMA Union du Maghreb Arabe (Union of Arabic Maghreb) UNDP United Nations’ Development Programme (in French PNUD) UNECA UN Economic Commission for Africa UNOWA United Nations’ Office for West Africa (Bureau des Nations Unies pour l’Afrique de l’Ouest) WABI West African Borders and Integration Initiative (Frontières et intégration en Afrique de l’Ouest) WAEMU West African Economic and Monetary Union (in French UEMOA) WAMZ West African Monetary Zone WWAP World Water Assessment Programme ZMAO Zone monétaire de l’Afrique de l’Ouest ( in English WAMZ ) 5 Country Codes (ISO 31661 alpha 2) BF Burkina Faso BJ Benin CF Central African Republic CI Côte d’Ivoire CM Cameroon CV Cape Verde DZ Algeria GA Gabon GH Ghana GM Gambia GN Guinea (Conakry) GQ Equatorial Guinea GW Guinea-Bissau LR Liberia Ly Libya MA Morocco ML Mali MR Mauritania NE Niger NG Nigeria SL Sierra Leone SN Senegal TD Chad TG Togo 6 Executive Summary The EU Commission (DG Regio) has promoted the elaboration of this study within the framework of the European Parliament’s call for putting EU regional policy into a stronger international context and for more cooperation with third countries. The study is aimed to quantify main obstacles for Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) in West Africa, while highlighting several good opportunities, in order to propose a road map for the next years. CBC has proven to increase the empowerment of the authorities more closely involved, promoting in this way decentralised governance. Africa is already fulfilling many tasks to achieve a sustained level of CBC and, apart from other major difficulties, many boundaries still need to be delimited and demarcated , a pre-requisite to launch sound CBC strategies.
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