THE N€TCC DAME Add soft lights . long goivns . and rnusic. May 6. 1938 Phone 4-3601 Hours 10 to 5 mmi ooo DR. LANDIS H. WIRT ORTHODONTIST 420 Associates Bldg. Dewey School of South Bend Orthodontia 1919 Indiana TRAVEL BARGAINS ...Everyday! new Palm Beach Slacks For classroom, campus, dances, dates and other active sports, the new Pahn Beach slacks are de rigueur. There's nothing like # There's no fooling about South Shore Line economy — them to smarten up an odd jacket or sport its bargain fares are in effect coat. They sail through a stiff tennis or every day of the year. You get golf match without losing their handsome a big package of speed, depend­ drape. They wash and clean like new. ability and SAFETY with every Your favorite clothier can show you a South Shore Line ticket — and complete slack wardrobe that meets every duck all traffic and highway requirement of good taste and good value. worries. See the Fairway model, for general infor­ mal wear, and the Golfer, whose reversible The Safest, bottoms keep the divots out of your cuffs. Ask to see the new Airtones, whites, stripes Most Dependable and plaids. Way to Chicago @ Palm Beach Suits . ^17.75 Palm Beach Evening Formal ^20.00 Chicago, South Shore and South Bend Railroad ^^^n^acA))^ FROM TNC eCMUiNB CLOT* IF IT BEARS THIS LABEL- SOUTH-JORE IT'S GENUINE PALM BEACH GOODALL COMPANY* CINCINNATI The Notre Dame Scholastic Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage. Section 1103, Oct. 3, 1917. Authorized June 25, 1918. Z188 Vol. 71 May 6, 1938 No. 24 SENIORS CLIMAX SOCIAL SEASON TURN PALAIS ROYALE INTO GARDEN SEHING FOR JACK DENNY'S POPULAR MUSIC TONIGHT; MANY EVENTS ADD TO HIGH-LIGHT WEEK-END By JOHN KOHN 4&lllllllllllllt||||lll|ll(ll|l||l|llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllTil|«)tl(|i TONIGHT AT TEN The 1938 Senior Ball! Lovely girls from all over the country dance with happy seniors. .With collegiate ca­ reers almost over,, more glamour and romance is attached to this dance than to any other that has gone be­ fore. Tonight at ten Jack Denny and his superb band bring realization and culmination to plans and dreams. May this Senior Ball bring happi­ ness to everyone — and remain in senior's memories for years to come. Let the dance go on—the music be sweet—and the memories sweeter. JOHN O'CONNOR JOHN WILSON From O'Connor to. Wilson for a perfect Ball corted by General Chairman John Wilson. The Guest of Honor, to be escorted by Class President, John Mr. and Mrs. W. McCarty Lang- In the make-believe garden ball­ O'Connor, is Miss Dorothy Hohes of ford, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Young, room of the Palais Royale, almost Detroit. Mr. Paul I. Fenlon, and Mr. Stephen three hundred seniors and guests will The chairman of the favors com­ Ronay. dance this evening to the melodious mittee, Frank Kesicke, has made ar­ Before the Ball, the dance goers tunes of Jack Denny and his orches­ rangements with a South Bend pho­ tra. The Ball will be the beginning will attend the concert to be sung by tographer to take the pictures of each Richard Crooks of the Metropolitan of a busy week-end of festivities for couple as they make their appear­ Opera Association. A special section the seniors and their guests. ance at the Ball. The pictures will later be sent, in a monogram folder, in the gjrmnasium will be reserved Robert Derengoski, chairman of to both the senior and his guest. for them. the music committee, has insured the seniors that their last social event will Jack Denny's brilliant music will Tomorrow afternoon the tradi­ be a success as Denny's orchestra re­ be broadcast during the Ball over the tional tea dance will be held at the cently played for the Prom at North­ local radio station, WSBT-WFAM at South Bend Country Qub. The Mod- western after having concluded a 10:30 p.m., C.S.T. emaires, popular school orchestra, lengthy engagement at the Drake have been chosen to play for the Hotel in Chicago. The patrons and patronesses for dance. At 7:30 tomorrow evening the Senior Ball include: Mr. and Mrs. the 1938 edition of the Monogram The Senior Ball song, "My Heart's George E. Keogan, Mr. and Mrs. Absurdities will be offered and the Desire," was composed by George Clarence E. Manion, Mr. and Mrs. week-end guests will, as in the past, Sauter and \i'ill be featured by the William D. RoUison, Mr. and Mrs. enjoy this galaxy of brawn. orchestra during the evening. Elton E. Richter, Mr. and Mrs. Cle- tus F. Chizek, Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. The concluding event of the week­ Miss Helen Jean Mahoney of South Bartholomew, and Mr. and Mrs. Le end will be a spring football game be­ Bend, Queen of the Ball, will be es- Clair H. Eells. tween the Varsity and Old Timers. THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC MONOGRAM MEN SET FOR FOUR DAY SIEGE OF HOLD TWO PRIMARIES MIMES. MUSIC, MUSCLE, MONKEYSHINES FOR CLASS OFFICES By Graham Starr By Harry Penrose During the past two weeks, approx­ Swift tapping toes, lilting lyrics swung by Notre Dame's mad musicians, imately 29 percent of the students and hilarious comedy are all due to parade in swift succession, past the first- have been persuading 21 percent "to nighters tomorrow evening as the 1938 Monogram Absurdities begins a four- be a good boy and vote for us." This day run. "Something to please everyone" is this year's slogan. The graceful astounding fact was brought out this week by an engineering student who pirouettes of Puplis, McCarty, and prefers to remain anonymous. Zontini for the aesthetic-minded; ^ lithe 200 - pound lassies prancing There were nine parties, each with across the footlights for those who an average ticket of seven members. prefer the precision of the chorus; This makes 63. Add to this 15 class and for those romantic souls who and dance committees (of six mem­ have a nostalgia for the past, Maes­ bers each) times the number of par­ tro Jimmy Quinn proudly presents ties. The total, he says, is 873, or "Egyptian Ella" Zontini in a dance 29 percent of the enrollment. As­ that dates back to the time of the suming that half the students vote, Pharaohs and their slave girls. which is never the case, there would be only 21 percent left to be influ­ Enough of the dance! Think of the enced by the greater number of 29 music. Instrumental and vocal solos, percent. Although there are only two par­ the original tunes of Art Davidson "ONE HORSE" RACE and Earl Hunn, the symphonizing ties in the senior election field, they Still a star attraction. are making up for it with their vo­ swing of the Modernaires, the stimu­ ciferous campaign cries. The Jim lating vocalisms of Art Davidson and Rocap publications office over in Dil­ his Octet, and the raging rhythm of Select Prof. Kervick's lon even sent out a press release early "Manslaughter Mike" Mandjiak and Work for Exhibit this week. It declares,.in part: his Swing Quartet are due to make "Jim has been connected previous­ the audience "stamp their feet and ly with functions which will be in ac­ cordance with his responsibilities, if clap their hands." Photographs of several building designs by Professor Francis W. he be elected. After all, would your Kervick, head of the department of parents be willing to vote for Presi­ And surprise of surprises! The dent of the United States if they famous' Joe "One Horse" Race of architecture, are being displayed in the Indiana section of the fifty-second thought he was not familiar with po­ Bengaleese fame is making a come­ exhibition of the American Architec­ litical functions and matters which be back, only in a slightly different role. tural League in New York City. The for the good of his comrades?" That master of the grunt-and-groan photographs will be displayed until "Jim has a platform (Senior has spumed his former head-locking May 12. Week), he is conscientious in seeking playmates and has donned grease The photographs exhibit the in­ this for his class. He is not attempt­ ing to tear down his opponent with paint in order to become one of Notre terior and exterior of the Church of political bull, but is relying on his Dame's leading thespians. the Immaculate Conception in East Chicago, Indiana, which Professor own initiative." Kervick designed in 1934. Since early March those beefy For the senior class of '39, the brows that have been streamed with These photographs were selected O'Melia faction declares that it will the sweat of intercollegiate competi­ from the many submitted to the In­ "uphold the class in obtaining an or­ tion have shed still more perspiration dianapolis, Ind., jury of the Archi­ chestra for the ball." All senior ac­ in their effort to make this year's tectural Leagfue by its members tivities are to outstrip the best of the show the best ever presented on the throughout the state. past, and a determined effort is to be campus. The dancers have been care­ made to obtain senior week. fully instructed by Marie Buczkow- Heavy balloting for all offices ski; while Prof. Thomas Mills of the Du Bois Receives Honor marked the Junior Class Primary Speech department, assisted by Bill Prof. Benjamin DuBois, member Elections last Wednesday in which Arnold, has been directing the skits of the department of modem lang­ Bob Sullivan, Morrissey, and Joe and handling the stage action mech­ uage at Notre Dame, was recently Cummings, Lyons, were returned anics.
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