CURRENT AFFAIRS International National Regional Economy Appointments Awards Persons In News Science Places In News Books And Authors Important Days Sports Kwasniewski INTERNATIONAL The crisis began after the hardline re-elected Polish Opposition Likud Party leader, Ariel ]Ýntajybn ho­pw Sharon, visited the site known as Al- President Aim´n Aqsa to the Muslims and Temple Alexander Kwasni- Mount to the Jews. This was resented ewski has been re-elected The West Asian crisis continued to by the Palestinians. Al-Aqsa areas are Polish President for a new simmer despite the Sharm-el-Sheikh summit administered by a Palestinian waqf, five-year term. He won 55 agreement. Sharm-el-Sheikh is a Red Sea resort but Israel maintains a security percent of the votes cast. in Egypt. The summit was attended by the parameter around the complex. blqZv _cm¡v, _n ¢nâ³, bmÊÀ Ac- Kmk-bn C{km-tb tk\sb t\cn-Sp¶ Imkv\ntbhvkv¡n ^m¯v F¶n-hÀ CuPn-]vXn \S¶ {]tXyI ]me-kvXo³ bphm-¡Ä The man behind the Polish Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, Palestinian In the violence over 123 Palestinians struggle against Commu- Authority President Yasser Arafat and the US were killed. Two Israeli soldiers were nism and Solidarity Party President Bill Clinton. An agreement was killed by a Palestinian mob. Israel founder, Lech Walesa reached which called for an immediate ceasefire, failed to muster support. responded by firing rockets at F¶ an US-led international fact-finding body to Cast one’s vote symbols of Palestinian authority in {]tbmKw {]tXyIw a\- probe the causes of the violence, Palestinian theWest Bank and Gaza Strip, Authority was to take steps to stop the including the residential compound of Ên-em-t¡-­-Xm-Wv. CXnsâ AÀ°w thm«v Palestinian youth from throwing stones and Yasser Arafat. sNbvXp F¶m-Wv. fire bombs at Israeli police and Israel was to re- In protest against alleged US tkmfn-Um-cnän deploy troops away from the vicinity of support to Israel, 17 US sailors were aqhvsaânsâ t\Xm- Palestinian towns, villages and refugee camps killed in a powerful explosion in USS hmb se¨v hte-kbv¡v and to remove their blockade of Palestinian- Cole docked at the Yemeni port of kam-[m-\-¯n\pÅ populated areas. However the violence in West Eden. The British embassy in the t\m_ k½m\w Bank and Gaza continues. The new developments is the greatest threat to the capital Sanaa was also extensively e`n¨n«p­v. peace agreement so far. damaged. tImtÌm-Wn¡ bptKm-Ém- sF.-Fw.-F^v þ temI cXv\kncn hn-b³ {]kn-Uâ v _m¦v kt½-f\w Gäp-ap-«Â h o­pw After a violent confrontation ( ) The annual meeting of the IMF-World {][m\a{´n Bank was held at Prague in the Czech Republic. with the government of Slobodan Milosevic, hÀ²-\-h The People’s Alliance- the opposition candidate Vojislav Kostounica The recent rise ( v) in the global oil led by the Sri Lankan was sworn in as the new President of prices dominated the meet. Like at Seattle, President, Chandrika Yugoslavia. The confrontation was due to the where WTO Ministerial conference was held Kumaratunge, has retained refusal of Milosevic to accept the results of the in 1999, the venue was also the scene of power in the Parliamentary Presidential elections held on September 24. It protests. While some Non-Government elections. Ratnasiri showed that Kostounica had won. Milosevic, Organisations (NGOs) where protesting Wickramanayake was again taking refuge under a Yugoslav law which against the alleged failure of the organisations sworn in as the Prime Minister. required another runoff election if neither to provide debt-relief to poor countries, others In an election marred by were protesting against globalisation B-tKm-f-h¡-c- Ww( ) In his speech the Finance Minister, Yashwant Sinha, called for the establishment of a joint consultative group on oil prices. The group which would consist of antem-tkm-hn¨v tImtÌm- tlmgvÌv tImlvfÀ cXv\-kncn hn{Ia representatives drawn from both A-{I-a-¯m If-¦- candidates received more than 50 percent votes, developed and developing countries would violence periodically review prices as well as demand s¸-« ( tried to delay the handover. Finally under hnaÀin- the People’s Alliance and supply situation. He also decried ) pressure from growing opposition within the ¨p ( won 107 seats, six short of a country and Russia, Milosevic stepped down. ) any attempt to impose uniform financial simple majority in the 225- Kostounica was backed by a coalition standards and codes on all countries. The IMF member house. It has struck a of 18 opposition parties. is currently engaged in finding out measures deal with the Tamil party the Milosevic is wanted for crimes by the that would prevent an East Asian-type financial Eelam People’s Democratic UN’s International Crimes Tribunal. crisis of the 1990s. The Development Party (EPDP) and the National Kostounica’s election has paved the Committee, a joint body of the World Bank Unity Alliance (NUA). This A\pcRvP\w and IMF, spoke of the need to make way for reconciliation is the first time a Tamil Party ( ) globalisation work for the benefit of all. with Europe. As a beginning, the from the North-East has Responding to criticism, the IMF Managing European Union (EU) has partially lifted joined the ruling coalition. The Director, Horst Kohler, declared that main opposition party United sanctions imposed after the 1999 henceforth IMF will take into account each A-Xpey khn- National Party (UNP) led by Kosovo war. Germany has also country’s unique characterstics ( announced an aid of one million Euros. ti-j-X-IÄ Ranil Wikramasinghe won 89 ) while arranging a loan for the seats. The election also saw US has also lifted economic sanctions country. Xncn¨v hc- against Yugoslavia except on loans. A´m-cm{ã \mWy \n[n-bpw, temI _m¦pw the re-emergence ( anem-tkm-hn-¨nsâ ]cm-P-b-¯n Gähpw hv hnI-knX cmjv{S-§-fpsS GPâpam-cmbn ) of the Janatha Vimukthi IqSp-X kt´m-jn-¡p-¶Xv AÂt_-\n- {]hÀ¯n-¡p¶p F¶pw Cu cmPy-§-fnse Perumuna (JVP) which won b³ hwi-Pcpw ]mÝmXy cmPy-§-fp-am-bn- _lp-cm{ã I¼-\n-I-fpsS XmXv]-cy-§sf 10 seats. cn-¡pw. anemtkm-hn-¨nsâ hÀ¤ i{Xp-X- kwc-£n-¡m³ AXoh Pm{K-X- ktlm-Z-c-\mbN{µnI Ipam-c-Xpw-K-bpsS A\p-c- bpw, bpàn-cm-ln-Xyhpw tkzÑm-[n-]Xy Im-Wn-¡p¶p F¶p-amWv hnI-kzc cmPy-§- {]h-W-X-bp-amWv sImtkmthm {]iv\- fpsS hàm-¡fpw hnhn[ k¶² kwL- ]pXnb_-µm-c-\m-b-sI-bmWv ]mÀe sa³dv ¯n bptKm-Ém-hn-bsb B{I-an-¡m³ S-\-I-fpsS {]hÀ¯-Icpw hniz-kn-¡p-¶-Xv. kv]o¡À. {]Xn-]£ \mtämsb t{]cn-¸n-¨-sX-¶mWv \nco-£-I- CXn-\m-emWv ]mÀ«n-bmb bpsS IMF, WTO, World Bank XpS- UNP cpsS hne-bn-cp-¯Â. §nb GP³kn-I-fpsS {]hÀ¯-\-§Äs¡- t\Xm-hmWv A\pc. Xnsc temI hym]-I-ambn FXnÀ¸p-Å-Xv. Cu GP³kn-I-fpsS kt½-f\ thfI-fn No\-þ-A-ta-cn¡ hym]mc _Ôw {^©v à-§-fmbaps¼§pw I­n-«n-Ãm¯hn[w{]Xn-tj[w Cc-¼n-¡m-Wp- A{Iam-k- {]kn-Uâp]Zw ¶Xpw AXp-sIm-­p-X-s¶-bmWv. The yearly drama over the extentsion of A©v hÀjw Xmen-_m³ `ojWn t\cn- the Most Favoured Nation (MFN) status to China has been put an end to. This follows ln-X-]- In a referendum Sm³ ]pXnb kwL-S\ President, Bill Clinton signing the bill that cn-tim-[-\ ( ) marked by low In an attempt to jointly face the threat from grants Permanent Normal Trade Relations turnout, the French have Afghan-based Taliban, Russia and four former (PNTR) to the People’s Republic of China. approved of the move to Soviet states of Kazakhstan, Krygyzstan, The PNTR would give China the same low reduce French President’s Belarus and Tajikistan have decided to set up tariff treatment as other trading partners of term from seven years to five. the US. temI-hym-]mc kwL-S-\-bn-te-¡pÅ ssN\-bpsS AwKXzw Ct¸mÄ Dd-¸m-bn-«p- ­v. sU³amÀ¡n\v bqtdm th ­ In a vote that has far reaching Zq-c-hym-]-I-^-e-§Ä implications ( ) on European political integration, the Danes AkvXm-\-bn \S¶ `oI-c-hn-cp² kwL- have rejected the common European Union S\m cq]o-I-c-W-¯n ]s¦-Sp¯ ]©cm{ã- (EU) currency Euro. They voted against replacing their currency Krone with Euro in P-\-ln-X-]-cn-tim-[-\ a plebiscite with 53.1 Pm¡v jndm¡v a new economic organisation. The new ( ) organisation named Eurasian Economic percent of the four million voters voting Un- against the move. Community replaces the defunct ( 1999 P\p-hcn H¶n\v bqtdm \nehn h¶- The present French ^Mväv=\njv{In-b-am-b ) customs union formed t¸mÄ bqtdm-]y³ bqWn-b-\nse 15 cm{ã- President is Jacques between the five states in 1998. In the new Chirac. §-fn 4 F®w bqtdm-bn \n¶pw hn«p setup, the customs duties will be decided \n¶p. CXn-semcp cm{ã-amWv sU³amÀ¡v. Elysee Palace is the bilateraly. The agreement was reached at the official residence of the Kazakhstan’s capital, Astana. aäp-Åh Cw¥-­v, {Kokv, kzoU³ F¶n- French President. h-bm-Wv. bqtdm-bpsS ]ptcm-KXn t\m¡n- Ata-cn-¡³ {]kn- Later five states (Russia, Kazakhstan, b-tijw AXv kzoI-cn-¡p¶ Imcyw ]cn- Uânsâ Imem-h[n 4 Krygyzstan, Tajikistan and Belarus) K-Wn-¡m-sa-¶m-bn-cp¶p Cu cm{ã-§-fpsS hÀj-am-Wv.
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